(I do NOT Own Fairy Tail)

Chapter 6- Day 5: Alliance

Natsu gulped lightly as he approached his teacher. After logging back in and talking to Lucy before he left to school, it was decided that he needed to come up with an excuse of why she wasn't coming to class.

It took a few minutes but he finally managed to come up with one. He just hoped his best friend didn't mind having the chickenpox before sadly experiencing her period right after.

"Totomaru-sensei," He said. He knew he gained the attention of some of his classmates. It was after-school; why couldn't they just leave, the pink haired male thought.

The older man released a loud sigh. "Yes Dragneel?"

"Um…you see," Natsu scratched the back of his head. "The reason Lucy hasn't shown up for class is ahhh…"

"I'm already aware of Ms. Heartfilia's condition." The young instructor said before he stood up.

That statement caught the teen off guard. "Wait! You do?!"

"Yes but now I'm off to a teacher meeting. Please know I wish her the best of luck."

Unfortunately for the pink haired teen, Totomaru dismissed himself before he would inquire what he knew.

"You!" The librarian shrieked before she marched over to the teenage boy. "If all students weren't allowed access to the library to enhance their learning you would have been banned a long time ago!"

"Yeah, yeah..." Natsu muttered. "It's not like I'd wanna come on my own anyways..."

After emptying his pockets and assuring the tiny woman over and over again that he wasn't going to damage the books, he made his way to the center of the library.

"Where to look..." He mumbled.

The pink haired student searched a few columns, frowning when nothing useful appeared in front of him. So far the only books he was seeing were on nutrition.

He clenched his fists together. Damn it; he wasn't good when it came to this stuff. Books were more of Lucy's thing, not his.

"Need some help?"

Natsu looked over to his right and saw a short girl with curly blue hair. She wore his uniform and had an orange bandanna to keep her hair up.

"Ahhh...yeah. I'm looking for books on gaming...oh and weird stuff!" The male stated.

She blinked.

"Well...with gaming I can help you. You're going to have to be more specific when it comes to 'weird stuff.'"

The girl took him to another section of the library. "When looking for books, always make sure that you're in the right section. There are only fiction and non-fiction books here." She pointed to the wooden side of a self. "Our books are organized on subject and by the letter of the author's last name."

She stood in of a row of books and pointed to a white section on the side. "For every book, there's an abbreviation of letters, call number and author's last name. If you're looking for books on video gaming, make sure it says 'GV' okay?"

Natsu blinked. "Ahhh sure. Right. Thanks"

Well at least he could remember where all the gaming books were now.

"If you need anymore help just ask okay?" The blunette smiled. "I'm a volunteer so I should have most of your answers."

He returned the grin. "Okay thanks!"


A shout from two boys were heard before a loud 'QUIET' followed right after.

She sighed. "Now what did they do...anyways, I have to go. I'll see you around." Levy stated before she rushed down the aisles.

He waved cheerfully before looking back at the shelf. There were a lot of books on video games. He honestly didn't want to stay here and read them when he could be spending time with his best friend in Fairy Tail. The male wondered if he could persuade the old woman to let him take these books home...

Probably not. But it would be worth the try he thought .Slowly he released a mischievous grin.

Yes, it will definitely be worth the try.

Lucy hummed as she searched another case.

"Nothing written here either..." She mumbled before closing the blank book. The blonde should have expected this to be the case. Who would want to read a book in a virtual world? She guessed this library was just for show.

"Come on Happy!" The girl called out to the blue cat that was sitting on a chair.

"Aye sir!" He answered before trailing behind her.

She giggled. Natsu was right; the cat was good company. And it was pretty cute when it begged for fish; despite it begging every fifteen minutes.

Lucy exited the building marched down the streets of Magnolia. Funny, a few days ago she would have been too scared to touch anything in this world. But now, it was almost natural for her to travel all over the city without a care.

'Is it sad that I'm okay with this?' She pondered in the middle of the street.

Something hit her leg. The girl blinked and looked down to see Happy rubbing his head, stating that he was in pain.

"Ouch!" He whined. The brown eyed teen chuckled. "Sorry Happy; I'll be more careful okay?"


They reached the house in no time. Even within the home, the cat continued to follow her. She wondered how Natsu got him to stop. She plopped onto the couch and the blue creature stood by her.

The blonde wondered what she should do in the meantime. She already explored the home; nothing too entertaining besides the room filled with bizarre things. Judging by how disorganized it was, it was most likely a storage room of some sorts.

But she already spent the day looking through the items and she didn't want Natsu to panic if she wasn't in the room by the time he logged back on.

She turned her attention to the cat, which had his eyes locked onto her.

"So…" Lucy asked awkwardly. "Do you like anything besides fish?"


"Really? Like what?"


"That's…not a food."


"You're not meant to have conversations with, are you?"


She groaned loudly before she slammed her head against the couch. "So…bored…" The girl whined loudly.


An angry mark appeared on her forehead. "Shut it you stupid cat!"

"Hey don't be mean to Happy."

She looked up and spotted her best friend looking over the couch, giving her a disappointed look.

"Natsu!" Lucy sprang from the sofa. Her face flushed from embarrassment. "You're back."

"Yeah. Sorry I took so long. I got books from the library like you told me to!" The pink haired avatar beamed.

"Really?! Did you find anything?" She asked with an excited demeanor.

The male looked taken back. "Wait. I was supposed to read them?!" He exclaimed in a horrified manner.

Her smile dropped. The urge to smack her partner dramatically increased. "Of course you idiot! How am I supposed to when I'm stuck in the game?! You-" She was prepared to lecture him further when she spotted his repressed smile. The girl paused her rambling and that's when Natsu released a mighty laugh. "You should have seen your face Luce!"

He laughed a little longer, which only influenced the blonde's embarrassment. "Natsu! It's not funny!"

"Yes it was. You honestly thought I wouldn't read the books!"

The celestial mage pouted before crossing her arms and demanded, "Well did you find anything or not?"

His chuckles diminished and a frown took over his face. "No. Not from I've read so far. But I still have other books so maybe the answer is in one of them."

Somehow they both knew it was very unlikely. She nodded anyways. "Okay."

A heavy silence lingered in the atmosphere. The girl was organizing her thoughts when she heard Natsu open the front door. She stared at him in confusion but he merely gave her a cheeky grin. "Come on. Let's go on a mission. We won't find the answer just standing here."

Lucy smiled softly and ran after him. Once she, Happy and the dragon slayer were out of the house, Natsu closed the door and the trio walked down the streets.

"Oh! What happened on our last mission? You know, after I…" She didn't finish the sentence.

"Passed out?" He offered. "Well, you were transported to the infirmary automatically and I used an item to get me out of that place."

The blonde grimaced. "I'm sorry I couldn't help."

"Don't sweat it. We'll beat them next time." Natsu told her with a reassuring smile.

She blinked. "Next time?"

"Yeah. Those guys were up to something so we're going to go back to that island and kick their asses!"

"But what makes you so sure they'll still be there? Surely they would have left." The seventeen year old questioned.

"Nah. Something tells me they're still there. Not many staff members monitor that area so it would make a good hiding place for messed up gamers." He advised.

"Messed up gamers?" She questioned.

"Yeah. See, whenever you die in the game, you reset to your guild's infirmary. But when you lose to another player, some of your items are scattered as a consequence for losing. Then those players take the stuff. A bunch of gamers will join together and ambush another player to steal. I think it's stupid and messed up that they would rather take stuff than work hard on your own character." The male stated that with a disgusted tone.

"That's terrible." To think she was walking around the town like she was invincible. She felt like an idiot.

The dragon slayer avatar noticed her new fallen expression and quickly added. "But that stuff only happens where staff members don't investigate. Big cities and famous guilds usually have the staff everywhere."

Lucy nodded. Her eyes scanned the streets and she noticed just how many people there were. "So…some of these civilians can actually be Fairy Tail representatives?"

"You got it."

She allowed the new information to process into her brain. She felt safer walking in Magnolia now. However, she now knew she had to be more cautious around places like Galuna Island. She believed the only way to battle was to approach your opponent and the desire to fight would be equal; never did she think other people would be heartless enough to ambush for the heck of it.

They walked in silence. Lucy was thinking about the things Natsu told her before something else stole her attention.

Her eyes widened and eagerly she tugged on 'Salamander's arm. "Is that a clothes shop?!"

The pink haired male blinked. "Yeah?"

"Can we please go?" She begged. "It feels so weird wearing the same clothes everyday. And since everyone has a different outfit, I think it's possible for me to change."

"Well of course it's possible. I mean, I was the one who gave you that outfit." He pointed out. "Are you sure you want to change? I think those are nice."

Lucy detected a bit of hurt in his voice. "It's not that I don't like it; it just feels...so weird not changing. Do you understand?"


Her eye twitched. However the male continued to talk. "But if it's what you want, I'll help!"

He moved his hand in front of him; the celestial wizard had gotten used to his 'start menu' pose.

"I have some extra outfits in my storage. I don't think you'll like these better but here we go!" He grinned before selecting an item.

A bright light lite her body and before Lucy knew it, she was wearing a new wardrobe.

"A MAID?!" She exclaimed with great embarrassment. The skirt was a little too high up and she found herself pulling down on the material to make sure nothing private was showing.

"You know, I like it." Natsu commented teasingly. "Maybe you should start calling me master! Huh Luce?"

"Like hell! Change my outfit now!" The female squealed.

"Fine." He mumbled grumpily. He clicked on another invisible icon. The light reappeared and this time Lucy was more horrified with her new guise.

"Don't tell me." She touched the top of her head and discovered there were rabbit ears.

"What kind of messed up bunny suit is this?!" The girl quickly covered her assets in hopes that none of the citizens would see them. Seriously, a red corset and gray leggings don't make a bunny.

"Maybe this one?" The fire mage chimed in helpfully. She stood in a white bunny kind of hoodie/one piece. She yelped and stood up straight, doing her best to cover her bottom.

This continued with the rest of the outfits until Lucy was left in nothing but white undergarments.

"AHHH- WHO WOULD MAKE CLOTHES LIKE THIS?!" The girl cried as she sat down and tried to block the view from any peeping people.

"Isn't it obvious?" Natsu raised an eyebrow in her direction, and looked at her like she didn't know the answer to one of life's easiest questions. "It was obviously a pervert."

She was quiet. Then her teeth clenched and she cracked her knuckles loudly.

The pink haired gamer could only stare at his television in horror as he watched his best friend beat up his avatar. He winced as she 'Lucy kicked' him across the street. He had no idea where she learned that from but he knew he'll have to watch out for it in real life..

For now, he'll just have to take his character to the Fairy Tail infirmary.

After he changes her back to her original outfit of course.

Lucy had to admit she was feeling a lot better about her public wardrobe display incident the moment she saw Natsu's avatar in motion sickness mode.

'Serves him right.' She thought smugly.

"You're enjoying this too much." Natsu commented. His face changed colors, looking more green then ever.

"Maybe." She giggled. "How does it feel to see yourself like this?"

"You know what, I think this a good time to eat." The male stated instead. "Be right back."

"It better not be junk food."


The offline sign appeared in front of the dragon slayer and the girl yelped when she felt the sign's force push her back slightly.

She huffed in annoyance but continued to watch her partner's face change colors. It was amusing at first but after watching for some time, she grow less interested in the hues and focused more on the individual.

'I hope he's eating something home cooked and not from the convenient store. He's eighteen yet can't use a stove to save his life. I wonder if he's-'

The offline sign disappeared. "Can you not stare at me Luce. It's kind of creepy." Natsu inquired when he logged back in.

Her face went red in few seconds. "I wasn't staring!"

"You're such a prevert Lucy, huh Happy?"


"Don't bring that stupid cat into this!" She had forgotten the blue 'Exceed' was even with them.

The boat stopped and instantly the pink haired avatar looked better. "About time!" He cheered as they walked off the boat.

"Okay. Let's ask people if they saw those weirdos. But stay close. Once I start talking to someone, my screen will focus on them so I don't want to lose you while we chat with them."

Lucy nodded and followed the other teen as they approached a group of players. They asked them some questions and listened to their answers. They repeated the process yet none of their collected data was useful. After a few minutes, the pair stopped and took some time to talk amongst themselves.

"Okay. So no one seems to know anything about the gamers we faced." The girl stated with a disappointed tone.

"Arrrrggg...those bastards! They should just come out and fight me!" Natsu roared.

"Are you looking for someone?"

The two yelped and spun around, spotting an elderly purple skinned creature. He merely blinked.

"You scared us." Lucy breathed as she held a hand over her heart.

"My apologies. I overhead you talking about a group and I pondered if the individuals you encountered where the same ones I did."

"We're looking for a group of three. Two of them call themselves Yuka and Toby. We didn't catch the other person's name though." She explained.

"I think that might have been Lyon."

Their eyes widen and hastily they asked, "Wait. You know them?!"

The man looked away. "To some point yes. One looks like a dog and the other has enormous eyebrows, yes?"

"Yeah. You're totally right." She nodded. "So how do you know them?"

"It's a long, embarrassing story." He muttered almost shamefully. "But I suppose you have already gone through what I have so it should be no big deal."

"Gone through what exactly?"

He stared at them in confusion. "You mean...your money wasn't stolen?"


"It wasn't stole from your account?" The purple male questioned further.

"Not that I'm aware of." Lucy turned to her partner who shook his head. "Everything fine with me."

"I see. Then may I ask why you're looking for them?"

"We have some unfinished business with them." Natsu answered as he slammed one fist into his palm.

"You said money was stolen from your account. Do you want to talk about it?" The female inquired with concern.

The stranger looked down before scanning the area. "Well since no one is around, then perhaps I can tell you. I'll explain very briefly what occurred. First of all, I'm not actually an old man, I'm fifteen."

"I figured that much." The dragon slayer nodded wisely.

Lucy shot him a 'are you serious' look. However, he didn't notice.

"To play this game, I used my mother's credit card." The elderly figure explained. "My character wasn't always this one. I used to have a strong, red one. But one day, I encountered this girl. She looked around my age; she had pink hair and this giant rat. When we battled, she nearly kicked my ass." The blonde mage heard low chuckles from her friend and she nearly rolled her eyes. Yes, this elderly figure cursed but that didn't mean it was hilarious.

"Just when I thought she was going to finish me off, she gave me a potion. I was surprised; but then she told me she thought I had good potential. I guess I let her words get to me. We talked and she invited me to go on a mission with her friends; that's when I met Toby and Yuka. I only knew about Lyon because she had asked if he was going to play with us. Yuka had said that he was busy. So we went on a quest and they were so cool! Their moves were amazing! They told me that they could help me improve my character. All they needed was my account info and they would update my character for me. I wasn't sure at first but they persuaded me, saying my character would look so much better and have stronger moves."

The purple stranger looked away; his posture imitating someone who was ashamed. "And I gave them my email and password. One week later, my mom told me that her credit card information had been stolen and someone managed to get a hold of her account and emptied it with so many purchases. All the purchases had a one-day shipping so who ever used it sent it to random houses. At first, it didn't click. Then when I logged back into Fairy Tail, I saw that my character had never been updated. Then I remembered my Fairy Tail account had my mother's information."

Lucy released a tiny gasp but the guilt increased within the other player. "I never told my mother what I did and that I knew how they got her information."

"Did you contact Fairy Tail?"

"I did but..."

"There's nothing they could really do." The pink haired wizard grumbled besides her.

"He's right. I only had their first name so there was nothing they could really do."

"Surely, you could have pointed them out with the help of a representative." She reasoned.

"People can change their outfits; you know that Luce. They probably would have just changed their entire image to avoid being caught. Like he said, he only had a first name and there's probably a bunch of guys named the same thing."

The girl let her gaze drift to the floor in disappointment. "I guess you're right..." A small silenced passed through the group. However, the blonde's eyes widened before she quickly turned to her partner. "But wait, if you're so sure they're hiding, how do you know we'll be able to find them?"

"We saw it ourselves; they are strong, which tells me they spent a lot of time playing. They might be thieves but they're also gamers, and we take pride in doing what we do." Her best friend finished cheerfully.

Unconsciously, she sent him a gentle smile.

Natsu turned to face both individuals. "They probably hide themselves for a few weeks and once the attention is off them, they go back to their original selves. And since we technically lost," The male grimaced at the word. "They probably thought we wouldn't be looking for them anymore."

At first she appeared dumbfounded by his train of thought but now that she thought about it, the more possible it seemed. She was even impressed. "I swear if you put as much effort in your classes as you do with this game, you'd be passing with flying colors."

He sent her an annoyed look. "That sounds boring and lame. Why would I want to watch colors pass by when I can play this awesome game instead?!"

Lucy blinked repeatedly before sighing and shaking her head. "Never mind. You're a lost cause after all."

"Hey! What happened to all that flying color crap?!"

"It wasn't crap! It was a-"

As the two bickered, the purple monster only watched in silence. He didn't want to interfere in their lover's spat but at the same time he wanted to move forward and discuss the thieves.

For the first time, the fifteen year old player saw the blue cat. Not wanting to stand awkwardly any longer, he whispered to the feline.

"Are they always like this?"


Natsu, Lucy, and Happy wondered through the forest section of Galuna Island.

"Why did you promise him that we'd bring him justice?" 'Him' referring to the stranger in the village and 'them' referring to the group they were trying to catch. "We don't even know if we'll find them."

"Of course we will! We're team Natsu! Now hush, my dragon senses won't trigger if you keep talking."The male stated before walking ahead.

The girl looked at him in disbelief. "Team Natsu? Dragon Senses?! Argh! I don't even understand what's happening anymore!" But her friend never replied, and she huffed angrily before following. They walked for a few minutes in the dark; it was dark for her anyways. She wondered how the scene looked on Natsu's television screen.

Though she felt uneasy being in a forest at night, she began to feel more uncomfortable when she realized Natsu was probably watching her.

A small 'crack' echoed in their location and Lucy unconsciously yelped before clenching on her partner's arm.

"Did you hear that?" She timidly asked.

"Yeah. It's nothing to be scared off though. Noises like that happen to keep gamers on their toes and not make it awkwardly silent."

"Oh..." Pink appeared on her cheeks. Before she could untangle herself from his arm, the dragon slayer lightly said, "Look up at the sky."

She blinked in confusion but did what she was told.

Instantly her eyes widened and a smile manifested on her face. If she thought Magnolia at night was beautiful, then the sky over the island was simply gorgeous. Multiple stars of different sizes twinkled, and the giant grin she had never faded.

"It's beautiful."

"Yeah. The game programmers really worked hard on it. I think they even got an award."

"I can see why. It's amazing." They stared at the sky and even though Natsu couldn't provide any physical comfort, holding his arm was enough for her.

Unfortunately, their peace ended the moment the pink haired player yelled out "Get down!"

Lucy yelped as both teens collapsed onto the floor. They barely missed the ice attack that was thrown at them.

"What was-" She didn't even finish her sentence as Natsu yelled "Fire Dragon Roar!"

"Ice Make: Shield!"

She watched in amazement as the flames collided with the ice barrier. It appeared that they cancelled themselves out. Suddenly she remembered their smallest teammate and sighed in relief when she saw Happy still trailing behind Natsu. The girl quickly stood up and opened her menu. She looked under her allies names.

'SALAMANDER' – online


(Aquarius) I HAV A BOYFRIEND, GET OVR IT – offline

(Cancer) BABY EBI – offline

(Taurus) I JUST WANT TO SMOOO-CH! – offline

(Virgo) PLZ PUNISHMENTIME DX – offline.

'No one's online.' She panicked. The blonde looked back to their opponent and finally caught a glimpse of him when he charged at the tan-skinned boy. Both male's fists met before they realized who the other was.



They pulled back. Their health bars were still displayed but they weren't fighting anymore.

"What are you doing here?" The dragon slayer demanded.

"On a mission; I play this." Gray replied back. "Didn't expect a loser like you to though."

"Who are you calling a loser ice princess?!" He snarled back.

"Ice princess?! Is that the best you got flamehead?!"

"I could ask you the same thing frost-"

"Okay! That's enough!" Lucy yelled, causing both males to stop. Though they were still glaring, the black haired boy looked away to address her instead.

"Oh. Hey Lucy." Their classmate casually greeted. "Didn't know you played this too."

"Yeah..." She smiled nervously. "Just...recently got into it." 'Like Literally.'

"So..." The girl continued before he could say anything further; like point out her absence from school. "You said you were on a mission."

"Yeah. I'm on a personal quest." He replied back casually.

"So are we." Natsu boasted.

"Yeah right. You probably just got lost on the island." He taunted the fire mage. As an effect, 'Salamander' growled.

"No we aren't! Come on Lucy! Let's leave this bastard behind and find those two guys and their boss Lionel." He spat; no doubt trying to prove he was on a mission by giving out some information.

However, a sweat-drop appeared on her forehead when she heard the incorrect name. "I'm pretty sure the guy said it was Lyon."

Before she could take a step towards her partner, their former opponent turned his head in her direction. "What do you know about a Lyon?"

The intense glare he shot her caused her breath to hitch up and momentarily forget to breathe. Seeing that she wasn't answering him, he approached her in an almost threatening manner. Not a second later, Natsu appeared in front of the girl, protecting her from his classmate.

"Why the hell do you care?"

Gray didn't reply right away; when he did he said,"Finding Lyon is part of my personal quest. Any information on him will help."

The celestial mage peered over from her friend's shoulder. "But how do you know it's the same Lyon?"

"I guess I won't until I see him." Was his response. Lucy frowned; she detected a hint of depression in his tone. Sympathy spread through her like butter on bread; she knew what it was like to wonder alone in the game without any help.

Before she could fully process the outcomes of her idea, she blurted out "Why don't you come with us?"

Both boys gawked at her. "What?!"

Lucy nodded; now more confident with her idea. "We're all looking for someone; why not work together to find them?"

"Sorry Lucy but I won't work with this idiot." Gray declined with his head facing the other direction.

"You're just mad because you wouldn't be any use to us." The dragon slayer commented back.

"Are you saying that you're better than me?!" He went up to the pink haired character and nearly butted his head against his.

"Like a thousand times better!" Natsu reported before doing the same thing.

"ENOUGH!" The female of the group screamed. She gave them a deadly glare which sent a shiver down both their spines in real life. Maybe having awesome graphic effects isn't such a good thing after all, they thought.

"You guys need to stop speaking from your asses and listen to logic." Lucy pointed to her best friend. "You and I both know there's three or more people in the group we're trying to find. We're going to need help when we face them again."

She ignored her best friend's tiny 'we can take them' comment in favor of waving her finger in Gray's face. "From what I've gathered, you don't have much of a lead. You need help trying to find this guy."

The black haired teen opened his mouth to protest but just one look caused him to shut it. Lucy placed her hands on her hips as she waited for their response. However, they still refused to see eye to eye.

She sighed. "Come on guys. Let's just give it a try. What do we have to lose?"

Neither said anything. She heard Natsu release a large breath of air. "Fine. But just this once. And don't try anything funny snowman."

The other male rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I should be the one telling you not to do anything stupid." Before his classmate could comment further, he waved his hand in the air. "Just tell me your avatar's name already."

Natsu groaned and crossed his arms. "Salamander."

Gray pressed his lips together to avoid releasing a chuckle; his action caused the other male to bristle in defense. "What's so funny?"

He looked like he wanted to make a rude remark but once glance at Lucy made his expression change. Instead, he said. "Nothing. It just suits you is all."

"What hell is that supposed to mean?!"

Rather than answer his question, the lighter skinned student turned his attention to the girl. "What about your name?"

She gulped. Gray asked for an avatar name; she didn't know hers. She had given her name to Virgo and that seemed to work in forming a contract. "Lucy Heartfilia."

He looked at her in surprise. "It's your actual name. That's a pretty ballsy thing to do."

"Yeah…I don't know why I would do such a thing…" She turned her head in her best friend's direction. In return, Natsu rubbed the back of his head nervously.

Now in her line of vision was a giant message box. 'Fullbuster_Ice would like to be Allies. Accept or Reject?'

'Fullbuster Ice?' That must be Gray's name. She clicked on the obvious choice. The next words made her smile.

'Congratulations! Fullbuster_Ice is now your Ally.'

A/N: OMG! YOU GUYS ARE FREAKNING AMAZING! 176 REVIEWS AND OVER 200 FOLLOWERS?! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! –bows head repeatedly- I swear if you guys were in front of me I would have hugged EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!

Major thanks to the reviewers. Your comments always make my day and inspire me to continue writing. THANK YOU-

PieLover139, xxItzChaosxx,

Yandere-Senpai (Guest- thank you for remembering that about Lucy but no worries- the time will come for her to talk about it. Thank you- I'm glad you're enjoying the story)


Guest (Guest- I'm so glad you're sticking with me and are loving the story. I hope this chapter didn't disappoint you. Thanks again :) )

ForeverDreamer12, flowergirl2988, artistofthemind,

IdentityCrisis.03, Kmilakey, AbsentAngel,

Jezabel1971, Asterialbunny789, Purity Ruined

Readywolf02, Sawakaze-Steph16, SandraStar66,

Articialartoffical, DestinyRequiem, Takamiya Sakura,

Treyabarton, ChuChu43, brooke0315,

Girl Who Loves Her Cartoons, Featherhart, CopDog,

LoneStorm, fairychime-diamond47, AnimexFreakz 0.o

Mjb379, Thalmor, DancesWithSeatbelts,

GirlIgneel (Guest-do you know how sad I was that I couldn't send you a PM, telling you how amazing you are for informing me of all this?! I swear I almost cried while reading your note and afterwards I went to work smiling like an idiot. Thank you so much for being a long time reader. I hope you're still around. Thank you)

Blue0203, Minirowan, DemigodOnFire,

Awesome as Annabeth, ftx777x, amehanaa,

Coolanime14, fairyglitter101, Mrs. Limited Edition,

Tawny (Guest- Omg thanks for pointing that out. I'll edit it when I can find the original chapter on my computer. Thank you so much for reading)

Rose (Guest- Thank you! Your comment definitely made me smile)

Guest (Guest- Thank you for reading and I'll update when I can :) )

Idevourbooks, Dwarrior, Sabertooth7

Nekokittygirl (Guest- lol hearing a comment like that really satisfies the author in me. Thank you)

Xlyphiechanx, rebma726, Celestial Sister (if I put the dot between your name fanfiction would take it out for some reason X( ),

Kathy L. (Guest- Thank you so much my friend! And I don't care if you're a guest-anyone who takes the time to tell me that they like my story will be appreciated. Thank you and I hope this chapter didn't disappoint you. )


Guest (Guest- sorry about that bad image-I've been meaning to change that typo but the document has expired on fanfiction and I can't find it on my computer. But once I find it, I'll change it. Thanks again for your support!)

Guest (Guest- I'm glad you love it. Thank you for your patience!)


Space Dust (Guest- Woah! I hope you got some rest; don't want you passing out later in the day. I'm glad you enjoyed it and the rest of my stories :) Awww I'm safe but busy. I'll do my best to finish this story though! Thanks for supporting me!

HazelDragonNora and DraconisShadows

Notes: Fairy Tail is sort of like World of Warcraft where you have to pay every month for it's service, hence why there was a credit card number in the system. Happy is still there but he's often forgotten. Gray's username is Fullbuster_Ice just the underlining doesn't let you see it. Any questions feel free to ask.

I apologize for my absence in the last few months. Life has been busy- classes require a lot of attention and I've been promoted as a supervisor at my work so now I rarely have any free time...which means the next chapter won't be up for awhile longer. However, the good news is that the next chapter will be super long and I may or may not have to break it up into two.

I do have some good news; I have a Tumblr account- my name is ff-darkshininglight- and I'm going to start publishing stories and artwork there. My goal is every time I write a story there will be an art piece to go with it. And that includes this story as well! So feel free to check it out!

I think that's everything- THANK YOU SO MUCH for constantly encouraging me to continue writing. You guys are my main reason why I continue to write Nalu fanfiction- don't hesitate to leave your comments in a review. Even if I don't reply, just know that I'll still read your comments and will be giving you a shout out in the next chapter! Yes, even if you are a guest :)

Take care everyone,

Until next time

Your friend

Dark Shining Light

P.S. Happy Free Comic Book Day!