This is just a fanfic thing im doing if my OC Nobody Tsume and RWBY's Ruby Rose (depicted as 18 in this story) if they meet and who knows where it might go.

It has been three years after Ruby Rose has attended Beacon Academy. And during this time, her and her team, RWBY, have been known to be the best team in the school so far, and as the students would say, are the "bee's knees" of the entire school. One day, Ruby was walking around the school, being her happy, hyper self. Then, without realizing it, accidentally bumped into someone. This caused Ruby to lose her balance, but right before she hit the ground, someone grabbed her hand, keeping her from hitting the ground. She looked up to see who it was that grabbed her hand. It was a young boy, about her age, wearing a silver trench coat with a hoodie that covered his face, with a white shirt, and blue jeans. Then she noticed his hand did feel weird, he was wearing silver metal gauntlet claws, he had a firm grip on her hand, but not to hard to were it would not cut her hand. She then said, "Th-thank you..." as she started to plush. The young man then pulled her up to get her balanced on her feet.

The young man replied, "No problem." There was a few seconds of awkward silence.

Ruby then spoke up to try and break the silence, "So um, my name is Ruby Rose," she held out her hand, "what's your name?"

He stood there for a few seconds, then extended his hand to shake hers, "...Nobody...Nobody Tsume."

"Nobody huh, that's a uh, interesting name." She said with a weird expression.

"I get that a lot..." he replied with his face still hidden under the hood. He then started to walk away.

For some reason, Ruby didn't want him to leave, while rubbing the back of her head,she then said, "W-wait a minute, um, do you want to hang out or something?"

Normally he would say 'no' to something like this, but something about the girl intrigued him a little. "Sure." was the only thing he said.

So the two were just walking around school now, Ruby was talking, for the most part, while Nobody was listening to everything she had to say. They then ended up in the cafeteria. She told him about her teammates, the Nevermore they took out, being selected as team leader, and about the incident with Roman and the White Fang. By the time she was done telling about all she had been through, she asked, "So what about you? What's your teammates like?"

" teammates are my brothers, we go as the Tsume brothers, but our team name is NKSM (NICK-SOM, suppose to sound like Nickson), im the youngest of the four and, just like you, im the team leader as well." he said then proceeded to drink his can of soda.

Ruby was a little surprised at the last remark, "Wow, we're a lot alike" she stated while she was devouring a plate full of cookies.

While witnessing her eat the dozen of cookies, he thought, 'hardly', but at the same time, kinda found it a little adorable.

As she was done eating the cookies, she then asked, "Well, anything else? Like, what's your brothers names? What are they like?"

"Kage Tsume, Meta Tsume, and Sown Tsume. Sown is the smartest and the most strategic of the group, but is also a smartass. Meta, he's...he's a little psychotic, when he's around people, he's normal, but when he gets ready for a battle, he turns into a complete psychopath. Luckily, we have a method that can calm him back down which I won't bore you with. Then there's Kage, the oldest of us, not much to say about him really. He's usually quiet and keeps to himself." He replied as he finished his soda. They then left the cafeteria and started walking around again. During the walk, he noticed a weird metal thing on her back. "Is that your weapon?" He asked.

"Oh yeah," she said as she grabbed it, "meet my sweetheart, Crescent Rose." She then grabbed her weapon, swung it around, and turned it into it's scythe mode. "What about you, I saw your claws earlier, in fact I dont remember you taking them off at the cafeteria."

He then revealed his claws through his sleeves, "Let me introduce you to Raitoningu Kiba." Then he pulled his coat back to show a katana. "I mainly use Raitoningu Kiba, but I usually save this," he placed his hand on the hilt of the sword, "for a last resort."

Ruby stared in awe and said, "Whoa, what does it do?"

"Well," he said with a smirk on his face, "watch this." He then pointed his hand to a tree, then the bladed tips of the gauntlet shot out from them at a very high speed. Ruby was analyzing his weapon, she then realized that that bladed tips penetrated deep in the wood and that they were still connected to the gauntlets by a flexible metal wire. He then started to reel in the wire and this made his body move from being next to Ruby to then being in the tree. Ruby was amazed at this. Nobody then said, " That's not all." He then leapt off the tree a few feet away from it, he then released the bladed tips, he was moving in a motion using the eight bladed tips in a whip type motion, it kinda reminded Ruby of Blake's fighting style when it was in its whip form. When he was done, all the limbs on the tree started falling to the ground. He then turned around and faced Ruby, "Well?"

Ruby was just in shock as to how skilled he was with his weapon, she then started getting this weird feeling in her chest. "That was amazing!" She said with a squeal.

Nobody then noticed how dark it was getting outside. "It's starting to get late." He stated.

"You're right, I better get back to my room, see you tomorrow?" She asked.

He replied, "Um, sure." He then asked, "Hey, um," he was the one starting to stutter. "I-I was wondering, would you um, like to maybe go and um, have dinner or something tomorrow?" Although she couldnt see it because of his hood, he was blushing.

She was a little surprised by this, but also happy at the same time, "I-I would be glad to..." she said as she was starting to blush to.

"So how about tomorrow at 7:00 p.m., I'll meet you at the fountain?" He asked.

She then said in a happy tone, "Perfect."

"Alright then, i'll see you tomorrow then." He replied.

"Can't wait." She said as they were both walking to there rooms. Little did she know that this was going to be the start of a great relationship.