
A black tom walked along the lake. He just ran away from the battle the four clans were having.

"Why are you here?" a voice growled.

"I'm on important business with-"

"Him?" The voice was more annoyed than threatening now.

"Yes. Now if you could show me where he is…"

"This way."

The black tom followed the cat. He felt uncomfortable in the barn.

"Sir, this cat has come to see you." The cat said.

"Thank you Smoky. Now I presume this cat wishes to talk privately with me so..." A calico tom said.

The other cat left. The black tom stood staring at the calico tom.

"Well? Any news?" The calico tom questioned impatiently.

"We've lost. My father likes his other kits better than me." The black tom reported.

"What about my-"

The black tom snorted. "She's dead. I was about to kill her brother before my father tackled me to save him."

"Did you kill her?" The calico tom glared.

"No. One of the other warriors did." The tom spat, annoyed.

"Are you sure?"

"Saw her myself." The black tom lashed his tail.

The calico buried his head. How?

"Leave. Come back when you have more information." The calico tom snapped suddenly. "Smoky!"

The gray cat appeared immediately. "Yes?"

"Escort this cat to the clans." The calico snapped once more before leaping onto the hay in the barn.

The gray cat nodded and nudged the black tom out. The last thing the black tom heard was mewling of kits.