Mary awoke with a start. Her eyes flew open and they were wild with an animalistic-like glow. The first thing she was immediately aware of was the biting chill of the room, a coldness seeping into her bones. The fire had long since burned out and the breeze blowing in no longer pleasant. She sat up and glanced down to her right.

Sebastian, and his warmth, were gone.

What had just transpired, Mary did not fully comprehend. For the precious few hours that they had shared, she had felt whole again. Mary had felt truly loved. And Bash's words were not empty, inadequate things to be disposed of. His words were promises to be kept close to one's heart. Her body already ached for a man she could never have. Her soul yearned for its partner in a way that made her mind sick.

She reached over and touched the soft silk where he had lain; it was cold.

However, the void space beside her was not what woke Mary. There was an entirely different presence within the room; a threatening presence. At first Mary had thought it to be another spectral, but no. The figure, standing by the doorway at the edge of her vision, was dressed as a shadow. It was of flesh and blood, the gender indiscernible.

Mary lifted her knees, hugging her covers to her chest. Although she had donned a loose, cotton shirt some time during the night, she still felt totally and utterly exposed. She glared defiantly at the figure. Mary's brows furrowed and her lips set into a hard line. The figure, hidden beneath a hooded mask, flashed pearly teeth in the moonlight.

The person, whoever it was, was dressed in all black and Mary caught sight of daggers as well as blades hidden amongst folds of leather. Blending into the darkness, the form was almost indiscernible.

"Who are you?" Mary demanded, surprised at the strength of her own voice.

Another smile, another fingering of the blades.

The figure melted into the blackness of the room. Mary could no longer see the spectral, this ghost person. Perhaps she was indeed having another visitation by spirits. Perhaps she had truly lost her wits.

But no, she could hear the figure close by. She could hear its breathing. She backed up against the headboard and fumbled for her own hidden dagger. The room was stifling. Where was Sebastian? Did he leave on his own free will?

"Who…are…you?" Mary's words held more malice this time, more authority.

A light feminine chuckle drifted towards her from within darkness. It was familiar, so familiar in fact that Mary was certain she knew who the laugh belonged to.

"I am many things, my sweet Mary," came a voice, lilting in a very distinct British accent. "an assassin, a spy, an enemy…a friend…"

The girl was all around her. Her voice was projected from everywhere within the room. The sound of cat-like movements could be heard silently moving across the wooden floors. Mary caught glimpses here and there, but the figure was all over.

"I am friend to no Sassenach." Mary practically spit the word. Another laugh, and then…

The figure pounced on Mary, whipping out her dagger and pressing the cold steel to the young Queen's throat. Mary struggled beneath the girl, attempting to draw her own hands out from under her. The figure above her snarled and pressed down on her shoulder with a free hand, the mattress dipping under their combined weight.

"Watch it Mary, make one more movement and it would be my pleasure to slit your throat open right here." she hissed.

Mary could indeed feel the blade nicking her soft skin. She gave more one valiant protest before relinquishing to her captor. The girl behind the hood smiled a wicked smile and raised the butt of the dagger's handle.

"God save the Queen."

And Mary went black.

I hope you enjoyed the last few chapters! I'm sorry I haven't been updating as much as usual…school just started again…ugh…life. I just wanted to let you guys know I love all your comments and reading them brightens my day! What do think will happen next? Who is this girl and what does she want? Stay tuned