Gail and Holly had been fast asleep for most of the night. Their legs tangled together, and a faint sound of snoring filled the silence of the night. The brunette's arm lazily draped over the pale frame and was snuggled close to her lover.

A door creaked open and a patter of light steps came from the bottom floor. Gail stirred a bit before opening her eyes. She shook her head and leaned back, nestling into the warmth of Holly's body.

Another creak sounded, and the sound of a soft thump echoed. Gail stirred again and pulled her head up peering at the door.

" Holly," Gail whispered and shook the sleeping woman.

" Gail, I'm not really in the mood for another round of assuage my girlfriend's midnight fantasies." She mumbled and turned her body while pulling the duvet over her shoulders.

Another noise echoed.

Gail shook the woman awake, " Holly go in the closet."

" Move it, now." Gail pushed the woman out of bed much to the brunette's protest.

" I think someone is in here. Just stay here okay?" Gail passed Holly her glasses and softly opened her bedside drawer. She pulled her gun out and loaded a clip inside.

Holly's tired eyes were alert now. In all the months they have been together and before that, they never had a burglar set foot into her apartment. She pulled at Gail's forearm before she could go." Gail, just stay in here it isn't safe, we can call 911."

" I am 911, just stay here. I'll go check."

Gail kissed Holly's forehead and quietly closed the door shut. She carefully walked down the stairs and had her pistol aimed at every corner. Her heart was pounding against her chest as she walked across the hall.

A plate crashed to the floor, and Gail immediately pushed her body against the wall and inched towards the kitchen. Another creak sounded.

" Police, put your hands up!" She yelled and revealed herself in the kitchen doorway with her gun aimed down her sights and a finger ready to pull the trigger.

" Meow." A feral sound emitted from the orange cat.

Gail cursed and held a death glare at the cat, Archimedes.

" Gail? Are you okay? " Holly's voice sounded as she heard her footsteps coming down the stairs.

" It's your fucking cat Holly! It was the fucking cat." Gail groaned as she flipped her finger on the safety and pulled out the magazine.

" I thought you put him in the cage with Yoda?" Holly said as she walked based Gail and began to clean up the fragments of the plate.

" I did! " Gail complained and picked up the orange ball of fur.

" Maybe Yoda used the force to open it?" Holly laughed.

Gail rolled her eyes. " Yoda is a smart cat, he wouldn't want to have all hell break loose even if he did have the power of the force."

Gail held Archimedes as it growled and started clawing at her sweatshirt. " This cat hates me Hols." Gail glared at the cat, trying hard not to strangle it. It looked straight back at her and hissed, the blonde woman could've sworn it had an evil glint in its eyes.


Author's Note: Random one hour one-shot. No edits. I really wish I had the artistic talent of drawing out comics of my fics, but they would probably consist of stick figures and stick pets. I really have nothing else better to do than write random stuff about Gail and Holly. Anyways…yeah.