Disclaimer: Yu-gi-oh does not belong to me~

YamixYuugi ( pairing~ so tis yaoi.

Mermaid Angel

Chapter 1

The sun rose over the forest and cast its rays over it. The birds chirped as they always did at this time, awakening the forest to its new day. The nocturnal animals, which had begun to drift into a sleep, were reminded about the return of day.

All those in the town beside the forest began to awaken for a new day of work. The wives of the men awoke to start the cleaning of the houses and to gather ingredients for the breakfast and the rest of the day.

Within the forest sleeping under the shade of a tree a young man slept.

He laid clothed in pheasant clothes to be hidden from those in the town for he was the prince in the land who was adored by all within the town, which was beside this forest.

His name was Yami.

He wearily opened his eyes. He was beside a lake in which he had been watching all day yesterday. He was waiting for something he wasn't sure what but it had caused a lot of gossip in town. He had heard about it from some of his fathers solders and had decided to investigate what had been going on, the though of seeing something which not many others had seen delighted him. What everyone had been gossiping about was the sighting of a mermaid though merman would have been better for it was said to be a male. It had been called a 'mermaid angel' for its features were like that of an angel, delicate and innocent and were said to be feminine despite the knowledge of it being a male. Though it was said to hold sorrow, some had said it was waiting for someone to come and take its sorrows away.

He stood up and kept his gaze to the lake waiting for something to happen. Walking over to the lake and sat down beside it letting the sunrays lighten his features. He kept watching the lake; he never let his eyes drift from it.

The sun came and went, it became night again and he yet had any sign of a mermaid emerging, maybe he ought to not be so near to the lake, his shadow would probably scare it. Though he believed they would be more than one.

He was about to stand up to go further away when he felt a sense, which told him not to.

As he turned round and sat down beside the bank he saw ripples appear over the area of water, which was closest to him he leaned over to gaze at the ripples. He watched as a face emerged from it and gazed into its eyes. They were like his almost though more innocent more delicate. One of its slender hands was placed upon Yami's and it let a smile escape its lips.

Yami was astonished by its actions and couldn't keep his thoughts straight. He saw its tail swish under the clear waters, he believed it was a pale blue from what he could see in the night. Its eyes gaze at him.

"What's your name?" he asked it as his mind settled to what he was seeing, he waited patiently for its answer, becoming lost in its gaze.

It watched him for a moment as though thinking of how to answer such a question before it gave an answer.

"Yuugi." it whispered back to him letting his hand, which had been resting on Yami's stroke his cheek "my name is Yuugi."

Yami watched the mermaid as it let a tear fall from its eye; he wiped it away quiet and lost in the moment. He wasn't sure why the tear was there though a feeling told him it was of sorrow, though why he wasn't sure, all he could think about was the way it looked at him. It looked at him lovingly, as though it was all that was important at the time in which they were.

It leaned up and kissed him upon the lips, before letting his hand drop away from his cheek and disappearing away into the depth of the lake.

Yami was left in the same position in which he had been in before he Yuugi had left. He felt a tear form and understood now why he had let a tear form.

He had loved him, but knew that they would never he together, they were from two different backgrounds and it would never be allowed.

His tear dropped into the lake as the thoughts came to him and he realized how such things could never be.

This is what happens when you have inset day at school, are fasting because of Ramadan and its about an hour before you break it and you want your mind to get away from food~

Anyway yeah no idea when another chapter will be out.

Yay soon I shall break my fast, you realize how good food is when you can't eat any *nods*

Asefe: Yeah I know so go break your fast damn it

H: I will my mother is calling me~

*Goes off and eats food*