I know it's been forever since I last updated, but...this is a wrap-up to this rant-story. I know, I know, it's kind of an abrupt ending but I was desperate to finish this story and really, I think I've come to the end of this, or at least, I've gone the farthest I could go. (Or not - I don't know, it's kind of debatable.)

Anyways, I hope you can brush away the fact that it's taken me this long to update - enjoy!

Rant Nine. Communities and Final Tips

"Communities!" Ahsoka said cheerfully, pumping a fist in the air. "I really don't know where to go with this because frankly, communities aren't always popular on FanFiction." She shrugged her shoulders. "Or maybe they are. I'm not quite sure – I personally never really checked on communities as often as I would have liked."

She slapped her hands together in enthusiasm. "But that doesn't mean that I don't know about them! Communities are pretty simple – there aren't really any manners that you need to know, though there are certain things that you might want to get used to when joining a community."

"For one, if you're a member of the staff or following a community, you'll always get an alert every time someone adds a story in the archive." Ahsoka grimaced. "If your community doesn't get a lot of stories per day, then that's all fine, but if your community gets hundreds and hundreds of story per day, well…time to worry!"

Ahsoka held up her hands. "If you do receive a lot of emails, best thing to do in that situation is shoot the administrator a Private Message and politely ask to be taken out of the staff, or just unsubscribe from the community if you were following it."

"However, don't tell the administrator to somehow filter or lessen the amount of emails you get, because he/she doesn't have much more control over the emails than you do." Ahsoka said. "Geezum."

"Now, since we've got the majority of FanFiction out of the way, I'll leave you with some final tips before you start your magnificent journey on this treacherous road. Ready?" Ahsoka grinned, waving her hands dramatically in front of herself. "Number one – don't be scared to make friends on FanFiction! I know there's all that stuff about cyberbullying and creepy stalkers, but not everyone here is like that! Of course, I don't encourage you to give away your email address or your cell phone number or your full name or anything like that, but act natural! Be yourself! Chances are that there's going to be hundreds of people out here that have the same interests as you!"

"However, though you should be ready to dive into the social world of FanFiction (I never thought I'd use those two phrases in one sentence – social world and FanFiction?) you should also be considerate of other users. Not only are there a lot of people you could relate to, but a lot of these people may be in different time-zones. FanFiction is a site for people all around the world, so if you're going to shoot someone a Private Message, don't pester them and bug them to answer you because again, they might be busy with something else."

"Number…something. FanFiction users, believe or not, do have a life outside of FanFiction. Heck, you probably have a life outside of FanFiction, even if it's miraculously small or boring. There's always going to be something that people need to do and again, the best thing to do in these situations is to be as understanding and patient as possible." Ahsoka said with a nod. "And I'm just going to say it now – while a lot of FanFiction users can be really easygoing about the constant flow of Private Messages and questions and constructive criticism, others might get riled up, especially if those 'other people' are busy with other things." Ahsoka shrugged. "So, again, it's always best to make your messages or comments as calm and neutral as possible. Add a smiley face, for goodness' sake, because smiley faces always mean neutrality."

Ahsoka placed her hands on her hips and went on, "Another bit of advice I could give you regarding FanFiction is to ignore the flames. Seriously – if the flame was sent by a user on FanFiction, it would be best to either shake it off or shoot the writer a Private Message and talk it out. Ask if he/she could offer constructive criticism or tips on how to improve instead – who knows, you might even become friends with that person that way!"

"If it's a guest reviewer, just disprove of it. You don't need to approve of it if it's a flame – you really don't. You don't owe that flamer anything." Ahsoka shook her head. She slapped her hands together.

"With that said, FanFiction really is a wonderful place to be on! There'll be a whole ton of bumps and bruises, but hey, so do roller-coasters and people love roller-coasters!" Ahsoka flashed a smile at the camera and stuck her hands into a small thumbs-up. "So, what are you doing now? Get out and come to FanFiction!"

A/N - Again, this story wasn't meant to offend anyone. At all. If I did offend you in some way, please accept my apology.

Reviews are always great - should I do more rants from now on? Of course, not about FanFiction, but just about...stupid things! Silly things! Like people at school! Or people at work! (Forget that - I don't know what people at the office act like, though I've heard plenty from my neighbors...) Or types of people in different fandoms! Hm...should I go on with that? XD

Constructive criticism is allowed, but flames are not! Luv ya bunches!