Author's Note:

Well, happy christmas everyone! As a gift for all of you for sticking with me through this long volume (and putting up with the time before I start posting the second one), I present to you a preview of Volume 2, Chapter 1! (And before someone asks [yes, I'm talking about you], this is not the entire Chapter 1, only the very beginning of it.)


Weiss awoke to the sound of yelling in the hall. As she started to get up, warm arms wrapped themselves around her, pulling her backwards under the light cover. She felt Ruby's breathing as she was held not too tight, but enough so she couldn't get away. She smiled and dismissed the ruckus in the hall as just one of the usual early morning disturbances that were common at Beacon.

The noises retreated, leaving comfortable silence in its wake. She heard no sound except their breathing and her own heartbeat as she lay in Ruby's arms, closing her eyes as the warmth called her back to her wonderful dream. She liked how Ruby was always so warm that even in the middle of the winter with the lightest sheet, she felt warm like lying in the sun on a nice summer day.

Sometime later, possibly after she'd dozed off, the noise returned, growing steadily louder until two loud bangs echoed around their room. Weiss was quick to react, yanking the blanket up to cover herself and Ruby just as the door flew open, slamming into the wall only to bounce back and stop when it met Ren's hand.

Behind him Jaune, Yang, Blake, and Pyrrha looked a little frantic with varying degrees of dishevelment that said they'd been woken rather abruptly as well.

Ren stood in the doorway. His fist closed around a scroll that Weiss could tell was Nora's as she'd painted it pink. His eyes were wild and it was obvious he was panicking. "Nora's missing."

Everyone was quiet for a moment, Weiss snapping out of her sleep to the situation before her. She was about to tell everyone what to do when Ruby popped her head out from under the covers. Her hair was stuck to the corner of her mouth and she brushed it away, looking at all the people staring into their room.

Pyrrha pushed Jaune out of view of the room and Yang grabbed Ren by the collar, dragging him away as he protested. "Nora's missing, we have to do something quick!"

"What do you expect them to do without clothes, moron?" Yang responded just as Blake shut the door.

"Good morning, Weiss." Ruby said happily, her voice cracking from her dry throat.

"Morning, Ruby." Weiss replied, dropping the blanket and wrapping an arm around her girlfriend.

"I sort of wish we could just stay in bed for today." Ruby said sadly. Her arms tightened around Weiss for a second before she released her.

"I do too." Weiss admitted as she got up and started for the washroom. "But we have to find Nora first. Heaven knows where that girl has gotten to."

"Can we shower together?" Ruby asked, amazed at how unembarrassed she felt to ask now that they'd experienced each others bodies more fully than she had ever dreamed about.

"Good idea. It'll save time." Weiss nodded walking into the other room as Ruby jumped up and followed close behind her.

"We'll have the day to ourselves after we find Nora, right?" Ruby asked like a kid asking for candy at the store.

Weiss smiled as she pulled Ruby into a kiss that didn't last long enough. "Ruby, I promise we can have all the days to ourselves."

Weiss twisted the tap on the shower and got the water nice and hot before stepping in. Ruby followed hesitantly, her shyness returning full force all of a sudden.

"Turn around and I'll do your back." Weiss said as she poured shower gel into her hand and got it to foam up. "Then you can help me with mine."

Ruby nodded, more to set her resolve than to acknowledge Weiss. She knew she'd been working towards this point of their relationship for a long time, but it was so entirely different that she seemed to be making a bigger deal of it than it was. I'll just have to try harder to get used to this. She thought as she turned and let Weiss massage the soap into her skin.

End Note:

Again, thank you for reading Volume 1. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I had writing and editing it.

Until next time,

Spat915 signing off.