This will be short, but multi-chapter, story. Unlike the recent works I've put up, which will probably have one shot sequels to them, this will have another or two to it, like 'Slender:The Hunted' and 'Love the Way You Lie'. Unlike 'Under the Mask' though, I'm having writer's block with the two previously mentioned stories. If anyone would mind giving me some help there, I would deeply appreciate it. Other than that, please read and enjoy and tell me what you think of this new fic, 'Big Time Choice'. Disclaimer: I don't own Big Time Rush! All I own is the story's plot and the OCs Mau, Royce, and the briefly mentioned Mia!

"Brainy to Cute Puppy, subject in sight." Logan whispered into his walkie-talkie, bush hat on and eyebrows sharp over his dark brown, almost black, eyes.

"Cute Puppy to Brainy, what is the subject doing?" Carlos responded, trying to look casual as he lounged by the pool, shades on top of his head and the latest issue of Helmet Monthly in his grasp.

"At the moment, just chilling with the new guy. Wait, Brainy to Cute Puppy! The new guy has a baby, and the subject is playing with him! I repeat, the subject is play...kissing the baby! The subject is kissing the baby!"

"What else, what else?! Cute Puppy to Brainy, Cute Puppy to Brainy!"

"Cute Puppy, the baby is calling the subject...'Mama'! The subject is 'Mama'!"

"Logan, what are you doing?"

Said raven-haired boy jumped as Kendall eyed him with curious, bottle green eyes. His arms were crossed, a thick dark blond eyebrow raised in a mixture of confusion and slight amusement.

"Brainy to Cute Puppy, abort mission." Logan hissed into his walkie-talkie before cutting off the connection, Carlos catching on fast and bolting out of his lounge chair; he was standing next to his boyfriend in less than a minute later.

"Kendall, what are you doing?!" The hyper Latino asked, Kendall now looking even more confused.

"Umm, coming to hang a bit at the pool with my best friends?" Even though it was obviously a statement, Kendall phrased it as a question to be a joke, smiling his famous dimpled smile.

"But didn't you have solo vocal practice with Gustavo today?" Logan chided, racking his brain for a smart excuse.

"Guys, that was this morning. It's two in the afternoon, no way I was going to let him keep me all day. So where's James, he's usually tanning at this hour." Logan and Carlos looked at one another nervously, as if afraid to answer.

"Umm, guys? What's up, you guys are acting like the CIA or FBI is pulling Interrogation 101 on you two. What's wrong, where's James?"

Logan sighed, expression resigned. There was no reason to try and hide it from their band leader; he'd just snoop and snoop until he found the answer he was looking for, the snooping that which would no doubt bring trouble for James.

"He's on the other side of the pool, with the new guy Mau." He admitted, heart aching a little as the bright shine in the dirty blond's eyes dulled a little.

"Oh." Was all he said, peeking over the two ravens to catch a glimpse of this scene to "die for".

-Page Break-

Mau Reynolds was the new guy at the Palm Woods. His name was really Mauricio but went by Mau instead, since to him his name bordered the line of long and tedious. He was a boy from Brooklyn born to a Nicaraguan mother and Brazilian father, spoke both fluent English and Spanish, and loved soccer but was terrible at Math. He moved here with his parents to follow his own Hollywood dream, and has been a resident at the Palm Woods for a few months. He got along with a majority of the other rising superstars, funny and energetic and friendly but surprisingly Mau had no actual friends. Many of the girls drooling over him thought that made him cooler though, because he was "mysterious".

And good-looking, really good-looking.

Because of his parents' strong genes he inherited such a wild, exotic appearance: rich, dark skin with no scars or distracting acne, smooth like cocoa butter with big, expressive blue-green eyes. He had a thin, heart-shaped face and full, light pink lips, straight white teeth and a killer smile. His hair was a short silky mane, a coal black that he styled upwards with gel; his eyebrows were thin but not too thin. When he laughed it was sweet and gentle to the ears, lighting up his already beautiful eyes in addition to his super model build: a flat, toned abdomen, firm biceps, long lean legs and a back rippling with muscle. His strong jaw and cute smile sealed the package: he's been turning heads since the day he arrived.

And Kendall didn't like him, didn't like him at all.

He had no actual, personal problem with Mau. Heck, he's never officially talked to the guy! Only giving a few spare glances here and there, when the other wasn't looking. And whenever their eyes DID meet, the Brooklyn boy would always smile tentatively at him.

He didn't like Mau because he was a jerk or snob like Jett.

The reason he didn't like Mau was because for the time he's been here, he's had his eyes on James.

James was the guy he had eyes for, and Kendall didn't like that one bit.

Not one bit at all.

-Page Break-

James and Mau were sharing a lounge chair as they continued to talk and talk, the older boy (Mau was a year old) staring at James with badly concealed fondness. The brunet smiled lightly back, keeping up with the conversation while bouncing a two-year old baby boy on his lap, the child squealing and kicking his short, pudgy legs into the air. James would burst into laughter and plant kisses to the little boy's cheeks and nose, sticking out his tongue and making funny faces.

But the pretty boy's behavior wasn't what made Kendall's jaw drop and eyes bug out of their sockets. He didn't seem like it at first glance, but James was pretty good with kids; he was a kid himself, at heart.

No, it was the baby boy that made Kendall's jaw drop and eyes bug out of their sockets.

He was only two, still a little chubby but it was baby fat. It would melt away with the years. He was small and chubby and very adorable, with the soft, balloon-round cheeks and big, wide eyes. His hair was a dark brown, soft curls sticking up everywhere in a cute, messy tangle. His tiny, puckered mouth would stretch every time he laughed, revealing a row of four top teeth and row of three bottom teeth; he was still growing, the rest would come in in time. His hands and feet were tiny, fingers and toes smooth while around his chubby left wrist was a golden bracelet. It had his name on it, though Kendall couldn't read it from so far away. He giggled and cooed as James stuck his chubby, tiny toes into the pool, the coolness of the chorine-scented water refreshing his warm, caramel skin.

James cooed and fawned over the child, pressing more kisses against his button nose. Mau chuckled and ran a thin, long hand through the two-year old's hair. He was wearing a plain blue t-shirt and blue jean shorts, his tiny black-and-green sandals stuffed away in his baby bag.

The baby, even though he was a splitting image of Mau, right down to the color of his hair, his eyes...his eyes were the same shade of lively hazel-green as James's were. They sparkled the same way too, and were just as wide.

That, that made Kendall feel a little faint.

"W-who's kid is that?" He asked, choking and struggling to clear his throat.

Carlos and Logan looked at one another again, knowing that they had no other choice but to tell the truth. Tell the whole truth.

"Well we thought it was weird that Mau and James seem really chummy with each other. He was new and all, but was like they knew each other from somewhere. And so we decided to do a little detective work. I...spied on James, 'Los on Mau." Carlos began, hoping Kendall was ready for what was to come.

"After last our concert, you know the one we had in New York, James started texting and e-mailing someone like crazy. At first we thought it was Mama Diamond, you know since she calls him every day and such, but we soon caught on that that wasn't the case. He was talking to someone he met at our last tour stop, a fan. That fan, well...soon afterwards, about after three months of video-chatting and texts, this 'fan' and him started dating. It was a long-distance relationship but they somehow made it work. Mau was that 'fan', and the boyfriend we never knew James had until just recently.

"From there, James and Mau kept their relationship a secret to avoid getting the band tangled up in any dating drama; even though me and Logie are together and doing well, it's not quite the same when your boyfriend is several states away. Mau didn't want anyone hounding James.

"From there, their relationship grew", Logan chided, "they would talk, text, e-mail, whatever it took to keep in contact. But...the relationship went sour into the next year or so, why we never found that out. The thing is though that James and Mau, something happened that holds them together still. They're not a couple anymore, but...they're parents. James...we don't know how, but he ended up having Mau's son. Of course we were suspicious and that's why we were staked out earlier; we wanted to find out if it was true or not and it is. That little boy, Kendall, he...he's James and Mau's son, two years old. We heard him call James, call him 'Mama'. James is eighteen, he was around sixteen when he had that boy. Mau was seventeen, two years ago. According to the research I did, James has been taking care of him since he was born. Mama Diamond knows and so do Mau's parents but they kept it on the down-low around everyone else. Mau takes their son, his name is Royce, for half of the year while James takes him for the rest. Royce is a happy, healthy baby boy; apparently he takes more after James, since he's a pretty calm little guy.

"They never talked about marriage, moving in together, etc. James may not want to get back together with Mau, but he really loves his son. He's never missed a second of his life; he has Mau record everything and take plenty of pictures, that way...he'd have memories of his baby."

"Mau and J-James...they had a baby." Kendall echoed, legs suddenly jello under him.

-Page Break-

"Thank you so much for bringing him today. Oh mi niño bonito, I missed you so much!" James exclaimed in a loud whisper, pressing another big, warm kiss to the side of Royce's head. Mau let a breath-taking smile touch his lips, Royce's right hand curled around his pinky finger.

"No me molesta hacerlo, James. Two days away and he was already crazy to see you again. Huh, isn't that right mi lindo Rey? Ah, didn't you miss Mama? Yes you did, yes you did!"

Royce giggled and clapped his hands, basking in the warmth of his parents' attention. James buried his face in Royce's hair, breathing in the sweet smell of baby oil clinging to his son's smooth skin.

"I missed him too, so much..."

"Sorry about that, my sister insisted on having him for the weekend. She adores him." Mau explained with a sheepish smile.

"It's okay, I know how much Royceito loves his Auntie Mia, just next time let me know ahead of time. Mom loves video-chatting with him." The brunet replied with a smile, forgiving his ex just like that.

James, under that player cover, was really naive and trusting.

"Hey James...I know I've brought this up before and you're probably going to get ticked off at my pushing but-"

"'re the father of my son, of our little Royce. We'll always be connected through him; it's been a tough road but I like to think that we're raising him right. We both love him and you know there isn't ANYTHING I wouldn't do for my baby, but I love you in the sense that I know I can count on you. Not like a best friend or brother, but not like a potential spouse either. I hope I don't sound selfish but Royce wouldn't be happy growing in a loveless marriage between his parents. It wouldn't make you happy either because...because I love someone else. No, the love I feel for this person is VERY different compared to my love for Royce and I swear to you this right now: no one, and I mean no one, will ever take my baby's place in my heart. Whoever I end up will have to love and respect my son, or else they can walk away and I wouldn't stop them. Your life changes when you have a baby; it's just not about you anymore, your time goes to that baby and even if I don't get to see him every day...I wouldn't change my life. Yes being a teenage parent isn't easy, but he has been worth it. The sleepless nights, heating up baby formula and rocking him to sleep...I wouldn't change a thing. I love this little bugger, even when he pulls my glasses off."

"We still have time, James. Tu y yo, we can be the familia Royce needs. You and me, together. We don't have to raise him separately. Yo te amo..." Mau insisted softly, taking James's hands in his.

The pretty boy sighed again and looked away, blurting the first thing that came to mind.

"Royce, want to play in the pool? Papa will take you in for a quick dip while I get your bottle ready! Huh, does that sound like fun, huh?! Yes mi muchachito, ve con Papi a jugar!" Mau sighed in defeat and took his squirming son with a soft smile.

He'll try to bring the subject up again later.

But for right now, he was going to go makes waves with his son.

-Page Break-

Mau made eye contact with Kendall for a split second, the dirty blond still in shock about the baby boy.

There was that tentative smile again, expression gentle as he walked into the shallow end of the pool to let his son splash in the makeshift waves.

Many other pool goers smiled at hearing the cute tune of a child laughing, Dak passing along a big beach ball his way; Royce screamed in delight.

Kendall moved his gaze to James, who was busying himself with mixing Royce's afternoon formula. The brunet locked eyes with the dirty blond for a few minutes, expression flashing with guilt before he headed back into the hotel, probably up to 2J.

Or Mau's room, K4.

"Kendall, Kendall wait!" Logan shouted, but it was too late.

Kendall left the raven-haired boys behind, following James.

There was still so many questions buzzing in his head, and he knew only James himself would be able to answer.

-Page Break-

James had headed upstairs but not to 2J or K4, stopping in the middle of the hallway with the heavy baby bag over one shoulder. He leaned against the nearest wall, waiting; Kendall was before him in seconds, expression unfathomable. It wasn't hard for the brunet to figure his true feelings out, though.

Kendall's eyes told everything. They could never lie.

"Why...w-why didn't you tell us?" He asked, tone controlled.

He wasn't really...mad per say, just confused. James sighed.

"It's not easy to tell your best friends that you're a teenage parent that's kept it a secret since the band started. Or that I gave birth to Royce; guys normally can't do that, but apparently I have a condition that allows that to happen."

"You and knew him this whole time." Kendall said. It wasn't a question.

"Yeah, I did. I wanted to wait until I was eighteen to let the world know. It wasn't because I feared wrecking the band's image, Royce means more to me than my dream. I waited...because part of me wanted to see if I could handle it. You know, having a son. My mom and dad didn't work out, he ditched and married a woman fifteen years younger. I didn't want to be that parent, the one who walks out on his child. Mau takes Royce for six months, I get him the rest of the year."

"So why did Mau move here?"

"Because...Mau wants me to move in with him, marry him so we can raise Royce as a real family."

A thick silence fell over them now, though Kendall found his voice to break it.

"A-are you going to? Marry and move in with h-him?"

Now Kendall Knight wasn't one to choke on his words. He was confident in himself, secure and strong; the rock of the band he's been since the beginning of their musical journey to now, reaching pop stardom. He never let anything rattle him, even if it did knock him down; he'd just brush himself off and keep going.

But James...James had the power, whether he realized it or not, to shatter completely Kendall's heart.

And right now, he could his heart begin to shatter into tiny pieces as the pretty boy contemplated his response.

"No, Kendall. I mean, Mau just brought it up and to avoid an argument I said no, but Kendall...I loved Mau once, a lot. And Royce is the most beautiful thing that resulted from that love; Mau was nice, is nice and sweet and a very good father. That being said though, I can't marry someone that I don't love anymore. We'll always be bound to each other through Royce, that can't be changed, but...even though I loved Mau, there's was always someone else on my mind. I never cheated, never strayed but my heart was always torn."


"I-It doesn't matter, what matters is...if you, Carlos, and Logan can forgive me for hiding Royce from you guys. I wanted to say something, but I was scared. I know that's a terrible reason, but I hope I didn't lose you guys."

Tears began to stream down James's cheeks, he pressing a hand to his mouth.

Kendall but his lower lip.

As much as it hurt to know that James had a son with another guy, and that he's kept Royce a secret for so long...he didn't hate James.

He couldn't hate him, he loved too much to do that. And...he couldn't bring himself to hate Royce, either.

The little boy, he had no fault in this.

"James, I can never hate you. You did what you thought was right for Royce; what kid wants to grow up in the bad spotlights of L.A.? You did everything to have him grow up as a happy, healthy normal boy. Sure I'm a little upset and confused right now, but I don't hate you. I can never hate you..." Kendall said softly, putting his hands lightly on top of the other's shoulders, taking one away to wipe at James's face.

"R-really?" He asked a little cutely, eyeing the dirty blond with puffy, red-rimmed eyes.

Kendall's smile wasn't as forced this time, heart surprisingly still in one piece. "Really, really. Plus, Royce is one cute kid; he has your eyes, I wonder what else he got from you." James smiled at this.

"Some people find it hard to believe that I'm his 'mom'. Other than my eyes, he mostly took after Mau. Kendall, listen...I want to tell Mama Knight and Katie about Royce tonight, properly introduce him to them and Carlos and Logan. As for our other friends, if they ask I'll answer but I want to introduce him properly to his family. And I know it's wrong of me to ask this but...but would you mind being at my side when I do? You can meet Royce first, and I promise he'll be good. He only pulls at people's hair, and nose, and glasses..."

James began rambling in his nerves, Kendall having to shake him gently out of it. "James, James, James! Calm down, sure I'll help formally introduce Royce! I'll be happy to, now just breathe!"

"Sorry, sorry about that! I'm just really nervous, but thank you! Thank you, Kendall! I'll owe you one!" James exclaimed, soon pulling the shorter boy in a hug.

Kendall bit back a gasp, a blush coloring his cheeks. He returned the hug whole-heartedly though, smile broadening. "Anytime, Jamie."

"Excuse us." The two jumped apart at the new voice, turning to see Mau standing there with Royce in his arms. The little boy was squirming, hands outstretched towards his 'Mama' while Mau looked a bit uncomfortable in their company.

"Royceito wanted to be with Mami." He said, James rushing over and carefully working the squirming child into his arms.

"Hola mi niño, are you hungry? I have your bottle ready, yes I do! Come on, I'll feed you and then nap time! Come my little superstar, come on..." James cooed to the still whimpering child, carrying him away to 2J. He had everything he needed for Royce in his room and Kendall's room, stashed carefully but everything fresh.

Kendall watched as James left, soon turning to face Mau. The Brooklyn boy had a tired look on his face.

"I'll stop by to check on Royce after his nap, disculpa." Kendall swallowed hard as the older boy disappeared again down the hallway, head spinning.

And this was only the beginning, too.