Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh! and its characters aren't mine... even after all this time... *shrugs* and most likely everything else mentioned in this aren't mine, either... *snickers*

Warnings: hmmmmmm... a somewhat long chapter, mentions of yaoi, but nothing graphic... and yeah, I guess sappiness... *shrugs*

Nanaki: *whines* Nana-chan! you're taking all the jobs!

Kaiba: *shrugs* you make it seem like a bad thing...

Nanashi: heh, sorry... it's the last chapter guys... it'll probably turn out lousy in the long run... *shrugs* but at least I got this far ^_^

Nanaki: I like it ^_^

Kaiba: *folds his arms* consider this... beginning's slow, then it picks up around the middle, then the end slows down...

Nanashi: *blinks* yeah?

Kaiba: *raises an eyebrow* a climax kind of thing... you plan that?

Nanashi: *snickers* no... I had no ideas in the beginning, then the ideas started coming to me... then my mild hyperness started wearing off at the end *shrugs* this whole fic was pretty random, do I decided to tighten up the storyline a bit, for the ending...

Nanaki: *grins* how kind... kinda out of place, though...

Nanashi: ya think? anyways, thank you all who reviewed and supported this fanfic, I'm much obliged *bows in thanks*

Nanaki: 445 REVIEWS!!! WAY TA END IT! WHOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOO! *punches the air*

Kaiba: *raises an eyebrow* get this started...

Nanashi: *sighs* alright... *squints* hmmmmm, there's the end.... waaaaaaaaay over there... *points at the end* Kaiba, Nanaki... CHARGE!!!

Kaiba,Nanashi & Nanaki: *charge towards the end*


The aliens waited, impatiently. The group was staring at the sweet things on the table, uncertainly.

"Well?" Mook demanded.

"Uhhhh...." they all mumbled.

"Eat, dangit!" Gook ordered.


"EAT THE STUFF!!!" Olly hollered.

"I kinda think we need a strategy..." Joey said, staring at the tempting looking grape soda. He slowly reached his hand for it. Kaiba smacked his hand.


"Strategy..." Kaiba said, with a frown.

Joey scowled, "yeah, well... while you think somethin up..." he reached for the soda again. Kaiba grabbed his hand and held it.



The others snickered, but ignored the hand-holding thing.

"Okay... I really don't have the heart to put the nice aliens through eight of you on a sugar-high..." Yami B said, with a sigh.

"Ten of us... you're joining in, yami..." Bakura said, folding his arms. Yami B grimaced.

"I was afraid of that..."

YamiM grinned, "don't matter to me!" he clapped, "can we eat now?"

"Down boy..." Malik said, dryly.

"Okay, how about this... five of us don't touch the stuff, the other five try to keep tabs on the others who ate the stuff... even?" Tristan asked, with a shrug.

Yami tilted his head, "so... who eats it then?"

Tea clapped, "I don't wanna be when Yugi eats it! He's so cute! I wanna be normal when Yugi's not normal! I wanna be normal! If Yugi's not normal, then I'll be normal! Okay, okay, okay, okay!?" she clapped, and hopped around Yugi.

The others anime sweatdropped, and glared at Tea.

"She ate some already..." Yami said, gesturing at the empty gummi bear wrappers.

Kaiba sighed, and handed Joey the grape soda. "Fine..."

Joey grinned, "my favorite!" then he drank the soda, eagerly. Kaiba grimaced, still holding Joey's hand. Then it happened.

Joey was trying to hop around. "NOT BAD NOT BAD NOT BAD NOT BAD NOT BAD!!!" he declared, Kaiba anime sweatdropped.

"Stay still!"

Yami blinked at Joey, then rolled his eyes. The Pharoah grabbed a strawberry-flavored lollipop and held it out to Yugi. The smaller boy blinked.


"It would be best if we do it this way, aibou...."


"I'll take care of you, I promise..."

Yugi blinked, staring at the lollipop uncertainly. Then hesitantly took it, watching Yami, carefully. Then wordlessly popped it in his mouth.

Annnnnnnnnd, he was off! Off like a shot, running in circles, laughing hysterically. Poking everyone in the sides, saying "gitchy gitchy gitchy goo..."

Bakura sighed, and stepped up to the table, grabbing some peanut butter cups. Then he removed the wrapper, and took a breath.

"Good luck, Bakura..." Tristan said, with a wry smile.

"Yeah, thanks..." Bakura said, slowly. Then he began to eat the chocolate. Malik followed suit, helping himself to some chocolate chocolate chip cookies.

Yami B and YamiM said a quick prayer to Ra, for the others to go easy on them. Bakura and Malik both blinked, then started to grin. A sure sign that the sugar was working.

"Man, this stuff kicks in fast..." Gook said, in awe.

"Lack of sleep seems to enhance the effects..." Mook said, typing into a weird cylinder device thing.

"ME SEE! YOINK!" Bakura chirped, stealing the weird cylinder typing thing.

"ACK! Give it back!"

"Bakura, hey..."

Bakura turned to Tristan, grinning, "yes, love?"

"Heh, give it back, okay...?" Tristan said, slowly approaching Bakura. Bakura watched him, cautiously, then he grinned somemore.

"Nope..." then he was off, running in circles. "I GOT A THING! I GOT A THING! I GOT A THING!" he chanted.

"You're a boy! of course you gotta thing!" Malik yelled, laughing hysterically, as he ran in circles, after Bakura.

"And we have the hentai Malik back, now..." Yami B told everyone.

"We noticed..."

"YUGI! YUGI! YUGI! YUGI! YUGI!" Tea called, hopping after Yugi.

Yugi blinked, turning to Tea. She stopped in front of him, and started hopping up and down. Strange thing was, Yugi was hopping up and down too. So, you had two teenagers hopping in front of each other, grinning in a rather crazy manner.

"What is it, Tea?"

"Guess what!?"


"Chicken butt!" Tea crowed.

"EVERYONE! TEA SAID 'BUTT'!" Malik yelled, pointing at Tea, and laughing hysterically.

Bakura gasped, "she did!? MY EARS!" then he covered his ears.

"WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! I GOT ONE! ASK ME WHY!" Joey yelled, running up to Tea and Yugi. And he had Kaiba in tow, since he didn't necessarily wanna let Kaiba's hand go. The CEO anime sweatdropped.

"Why?" Yugi, Tea, Bakura, and Malik asked, grinning.

"Dunno! Just ask me!"

"Ask what?"

"Ask me why...!"




"Because, I got one...!"

"One what?"

"No, ask me why!"


"Because, I want you to!"

Kaiba slapped his forehead, Yami anime sweatdropped. Tristan, Yami B, and YamiM raised an eyebrow, perplexed.

Mook, Gook, and Olly anime sweatdropped. "Are they always like this?" they asked.

"Yes," the five normal ones said, sighing.






Kaiba growled, and smacked Joey upside the head. "Stop it!"


"Very observant..." Kaiba said, dryly.

"WHY?!" Joey demanded.

"... Chicken thigh..." Kaiba said, with a smirk. Joey stared at him, obviously shocked. Then he gasped, pointing at Kaiba, as he turned to the others.


"KAIBA'S JOEY'S ONE! KAIBA'S JOEY'S ONE! KAIBA'S JOEY'S ONE!" Yugi, Tea, Bakura, and Malik started singing, as they danced around Joey and Kaiba.

The CEO anime sweatdropped, while Joey grinned with pride.

"The pride you must feel, huh, Kaiba?" YamiM called. Kaiba merely glared at him.

"LOOKIE! LEMONS!" Yugi declared, pointing at the other table.

The normal ones anime sweatdropped. Yugi started for the table, looking cute, as he hopped over to them.

"Stop him, stop him, stop him...!" Yami cried, running after Yugi. Only to get tackled by Yami B.

"Wait, wait, wait... this I gotta see!"

"YOU IMBECILE! THOSE LEMONS ACT AS AN APHRODESIAC!" Yami snarled, clawing his way over to Yugi, even with Yami B sitting on him.

"Hmmm, the smallest seems to be lacking in some common sense..." Mook commented, typing in a new cylinder-type device. Then it got hit over the head with the Millennium Ring. "ACK!" it yelped.

"Hey! I need that, ya know!?" Yami B snapped. Yami ignored him as he glared at Mook.


"I was merely making an observation!"

Then Bakura dashed over, "me see! Yoink!" he swiped the other cylinder thing, and ran away, laughing hysterically.

"NO! THAT WAS GIFT FROM MY NANNERS!" Mook wailed. Then anime sweatdropped, as Gook and Olly gave it a weird look. "What!? They did!" it said, defensively.

"That's my aibou!" Yami B cheered, about to eat a single gummi bear.

"ACK! STOP!" Tristan yelled, holding his arm back.

"HEY, MAN! Aibou! Help, here..." Yami B ordered.

"Okey Dokey, Eeyore..." Bakura said, cheerfully. Then jumped on Tristan's back, and hugged him, lovingly, still grinning. Tristan anime sweatdropped, releasing Yami B's hand. Then blinked, glancing at Bakura, then at Yami B.

"Did he just call you 'Eeyore'?" Tristan asked.

"Did he just call me 'Eeyore'?" Yami B asked at the same time, blinking. Both guys shrugged, then the thief glared at Tristan.

"Just so you know, I happen to like gummi bears..."

Tristan frowned, "but can you handle it...?"

"Of course I can! See, watch...!"

"Ooh, a sea watch?" Bakura asked, his eyes wide, with fascination. Yami rolled his eyes, since he was underneath the whole Yami B/Tristan/Bakura thing. Then he anime sweatdropped, at Yugi.

"YUGI! NO! THOSE LEMONS ARE EVIL!" he yelled, grabbing Yugi's ankles and trying to hold him back.

"Awwwwww, but, Yami!" Yugi whined, pouting cutely.

"No, aibou... I'm putting my foot down..."

"Really!? Good luck on finding it later!" Malik hollered in Yami's ear, for no particular reason, then he started running around Joey, Kaiba, and Tea, whilest snickering.

Yami glared at Malik, "I'll get him later..." he growled.

Tea jumped up on the sugar-filled table. "SILENCE, EVERYONE! I HAVE AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE!"

Everyone stared at Tea, expectantly.

Tea cleared her throat, as she drank a soda. Then with a small burp, she opened her mouth, ready to speak...

"MAN, YOU TAKE TOO LONG!" Yami M yelled, eating a cookie.

"YAMIM!" Kaiba, Yami, and Tristan yelled.

"What?" he asked, still eating.

"Too Long!" Yami B cheered. Nope, he couldn't handle one gummi bear.

"I liked Hao Long!" Malik hollered.

"Really!? Does he know!?" Yami B asked, his eyes wide. Then started to laugh hysterically.

"Guess what I am!" Joey yelled, running around, his arms out, and making airplane noises. Yep, still holding Kaiba's hand, as he ran around the CEO, thus spinning Kaiba, too.

"An airplane...?" Kaiba asked, with a roll of his eyes.

"Nope, guess again!" Joey said, as he went in circles.

Kaiba anime sweatdropped.

"I'M THE LOCOMOTION!" Joey declared.

"HEY! THE LOCOMOTION! COOLERS!" Tea chirped, jumping down, and started following Joey around Kaiba, humming the 'Oscar Meyer Weiner' song. While Joey hummed 'I Feel Like Chicken Tonight'.


"NO CURSING!" Yami snarled, still acting at Yami B's chair, and still holding Yugi's ankles.

"... TUSHIE!" Yami B finished.

Bakura giggled, "my yami said 'tushie'!"

Malik snickered, "he did! he did! he did!"

"Awwwwwww, Now I'm a loser!" Yami B whined.

"Just out of curiousity..." Kaiba said, glancing at Tristan, while still spinning, courtesy of Joey.

"Hm?" Tristan asked, watching Bakura.

"What the hell was Yami B talking about?"

"Oh... Dragon Ball Z... ack! Bakura, get away from the pixi stix!" Tristan cried, running to the silver-haired boy.

"Try some, Tristan! very tasty, they are!" Then Bakura shoved the pixi stix in his mouth.

Tristan blinked a few times, then grinned. "Yum!"

"See? Didn't I tell you?"

"Yep, you did!"

"Yep, I did!"

"Yep, you did!"

"Yep, I did!"

"Yep, you did!"

"Yep, I did!"

Kaiba grimaced, and turned to Yami. "YAMI! WE'RE THE ONLY ONE'S LEFT...!"

"Be strong, Kaiba!" Yami yelled back. "Aibou, please, no! stay away from the pixi stix..."

"Tristan! Can you get Yami off me!" Yugi pleaded, shooting his puppy- dog eyes at Tristan.

"Yep, you did! huh? Oh, yeah yeah, sure sure..." Tristan hopped over, and plucked Yami off the floor. Yami still never released Yugi's ankles, thus flipping the smaller boy upwards, onto his hands.

"WOW! COOL! ME NEXT, ME NEXT!" Malik cheered, then got on the floor. "SOMEONE! HOLD MY ANKLES!"

Yami B and YamiM rushed over, each grabbing one of his ankles, and held him up. "Now what?"

"Now... RUN AWAY!" Malik yelled, and started trying to run on his hands. Yami B and YamiM looked at each other, then shrugged, dropped Malik, and ran away.

"OOMPH!" Malik yelped, as he hit the floor, again.

Kaiba, Yami, and the aliens anime sweatdropped.

"Hey! I'm a chicken!?" Tea yelled, holding up a poster of the Chinese zodiac. Now, you gotta wonder, how did aliens get the poster? This author has no idea, so just roll with it... heh, anywho...

"Me see!" Bakura yelled, and ran over, reading it. "Wow, you're over 90 years old, Tea!?" he asked, in awe.


"You know not how works that, you do?" Malik asked, with a cackle.

Yami blinked, while Kaiba anime sweatdropped.

"Nopers... the chicken's just so kawaii! I'll name her... Nan!!!"

"AUGH! NAN!" Yami B cried, then glomped Malik, "you remember what she made us do!?"

Malik cackled. "know do I well... kissed me, did you..." he nodded.

Mook blinked, glancing at the other aliens, "why's he talking like that?"

Gook and Olly shrugged, still taking notes, and making observations.

YamiM glomped Malik.

"ACK! IS I IN A GLOMP IS THAT DOUBLED!!" Malik cried, and started to laugh hysterically.

"Say 'huh'?" the yamis said, with a snicker.

"HUH!?" Joey, Yugi, Tea, and Bakura yelled.

Malik jumped up, "BEFORE DOWN ME, BOW!"

Tea dashed forward and put bows in Malik's hair. "Like that!?"

"NO! I NOT WANT DID BOWS HAIR IN MINE! SAID I YOU TO BOW ALL!" Malik yelled. Everyone blinked.

The hyper ones started laughing hysterically. While the normal ones anime sweatdropped.

"I'm really, really getting confused, here..." Kaiba said, with a shake of his head. Then he got glomped by Joey.


Kaiba raised an eyebrow, "Joey..."

Joey started stroking Kaiba's hair, for no apparent reason. Kaiba blinked, obviously confused, "what are you doing?"


"POOPY SAID HE!!" Malik yelled, pointing at Joey, then started to laugh like a hyena. The blonde snickered.





Kaiba pinched the bridge of his nose with his one free hand. "My head hurts..."

Tristan somehow managed to set up a... lemonade stand... well, this can't be good...

"GET YOUR LEMONADE HERE! ICE-COLD... well, not really... got kinda warm... but, uh... GET YER LEMONADE HERE!" he called, waving around a cow bell.

Then some weird girl with two small braids in her hair, wearing all pink, stormed over, snatching the bell. "I would thank you NOT to take my bell, thank you!" she screeched. Then she turned, and stormed away.

"GET BACK IN YOUR POD, STALKER 01!" Olly commanded.


"Omae o korosu!" a voice out of nowhere said, then BANG. Then the pink wearing corpse was brought over to an air-locked hatch thingamabig, shoved inside, then the air-lock thingamabig opened. Thus, getting the pink wearing corpse sucked into outer space.

"OH MY SHINIGAMI! YOU KILLED RELENA!" a braided boy shouted, then he grinned. "BUT LIKE I CARE!" he yelled, as he danced into the room in delight.

"LET'S ALL DANCE!" a Chinese boy hollered.

"RIVERDANCE!" a blonde boy yelled.

"YEAH!" a boy with a unibang, and the guy, who smacked Yami earlier, agreed.

"GET BACK TO YOUR PODS!!!" Mook shouted.

The five boys shrugged and riverdanced their way back to their pods.

"See!? See!? That's why we should never pick up hitch-hikers in big robots!" Gook pointed out.

"Oh shut up..." Mook and Olly snapped. Then the three aliens blinked, looking around, confused.

"Where'd the subjects go?" Olly asked.

"No idea..." Gook replied, uncertainly.

"Uhhh, Gook and Olly?" Mook said, slowly.

"Hn?" Gook and Olly asked, in unison.

"The lemons are all gone..."

"Yeah, so?"

"And that tall subject's lemonade is gone..."

"Yuh-huh, and...?"

They all went still for a second. Then anime sweatdropped. "Great Googla Moogla! THEY WOULDN'T!" they all yelled.

The three aliens ran in seperate directions, to different sections of their ships.



"You silver-tongued devil, you..."

"Hey, I'm not on a sugar high, mutt..."


"Puppy eyes... I'm a sucker for the puppy eyes..."

"Plus, I slipped him some of the lemonade!"

"I was wondering about that..."


"Ooh, key word! Naked! can't do that!"

Then a sigh of exasperation. "Get out... your own fault for creating this stuff..."


"Fine... stay and watch... hentai..."

Then there was a snicker, "Kaiba's an exhibitionist!"

"Shut up..."

After a few seconds, Gook walked out, totally shocked, and wide-eyed. And would be in desperate need of tissue... er, if they had noses, I mean... meanwhile.

"...... WHAT'RE YOU DOING IN HERE!?!?" Mook shouted.

"The others rooms were taken! Get out!"


"Come back later..."

Mook stomped out of the room grumbling to itself, and hiding its eyes. "I think I'm traumatized... uhh, not really..."

"HEY! THE LIGHTS! Man, some people are so inconsiderate!"

"There, there, love... it's the clapper..."


"... I love you!"

"Heh, thank you... I love you, too!"

Mook anime sweatdropped. Then shook its head, and stormed back to the room where the whole thing started. Where Gook was, and it looking downright peeved.

Mook sighed, "who'd you have?"

"The blonde and redhead, in my room!" Gook snapped, waving his hands in the air, in exasperation.

"Really? I had the tall one and the silver-haired one..." Mook said, with a shrug.

Olly stormed into the room, drooling. Mook and Gook anime sweatdropped. "What?" they asked, slowly.

"I saw the red-eyed one! And the violet-eyed one!" Olly squealed, and hugged itself. "SO VERY PRETTY! AND SO VERY DROOLY-WORTHY! AND SO...!"

"You hen-tie..." the two aliens said, with a roll of their eyes.

"Okay... that's six... where's the other four..." Gook asked. Then they heard some thumping. And other, uhhh... unusual noises. So the aliens walked over to the door, and as it slid open, they walked inside. It was dark.



"Interruptions have we!" then hysterical laughter.

"Ra, we really have to get that sugar out of his system..."


"WHY ARE YOU IN HERE!!!???" the three aliens shouted, in rage. Well, two of them shouted, Olly was leering and drooling.

"Ooh wow!"

"That one's a yaoi hentai..."

"What was your first guess?"

"UGH! THAT DOES IT! GET OUT!" Gook ordered.

"Naked are we... minds sick asking us for do to that..."

The aliens stormed out of the room. "They're all impossible!" Gook growled.

Mook looked thoughtful, "well, we did offer it to them..."

"Shut up!" then Gook blinked, "where's Olly?"

Both aliens blinked, then sighed the anime mushroom sigh. "OLLY! GET OUT OF THERE! YOU HEN-TIE!"

Olly walked out of the room, wiping away its drool. "Sorry...?" Mook and Gook rolled their eyes.

"Well, now what?" Mook asked.

Gook frowned, "let's take them back... we won't get anything done with them... Mook, set a course back to Earth..."

Mook nodded. Then Gook turned to Olly, "Olly... find the female human... and set the timers for cleaning each of the rooms..."

Olly nodded. Then walked over to the control panel, and yanked it open, revealing... Tea?

Tea was giggling, "shhhhhh... they all ran away, so I assumed we were playing hide n' seek... and so far no one's found me yet... yay, huh?"

Olly anime sweatdropped, "uhhh... yeah, yay..." then it closed the door, and walked away, shaking its head, in disbelief.


Yami yawned, as he stretched. Then he blinked, looking down, seeing Yugi snuggled up to him, his head against his chest.


Yugi opened his eyes, and blinked, then looked up at Yami. Then he smiled, brightly. "Ohayo, Yami..."

Yami smiled, "good morning..."

Then an alarm clock went off. Yugi sat up, as did Yami. "What th..?!" Yugi reached over, blinking as he grabbed the familiar digital clock. Then he switched the alarm off.

Then the two of them realized, they were in Yugi's room. At home.


Bakura opened one eye, slowly. His head pounding. Oh no... he was waking up next to someone. Hesitantly, he looked up. Then sighed in relief.


Tristan yawned, then slowly opened his eyes, then stretched, looking at Bakura. "Hey..."

"Hey..." Bakura said, smiling.

"You been awake long?"

Bakura shook his head. Tristan's brow furrowed, thoughtfully, "strange..."

Bakura blinked, "what?"

"I have that exact same poster in my room..."

Bakura glanced at the wall. Then he sat up, confused. "We are in your room..."

Tristan sat up, blinking. "Wow..." he anime sweatdropped, "how'd we get here? Last I checked we were... well, uhhh, not here..."

Bakura shook his head, "I have no idea..."


"WHY DID YOU GET THE BED, AND I DIDN'T?!" YamiM shouted, chasing Yami B around the house.



Malik anime sweatdropped, then lifted his foot, to avoid it being trampled as the two yamis raced by again. Then he casually went back to reading the newspaper, ignoring the two of them.

However they got home... it was a relief. So to speak.


Joey winced, his neck aching. Then he yawned, and snuggled clser to the source of heat. Then he frowned. Okay, this was weird. Then the blonde looked up, seeing Kaiba.

Oh... well this was definitely something for the record... Kaiba was sleeping peacefully, holding Joey. Actually, it did happen before, but that wasn't exactly Kaiba's choice. But right now...

Joey grimaced, and started to try and pull free. Just when he thought he was getting somewhere, Kaiba pulled him back in.


"Where do you think you're going?" Kaiba asked, his eyes still closed.

"Uhhhhhh... nowhere?"

"That's what I thought..."

"Hey, uhhhh... Kaiba..."


"What am I doin here?"

"You tell me..."

Joey anime sweatdropped, then looked underneath the sheets. Then turned red, lowering the sheets back, sitting up, "WAIT A SECOND! YOU AND ME! WE... DID...! DID WE...!?" he managed to choke out.

Kaiba opened his eyes, then sat up. "Apparently... and you wanted to make it one-night stand by leaving..."

Joey swallowed, "huh?"

Kaiba frowned, "you're mine now, Joey..."

Joey started to turn red, "huh?"

The CEO smirked, "you're mine..."

"Hey, buddy-boy! you just can't go claimin me! You got that?!" Joey growled. Kaiba reached up, then casually pressed his two fingers on a rather tender area on Joey's neck. Joey anime sweatdropped. A hickey? From Seto Kaiba!? "WHAT THE HELL..!?"

"You asked for it..."


Kaiba's smirk became an almost gentle smile. "You asked for it... saying a lot of things, actually... I'm not one to take advantage of someone, but you seemed geniunely fine... you even said you loved me..."

Joey turned beet-red, "I what!?"

Kaiba turned to him, his eyes cold and hard as ice, "you never meant it?"

Joey anime sweatdropped, "I, uhhh... I dunno, Kaiba..."

Kaiba frowned, "it's not that difficult... can you see yourself, without me..." Joey blinked. The redhead lowered his head, looking thoughtful.

"I was awake for over an hour, thinking that over... can I see myeself without seeing you everyday... being around you...?" Kaiba frowned, then gave Joey a look. "Everything you do, Joey... annoys the hell out of me... but, then I realized, that's the reason I started developing feelings... for you, of all people..."

"Well, gee, thanks..." Joey said, sarcastically.

"You can leave, Joey..." Kaiba looked back at him, then gently held either side of the blonde's face.

"Uhhh, kinda can't do that with you holdin me..." Joey said, with a forced grin. Kaiba smirked, then brought his mouth to Joey's, kissing him, softly.

Joey froze, definitely something for the records. Seto Kaiba kissing him. Even weirder, he was making no move to leave.

Then the bedroom door was slammed open, Kaiba whipped his head around. "What the...!?"

"ACK!" Joey yelped, and ducked under the sheets, hastily.

"Mokuba?" Kaiba asked, confused, "what is it?"

"The school called... they've been calling for the past two days straight... I've been checking your room with each phone call, and look, Seto... you're actually here!" Mokuba said, with a wide grin.

Kaiba frowned, "you always kick my door in, when I'm not around?"

"Heh, no? Anyways, here..." Mokuba said, smiling innocently, as he handed Kaiba the phone. Then he smirked, "morning, Joey..."

Joey blinked, not getting out from under the sheets, "uhhh, hi?"

"Out, Mokuba..." Kaiba ordered. Mokuba shrugged, and walked out.

Kaiba got up, cradling the phone under his chin, as he got dressed. "Yes? Mrs. Crikey...?" he scowled. "I don't know... yeah, I'm fine... Joey Wheeler's home, safe and sound... I'm not sure about the others... most likely... yeah... fine... No, my day's clear today... alright, fine... bye..." Then he turned the phone off.

Joey blinked, "what's up?"

Kaiba shrugged, "she was just checking if I got home... apparently she was calling my place, your place, Yugi's, Tristan's, Bakura's, Tea's, and Malik's... she wants us all to meet her at the school..." then Kaiba started for the door.

"Hurry up, breakfast should be ready by now... try not to get lost..." then he walked out.

Joey anime sweatdropped. "Sure, sleep with him, he still thinks I'm incompetant..." he grumbled. Then he snickered, and finished getting dressed, then ran after Kaiba.


Tea was already awake, dancing in front of her full-length mirror, singing into a hairbrush. Yep, she was the first to find out about their homecoming. But like the others, er, except the two that weren't on the sugar high, she didn't remember much...



Mrs. Crikey pursed her lips, watching the seven teenagers doubtfully. They all fidgeted. Then the woman frowned.

"You all know I find that story hard to believe..."

"Yes ma'am..." the students said, sighing.

"For all I know, you all could have just traumatized your driver, then went out on some joyride... worrying many of the school's staff!"

"Notice she said 'many', and not 'all'..." Malik hissed to the others. They all nodded, in a very subtle manner.

"But... you all seem to be safe and sound... meaning you all must be very well-prepared for such situations of being on your own... and since you missed some rather easy marks for your enviromental studies..." Mrs. Crikey paused, shooting each of them a look.

The teenagers all glanced at each other, then shrugged, not really knowing where the old lady was going with all this.

Then Mrs. Cirkey went on. "I think this suggestion will be a double- edged sword kind of deal... you can take out the younger kids out in the wild, for survival training... how's that? Easy marks, for the ones you've missed..."

".............." they all were speechless.




Nanashi: Kaiba... Nanaki, it's been a pleasure working with you... *shakes their hands*

Kaiba: *anime sweatdrops* you make it sound like you're never gonna write another fic...

Nanaki: *snickers* yeah, Nana-chan!

Nanashi: ..................

Kaiba: what!?

Nanaki: *gasps* Nana-chan! YOU WOULDN'T!

Nanashi: *grins* kidding! ^_^ *glomps Kaiba, and hugs Nanaki* ah, the joy of messing with someone!

Kaiba & Nanaki: *anime sweatdrops*

Nanashi: *blinks* hey! anyone have any ideas what to do now?

Nanaki: *thinks for a second* ..... bloopers!

Kaiba: what?

Nanaki: bloopers for the fic! It all couldn't be smooth sailing, could it?

Nanashi: *anime sweatdrops* I don't think I have the skill to do that... ^_^() I dunno, whatever I can do... nah, nice even number that Chapter 30... ah well...

Kaiba: there were some suggestions that you write a sequel...

Nanaki: hey, yeah! there you go, Nana-chan!

Nanashi: *anime sweatdrops* I don't think so...

Kaiba & Nanaki: huh?

Nanashi: I'm lousy with sequels... er, anywho, I'll come up with something ^_^ *waves* thanks all for the gifts, and sorry I haven't used them all... and thanks for the suggestions, and yeah, sorry again for not using them all... *blinks* oh yeah... DarkSetoKaiba *smiles* I am opening up my horizons... particularly to Honda/Kaiba...

Kaiba: *rolls his eyes*

Nanaki: *grins* wai, huh!? ^_^

Nanashi: *grins* call me a sucker, I don't think I can ever change my mind about Honda/Ryou... sad huh?... but, yeah thanks, I'll try, though ^_^

Yugi: *runs in* I LOVE YOU ALL! *smiles cutely at the readers, then runs out, again* pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix! pixi stix!

Kaiba,Nanashi & Nanaki: *anime sweatdrops*

Nanashi: *blinks* my pixi stix? ack! Yugi, no...! *runs after Yugi*

Nanaki: hey, I want some! *runs after Nana-chan*

Kaiba: *rolls his eyes* alright, it's over, people... *smirks* thanks for reading... *turns off the light, then walks out, closing the door*