AN: I've been completely swamped with uni work that's been a lot of writing so I haven't really found time to come back to this story, but I hope you love it all the same. The actual 'drama' part is coming to an end but I was think about doing a few extra fluffy chapters if you anyone is interested? Just leave a review letting me know! :) (Also, can we just pretend that the last couple of episodes didn't happen please?!)

Pain. It was the next and only thing Regina felt as they tumbled through the portal and Emma's hand was torn from hers in the process. One second she was in the bedroom of the palace she'd spent years upon years sulking in and the next there was pain. And dirt, lots of dirt.

The impact of landing on the barn floor knocked the wind straight out of her and for a few short seconds she couldn't quite catch her breath, each slow intake and exhale making the dusty earth below her shift and get caught in her throat. After she'd coughed and felt the last of it leave her, Regina felt able to move and suddenly there was a pain so sharp she wondered if she'd ever felt anything or would ever again feel something as strong.

It radiated across her middle, like a band tightening and tightening from the inside. Her first initial instinct was cry out, and after she'd let herself do that she heard Emma calling her name from behind her. She went to reply but the pain struck again, just as strong, catching her breath so the only sound coming from her mouth was a dull whimper. After it subsided she tried again, managing to yell "Emma!"

Within seconds the blonde was by her side, lightly touching her arm and asking "Regina? Calm down talk to me, what's the matter?"

Regina once again only met her with low moans, still lay on her side, unable to even consider trying to move or sit it. Emma's hand then began gripping her more tightly then, shaking it in an attempt to grab her attention without moving and potentially hurting her. "Is it the baby? Is she okay?"

"I-I think"

"Regina? You think what?"

"I think she's coming" Regina cried when the pain subsided. she took the opportunity to shift and wriggle up so she was somewhat sitting up, propped up by Emma who held her steady. She clung onto her friend and whilst squeezing her thigh demanded, "Get Robin"

Emma wanted desperately to tell Regina that he would be here any second, but after feeling in her pockets she realised her cell wasn't where it usually was and groaned out loud. she readjusted Regina in her lap until the brunette was sitting and her weight wasn't on her so she could get up. Once she up Emma ran to the main door of the barn and began to tug it. The wood pulled towards her but didn't shift, the handles in her palms doing nothing to budge it or let the women out.

Groaning again she turned and began jogging to the other door when her foot kicked something on the floor. She glanced down to see her cell on the barn floor, close to the wall and coated in a thin layer of dry dirt. Picking it up she wiped off the earth and prayed it would work, pressing the lock button to show 5% battery warning. There were a string of texts and missed calls along with the notice, but she knew they could all wait, pulling up her contacts and scrolling for Robin's number.

Within 2 rings he answered with a confused "Hello?"

"Robin, its Emma, we need you at the barn no-"

"Emma?! Is Regina alright? We got a call from Leroy saying he could hear her screaming, we're on our way there now" and as if on cue, Regina let out another cry, this one a little louder and catching the attention of both Emma and Robin "Is that her?!"

"Yeah don't panic she's okay, but we think the baby's coming" Emma explained, heading back to Regina and sitting next to her and running a hand through her hair in an attempt to brush it out of her face. "Here" She said, passing the phone to Regina.

"Robin?" she said weakly, with a tone of hope in her voice.

"Yes Regina its me, we'll be there soon okay hang in there" He reassured, trying to remain calm for her sake.

"Okay" She managed to muster out, hand trembling as Emma took it from her grasp and hung up.

"Just when we thought we could relax" the blonde smiled, beginning to grab Regina under her armpits and tug the brunette towards her. Regina didn't seem to be in any pain at the moment but Emma knew from experience that labour was more than exhausting and that Regina probably had little energy to do anything at this point.

In a weak group effort the pair managed to get Regina sat up properly, propped completely against Emma with the blonde holding her steady. It wasn't nearly as comfortable as a bed would be, but it would do for now. After only a few minutes there was the sound of a car pulling up outside and the voices of David and Robin filled the air.

"You okay in there" David shouted through the door, giving the handle a shake in the same way Emma did only from the other side, the wood still not budging.

"Yeah we're okay" Emma shouted back, looking down when she felt Regina squeeze her hand. "You doing okay?"

"Emma, we need to blast the door open" Regina replied, "together, with both our magic"

"You think you can handle that?"

"I wouldn't suggest it if I couldn't" Regina reassured with a small smile. "Now, help me up"

"Sure" Emma answered automatically, shifting to pull herself up from the ground before reaching for Regina. The brunette grasped at her and allowed her weight to be supported once they were on their feet. The blonde could see her friend wincing through another contraction, but it seemed Regina was learning to cope better with them now, and with Robin on the other side of the door she had a new found motivation. "Ready? Dad, Robin, get out of the way of the door!"

The next nod she got from Regina urged her to take up an all too familiar stance, legs a little apart and hands poised up to mirror Regina's pose, just as she'd taught her. After a moment of concentration two streams of magic began flowing from each of their hands, intertwining the closer to the door they got until eventually just one beam of powerful magic was hitting the wood.

The whole structure began to shake, making Emma jump and look around whilst keeping her palms and magic facing the door. It only took a matter of seconds for the wood to splinter and door break to allow sunlight to stream in, and the moment it did Regina stopped channelling her magic and let her arms sag, her face contorted with pain and weariness. Before Emma could rush to her aid Robin was running through gap where the door used to be, taking a quick glance at the unconscious Zelena on his way to a hunched over Regina.

"Regina!" he cried, engulfing her in his arms as soon as his was in reaching distance of her. Regina clung to him just as much as he clung to her, and Emma could see her friend shaking from where she was crying softly into Robin's chest.

"We really need to get her to the hospital" Emma suggested, smiling gently as she watched the two be reunited.

"Yes of course" Robin agreed, "But what about her?" he asked, tilting his head in the direction of Zelena.

Soon the group had sorted a plan, Robin would take Emma and Regina to the hospital whilst David would take Zelena, yet again, to the sheriff station, only this time with a lot more supervision. Emma had a hold of Zelena's pendent, and as soon as she'd been checked over by a nurse the first thing she wanted to do was track down gold and be sure his dagger was safely in the hands of Belle.

Regina remained pretty calm on the drive there, Emma chose to take them in David's truck whilst her dad waited at the barn for Snow to come and pick him up. Regina sat in the middle, squished between Emma driving and Robin to her right who wouldn't take his eyes off her. She managed to find a way to channel the pain that was ever so slightly increasing, by focusing on her daughter and talking to her in her head, trying to imagine how she might look when she finally gets to hold her. It made her reflect on the long road of her pregnancy, from the missing year that was no longer missing from their lives, the rock of support Robin had become to her and the biggest surprise of all, her friends.

Considering her and Emma had just come from a time where Snow hated her, feared her, one of the darkest times in her own life, back to a world where Prince charming helped her to his car and gave her a supportive kiss on the cheek before his daughter drove her to the hospital, Regina felt a little overwhelmed. It was more than an enough to give her emotional whiplash. And it was almost enough for her to wish the car ride was longer, just to give her a few brief blissful moments of uninterrupted silence, with Robin beside her, where her mind could catch up with the fact that she was safe and for once wasn't running from anything. Rather, she was running toward something, a new chapter in her life, with her soulmate and daughter. The realisation of that also triggered something in her mind that made her look up and ask,

"Where's Henry?"

"He's safe, babysitting Roland at home" Robin answered, tightening his grip on Regina's shoulder.

"I want to see him" she replied, gritting her teeth as another contraction tore through her, one of the stronger ones.

"I'll call him when we get there and pick him up once I've checked on Gold" Emma answered, turning left onto the final road up to the hospital.

"Sounds like a plan" Robin nodded, unbuckling his and Regina's seat belt the moment Emma hit the brakes.

They'd parked directly outside the entrance, but the blonde figured she'd move her car after she got Regina and herself checked over. Luckily Regina didn't seem to be in too much pain so getting her up the stairs and through the doors was relatively easy, and before they knew it Emma was being whisked off to the emergency department and Regina in the opposite direction towards maternity.

Regina looked back just before Emma rounded a corner out of sight and gave her a warm smile, one the blonde didn't see but was purely given from her heart, a silent thank you.

After that the stark white corridors became a blur, the staring faces of various nurses beginning to unsettle her as Regina was led through the series of hallways, the only constant thing being Robin's presence beside her. They were shown to a room where Regina was given a gown to change into and a bed to sit on, with the promise that her midwife Ashley would be down shortly. After a couple of minutes Regina emerged from the adjoining bathroom in a white gown that practically fell off her it was that shapeless, carrying the bundle of clothes she'd been wearing in one hand and her boots in the other. The outfit made her look smaller, and although she looked a little helpless stood there with bare feet and worry ingrained in her eyes Robin couldn't help but chuckle when he saw her.

"What?" she asked sharply, her eyes glinting at him mischievously.

"Nothing just, you've never looked sexier" he laughed back, causing the ball of clothes to be thrown at him which only made him giggle more.

Putting her boots down against the wall Regina shuffled towards the bed and eased herself onto it, sighing contently when her back rested on the pillows and she could wriggle into an even more comfortable position. The room fell silent and she took the moment to close her eyes, preparing for another contraction but also enjoying the quiet.

"I'm sorry" Robin said, snapping her from her daze and making her look up to meet his eye.

"Why?" she questioned, rubbing her stomach when the pain began to flare up again.

"For not being with you, allowing you to fall through the portal, that I couldn't bring you back myself"

"Robin don't be ridiculous, there's nothing you could have done. Besides, you did kind of help get me back" She admitted, looking down to where her ring used to be and smiling sadly at the memory of past Robin, who not only gave her the bean but also helped her realise just how important he was to her.

"What do you mean?" he asked curiously, walking over so he could sit on the edge of the bed and take her free hand, the other rubbing warm soothing circles across her tensed stomach.

From there she retold him a shortened version of her trip with Emma, how she wound up meeting Robin and Roland there and how it clearly seemed that fate wanted them to meet not matter the circumstance. She retold how her sister was involved, and that the bean he'd found combined with his ring had been the key to getting them home. No sooner had she finished did Ashley enter, giving the couple a beaming smile.

"It's good to see you back Regina, you sure don't make it easy for me to check up on you with all this portal jumping!" she joked, coming towards the bed and beginning to check her heartbeat and blood pressure.

"I'll be sure to give that a rest for a while" Regina smiled, glancing up at Robin who smiled back.

"I was hoping you'd say that, and I'm sure Robin's glad to hear that too"

"You couldn't be more right" Robin agreed, giving Regina's hand a squeeze.

The couple let Ashley do her thing, examining Regina and informing them she was already a couple of cm dilated, and well on her way. "You are most certainly in labour"

Regina nodded knowingly and Robin went along with it. He'd read a few pregnancy and birthing books that Regina had left lying around the house but was far from an expert on the topic. Ashley then fitted a belt around Regina that would monitor their daughters heartbeat and soon the room was filled with reassuring thud thud thud coming from the machine.

After her chart was filled and Ashley was about to leave she asked, "Hows the pain, you dealing okay with it?"

"As well as I can" Regina smiled timidly.

"Well we can give you some pain medication, either mild things or even an epidural to stop it"

"Oh no, that won't be necessary, I'm not too good with needles" she admitted quickly, stumbling over her words.

"My my, who knew the mighty Queen would be afraid of needles" Ashley laughed jokingly, "but no worries, just press the button by the bed if you need anything and I'll be back in about an hour to check on you. This part of labours the longest so at this point its too early to say how quickly you'll progress"

"Thank you, can I just ask though, do you think magic could harm her" Regina asked tentatively.

"Thinking of a spell for the pain?"

Regina simply nodded back.

"Well, to be honest I've never had a patient who's had magic before, and never encountered a pregnant women as powerful as you so I can't say. But, my best advise would be to try it, and if your daughter doesn't like it i'm sure she'll let it be known" And with that, Ashley left the pair alone.

From that point Regina's labour seemed to be exhaustively slow, and after Ashley returned an hour later she told them it could still be a while and to try and get some rest, and that she would be back in 3 hours. The pain didn't seem to increase so after a dull pain spell was used to keep it at bay the couple managed a little rest, but neither of them fell fully asleep, simply drifted along unconsciousness whilst still being aware of their surroundings.

After a couple of hours a soft knock at the door roused Regina and she looked up to see Emma peeking her head around the door. She'd changed clothes, into some dark blue skinnies, a grey tank top and beige leather jacket. Her hair was up in a simple ponytail, exposing a graze and developing bruise near her hairline where they'd fallen to the barn floor. She entered the room tentatively, giving her friend a warm smile and a quick glance at Robin who was still curled against Regina, asleep. Once the blonde was away from the door Henry entered, and Regina felt her smile go even stronger despite a contraction making her wince and scrunch her eyes up.

"Hey mom" he beamed, hesitating for only a moment before jogging over to the bed and wrapping his arms around her.

Regina reacted just as strongly, clinging to her son for dear life and squeezing him until he began to chuckle gently against her

"Mom, you're going to suffocate me"

"Sorry sweetie" she smiled, letting her grasp loosen but keeping her hands firmly on his arms so he couldn't stray far. "Look at you, I swear you've gotten taller" she mocked, lifting a palm to stroke his cheek and tuck a stray strand of hair from his forehead behind his ear "And, you most definitely need a haircut"

"Its only been a few days" he reasoned, reaching up to take the hand that was toying with his hair into his own.

The talking soon woke Robin, and he sat up tentatively, clearly still exhausted.

"Welcome back to the land of the living" Emma smiled, "Why don't we go get a coffee and leave these two to catch up?" she suggested, walking over to the table to place a vase of fresh lilies she'd been carrying.

"Emma I hadn't even noticed the flowers, thank you they're beautiful" Regina thanked gratefully.

"The kids idea, give him credit"

"It was totally moms idea, I just said we should get you something nice" he acknowledged, shuffling to sit on the bed next to his mom now Robin had got up and there was room.

"Well then thank you to both of you"

"We'll be back soon, you want anything?" Robin asked, giving Regina a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Hmmmm, I wouldn't mind a hot cocoa, and maybe some food?"

"Anything specific?"

"Surprise me" she grinned, leaning up to peck Robin on the lips and giving Emma a quick wave as the pair left in search of caffeine and snacks.

While they were alone Regina and Henry simply talked, talked about Snow and her new baby,

"So they haven't announced the name yet?"

"No, but I think moms biggest worry is that the're going to present him in front of the clock tower like lion king"

They talked about what Regina had missed while she gone, games Henry had played with Roland, movies he'd watched and just generally how he'd been. Henry asked how the pain was, to which Regina simply stated that it was manageable, briefly explaining the spell she'd used and how it could be lifted if it was causing her daughter any distress. Soon Emma and Robin re-entered, laughing as they came in with hands full of drinks and bags of food.

"Your feast, as requested" Robin stated, raising his arms to show off their bounty. "I'm afraid being in a hospital doesn't open much in the way of choice, but I think we did pretty well"

The two of them placed everything on the bed at Regina's feet, passing her and Henry each a hot cocoa, hers complete with whipped cream and his with a sprinkling of cinnamon. In the bags were two grilled cheeses, one for Emma and one for Henry, a toasted sandwich for Robin and chicken burger for Regina. They'd also got fries for them all to share and some candy bars for later. The group tucked in quietly, in a comfortable silence while their bellies were filled and food disappeared.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" Regina cried, gripping Robin's hand with all the strength she could muster.

"You're doing great" he reassured, using his free hand to tuck strands of sweat coated hair away from Regina's face.

Although Robin was really only saying what he thought Regina needed to hear, he was in fact right. She was doing great.

When the pain began to break through the loose spell she'd enacted earlier Robin called Ashley back and it seemed her labour had really progressed. Within the next hour the magic had worn off and pain back in full force, each contraction making Regina squeeze the life out of Robin's hand and her face twist in agony. But she was determined to take it from here, to feel every last back breaking moment in the lead up to her daughter entering the world.

It felt like an eternity, an eternity of pain. Regina had felt worse before, in moments where her mother had dangled her high above the ground and practically choked her to the point where her vision had grown dark and ears would start to ring. In the moments after the king had visited her bed chambers, and the numbness her body felt while he was there began to wear off, leaving only soreness and shame behind. And in times of great darkness, where the mental torment of loneliness and regret outweighed any physical pain she felt. But although this current pain was great, to Regina, it was worth feeling. Because with this sensation she was bringing life, not death.

And soon Ashley was telling her to push, that she was doing amazing. Even sooner she was telling her that her daughters already had a gorgeous head of dark hair. And then it was all over, the room engulfed in a brief moment of pure silence, before the telling cry of a baby filled the room. Regina didn't stop the tears then, and they fell down her face in hot continuous streams. She barely registered the reassuring words her midwife spoke whilst she cleaned her daughter off, all she could focus on was the soft, unwavering cry and the big, brown eyes staring at her.

It was an entirely different experience to having Henry, in that situation she was simply given her little bundle of joy in a sterile office over unfinished paperwork. But even then that feeling of her heart swelling was unforgettable and when her daughter is handed to her in a blanket, it feels exactly the same.

"You did it" Robin whispered, giving Regina's temple a kiss and moving closer to rest his forehead there.

"We did it" Regina corrected softly.

"Does the dad want to cut the cord?" Ashley asked sweetly.

"I-I get to do that?" Robin asked nervously.

"Of course" Regina answered, her voice still gruff from all the shouts and screams. She gave him a quick nudge but could barely take her eyes off her daughter.

Robin then made his way to where Ashley stood, following instructions and soon he was back next to Regina, brushing the blanket back so he could stare freely at her.

"She looks just like you" he mentioned, reaching forward and gasping when their tiny child took his finger in his hand.

"It seems we already have a daddies girl" Regina chuckled lightly, swaying her arms gently.

The next few hours consisted of tiny hands and feet, soft kisses and warm bed sheets, and endless drinks and snacks provided by Robin.

"You know, I never saw Roland be born" Robin admitted.

The little family were sat up on the hospital bed, Robin holding the baby whilst Regina sipped a cup of tea and ate a toasted bagel.

"You didn't?" Regina asked between bites, giving him a wide eyed look of confusion.

"According to the healer we took Marian to in the forest she was due at the first sign of spring. I kept a close eye on the plants and tree's and when little John told me about a job just 10 miles from our camp, I thought I had enough time before the blossom would show and he would be born. But it seemed nature had other plans"

"I'm sorry, Robin"

"Don't be. It just made today even more special that's all" he smiled.

As if on cue there was a gentle knock at the door, and Regina couldn't help but smile when unmistakable blonde curls and leather jacket peered round the door. What really surprised her was when Emma stepped forward to reveal Roland on her hip, the little boy clutching a gift bag in his tiny hands.

"Henry's at my parents with my brother and some pizza, but it seems this little guy wouldn't wait to meet his sister" She told them, bouncing the toddler on her hip until he laughed.

Although the sight made her heart warm, Regina also noticed how Emma couldn't help but crane her neck, trying to get a good look at the baby from the across the room and joked "Or it seems my daughters aunt is already sick of her Charming parents and wants to come see her beautiful niece"

"Oh really?"

"Yes, Miss Swan" Regina bantered, motioning for Roland to come over. The little boy wriggled in Emma's arms until she put him down and he padded over to the bed, bag held out in front of him.

"Don't Miss Swan me we've been through too much" Emma added lightly, walking over to join the group. "so, how is the little peanut?"

"Peanut?" Robin questioned, looking up briefly.

"Yeah well until you tell me her name I'm improvising"

"She's doing just great, you wanna hold her?" Regina asked.

"You're serious?"


"Okay" Emma agreed tentatively. Despite her nerves she was a natural, and soon she was sat in the corner of the room on a chair with the baby, gently rocking her and smiling.

It allowed Regina and Robin to properly give some love to Roland, who by now had managed to crawl up onto the bed and wedged himself between them.

"Sweetie, what've you got there?" Regina said, pointing at the bag he was still clutching.

"For you mama!" he stated proudly.

She took it off him and noticed a card sticking out of the top. Inside the envelope was a pink card with simple design that stated 'congratulations!' in bright pink letters, the front filled with teddy bears and balloons. Immediately inside she recognised Emma's messy handwriting, and before she could read it the blonde told her

"He told me what to write, just an fyi"

The card was sweet and although a bit jumbled made her smile softly, but when she pulled the pink teddy from the bag it took all her willpower not to cry. The teddy was simple and in a baby pink colour, one foot having 'baby' written across it and the other 'girl'. But the real sentiment was in the frame that the bear held, a frame that showed a picture of Regina, Robin, Henry and Roland. It was taken at grannies, during the curse so although Henry didn't quite remember her, the fact that he was still spending time with her meant the world.

"Ah, I may have to take credit for the gift idea. We organised whilst you were in hospital after the whole Zelena thing and I guess I forgot about it" Robin explained, rubbing Regina's back.

"I didn't daddy!" Roland told them proudly.

"No son, you didn't" Robin told him, kissing his head gently.

Soon Emma and Roland left, and the couple were left to coo over their daughter until lack of sleep took over and Regina's lid felt heavy. She went to tell Robin she loved him but could barely get a word out as the room slowly faded from her vision. But the soft kiss she received on her cheek and gentle stroke afterwards, told her Robin already knew.