Greeting all! This is my first Harry Potter fic. I have been working on it for a while, mostly for my own amusement. But I decided to work on it more when my twilight fic was being difficult. (Before you say OH NO TWILIGHT, it isn't that bad) I have written its next chapter so many times, yet keep erasing it because it simply does not feel right. So trying to clear my head with this story, in hopes I can get them both done.

This is a Fleur-Hermione fic,weird combination I know, but I fell absolutely in love with it a while ago for personal reasons. I have always found Fleur, Veelas, and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic fascinating. Doing some research on Veela I tweaked a little bit with them, but kept most of it the same. This is just my view on the species and how they should act and respond.

I hope you enjoy the story, but I am posting more for my benefit in trying to clear my head, and find enjoyment in my work.

Hermione Granger woke up in a cold sweat, panting and eyes darting around wildly. Not even having spent a whole day within the sanctuary of learning, and she already looked disheveled, and exhausted. Quickly pulling out her wand from her nightstand, she casted a silence charm around her bed, then let out a groan. The dream had been the same as each night before. Seeing the most beautiful blonde haired girl, no woman. This woman in Hermione's dream would just stare at her, smiling, laughing, and motioning her to follow. Yet Hermione could never move, so entranced with this woman's beauty, she wanted to follow, yet her feet would not move. Grinding her teeth, the young Gryffindor mentally cursed herself for dream about girls. This was not suppose to happen. Maybe this was some hormonal thing? After all Hermione was fourteen going on fifteen in a few months. Becoming more of a young woman. However, she couldn't stop thinking about her dreams, and that woman. The woman with one sapphire blue eye, and one ruby red. Those eyes she would never forget.

Resigning the fact that sleep would not come to her tonight, she took out one of her many books from her trunk and began to read. This book covered the subject of magical creatures, and was very fascinating. Everything was fascinating to the girl, every piece of information she could get a hold of. Even last year with the dementors, and Sirius, Hermione had excelled in all her classes, getting O's in every single one, shockingly potions too. Hoping her fourth year would be a bit more challenging, she started to look ahead on her new text books.

The sun soon broke through the massive window in the dorm, and Hermione got ready for breakfast. There was whispers from the others that a big announcement was going to be told this morning, which brought excitement to the whole school . Slipping on a skirt, her white button down shirt, adjusting her red and gold tie, and pulling a sweater vest with an embossed logo of her house, Hermione made her way to the great hall. Maybe after breakfast, she could catch up with Ron and Harry, then perhaps ask Professor Trelawney what her dreams ment. The woman was questionable at best, but Hermione did respect her expertise in this field, and she could desperately use the help.

"Oi! 'Mione!" A loud, semi-annoying voice instantly hit her as she entered the great hall. Ron was standing up waving at her, and causing a scene. Hermione just shook her head and walked over to her friends. They did mean well.

"Hey boys! How was your summer?" Asking with a warm smile, she grabbed a hot roll, and slowly started to munch on it.

"It was bloody brilliant! I have pictures later to show you!" Ron jumped up and down in his seat like a child.

"It was not bad, though I am glad to be back," Harry replied more calmly giving her a grin. "How was yours Hermione?"

"Oh quite well. Went to a few symposiums, and lectures on the history of transfiguration magic, and study on potency of magic ingredients. Very thrilling." Hermione hummed happily remembering such a stimulating summer. Being able to attend some of these symposiums was such an honor. Professor Mcgonagall owled her about each one, inviting her to attend. Which at first stunned the girl, but she quickly accepted. Her head of house knew that she constantly loved to hear new knowledge and information, and was constantly trying to improve academically.

"Really? Blimey! You can't even enjoy a summer normally can you?" Ron wiggled his nose at the thought of doing something educational on his break. His long hair swaying to the side as he shook his head.

"I'll have you know, I enjoyed it. There is nothing wrong with trying to progress one's mind. Besides, what if some time we can use this information. We all know where you both go to when wondering facts or planning schemes." She gave Ron a dark look.

"She's got you there mate," Harry scratched his head, not really wanting to piss off the brains of the golden trio.

"There is nothing wrong with having fun, like real fun!" Ron grumbled, crossing his arm. The feeling of being ganged up on usually didn't sit well with him. Harry just laughed and, Hermione continued to eat her roll. Turning around the new batch of first years came through the doors, and it looked like sorting was going to begin. The trio cheered each time one of the shy young faces joined the bold Gryffindor table, and made mental notes to watch the new Slytherin. Finally the last boy was sorted and Headmaster Dumbledore stood up in front of the school holding his hands out in silence, which the school complied.

"I'd like to welcome you all back to another marvelous year at Hogwarts. This year will prove to be another exciting in your chapters here. And now since the sorting is done I have an announcement to make!" His voice carried over everything, and Hermione could hear the whispers of other students guessing what was happening. Flinch suddenly burst through the grand doors, and looked to be running towards the Headmaster. "This year, Hogwarts will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament!" The grand hall erupted in roars and and cheering. Everyone was exhilarated to hear the news. Flinch finally got up to the stage, and whispered something into Dumbledore's ear, who quickly nodded and said something back to him.

"Oi Ron! Did you see that wicked carriage being pulled this morning?" Fred's voice was almost shouted down the table. Hermione really paid no attention watching Flich run back out the hall. She wondered what was going on.

"Now please let me introduce our guests for this school year. They will reside and take classes on the grounds, in the spirit of friendship, and sportsmanship. Please welcome first the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!" The whole hall quickly turned around to see a mass of pretty much the most beautiful young women they have ever seen. Clad in a blue uniforms, curled hats tilted to the sides, the tall newcomers strood into the hall like they owned it. Hermione brow furrowed as she saw what looked to be butterflies shimmering next to and behind them. Each woman could easily be a model, taking strides, and stopping to wink at the boys, who promptly lost it. The started to feel her skin prickle on the back of her neck, noticing these strange butterflies frolic to each person they winked at, touching them briefly before floating around again. The girls heart stopped when she saw who was trailing them. Clasping her hand to her mouth to prevent a gasp, she saw the subject of her many sleepless nights. There stood the woman, that tormented her each and every night for weeks now.

"This can't be real," murmuring. and feeling her heart speed up. The blonde woman trailed behind her sisters, taking strides with purpose, red shimmering butterflies following her. If the rest of these women in the Beauxbatons academy were models, then this woman was definitely an angel, no goddess. How can someone be that beautiful and it be fair. Hermione's heart felt like it was going to pound out of her chest, and her breaths were hot and ragged. She practically fell out of her seat when two red butterflies landed softly on her leg. The sensation was much to that of a feather softly brushing over her skin, but it wasn't tickling, and was a thousands times more intense. Feeling like she was going to throw up, Hermione couldn't tear her gaze as more blood red butterflies landed on her, wings caressing her skin. Feeling a strange foreign dampness between her legs, and her body trembling, it took all her willpower not to run away. Quickly lifting her gaze again, she felt the lump in her throat instantly form as she meet to sapphire blue eyes. Oh god. The young gryffindor probably looked like an idiot, hand over her mouth, eyes wide, body coming undone, not to mention these damn bugs. The blonde woman merely stared at her, eyebrow slowly rising. Hermione couldn't help but wonder why in her dreams one of those blue sapphires were ruby. Hermione could see the woman close her eyes, take a breath in through her nose. What in gods name was she doing? Blue eyes instantly upon her again, this time with more intensity, and it made Hermione squirm more. Her body felt like it was on fire, and for some reason she wanted more of it. Thats when she smirked, the woman gave a devilish smirk, like she knew. Paling instantly Hermione quickly looked down, trying to discreetly shoo away the butterflies still on her.

"Now the sons from the north of Durmstrang Institute!" Hermione barely registered what was shouted, keeping her eyes on her plate trying, to hide the pained expression on her face.

"Hermione are you ok?" Harrys concern broke through her sweating.

"Oh..yes, yes I am fine, just sudden, lightheaded. I need to go," Standing up, Hermione all but ran out of the great hall, thankful being ignored by everyone while they gawked at the new students. Once out of view, the girl sprinted to the restroom, once in slamming the door, and sliding down it.

"Oh god oh god oh god. I am going crazy. Pull it together Granger. Top of your class, you have dreams, pull it together." desperately trying to give herself some motivational speech to override the confusing feelings that was sitting in the pit of her stomach.

"You know if you keep talking to yourself someone might believe you are crazy," The shrill voice, made Hermione look up to see a floating transparent girl.

"Crap, I am sorry Myrtle, I didn't mean to come in here, I just. I think I am going crazy."

"Oh boohoo, its tough to be alive, try being dead and see how it is then!" The ghost sneered back.

"I'll leave," quietly leaving the haunted restroom, Hermione slowly walked back to her dorm. Maybe a nap will help. Maybe it will make her forget those eyes. Shuffling back upstairs and through the portrait, the girl groaned when seeing a letter laying neatly on her bed. What now? Opening it delicately the gryffindor scanned its contents.

Ms Granger,

If you would be so kind in to see me in my office, I wish to discuss your studies with you concerning this year, and years to come.


H. Dumbledore

PS. Password-Cherry sherbet.

Hermione, took a deep breath, and slowly turned around down the past she just came. Passing students in the hallway, the great hall must of been excused. Rubbing the bridge of her nose she made her way down the labyrinth of the castle stopping at the statue.

"Hey Hermione! Wait up!" Harry and Ron were jogging down the hall towards her. Waiting patiently, the girl stood in silence.

"What was up with the great hall? You left in a bloody hurry," Ron asked catching his breath.

"I didn't feel good, I told you," Hermione responded curtly.

"We're sorry Hermione you looked like you seen a ghost," Harry gave an apologetic look lined with concern. "Hey why are you by Dumbledore's office?"

"He asked to see me concerning my studies," murmuring she looked away, not sure if what was to come was good or bad.

"Oooooo, did 'Mione fail a class or something?" Ron teased her.

"That can't be, I got all O's last year," rubbing her forehead, the girl started to feel a headache coming on. First full day here, and her mind was scattered and her order was in chaos.

"Serious? I barely managed to pass everything," Ron mumbled scratching the back of his neck.

"Even potions?" Harry eyebrow were practically to his hairline asking his question. Hermione just nodded slowly.

"Bloody hell, I think you might be the first Gryffindor ever to receive an O in that slimy gits class!" Ron said a little too loud for Hermione's liking. Quickly looking around to make sure no one heard. All she got where some minor glances.

"Look I will talk to you guys back in the common room, I don't want to get in trouble for lingering out here," The thought of getting detention on the first day gave her hives. Not to mention this mysterious letter, making her mind go wild with theories. The boys just nodded, and gave her sympathetic looks, as she walked towards her fate. "Cherry sherbet," Whispering, and the gryphon statue sprung to life, and the brunette slowly ascended the stairs.

"Ah Ms. Granger! Come in come in!" A warm voice called to her as she slowly opened the door. Stepping into the massive office, the girl spotted her headmaster stroking his phoenix softly. The magic bird watched her approach, giving a small coo. "It seems Fawkes is happy to see you as well, Please sit. Lemon drop?" Hermione sat gingerly on the chair in front of the desk, trying not to fidget.

"No thank you sir. Have I...done something wrong? With my studies that is?" The anxiety was eating the girl up alive.

"Oh no dear girl! Quite the contrary I assure you." Dumbledore chuckled softly popping a candy in his mouth. "Minerva has kept me informed on your academics, and we are aware how truly gifted you are. Not only did you help Mr Potter last year, You went back in time, saved two lives, uncovered a hidden spy, and received perfect grades." The girl was just floored at the praises being sent her way.

"Well I...It was easy I guess, third year material wasn't that hard." offering weakly.

"And I have the feeling that four year will fall under that same category. Ms Granger, I am always wanting to help out excelling students broaden their horizons, and challenge them mentally. That is why you will now have a new time table for this year," The headmaster handed her a sheet of paper from his desk. Scanning the document, Hermione bit her lip.

"Sir, these are...these are seventh year classes. Theory and practice of Animagus?" the girl eyes were wide trying to decipher what was going on.

"Yes, the art of shifting form into a totally different one. Only a select few get into that class each year. The final test is getting your licence at the Ministry." That thought scared yet thrilled Hermione. Being an animagus as a fourth year? Unheard of. These other classes though. Advance study of potions, Healing charms, Advanced Creatures study, this was all so much.

"If I am taking seventh year classes now, what will I take next year, and the year after that?"

"Well Hogwarts offer a variety of classes on different subjects, and curriculum. There are a plethora of advanced year classes for potions, that are all different. Potions of healing, Study of potion ingredients, Advanced study in poisons and toxins. The same can be applied to every subject. Astronomy, runes, and divination which you don't even have this year. I have took the liberty of making sure your schedule will fit your needs until you graduate Ms Granger." The girl opened her mouth, but no sound came out. One part of her wanted to jump at this opportunity. Yet the other half didn't want to leave her class behind.

"What about my friends? Ron...and Harry?" Whispering, she kept her eyes on the paper, not wanting to show her internal struggle.

"Oh yes, I've made sure to schedule fourth year transfiguration with them. So you will have one class together. And while I know you will miss them, I think you and I both know this will also benefit your friends." Even Dumbledore knew who the brains of the outfit was.

"So two transformation classes this year?"

"Indeed Ms Granger.I apologize for overwhelming you, but we haven't seen a mind like yours in several decades Hermione. While Mr Potter has his own battles, and responsibilities, I want to make sure after this war is over, we have the best and brightest ready to build back up the wizarding community, and step into leadership roles. To stop the hate, and bring us together in a common interest." Frowning Hermione looked up at that statement.

"I don't know if I can do that, no wants to listen to someone….like me."

"I think you would be surprised," Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with mirth. He believed in her, believed in Hermione Granger. Albus Dumbledore said she could change their world. Never before has the girl felt like this. Usually all the glory went to Harry, and it never bothered her. Yet Hermione always wondered about after everything was over. What would happen.

"Ok, I'll do it," Her lips spoke without consulting her brain. No turning back no she guess.

"Fantastic!" He clapped his hand together, causing the phoenix behind to ruffle its feathers. "Now! On to another subject on to why you exited the great hall this morning." The girl's heart started to race again at the memories.

"Well I...I haven't been sleeping well, and there were butterflies around me." Hermione suddenly felt a little off her rocker saying that out loud, winced hoping Dumbledore wouldn't take his recent praises back.

"Butterflies you say?" The headmaster narrowed his eyes slightly. "During the Beauxbatons?" Hermione nodded flushed on trying not to sound crazy. Dumbledore quickly stood up and went to his massive book case scanning the spines. He started to pull out several books stacking them up. Setting them down gently on the desk in front of the girl, six in all, he gave her a look of amusement and part concern. "You can borrow these books Ms Granger. Read them over return them at your leisure. I think you will find them….enlightening on these coming days." Nodding quickly she fumbled picking up the books in hand. "Should I call Mr Potter and Mr Weasley to help you?"

"Oh no sir, I got it. Thank you very much I will read these. And thank you for the new time table. I look forward to it." She gave him a tight smile struggling with the books, and making a quick exit. Walking carefully down the stairs she started making her way to the library. It seemed she had some heavy reading to do. Plus Hermione loved the time in her hideout. The library was were she usually spent most of her time during school. She loved the books and what they held. Sitting her enormous stack of books on the table. She sat down in the chair taking a deep breath, scanning the titles looking where to start. They all seemed to be about one subject. Veela. Frowning she tried to recalled what she knew about them, which was next to nothing. Picking out a title, she removed a it from the pile. Veela Basics. Simple enough. Opening the book Hermione started to read the first page.

If you are reading this book, you obviously have questions about the creatures known as Veela. Have no worries though, this text will instruct you in the very basic of Veelan anatomy, customs, and interaction with.

Veela are magical creatures that are reactive and affect and crave sexual energy. They carry an aura about them, sometimes called thralls, that effect and incite arousal in their partners or prey. Their body chemistry is used to entrance, seduce, and overcome their prey, and as Veela have an insatiable appetite for sexual activities, and their whole drive is based on this, as well as Veela are always bisexual, in not wanting to half their choices in partners. Veela are always women. There cannot be a male Veela. Veela seek their mate, and reproduce with. If the offspring is male, it will be whatever the father species is. If a female the offspring will be Veela.

Veela have two forms. One is their 'human' form. Able to use create and control magic in this form, as any normal wizard would. They are indistinguishable from humans, besides their unnatural beauty. Their second or true form is only used when the Veela is threatened or enraged. A humanoid figure with claws of a hawk, and wings where their arms should be. They retain their human features, for everything else. Veela in their true form experience great increase in speed, strength, sight, and hearing than their human form. They also will have the use of Veela magic, which is the ability to conjure, and manipulate a flammable energy that doesn't react like normal fire.

Hermione paused reading. Why did Dumbledore want her to read up on this? From what she was reading a Veela was basically a succubus that liked sex, but didn't feed on it. And could turn into a harpy, and breath fire? Was this apart of her new classes? She did have an advance creature study, but was it all on this species?

"Bonjour' Mademoiselle," An angelic voice said behind her. Who spoke French at Hogwarts? Turning around she practically fell out of her chair seeing who was there. The woman from her dreams, along with ten of her friends. All look to beautiful to exist, in their blue uniforms.

"H..h..hi," it seemed Hermione could only stutter now.

"I was wondering if 'ose were good books?" She eyed the massive stacks of books, eyes dancing mischievous, her accent thick on every word. The girls behind her giggled lightly circling the table. Is this how it was going to end? Being killed by super models? Wasn't this Ron's dream though?

"OH umm, i was..told to read these, I think they are ok, I mean I haven't read them all I just started and really have no opinion to add this point, but when I read them fully I can probably accurately assess them, and I am babbling," the girl said in one breath, leaning back into the table trying to get away from all the beautiful eyes on her. They all giggled at her whispering in French. Hermione had the sudden urge to learn a new language.

"Eets fine. We no'iced and 'ad to ask." The woman's eyebrow was quirked at her, amusement still on her face. Hermione tried not to flinch when she saw a small flock of butterflies hover around her. All different colors, but only the bright red ones landed on her. The euphoria spread through her body as soon as the touched her skin. The girl tried to keep a hold of herself, trying to stop the sudden rush to between her legs.

"Damn butterflies," muttering she tried to shoo them off her lap yet again.

"Par'don?" Look up the girl noticed each on of the Beauxbaton's eyes were blue.

"Umm, th..there was butterflies? You don't see them?" Hermione felt crazy once again. trying to brace for the sudden laughter, but none came, just hushed voices.

"Oui, we can see z'em," The woman spoke softly and gave the others a look silencing the sudden rush of whispers, she was obvious the leader of this group.

"Can you see jusz one co'lor?" Another voice asked out, and Hermione couldn't place which one asked. Feeling suddenly uncomfortable about being surrounded, she grew flush.

"I apolog'zie for z'em, zey are, ummmm 'ow you say, curious?" The woman spoke again quietly. "My name is Fleur Delacour of ze Delcour clan. Zey are all apar' of ze clan as well." Hermione briefly heard several bonjours, and she gave a weak smile.

"Umm clan? Is part of your school?" A few of them giggled at the question and Fleur smiled.

"Non, eet more of z'ing,"

"I'm...sorry I don't understand." Hermione frowned trying not to look like a dunderhead, but she felt was was failing miserably. Suddenly Fleur leaned forward slowly, placing a hand on either side of Hermione. She felt her her heart jump to her throat, and a hot fire spread throughout her body. Trying to lean back, but unless she could bend in half, the table firmly stopped anymore movement by pressing forcefully into her.

"Lez' say we know more zen zose books, Mademoiselle, " Those dark blue eyes slowly memorizing the girls face, shifting into something dark.

"Y...y...your all...V..v..veela?" the girl felt her brain go to mush, and trying to form an intelligent sentence was a stretch for her now.

"Oui," a feral grin emerged for those luscious full lips and Hermione couldn't help stare at them. "We never recieved your name mademoiselle," and the girl could see the flock of woman lean towards her, the same darkness as Fleur.

"H..h..herm..mione Gran..granger." the brunette stuttered out, suddenly feeling like she didn't belong in the Gryffindor house not feeling very brave.

" 'Ermione Granger, Très belle, eef you 'ave any ques'ion abou' zose books, come ask," Fleur gave a playful wink, leaning back up giving the girl breathing room, which she finally remembered how to breath. "Au revoir 'Ermione."

"Au revoir!"

"Au revoir petit' chaton!" the clan of Veela filed out the library, and Hermione felt her hands tremble. Several students were looking at her with wide eyes shocked and jealous. She needed to get out of here. Gathering her pile of books she ran off to her dorm, where there she would get some peace. Finally getting to her dorm, she saw on her bed another large stack of books. However, there was a note from Professor Mcgonagall.

Ms Granger, since you purchase books that are for classes that you will no longer be taking. These books have been purchased for you new classes. Enjoy.

Hermione half jumped in joy at these new books. She had so much reading to catch up on now. For the first time in a long time she felt challenged and it was a thrill. Remember the promise she made she dropped her Veela books next to her new textbooks, she picked up the text she started on and went to the common area. Sitting down on a chair to the side she began to read again.

Veela are emotional creatures. The most simple emotions to normal wizards will be amplified by a thousand percent to a Veela. What others may perceived as nothing like an insult, may send a Veela off on a violent rampage for receiving it a different way. Always be aware of the emotional state of Veela.

Veela are very possessive creatures. Rarely do Veela give up possessions. Veela can also perceive people as property too. From friends to mates. Getting incredibly jealous when they feel their possession is in danger. If you are perceived as a possession by a Veela, always be aware of any contact with an outside individual. Be aware of the emotion state of the Veela, and always assure them.

"Oi 'Mione you're here!" Ron sat on the arm of her chair eating an apple and Harry leaned against the wall in front of her.

"What did Dumbledore want?" Harry's eyes curiously watched her. It must seem strange to have the headmaster call for her, and not concern the boy who lived.

"I am going to be taking different classes this year," Hermione frowned, not wanting to hurt her friends.

"Different classes? What do you mean?" Ron asked with a perplexed look.

"I am going to be taking seventh year classes, accept fourth year transfiguration with you both."

"Wait what?!"

"Blood hell!" They both were in shock. The girl had a hard time telling if they were angry or not.

"Well congratulations Hermione, I know how much you enjoy harder lessons. You know more about everything then our whole year." Harry gave her a small smile, but she could see a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"So are you like, graduating this year or what? This is a bunch of bullock!" Ron however didn't seem to impressed.

"No I will stay a fourth year, but next year I will take different seventh year classes. There are many electives to choose from. We will still have one class together, and i can help you study." She tried to soothe the furious red head, but it didn't seem to work. Muttering curses he stomped off to the boys dorms, not even acknowledging them.

"Sorry about that Hermione, i'll talk to him. I am happy for you though, you will have to show me some of the Defence against the dark arts spell you'll learn!" Harry grinned at her, trying to break the tension.

"Perhaps," She smiled at him. They talked for a while longer, about their summer, and the new classes. Hermione realized she should probably look over the new text books. She now has three years to catch up. Well, more like two years, since she pretty much knew everything in the fourth year text books already. Excusing herself, she made her way back to her bed, putting the Veela books in her truck, eyes lingering on them, and she started to read through her new textbooks. Engrossed with her new lessons she didn't show up for lunch or dinner, mind to busy enjoying all this new advanced teachings. She had Healing charms with Flitwick first. The charms text opened Hermione up to such powerful magic. These would be useful since she knew the trouble the golden trio usually got into. Gazing at each incantation, and wand movement, she started to take notes, and memorize as much as she could. After that would be Advanced potion studies, making double sure to brush up on all her potions as Snape would not be thrilled to see her. Potions was relatively easy for her, when no one was distracting her, which was the case with Ron there. The whole practice was very accurate and precise. If you put these ingredients in the right way, you succeed, if not you fail. Very black and white and Hermione could work with that.

After potions she would have her Animagus class. She was most excited for that. Her text was purely about Animagus facts, styles, techniques, and facts about registering with the Ministry. Then lunch with the boys, and after lunch she got to take fourth year transfiguration with them. Would be a nice easy class for her. She already knew everything in her text. After that was Advanced Defence against the Dark arts. With professor Moody. She vaguely remembered seeing him in the great hall, and his creepy eye. Then was Advance History of Magic with professor Binns. Hermione didn't mind the ghost professor at all, despite everyone saying he was too boring. Dinner, then finally there was Advance studies in Magical creatures. Which should be an interesting class, wouldn't Hagrid be excited to see her! Over looking each text book, the girl stayed up all night, knowing she wouldn't get a good night sleep with her dreams about a certain blonde haired Veela.