It was a calm, peaceful night in Equestria, the moon and stars shining bright up it the night sky, with every pony in a gentle slumber.

However, not every creature was asleep. In a forest outside Ponyville, two small, toad like, greenish creatures were struggling to get into a horse costume they got from a local costume shop.

"How come I have to be on the bottom?" Said the green toad like creature climbing in the back end of the costume.

"Because I'm smarter than you, and the front is where the brains are." The other creature said with a cocky grin.

"Hey! I'm smart to!" The bottom half creature growled.

"Oh really?" the top half creature asked. "Then tell me why we're here and what's our mission?"

"Easy!" the bottom half creature said. "The boss told us to…to…..duh….."

"Right there is my point." The top half creature said while zipping the horse costume shut. "We're supposed to break and enter into the town's library, and steal some of the books in there."

"Why?" the bottom half creature asked.

"Because the boss told us to!" The top half creature growled. "Now shut your mouth and keep quiet before you get us caught."

At that moment the two creatures in the horse costume tried to walk, and was doing it rather clumsily.

Soon, after some clumsy walking, they reached the Ponyville library.

"So, how we get in?" the bottom half creature asked.

The upper half creature unzipped the costume, exposing his upper torso. He reached for the door mat in front of the door, and found a key underneath.

"It's always under that silly mat." The upper half creature said with a smile.

The creature inserted the key, and slowly creaked open the door.

The two creatures crawled out the costume and slowly and quietly walked in the library.

"What books do we take?" The creature who was in the bottom half asked.

"Try to find any books that have something to do with magic and spells and all that stuff." The upper half creature replied.

At that moment, they started to take books off the shelves, and placed them in huge bags.

"I can't find the book the boss told us was the most important to get. Where could it be?" The upper half creature asked.

"Maybe it's upstairs." The bottom half one said with a huge smile and walked up the steps.

"Wait, you idiot…." The upper half creature screamed silently.

The bottom half creature slowly creaked the upstairs door open, and slowly tip toed in, not turning on the light.

The creature looked over and saw a light purple pony with dark purple hair with streaks of pinkish magenta and a small light purple horn and wings lying in bed sleeping silently.

The creature looked over the other direction and saw a baby dragon with purple scales and green spines sleeping as well.

"Oh no…..this place has a dragon…." The creature whispered to himself in fear.

The creature looked over at a table near the bed the pony was sleeping in, and saw the book they were looking for!

The creature smiled with joy as he tip toed over it and grabbed it off the table.

As he took it he heard the light purple pony lying in the bed next to him mumble something and rolled over in her sleep.

The creature happily but very cautiously tip toed out the room, not shutting the door behind him.

As the creature reached the bottom of the stairs he bumped into the other creature at the bottom of the steps.

"Why did you go up there?" The upper half creature asked with an angry face.

"It doesn't matter why I went up there…I got the book!" The other creature replied with a huge smile and held up the book.

"Keep quiet you dimwit or you'll wake up the-"The upper half creature started to say with nervousness.

"Wha….?" The two creatures heard a female voice from upstairs say in a yawn. "Spike? Was that you?" She asked.

The upper half creature grabbed the bag filled with magic books while the other creature held the important book tightly.

"Run." The upper half creature said as they took off running as fast as they could out the door.

The two creatures ditched the horse costume and left it in front the library.

"Where's the portal the boss promised us!?" The creature holding the book cried.

"There!" The creature with the bag said as he pointed to the portal on the side of a tree trunk the used to get in Equestria.

The two creatures jumped into the portal. The portal closing behind them both.

When the two creatures came out the other end of the portal, standing in front of them was a tall creature that looked identical to them, but this one was tall, bulky with muscle, and had a chest plate, belt, and helmet with two thorns, holding a giant spiked club.

"Did you two Gnorcs get the books?" The tall creature asked with a growl.

"Yes Master Gnasty Gnorc!" The upper half Gnorc said and handed him the bag and the important book.

Gnasty Gnorc took the bag and book. "Well done my Gnorc minions, with the knowledge in these books, Ripto and I will be unstoppable!" Gnasty Gnorc laughed evilly.

Meanwhile, back in Equestria.

Twilight Sparkle was looking around her library house, seeing all the empty shelves and scattered papers everywhere, and how the door had been opened.

Spike came downstairs rubbing his eyes. "What happened Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Spike…" Twilight sparkle said with a horrified tone. "We've been robbed!"