"Your Virtual Reality"

By Dark Shining Light

Pairing: Natsu and Lucy

Drama/Adventure mixed with Romance/Fantasy/Mystery

Rated T

Summary: Feeling ignored Lucy wishes Natsu paid as much attention to her as he did to his video game. Though waking up in said game wasn't what she had in mind. How is she supposed to convince him that she's the real thing and not the avatar he created of her while surviving this fantasy world? Nalu

(I do NOT Own Fairy Tail)



Pretending to sleep was hard, especially when you currently wanted to punch a classmate in the face.

Natsu kept his head down and eyes closed as he listened to Loke's terrible pick-up lines. Couldn't the idiot take a hint and notice that Lucy didn't want anything to do with him? Sheesh, he's only been rejected like only a million times.

The orange haired teen asked his partner if she would like to accompany him out to dinner (again) and Natsu waited for Lucy to reject him like always.


Her simple answer surprised both males; their eyes widened and revealed that Natsu wasn't asleep; not that Loki or Lucy noticed.


The girl sighed. "Yeah why not? Just text me the details okay?"

"Of course! Dress your best princess because your knight in shining armor is here to rescue you from the clutches of your dull life and introduce you to the wonders of dating yours truly!" Loki stated before walking away and going to brag about it to Gray.

Natsu wasn't sure if he heard Lucy mumble something about Loki being an idiot but he definitely heard her say "Oh! You're awake," which was directed at him.

The pink haired delinquent shot up from his seat. "School's over?" He shouted, getting half of the remaining students' attention. "Finally! See yeah later losers!"


Grabbing his bag, he dashed out the door laughing while ignoring Lucy's protests and her calls to wait for her.

The blonde continued to frown as she walked behind her friend. He refused to have her walking next to him; the moment she would reach his shoulder, Natsu would increase his pace and cause the girl to sprint just to catch up to him.

However, she didn't want to cause a scene and figured it would be easier to ask him at his home.

They reached the small house moments later, and when Natsu opened the front door, he sprinted inside and sat in front of the television that was located in the living room.


She watched as he put on his headgear, a device that looked like a set of headphones, and turned on the game system.

Lucy groaned angrily; she tossed her bag on a dirty couch before she marched into the kitchen, and slammed her hands on the counter. "Idiot!"

The girl took a few deep breathes. After a few minutes, she heard Natsu's voice and the sounds of the TV. She shook her head before spotting burn marks on the wooden counter.

The high school student sighed. "Well," she mumbled. "At least he's not burning stuff again."

With that final thought, Lucy prepared their dinner. As she sliced the vegetables, the blonde thought back to her best friend. She honestly didn't know what had put him in a bad mood. He was fine this morning. And though he had been playing that game more frequently (never had she seen him more addicted to something other than fire), he would at least response to her when she called.

'Maybe he had a dream about Igneel…' She thought. 'He only gets like this when he's mentioned.'

Natsu's foster parent, Igneel Dragneel, started taking jobs overseas when Natsu was only eleven. He promised the pink haired male that one day he'll be able to settle back into his life. That still hasn't happened. But Igneel didn't forget about his son; he paid for the house a long time ago and continued to pay whatever bills Natsu currently has.

However, that didn't mean Natsu couldn't be heartbroken and wish for his father to return. Proof that he still loved his father showed by always wearing the scarf he gave him.

She pulled out beef meat that was in the fridge and placed it on the hot grill. 'Come back home Igneel…'

Daring not to think of her own relationship with her father, Lucy decided it would be best to work silently, listening only to the sounds of the game and holding back a laugh whenever Natsu cursed because something didn't go his way.

When everything was finished, she served his plate and entered the living room.

"Natsu, dinner's ready."

Unlike the other times, said teen just continued playing while ignoring her. Lucy growled lightly, setting the plate down on the dusty coffee table before standing in front of the television.

"Natsu Dragneel! I'm talking to you!"

The former pyro merely moved his head to the side. The blonde's fury increased.

"What's so important about this game that you have to ignore me?!" Lucy looked over her shoulder but the moment she did, the game paused and she couldn't see much through the transparent black screen.

"Sheeeshhh…I'm going." He said as he lifted himself up from the floor and grabbed the plate that was behind him.

The female glared at him. Her attention was torn from him when she stepped on something. When she noticed it was a video game case, she picked it up and read the title.

"Fairy Tail?" The cover was black with a strange stone carved insignia glowing blue. She turned the box over and brought it closer to her face. "Follow along on an adventurous quest to defeat Zeref, a powerful mage with a mysterious dark past. Create your own guild and recruit members from all over Fiore and the online world-"

"You don't have to read it out loud you know? I already know all that stuff." Natsu stated from the table before taking another bite of the beef.

The blonde rolled her eyes. "Rude much?"

"You're the one reading my stuff!"

"You're welcome for the meal!"

"I didn't ask you to make it!"

"You know what?! I don't know what got you in such a bad mood but I don't have to deal with it. So when you're feeling like yourself again, then you can talk to me." Lucy shouted. She grabbed her bag and marched over to the front door. She slammed the door and stood outside the house, expecting the boy to snap out of whatever bad mood he was in and come after her. However, after standing outside for a few minutes, the girl tiptoed to the window and peered inside.

She could see Natsu sitting down on the floor, playing his video game and Lucy couldn't stop the heartbreak she felt.

In her own apartment, the female tossed and turned on her bed, not in the least tired. After giving up on pretending to sleep, she flopped on her back and stared at the ceiling.

Was that game so interesting that he couldn't check up on his best friend? All he had to do was come outside, apologize and she would have forgiven him. But now, she didn't know what to think. Why could he just ignore her like that?

Lucy rolled onto her side and noticed that it was 11:11 on her digital clock. She thought back to the myth about making a wish at this time and having it come true. She smiled slightly. 'Couldn't hurt.'

"I wish Natsu would pay as much attention to me as he does to that game." She mumbled. Lucy closed her eyes; making that wish had put her in a better mood and it was enough to put her in a calm state that eventually put her to sleep.

Lucy slowly opened her eyes, blinking to adjust to her surroundings. And the first thing she noticed was that she not in her room.

"Kyaa!" She yelled and quickly got off the bed. This room was way too nice to be hers. The sunlight may have been blocked by the large dark curtains but she could still make out the silhouettes of fancy furniture and expensive accessories.

"Calm down, calm down. This might just be a dream." She muttered. The girl walked to the door, pausing when she caught a glimpse of herself in a mirror. "What am I wearing?!" She exclaimed.

Her hair was divided into two low ponytails. Her blue shirt was more like a vest and exposed her stomach and lower back. Plus it gave the world a nice view of her cleavage. Her black skirt was so short she wasn't sure how she could run in it without anyone sneaking a peak at her underwear. Attached to her hip were a whip and a brown key bag that held eight keys. She had to admit that the sleeves, leggings and boots were a good match though.

"So against the dress code." She stated before peering out the door and into the hallway. The house was empty and Lucy figured this would be a good time to investigate where she was.

She walked through the house, refusing to check the rooms and find out she wasn't alone and when she found the front door, she opened it cautiously.

Imagine her surprise when she saw this wasn't her neighborhood. The street was made of stone and people she didn't recognize were cheerfully walking by. The girl slammed the door shut and pressed herself against it.

'Okay. This is definitely not your home. Stay calm Lucy. You need to think.' She took a few deep breathes, calming her accelerated heart. 'Okay. Stay here in this stranger's house and see if he isn't some kidnapper and will tell you what the heck is going on…or go outside and try to find answers yourself…'

Deciding that the second option sounded safer, only because being out in the open gave her a better chance to escape, she reopened the front door.

She walked through the crowds of people, noticing that they were dressed as strangely as her and weren't giving her the least bit of attention.

Lucy continued to walk and explore the city. However, she stopped in disbelief when she stood in front of a large building. 'No way…' Panic bubbled inside of her.

'Fairy Tail?'

Natsu opened his eyes and stared at the digital clock that read 6:35am. He groaned, clearly annoyed with the time. It was bad enough he stayed up late, but when he tried to go to sleep, he struggled.

Guilt had been eating at him all night; he knew it wasn't fair to take out his jealousy on Lucy. Even if she is dense, that was no reason to treat her the way he did yesterday.

'I'm a total ass…' He concluded. 'But for sure, I'll apologize later when I see her.'

Checking the time and noticing it was now 6:42am, he knew he wasn't going back to sleep, especially if he had to get ready in an hour.

The teen got out of bed and exited his bedroom, deciding to plop down the couch. He noticed his game system in front of the television and looked at the living room clock. 6:43am.

Natsu walked up to his game and pressed the power button. As he set up his headgear and reached for the controller, one thought crossed his mind. 'One little game couldn't hurt.'



A/N: Hello! I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter and are somewhat interested in it. If you're confused on what's happening, the later chapters should hopefully explain what's up. The outfit Lucy is wearing in the game is the same one she wears during the Infinite Clock arc, just to let you know.

If you're bored and are looking for more Nalu stories to read, I have a few that you're free to check out! I know, shameless promoting. Forgive me XD

Thank you so much if you read this/favorite/follow and I hope you leave a review to tell me your thoughts. :)

Your friend,

Dark Shining Light