I don't own anything!

12. Happy ending?

„Hey, Ressler, it's me. I'm on Reddington's jet; we're going to go back to the States." she sounded happy.

"Yeah, I heard the good news. How was your trip around the world?"

"It was…well…good and bad at the same time. It was good because I was in Netherland, Ireland and Hungary; these countries are beautiful and full of mystery but as a fugitive who run away from the Bureau…with Reddington…" she laughed and faked annoyance "It wasn't so great with full of happiness. Sorry Ressler, I have to hang up. I just wanted to inform you about the news. I'll see you."

"Okay, Liz. Bye!"

"Red, where the hell have you been?"

"I had to make a phone call with one of my partner. Who did you call?"

"Just Ressler. He worried about me and I thought it would feel good to him if I talk with him."

"Yeah, he's a modern hero with warm heart." he said sarcastically.

"Don't be an ass. He's a good friend and great agent. And Aram too."

"I have to agree…You're the three musketeers." he laughed.

"Oh, shut up!" she said annoyed "Where are we by the way?"

"Somewhere above the Atlantic -ocean. Two maybe three hours and we'll be home."

Silence for a minute or two.

"Do you hear that too?" she asked.

"Yes. Probably another plane just…" loud crush, screams, shouts, sound of fast wind, another loud smash and silence. Perfect, inimitable silence.


Ressler and Aram just sat on the chair while they were listening to the black box which recorded the last minutes of Elizabeth Keen and Raymond Reddington. After Liz hadn't appeared next day nor Reddington they had searched them; Aram had located her cellphone… it was on the bottom of Atlantic Ocean. They had started to search for them but they only found the burned plane wreckage with sharks around it. As the FBI could figure it out probably an other plane shot them down. They hadn't found their bodies.

"That's it?" Aram asked quietly.

Ressler nodded and stared the floor.

"They gave up searching. Liz and Reddington are officially dead."

For a few minutes the two agents stayed silent again when the desperation burst out from Aram.

"What if we're wrong? Maybe…maybe there's an evidence…" he stood up and ran to his computer. "maybe Mr. Reddington's…" before he could start typing Ressler touched his shoulder.

"No. It's over. They are dead." Ressler was calm but Aram felt the pain behind it. "I think we should go to Liz's favourite bar and get drunk." Aram nodded as they collected their things and exited from the Post Office.

They organized the funeral for Liz and Red. They weren't sure that Dembe was with them too but they hadn't found him either. The funeral was beautiful however there weren't so much people than colleagues, maybe two or three relatives from Liz's family.

They not just lost a good agent but a great person too. Liz hadn't been an ordinary woman; she was reckless and brave but at the same time she had had warm heart with full of kindness. She had been there for Don and Aram when they had needed her and she had never refused a good night-talk with a pint of beer or a glass of wine.
And there had been Reddington, the fourth most wanted criminal who had showed them the reality; that he had had principles he had had humanity in his heart.

After the funeral they went back to the Post Office. It was unfriendly and suddenly stranger for both of them. Aram imagined those days when Meera, Cooper, Liz and Reddington had been still alive; he had imagined how they had solved one of their cases when Reddington suddenly had appeared and dragged Liz with him while Cooper protested.

But those days were gone.

Three days later, somewhere in Sweden…

The moonlight hit the blanket of snow which rested on the forest; it gave a calming sensation to the woman who stared out of the window with hot chocolate in her hands, listening to the fireplace from behind and watching her man as he entered to the house with firewood in his hands. He was still limped a bit but he didn't have to use the cane anymore and the injuries faded away from his body, a few little scars reminded the owner of that particular day.

She vividly remembered too; it was her worst and best day in the same time. Since that day she felt like she had woken up from a bad dream and started a new day. A new day with him.

Her thoughts were disturbed by gentle kisses and soft hands around her waist. She smiled and tilted her head to give more place to the lips which were peppering her neck. She closed her eyes and just enjoyed the moment until she couldn't bear the arousing feeling; she put down the mug and turned around. Then and there she lost herself into those grayish blue eyes.

He still didn't believed that he could hold her; a small smile appeared on her lips and he felt the urge to taste the surely delicious smile. The kiss was slow at first but as the desire built up in them the kiss became more and more demanding. While they undressed each other he navigated her to the bedroom and lay her down on the bed.

The moonlight, just like at the case of the snow, did a perfect job on her delicate skin; he couldn't help but admired the silver light on her beautiful chest and enjoyed when those silver elves danced on her peaked nipples. The tip of his tongue joined to this dance and a soft moan later his lips protected them as they closed around.

She couldn't think; the man made her speechless not just with those two talented fleet fingers which were moving in and out of her but his perfect mouth as he sucked and licked her sensitive breasts. Her moans became louder and louder as she closed around his fingers and finally she came hard.

He let her recover and slowly withdrew his fingers. It was a blink of an eye but he was already on his back, hands pinned gently next to his head as she leaned and placed small kisses from his lips across his torso, down to his hips. His breath quickened as he looked at her; she kneeled between his parted legs and stroked him slowly while her expression was the most caring and affectionate. Their eyes met for a brief moment when she smiled and leaned down; she let her tongue taste the tip at first then she lowered her head further until his proud member hit the back of her throat and heard that unmistakable raw moan from him. She pressed the tip of her tongue against his member archly as she drove him out from her mouth and did the previous movements again until he begged her to stop; she straddled his hips then lowered herself and moaned loud as she felt him fully inside of her. She started moving slowly but as the ecstasy freed itself in their bodies, she quickened the pace.

He grabbed her hips and held her tight with his left hand while the right thumb found her clit and started circling around it. It was mesmerizing for him seeing his girl enjoying their lovemaking so freely while her hands scratched his chest, leaving marks on him but neither of them minded. He could tell that she was close and with a swift motion she was under him then he drove himself into her again. She grabbed his ass encouraging him to go harder, faster and he was more than happy to give it to her. Three precise thrusts later they reached nirvana together.

He took her into his tight embrace and she put her head on his chest. After a few minutes when their breath were normal again Liz rested her jaw on his chest and looked into his beautiful eyes.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Red asked while he was comforting her with caressing her bare back.

"Nothing." she smiled "I just… I still can't believe that we're in the end of the world where we're not the FBI agent and most wanted criminal anymore. We're just man and woman…lovers…" she grinned and kissed him playfully.

"Tell me if I'm mistaken but I almost feel that tiny 'but' at the end of your sentence."

"But; are you sure you wanted this too? I mean you gave up your business for me." the mere thought brought tears to her eyes.

"I didn't really give it up; I cooperate with your grandfather, Mr. Kaplan and Dembe. They will run the business for me and I'm just going to stand in the shadow."

"Don't get me wrong I couldn't wish anything bigger and greater than this but what if some day you won't want me and you'll want your old life back?"

"Lizzie, don't say foolish things. I loved my old life, yes, but my new life with you is what I waited for a long time. And I have this funny feeling that you will never let me get bored." he chuckled. "What about you? I planned our death perfectly but as a stir-about you are my dear, I don't think you will slow down. What do you want to do here?"

She sighed heavily.

"I don't know yet…but right now I'm very aware of my actual wants" she smirked and straddled him again then leaned down to kiss him.

"Again? Aren't you a little insatiable today?" he chuckled.

"Let's say that my appetite is quiet big especially when it comes to you…but if you're that tired" she said playfully and started to lie back when Red pinned her to the bed hands pinned next to her head.

"I didn't say that" he grinned devilishly and lowered him to give her a passionate kiss. After a minute he withdrew for a few inches and took her cheeks into his hands. "I love you, Lizzie."

He had told it before but whenever she heard it she felt her heart skipping a beat and smiled at him brightly.

"I love you too Red."

The end.

Well, that was the last chapter. Thank you for being with me; your reviews caused me beautiful moments and please don't stop this beautiful manner. ( :