Danny's point of view:

So I won't turn into Dan just because I saved a little girl years ago? I smile. I am a hero. I'll always be hero. I'm needed as a hero. My friends need me, my family, the entire town even! Maybe even the world! It's my job to protect it from ghosts, so I will! I don't care what stands in my way, I can take down any obstacle!

Just like how I took Dash down. I'm a monster.

But I saved that girl! I'm a hero, not a monster!

Yet I can do things that no human can. If I wanted to destroy things, who could stop me?

Why am I thinking like this? That's wrong! I help people, I'm not a bad guy! I don't destroy things on purpose! I'm good!

Am I? I hurt Dash. I was going to cheat on that test. This is the butterfly effect. I hurt Dash and now it's taking its toll on me. This will change the world and there's nothing that anyone can do to stop me from doing what I want. I will be their ruler. They will pay for all that they have done to me. I AM Dan.

Dana's point of view:

Danny starts laughing in a wicked way.

"Danny..." I start.

"Its Dan," he says. Oh no. I quickly transform into my ghost half and he does the same. It still looks like Danny.

"Danny, you're a hero. You saved that girl! You can't change into Dan!"

"Foolish girl. It's the butterfly effect. I will ALWAYS BE Dan. It's written in stone. No matter what happens, I will ALWAYS turn into Dan. It doesn't matter when, whether it be from cheating on a test to hurting that boy, the butterfly effect will happen and I am the result. Now, I can't have you ruining my cover. I'll just have to get rid of you." I get ready to fight.

Jazz's point of view:

Danny is a hero! I'm so glad he'll be ok! I'm about to work on homework when I hear a crash from Danny's room. I quickly run over to his door, but I can't get it open. He locked it.

"Danny! Are you ok?" My answer comes in the former of another loud noise. "Danny!" I run to go find the key. Where did dad put it? Oh duh. I open the fridge and move the fudge. Bingo. I grab the key and run up to Danny's room. I fumble to get it in the lock as I hear glass break.

"I'm coming, Danny! Just give me one second!" Everything goes quiet as I finally get the key to turn. I burst into his room to find him laying in the middle of broken glass in his human firm, Dani is no where to be found. I run over to him.

"Jazz...?" He mumbles.

"Danny, what happened?" I urge.

"She attacked me then ran away."

"Who did?"

"Dani..." He blacks out.

Dani's point of view:

I crash land in an alley and change back into my human form. I barely got away. I have to go warn Danny's friends.

Dan's point of view:

I pretend to be knocked out as Jazz calls my friends to warn them about Dani. Perfect.

A/ nI do not own Danny Phantom.