The votes are in, and we have a winner!
Wait for it...
Wait for it...
Wait for it...
Nah, just kidding. If anyone has read the reviews for this 'story', they'll know that the winner is...
*more applause*
Iggy: *bows* What was the score again?
Me: You won the last round 8-0. The last line seemed especially good. Offensive, but perfect.
Iggy: Why, thank you. I had to have Gazzy look up some dirt on her for me.
Me: Anyways, you won the entire battle 32-7. Not even close! You won each of the rounds, as well. The scores are on the scoreboard above me.
Iggy: Will you tell me? I can't see, as Iggy *spits* Azalea kept pointing out.
Me: Oh, sorry. You won Round One 12-3, Round Two 12-4, and Round Three 8-0.
Iggy: Wait, what? How did Iggy Azalea get seven votes? Who voted for her?
Me: Let me check. *checks* In Round One, HarryPotterNut1, maximumgirl23306, and loserslovereadin voted for her. In Round Two, xxsmileyme123xx, Random child, free2rap, and Guest girl.
Iggy: *sigh* I guess not everyone knows who the better rapper was.
Me: Iggy, you won by 25 votes. Stop complaining.
Iggy: Whatever. Just give me the trophy and let me go.
Me: Fine. *hands over trophy*
Iggy: *hoists trophy up* IGGY G FOR THE WIN!
Crowd: *cheers*
Iggy: Thank you! I'll be going now. I need to live up to my promise with the army of bombs.
Me: Thanks for you time, Iggy. I look forward to seeing you in another rap battle!
Iggy: Hell yeah!
Scores are in, and as everyone guessed, Iggy G won.
So, I think I might do another one! This one, although difficult, was a lot of fun!
Any suggestions to the two contestants? Iggy A is officially eliminated from the board because she sucks at rapping.
One or both of the contestants has to be a MR character.
Thanks for reading! (: