Chapter 6: Imprinting
Abby's POV
My wolf father took it upon himself to push his way between Sam Jr and I to keep us seperated. Then he started pushing me away with his head. He was growling the whole time.
"Okay okay I'm going I'm going!"I said. When I tried to look back at Sam Jr. dad pushed me away again nearly causing me to trip and fall flat on my face.
I started my walk home. The whole time that I was walking I continued to think about Sam Jr. I just wanted me to be with him. Every step away from him that I took was a painful one. All I could think about was him.
I sighed. What was happening to me? What was wrong with me? Why did I feel this way about a guy that I knew nothing about? Why did I feel so, so, um, tied to him? Yeah, tied, I think that is the word that I'm looking for. What was it about this guy that made me feel this way? I didn't have the answer to any of these questions and that really scared me. I was scared that I didn't know what was happening to me anymore.
I wasn't in the mood to go home so instead I decided to go to the library. I got a library book but I couldn't really concentrate on what I was reading as my strange encounter with Sam Jr. played itself over and over in my mind. I gave up trying to read once I had gotten through two chapters and couldn't remember a word of what I read.
"Hi there Abby" a voice behind me said. I would recognize that voice anywhere. That voice belonged to John from my science class. I've had a massive crush on him for a long time.
When I looked at him something seemed different. It was like I couldn't see him clearly the way I once did. What did I ever see in him?
"Are you okay there Abby?" he asked.
"I don't know. I think I should just go home" I said.
"Okay, I hope you feel better" he said.
"Yeah thanks" I said.
I got up and left without checking out a single book; which is a first for me.
I didn't know where I was going, I just knew that that place wasn't home. I went into the forest and phased back into a wolf hoping that would help me clear my head. None of my other pack members were in their wolf forms. The sun was starting to disappear by the time I heard a howling in the distance which told me that a wolf from another pack had phased. I don't know why but I followed the sound of the wolf's howling. I ran until I saw the wolf that I had attacked earlier. For some odd reason it was a huge physical relief on me to be near him.
He happily ran over to me wagging his tail like one of those over excited dogs. I looked back and realized that I was doing the same thing. If it were possible for wolves to blush I would have been redder then a tomato by now. But then as were walking we began nuzzling and licking each other affectionately.
Just then Carlisle opened and looked at us suspiciously. I hadn't realized that we had made our way over to the Cullen house.
"Sam Jr. we've been looking for you all day. And just what are you two doing together?" he asked with raised eyebrows. I guess he was just being an overprotective great grandfather.
Instead of answering we both took off running into the nearby forest where we both phased back into humans.
"Well that was embarrassing" he said.
"I couldn't agree more" I said. For some reason I felt so happy and carefree around him.
When we got back to the Cullen house my father was now standing there with his arms folded across his chest.
"There you are Abby. Just what happened?" he asked in a serious manner.
"um I don't know. Nothing really" I said. I don't think he quite believed me but he let the subject drop as we walked in the house.
"Abby can't you try to stay away from boys for at least a few year and spare your father a heart attack?" he asked desperately. It was kind of funny. Then another thought hit me. A thought that absolutely terrified me. I couldn't stand the idea of staying away from him for any length of time.
"No dad I can't do that! I can't stay away from him! Ever since I saw him this morning, since I looked into his eyes, I just, I don't know, I can't explain it!" I said a little loudly. I felt my father's grip on me tighten to the point where it felt painful.
"and I feel the same way Sam Jr. said
"No this isn't happening! This can't be happening!" dad shouted.
"What's happening?" I asked. But my question went completely ignored.
"You absolute mutt! How dare you imprint on my daughter!" dad shouted before throwing himself at Sam Jr.
"We imprinted on each other" Sam Jr. said. It was Sam's father and my mother that stopped my father from attacking the poor boy.
By now the rest of the Cullens had appeared.
"Jacob, oh dear Jacob" Bella said with a evil smile on her face. "Let me remind you of what you told me when I wanted to rip your head off for imprinting on my daughter. Imprinting is a wolf thing and it is something that you can't control"
"Bella why are you doing this to me?!" dad said.
"Oh Jacob I've been wishing and hoping for this day to come so I can use your words against you" Bella said evilly.
"Will someone please explain what the hell imprinting is?!" I demanded to know.
"I'll explain what it is" dad said. "As your father I should be the one to tell you"
"Okay" I said.
"Imprinting is an involuntary mechanism that only affects us shape shifters. It's how we find our soul mates. When when we look into his or her eyes for the first time after phasing everything changes. Suddenly it's not the earth holding you here anymore. It's him or her. You'll be anything that he or she needs" dad explained.
Now everything made sense. I had imprinted on him. "I imprinted?" I asked just to make sure that I understood correctly.
"Yes you did, and he imprinted on you" I could see that my father was not very happy about the situation.
"This is interesting because we've never had a wolf on wolf imprint before" Sam said.
"Really?" I asked in shock.
"Yes because there haven't been a lot of women shifters. Leah, Anna, Lily, and yourself are the only known female shifters" he said.
"It's true" dad said.
Then Bella said "This is even more interesting Sam Jr is the son of an alpha and you Abby are the daughter of another alpha. Your children will definitely have very strong alpha bloodlines running through them"
My father actually started shaking and badly.
"Um mom" my mother said. "I think my husband has had enough for one day. We shouldn't aggravate him anymore"
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