Before you start, three things:
- This is a modern Bellarke AU fanfic.
- This is my very first fanfic, like ever.
- I do not own anything. Sadly.

Now, this story is simply, it is a story about a rich boy and his bodyguard. To elaborate, Clarke is a bodyguard. A hell of a good one too. She has been assigned to guard the seemingly rich hot shot, Bellamy. They are at odds at first. But when Bellamy's layers slowly but surely get stripped one by one, Clarke cannot help but feel that there is more than meets the eye. This is not just another bodyguard story. It is BADASS personified, romance is just a nice diversion. Ladies and Gents, time to fasten your seat belts - cause it's going to be a bumpy ride.

"Right, everyone's in position? Spacewalker?"



"Right here."




"I'm here. Spacewalker here thinks he…"



"Ok. Let's move."

"Wait, what about you Bellamy?"


"Hey, let's get this over with; I have an appointment at the hairdresser in about an hour."

"No one asked for these stupid names, Space. Walker. "

"Enough, focus. It's time."

"Aw, man that was awesome."

"Well, dammit, she cancelled on me."


"My hairdresser, Goggles. Sometimes I wonder if I didn't misname you or something. For a guy who always wears googles, you are pretty blind."

"That's because he only has eyes for a certain brunette."

"Hey, that's not fair, Monty. And watch it, Bellamy is still within hearing distance. Unless you wanna part with me bro, I suggest you keep it shut."

Idiots. But they were his idiots. Jasper's one sided crush on his kid sister Octavia was nothing new to him. The kid could not hide his emotions for the sake of his life. Speaking of O, their relationship was nothing to brag about. It is regretful but considering the circumstances, it would be a miracle of sort to even call it a relationship. Octavia, hated him. No matter what anybody said, it was nothing like those lovely, tight, I've-got-your-back kind of relationships or whatever Disney has been depicting. It was rough. They share blood. Half anyway. Yet, it was hard thinking about their frosty exchanges now and then.

Enough, about O, he did not have time for this. For now, the team had somehow made it. It was their second OP and things could have run smoother. He would need to work on that. The team dynamics had not changed since the time in school, but Finn – or Spacewalker, as he likes to call him nowadays, had gotten way too vain, even for him. Bellamy did not understand why he was determined to keep that long wayward hair. It was clearly a distraction in missions. Oh well, Bellamy had bigger issues at hand.
His car finally pulled in front of the club. Time to shine, he thought with a sigh.

· Bellamy Blake.

· Age 25.

· Height: 5 '11"

· Characteristics: Black locks, dark eyes, freckles.

· Son of the one and only Secretary of Homeland Security, Robert Blake.

· Ranked within top ten last year as most desirable bachelors under the age of 30.

Handsome and rich, huh?
No wonder many women wanted him. Clarke could not ignore that he was in fact a very attractive man. A bit problematic, but he should not be a problem. She went on reading the rest of his file.
So, he IS a princeling. A real life Cinderella it seemed. According to this, he was actually born by a woman named Aurora, who has previously been a maid at the Blake mansion. That is, before she disappeared, only to be found years later as a stripper named Candy with a 12 years old Bellamy. Interesting, Clarke thought. So there is more to you than meets the eye, Mr. Bellamy Blake. Oh, the Blakes were famous enough, long family history – all serving the country. At least , until Bellamy Blake happened. After being released from the tight confinement of one of the country's most esteemed boarding schools, the dude went and lost it. He is recognized more for his hot models dates and drinking habits. In other words, just another rich millionaire having no life aspirations whatsoever.
Clarification, no aspirations besides fooling around and getting wasted, Clarke thought with a sigh. Some kids do have it nice, do they not? Either way, this was her new assignment, and like the ones before she'll do her job. Nothing more, nothing less.

"What, did you just say?" Bellamy was at his wits end. He had been arguing with his father for a good 40 minutes. His father could be rather headstrong at times. He guessed, that is where he got it from. Father. He was still not used to the idea that this man, Robert Blake, head secretary of homeland securities was his father. They had almost nothing in common. Looking back, Bellamy always had a hard time coping with being his son. Not that he was complaining, life here was much better than what he had back with his mother. Yet, there was something missing. Sure, life with his mother was harsh, poverty tended to change people.

He remembered Aurora as she was back then, much more loving and warm. But with time, this changed. Candy emerged and everyday was a constant struggle. She became bitter. Blamed her life on him, if she only had not decided to keep him, her life would have turned out different. Or so, she kept telling herself. And Bellamy understood, young as he was, he understood. That is why he did not hesitate when men in black suits came and wanted to take him to his father. A quick goodbye and promise that his mom would never have to work a day for the rest of her life, in exchange to cutting all ties with her only son was a cheap price. At least that is what he has been telling himself all this time. Some years ago, he heard that she met someone and has a life of her own.

Once again, he took a long look at his father. They were of similar build, both tall with broad shoulders and dark locks. Though, his father showed signs of aging with the greys specks here and there. And the freckles. Yes, the freckles, definitely a Blake trait.
His father, being who he was, did not have a lot of time to bond with his long lost son. In fact, he had a family of his own. A wife, Diana and a cute, though perhaps spoiled daughter, Octavia. When it was clear that an addition to the family was hard to accept, Bellamy was sent to boarding school. He was never bitter about it. It was hard moving from one place to another, not to mention the Blakes. The family was very conservative and held certain standards. He, the son of a stripper did not fit in. Besides, he was more or less grateful. At school he met his best friend, Finn. And then Raven, followed by Monty who was never long apart from his buddy Jasper. That is where they all bonded.
Yet, as a result, Bellamy and his father had a complicated relationship.

Both father and son stood and stared at each other for a good measure. It was Robert who broke the silence first.

"I know very well that you are more than capable of taking care of yourself. But you must understand, this is necessary."

"But why do I need a babysitter all of a sudden? I have been doing fine all these years since I left school. Never once have I had to walk around with a shadow 24/7. This is ridiculous. Or is there something you are not telling me? Has something happened?" Bellamy asked seriously.

"No, nothing happened, but it has become some sort of trend, has it not. What was her name again? Kar..Kad.."

"Kardashian" Bellamy offered.

"Kardashian. You and her are practically on all tabloids and I believe all those buffs in black suits are more than just decorations, Bell. "

Bell, his father was trying to goad him into agreeing by using his mother's nickname for him.

"Alright. Fine. When do I meet him?" Bellamy sighed.

"Well, about that. You know I only hire the best of the best right?"

This is odd. His father seemed, nervous?

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Her name is Clarke Griffin and she is…" before he managed to finish his sentence, Bellamy was already at it.

"Wait, are you kidding me? You are hiring a GIRL to babysit me. Like this shit is not humiliating enough. I am getting my ass covered by some random chick." he spat out.

"Glad to be held of such high esteem by you, Mr. Blake." Clarke said as she entered the room.

"I hope you don't mind, Mr. Secretary, your assistant let me in."

Now what? Bellamy thought as he turned around. Whatever he was expecting, she was not it. No, she was something completely different. She is going to be a problem, he thought as he looked into her eyes.

Hope you all enjoyed. Reviews are cake