Johanna sat in the bathtub inside her cabin in 4, soaking the bubble-filled water. She rested her head against the side of the tub, looking over at Katniss. Her fingers gripped the edges as she tried to keep her cool. "Hey Katniss?" She put a small tremble in her voice just to make sure this worked.

"Yep?" Katniss glanced over from the small journal she was writing in toward Johanna.

"I'm getting a little ...antsy in here." She bit her lip and looked over as innocently as possible. "Would you come in here with me? I think it would help me relax."

"Oh, um...okay." Katniss had been living with Johanna in her cabin for two weeks and they were no further along in their relationship than before, not for lack of trying on Johanna's part. Katniss was so eager to gain her trust she had been pretty much focusing all her attention on getting Johanna to be better with water. It was appreciated, of course, but Johanna was more interested in other ways they could get closer.

Katniss shot her a look and Johanna rolled her eyes. "Really?" Katniss continued to glare at her so Johanna closed her eyes. "Fine. It's not like you have anything I haven't seen before." Johanna heard the soft thump of Katniss's robe hitting the floor of the bathroom and she smiled. Katniss slid into the bath, which was spacious enough for them both and settled in between Johanna's legs. She leaned back tentatively against Johanna's chest. "You can come closer, Mockingjay. I don't bite."

Katniss glared at her over her shoulder and Johanna stuck out her tongue. Katniss slid back until Johanna finally wrapped her arms around her and pulled them close. She heard the small gasp that Katniss expelled as her butt came in contact with Johanna's sex. She rested her head on Johanna's shoulder and finally relaxed into the bath. "I could fall asleep like this."

Johanna silently agreed. The water was warm and the air was even warmer, being the middle of summer in 4. The open window provided some breeze but it was still a tad uncomfortable in terms of heat. Johanna didn't like the air conditioning unit they had installed; it reminded her of the thin stale air in the Capitol. "I could keep you awake if you want."

"Johanna," Katniss warned.

"I know I know. God, sometimes I swear you're as pure as they day we met in the elevator." Katniss squeezed her thigh indignantly and Johanna smirked. "Pure as the freshly fallen snow." Katniss splashed her and Johanna chuckled, ducking her head to down kiss the side of Katniss's neck. "It's okay baby girl. I think I like the idea of being a pioneer."

"A pioneer?" Katniss repeated, shifting in the water as Johanna continued to place small kisses on her neck.

"You know, the first to discover you. Like the great explorers of centuries ago. Mapping the world." Johanna unlaced her fingers from Katniss's and moved them around her stomach, wrapping around her hips and slowly dragging them up her sides. "Mapping your world. Your fields and your oceans." She bit down very lightly on Katniss's neck and made her moan, moving her hands along her abdomen. "Your peaks." With a smirk against her skin she traced around Katniss's nipples, getting herself a delicious gasp in response. "And your valleys." Her palms began a slow decent in a "v" formation down Katniss's stomach.

"I think you're relaxed enough," Katniss said in a high-pitched tone, pulling herself from the tub and splashing water over the sides of the tub as she got out. She grabbed one of the towels (Johanna had roughly three billion towels) and wrapped herself in it. Johanna could see the head to toe blush on Katniss's skin and she smirked as she leveled an even gaze at her. She left the bathroom in favor of the bedroom and Johanna watched her disappear until the door was closed.

Now the bath felt too cold. Johanna got out of the tub, drying herself off with the same rough quickness she had done since getting out of the Capitol. Just because she was okay with sitting in the water did not mean she wanted to stay wet. She left the towel on the windowsill to dry in the heat and walked into the bedroom where Katniss had already turned off the lights and gotten underneath the covers.

It was much like being in 13 when they slept; pretending it was to get rid of the nightmares when really, Johanna knew, it was for the tactile sensation of feeling the warmth of another body. Specifically her body. She always had a habit, even as a little girl, of curling behind the person in bed with her. Katniss would attempt to wrap her arms around Johanna from behind but Johanna would either switch or snuggle into Katniss's embrace facing her.

Katniss had grown used to her nudity, no longer scandalized by the feeling of Johanna's skin behind her. For the first few times she had audibly breathed when Johanna slid in behind her, the heat of her body pressed against Katniss with only one thin layer of cotton between them. It had made Johanna smirk to still be able to unnerve the girl on fire with just a little contact. Tonight was much the same, with Katniss in a light tank top and sleeping shorts, curled around her pillow.

Johanna moved in behind her and felt Katniss relax and move into her embrace. There was nothing official between them, at least as far as Johanna was concerned. They'd kiss but go no further than that. They hadn't said I love you again. Katniss was soft-handed with her. Johanna knew, regrettably so, that she had brought this on herself by telling Katniss she didn't trust her.

With a contented sigh she nuzzled her face into Katniss's hair, wrapping her legs around Katniss's calves and her arms around her torso and hugged her tightly. As she often did as she was falling asleep, she began placing kisses along Katniss's back near her neck, each a small gesture of the thank yous that Johanna didn't ever verbalize during the day. For every glare she gave at Katniss's help, every roll of her eyes at Katniss's encouragement, these kisses were the balm. Johanna thought Katniss knew it too because often she'd see her smile and she'd hold Johanna to her tighter.

"Johanna can I ask you something?" Katniss's soft words startled Johanna a little but she continued placing small kisses on the top of Katniss's back.

"As long as it doesn't involve me moving, go for it."

Katniss moved on to her back, forcing Johanna to stop kissing her. Her gray eyes were impossibly large in the moonlight, staring up at her in earnest. Johanna swept her fingers along Katniss's stomach, staring at the other girl. "I know we haven't um... we haven't..." Her eyes moved away and Johanna smiled tenderly, waiting for Katniss to come out with the words. "We haven't done anything serious together. Um, intimately. Does that bother you?"

Johanna nudged Katniss with the end of her nose in the shoulder motioning for her to roll over. Katniss did as she was beckoned and Johanna again attached herself to Katniss's back, enveloping her once more. In between light kisses she answered. "Every day you're here feels fucking amazing. Nobody's ever... cared so much about me. No, the fact that we haven't had sex yet doesn't bother me. I've had a lot of sex. I haven't had a lot of people who actually give a shit about me sticking around. That's more important to me. That you stay."

Katniss attempted to roll over but Johanna held firm to her; not only because she liked this position but because she didn't dare look Katniss in the eyes. Not like this. She could already feel her lips trembling as they continued to press upon the tops of Katniss's shoulders. "Johanna, I'm not leaving."

"That's what they say." Johanna somehow managed to squeeze Katniss even tighter. "That's what they say but if you haven't noticed I haven't been particularly lucky with people I've come to care about."

Katniss sighed, playing with Johanna's fingers that were clutched around her stomach. "My dad used to tell me about how he met my mother. Every day he'd come in from hunting and go to her apothecary and sell her and her father medicinal herbs he caught. He'd say how each day he'd talk to her, get to know her, and all of a sudden he found himself in love. That's what I thought love was. That you just sort of get to know someone and then one day, boom, love. Until I met you."

"Then you realized it starts with barely tolerating each other?"

Katniss chuckled softly and shook her head, still facing away from Johanna and her gentle kisses. "No. I met you and it was like being swallowed in fire. I didn't know it but the fire I had inside me, pushing me with the rebellion and forcing me out of my bed, was kindled by you. When you left for Seven you broke my heart that day, you know."

Johanna's body stiffened a little, her fingers straightening out inside of curling around Katniss's stomach. "You should have told me to stay."

"I did, brainless." Johanna paused in her kisses. Fair enough. "I didn't understand why I was feeling what I was feeling. I slept in your bed every night because I just missed you so much. And I hated myself for getting that way especially since you were determined to keep me away. You kept pushing me and pushing me and I realized...I liked it. I wanted to be pushed and pulled and challenged and loved." Katniss paused. "I was really hopeful about that last part. Especially after seeing you in Seven with her."

Johanna's mind flashed to when Nova kissed her goodbye on the forehead, clearly an indication of their intimacy. How painful that must've been for Katniss. But Johanna didn't feel too bad, she had to endure a lot as well. "I didn't know."

"You couldn't see what was right in front of you, typically." Johanna bit down on Katniss's neck which caused Katniss to grip her hands in both surprise and pleasure. "But I was here. This whole time. Burning."

Johanna kissed the small red mark she had made on Katniss's back and laid her head down on the pillow. "My girl on fire." She squeezed Katniss's stomach with both their hands.

"And mine."

Around a week later Johanna and Katniss found themselves on the beach of 4, watching Finnick and Annie officially bring their child into the world. The local custom in 4 was sort of folksy beautiful. The child would be dipped in the sea, sort of baptized in the salty seawater as they announced his name to the world. Atlan, after the old name for the ocean that swallowed part of what Panem was before it was Panem.

Katniss spent most of the day with her mother and Primrose enjoying the party on the beach. Johanna was with little Atlan, sitting with the newborn on her stomach as he slept. With one arm protectively over them both she looked over to Katniss, who was staring at her with a peculiar expression on her face. They shared a smile and Johanna turned her attention to Finnick, who came to sit next to her.

He picked up the baby, fixing his swaddle and placing him on his shoulder. His scars, the deep one around his neck, were nearly gone. Maybe that seawater was magic. "So, uh, how are things going with the Mockingjay?"

He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Johanna smirked. "Fine." Finnick canted his head to the side. He knew her better than that. "I think she might stay here with me."

Her lips turned upward into a smile as he pulled out of his famous smiles. "Really?" The genuine light in his eyes made Johanna's heart warm. Other than Katniss, Finnick was her only real friend. "You're staying? I figured you'd go back to Seven. Or to Twelve, with Katniss."

Johanna sat up on her elbows and shook her head. "There's nothing in Seven for me now. I like it here. I've got you, this sea." She gave herself a moment and breathed in the salty air deeply. "It's like a big fuck you to Snow, you know? Wanna use water against me? I'm gonna fucking live in it you stupid prick." Finnick laughed. "Sometimes I miss the smell, you know. The smell of pines and maple. But that's about it."

Finnick nodded his head in understanding. "You know if you drive about four hours north, you're basically on the border of Seven and Four. Lots of trees there. Where the sand and grass recedes and opens into a forest. If you get homesick you can always go there."

Johanna smiled and nodded her head in thanks. What she couldn't say, as her eyes drifted back over to Katniss who was tickling Prim, was that she didn't get homesick anymore. Her home was wherever Katniss planted her two feet. On whatever shore Katniss landed, Johanna would be there like the tide to meet her.

Lethargic from their day in the sun Katniss had gone almost straight to bed after washing the salt from her hair. Johanna took a quick bath to rid herself of the same thing, quietly padding into the bedroom where Katniss was asleep on the bed. Just as she had done every night for the past three weeks she cuddled herself around Katniss's back.

Except this time, it felt different.

Her lips that were kissing Katniss's spine paused as she felt her skin come in contact with all of Katniss's skin. As her arm snaked around her waist she felt the soft skin of her hips and her stomach. Her legs moved against another pair of naked legs, her toes touching the bare tops of Katniss's feet. The desire in her spiked as Katniss slowly turned over, gray eyes hooded.

Johanna's brown eyes quickly searched Katniss's as she traced her hand up toward her face, cupping her cheek in her hand. Katniss leaned up and captured Johanna's lips in a punishing kiss, smiling against her mouth as Johanna gasped and clutched her tighter. She braced herself on either side of Katniss's head and gently placed her own body against Katniss's, allowing the girl to freely roam her body with her hands. Katniss kissed her jaw, moving to her neck and her ear. "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." Johanna pulled away from Katniss, gauging the sincerity behind the statement and finding nothing but pure adoration in Katniss's eyes. She smiled and dipped down, sweeping her tongue into Katniss's mouth and pressing forth all the passion she could muster from within her.

Johanna felt trembling hands run up her stomach, causing her to arch her back as Katniss's palms came in contact with her breasts. There was a tremor in there as Katniss softly massaged the flesh, her lips still sucking the air from Johanna's lungs. Johanna pulled away and looked down at her, seeing the trepidation in her desire-filled hues. She waited patiently until Katniss finally spoke. "I'm sorry...I'm nervous. I haven't... I've never..."

"Never?" Johanna questioned playfully. Katniss shook her head, both of her hands still attached to Johanna's breasts. The lightness of her question didn't seem to calm the other girl. She kissed Katniss chastely on the lips, murmuring against her cheek. "I've never done this with anyone that I love like I love you. So we can both consider this our first time and go slowly, okay?"

She placed her hand over Katniss's and forced her to squeeze her breasts, placing her lips near Katniss's ear so she could hear her gasps and words of encouragement. Her hips moved downward onto Katniss's thigh, and she felt the girl's thigh muscle clench as the wetness of her sex came in contact with her skin. One of Katniss's hands moved into her hair and pulled her back, staring into her eyes. Nervousness gone she forced Johanna into another bruising kiss as she rolled over, placing her thigh between Johanna's legs and pushing against her center.

"Fuck." Katniss smirked against their kiss but continued to lace hot kisses along Johanna's mouth and neck, gently applying pressure between her legs and moaning out breathless pants at each point of contact. She tried to roll them back over to reclaim her position on top but Katniss took both her hands and pinned them next to her on the bed. The momentary panic in Johanna's brain made her body tense and Katniss's lips went to her ear.

"Relax. You can trust me." She pulled back and they locked eyes, Johanna giving her a small nod to continue. This was supposed to be Katniss's first time but Johanna was the one shaking like a leaf. Giving up her position of control required a huge leap of faith, and Katniss knew it. Her lips moved down to Johanna's breasts, pressing the flatness of her tongue against Johanna's nipples. She wrapped her lips around the nub and sucked gently, causing Johanna's hips to buck against her thigh. She moved to the other breast, mimicking her earlier action as her fingers rolled the peak of her other nub. Johanna's free hands moved into Katniss's hair, gripping her tightly as she tried to control the jerks of her hips.

Slowly Katniss moved down her stomach, placing kisses sporadically along the smooth skin she found. She dotted kisses above Johanna's pelvis, moving down her thigh to beneath her knee. Johanna whimpered in frustration as Katniss moved to her other knee, placing kisses along her inner thigh until stopping just above her sex. With anyone else this would've been the moment Johanna would've forced them down on her but she waited. She tipped her head back and closed her eyes, then they flew open as Katniss' tongue gently ran along the outside of her center. The uncertain tongue inside her, softly moving was creating a more productive tease than Johanna had imagined. Katniss became bolder, running her tongue upward until she hit Johanna's clit and made her hips bounce on the bed.

Katniss looked up at Johanna and raised an eyebrow seductively, armed with new knowledge. She drew little circles on the small nub, forcing breathless pants and curses to fall from Johanna's lips as fast as she could speak them. Something about the timidity of Katniss's first time but the brazen confidence she was displaying was heightening Johanna's pleasure tenfold. She rolled her hips against Katniss's tongue, her hands clutching the bedsheets on either side of her. As the slow rise of orgasm began swirling in the pit of her stomach Katniss relinquished her hold on her bundle of nerves to dip inside her, drinking in her arousal and letting out small groans that vibrating Johanna's insides.

"Use your...use...fuck..." Johanna was trying to be helpful but words were not coming to her as Katniss's mouth fluttered against her clit again, her hips pushing down with great need as she got close to climax. Her lips enveloped as much of Johanna's sex as possibly and she sucked hard against her, lightly flicking her tongue against Johanna's clit as she did so. She was greeted by Johanna's hips moving out of control and her name being shouted louder than Johanna had ever shouted before. She didn't usually shout names but, this was an exception.

Katniss crawled up Johanna's body, wiping her mouth on her forearm and gently laying on top of her, her sweaty forehead sticking to Johanna's shoulder. "That didn't feel like your first time."

Katniss grinned as she looked over at Johanna. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." Johanna leaned over and kissed her, igniting the flame between them once again as she cupped the side of Katniss's face as deepened the kiss. Never in a million years would she have pictured herself kissing a naked Katniss Everdeen, tasting her own arousal on the other girl's tongue. Just the thought of it was so heady that Johanna needed a moment to pull herself together.

She placed hot, open-mouth kisses along Katniss's breasts, getting rewarded with a short bout of desperate pants from Katniss, who already seemed very eager for release. Johanna gently tugged on her nipple with her teeth, causing Katniss to gasp and buck her hips. Johanna was torn between torturously taking her time or ravishing her and opted on the latter. They had a lifetime ahead of them to "take her time." Right now she wanted to hear her name being screamed across 4.

Her hands went underneath Katniss's ass, gripping the soft but firm flesh there as she buried her mouth and nose into Katniss's sex. She heard the thump of Katniss's head against the pillow and smiled into her, pushing her tongue stiffly in and out of the other girl. Katniss's one hand gripped her hair tightly as she used her other arm to prop herself and watch Johanna.

Her tongue swirled expertly inside her, her fingernails digging into Katniss's hips as her arms curled around her legs. Johanna thought that there was probably no sight more beautiful than the one she had now: Katniss propped up on her elbow, her head tipped back in pleasure, her chest heaving in uneven pants, her hair wild and long, hitting the bed as she whimpered for release. While gently lapping at her clit Johanna slowly slid one finger inside Katniss, feeling her close tightly around her finger. Katniss gasped and Johanna stilled her movement.

"N-no, d-don't stop." Johanna grinned and continued to slowly move in and out of her, applying gently pressure on her nub as she added her index finger inside Katniss, moving against her walls and coating her hand in Katniss's arousal. "Fuck, Johanna." Johanna bit her lip in pleasure at hearing Katniss lose control. She picked up her pace with her fingers, fucking her with more force and using her lips to suckle on Katniss's clit as she brought her toward orgasm. Her walls clenched tightly around her then pulsated hard as Katniss yelped her name out holding Johanna's face to her sex as she rolled through her climax. Her head hit the pillow and her fingers released Johanna's hair as she collapsed on the bed with a few soft chuckles.

Johanna licked her fingers clean and laid down next to her, tossing her leg over Katniss's body and kissing her shoulder. Katniss breathed in slowly and deeply, her unfocused eyes staring up at the ceiling. Katniss trembled as Johanna's fingers traced up her arm. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

Katniss looked over at Johanna, a smirk on her lips. "Do you really think I'm that fragile?"

Johanna pursed her lips in annoyance. "No brainless, but you are the one who'd never done this before. I was just making sure." Katniss grinned and kissed the crown of Johanna's head and then the tip of her nose. Johanna blushed a little at the cute gesture and threaded her fingers through Katniss's hair. "Besides, you protect me, I protect you. We made a deal."

"A deal you kept trying to back out of." Johanna glared at her and Katniss smiled. "But I'm glad you're back in. Because that," Katniss flopped back down on to her back, "is something I need to repeat."

Johanna laughed, snuggling herself into Katniss's side as they laid together in the darkness. She rested her head next to Katniss's ear and smirked. "And that's just one way to do it. You're going to have to stay a while if you want to go through all the ways I can make you come." Katniss's eyes widened as she slowly turned to face Johanna. "What? It's true. I wasn't so sought after in the Capitol for nothing."

Katniss's delirious gaze turned serious as she gently placed her hand on the side of Johanna's face. Johanna put her hand on top of Katniss's and smiled at her. "I hate that that happened to you." She kissed Johanna's hand and pulled her closer, wrapping her in her arms. As they lay there, naked and unarmed, Johanna realized she had never felt so safe. "But nobody is getting to you ever again. I will keep you safe. Always."

And Johanna knew she would. Johanna always felt safe around fire.

Author's Note: Here's where I thank everyone who took the time to read this story, especially those kind enough to drop some reviews and let me know what you're enjoying and what you aren't. It felt good to stop here, though I won't say that I'll never reopen this story. But as it stands, our girls are good. I'd like to keep them that way lol.

Again thank you so much for all your support for this fic (and the others). It has truly blown my mind. :)