Author's Note: Although the story is complete, I thought you guys might want to know this. This has been copy/pasted from my profile update for those of you who do not typically check my profile anymore for updates.

Yes, I am still alive, although no longer so in the fanfiction community (as fans of my hiatus work know). I have moved on to original fiction and, guess what? I've finished my first fantasy novel at last! For those of you interested in checking it out, please go to my homepage at to find out more about my novel, Skull Juggler: Disenchanted by Natalia Locatelli (that is me), the first book in my four book series. For future updates on how the publishing is going, go to the website.

To update you guys on the current happenings: I have finished the manuscript, as the word document is called, and in the next month or so I should have the book in my hands. As of today, I officially have a cover for the book and I'll be sending my manuscript off to be formatted and fitted for the rest of the book in the next week or so. I'm already starting to do some marketing on my own (for those of you who are curious, I am self-publishing for now) and then I'm going to put the book on Amazon (I will let you guys know when this is).

As I put in my profile, I'm going to launch my book on a specific day. It will be available on Amazon before my launch day, BUT if you guys decide you want to buy my book, I suggest you wait until the launch day (I will make sure to tell you when that will be) and you guys will get a ton of free stuff for helping me out! I'll put on my website what the goodies will be so you can decide if you want them or not. I'm extremely excited about launching my very first novel and I hope you, my loyal fans, will support me on my new adventure!

I hope this will be of interest to you guys :)

Amber Evans Potter a.k.a. Natalia Locatelli