High School Project
Summary: Kisaragi Shintaro, first year, is roommates with Kokonose Haruka, who just won't take a hint. Couple that with his younger, weird brothers, his two violent friends, a girl who disappears off the face of the planet the moment you look away, another girl who must be related to Haruka, her conman of a brother, and his mother hen of a brother, too. And then they gain an unhealthy attraction to him. AllShin.
Notes: Below is a preview of the fanfiction. If I gain even one review that wants me to make this into an actual chapter fic, I will. If I don't, I probably won't.
Preview, mornings and incompetents
Kisaragi Shintaro was knocking on his roommates's brothers' door, which really should be broken by now.
They weren't his friends. At all. He just woke them up because Haruka...asked him...? Haruka wasn't his friend either.
Liar, a figurative voice told him plainly, for a genius, you really are hell bent on fooling yourself. Don't pretend you haven't come to the conclusion that Haruka's trying to trick you into befriending more people. Mainly, the two lonely little brothers he has...and himself.
Go screw yourself, he told the voice solemnly, ignoring the obvious symptom of insanity, and instead opting on breaking down the door with one fist. Really, the entire floor had stated depending on Shintaro's daily knocking ritual as their alarm clocks. Most of them were never late anymore.
"Kuroha!" he knocked louder. "Konoha! Wake up now, or else I'll hack into your computers and destroy them!"
A moment later, a drowsy, messy haired Konoha opened the door. His hair was open and short in the front, deceiving the person in front of him into believing he had short, boyish hair, while in the back it reached the base of his neck. He looked down at him, blinking sleep thick pink eyes and yawned. "Good morning, Shintaro."
Shintaro felt his eyes half lid while he slightly smiled fondly at him. "Good morning, Kono." He gestured to the dark room and asked, "Is Kuroha awake?"
Konoha shook his head. "Kuroha stayed up late yesterday," he stated. Then, in a plain, small voice, he whispered. "I'm hungry. I can't get ready for school until I eat."
And boy did he eat a lot, Shintaro thought grimly, remembering the time he'd took them to a buffet at one of Momo's concerts.
Shintaro grimaced. He nodded and said, "I'll wake Kuroha, Kono. Just go over to my room and tell Haruka to make extra."
Konoha perked up brightly, and smiled one of his close eye smiles. It wasn't unkown that Konoha and Kuroha didnt know how to cook, and they'd been coming over for breakfast for the past months, but Shintaro still admnatly refused to let go of his loner reputation and acted annoyed when they came over.
They knew, though.
With purpose, Shintaro strolled inside the room, clicked the light's button open (to the dismay of Kuroha, who groaned) and took a bucket and filled it with water. He left the bathroom and stood next to Kuroha's small, curled form under the blankets. "Kuroha," he murmured, "wake up."
Kuroha rolled over and put the pillow over his head.
"You asked for this," he informed him, a glint coloring his sharp eyes. He knocked of the pillow (which was hard, since Kuroha fought for it, going so far as to attempt biting his fingers. Frankly, someone who was retaliating that much shouldn't have any blink of sleep in them) and tangled Kuroha's black hair with his fingers. Kuroha tensed for a second, until he combed it gently, tugging at some knots, stopping when his fingers reached the start of his neck and the end of his scalp. Kuroha let out a soft purr, and snuggled into his hand. Then, Shintaro repeated it again, tenderly this time, now that there weren't any knots, his fingers ghosting over Kuroha's scalp, half-heartedly massaging it.
Kuroha was obviously soothed, and entering a haze of sleep wherein he let out soft, breathy moans. He really was similar to a cat.
And that was when Shintaro dumped the water over him.
"FUCK!"Kuroha cursed, tumbling out of the bed and into the floor. Shintaro didn't hold back his laugh, snickering at him. "What the hell was that for?" He blinked up at him a couple of times. Apparently, Shintaro really had gotten him to fall half way to sleep.
You're cruel, the voice from before told him. Shintaro ran his hand through his bangs; he needed to see the school counselor.
"Serves you right," he told him, undeterred when he glared at him with narrowed yellow eyes, "did you really think you'd fool me with that act?"
"I'll get you back," he hissed, like a snake.
Shintaro noted that he should start locking his room every day, whether he was in the room or not. Just in case a homicidal maniac breaks in. Or a snake was set in there. You know, stuff like that.
"It doesn't matter," he replied smoothly, "what does right now is that we're going to be late, and we haven't eaten breakfast yet."
Kuroha frowned. "What's it to you?" He asked. "You don't have to wait for us all day. You don't have to do any of this if you don't like it, but you still do. Why?" Kuroha looked genuinely curious, and Shintaro inwardly fainted.
"I-." He swallowed. "Does it really matter? We're going to be late! Come on, slow poke!" He turned around to march back to his room, but a hand shot out and held him in his place.
"What the fu—"
"Do you care?" Kuroha's voice was soft, a slight touch of hope in it that had Shintaro shocked. "Are we...friends?"
And Shintaro remembered how Kuroha had no friends, aside from his brothers, and that was really just familial obligation, stripped down to it's rawest form. He remembered how he felt, isolating himself because no one understood. Kuroha didn't do it voluntarily, people intended to leave him alone, and if Shintaro felt pangs of pain, then Kuroha was probably worse off.
So, for once, Shintaro ignored his reputation and image, and scoffed, turning around to face Kuroha with flushed cheeks. "Don't be an idiot." He pulled him up. "What do you think? I just wake up an hour early every day to wake you up for no reason? I don't need to wake up an hour and fifteen minutes early for no reason. I only need fifteen minutes to get ready. If that isn't - isn't - . God. You think I'd actually touch your hair just for a prank? I swear, I'm surrounded by incompetents."
Chancing a glance at Kuroha, Shintaro noticed the raw suprise on his face, the way his mouth was slightly open and his cheeks were getting dashed by —
Shintaro paused. Why was Kuroha blushing? Shintaro had an excuse, what about him?
Quickly, feeling his chest tighten and cheeks flame, he turned around, gladly letting go of Kuroha's hand and muttering incomprehensible excuses and 'hurry up's under his breath, he hurried out the door. Stopping just at the edge, he called out, "hurry up, don't keep us waiting too long. I hate waiting," and left.
Unfortunately, (or fortunately) that set off a couple of years of high school that were really, really emotion high, and very embarrassing.
A/N: possibly my worst work this year. But I have an excuse! I wrote this while I was roleplaying - #multitasking ftw - and I didn't focus on it much. There's a chance I'll turn this into an actual fanfiction, but I'll only really do it if a couple of you people tell me you want me to. I'm a tad too busy to be doing this, anyway, so don't feel like you have to review and tell me I should continue this.
If I do continue this, I'm going to revise this chapter, and post up the first day, instead of skipping a few months like this oneshot. And I'll make it a AllShin pairing. Konoshin, kuroshin, harushin, ayashin, kanoshin, setoshin, eneshin, takashin, marryshin, HAREMSHIN.
Please, please review and tell me to continue. I want an excuse to be working on this fic. :(
Question: Should I make this into a series of oneshots, or an actual chapter fic, and allow requests for certain moments?