Yo Peeps, GateMasterGreen here with a new story. As of now, I am currently unable to work on the other fics I have, as all the chapters in progress are on google docs, including bcb2... Sorry. Thus, I am here with a side fic that will be purely iPod usage so the doc problem won't occur. If you're curious why I can't access the documents, blame my shitty computer and it's glorious malfuntionry. Alright! Pairing *claps hands together* Nuts and Dolts! Yes. I was reading the few fics of it in the archive and got struck right in the feels. This leads me to want to make one with a happier ending, instead of bittersweet. Side note: I can answer PM's still, so don't worry about that. I know reviews are hard to come by for me, PM's even more so, but I do appreciate anyone who takes the time to talk to me.


Disclaimer: If you think I own RWBY, good for you, you ignorant person, you!

For Penny, the first stage to being with her friend Ruby was to escape from her creators. Thankfully she was built in such a way as to not need a lab full of scientist for continued workability. She was self sustaining as well as powered by multiple sources. She could plug in to a wall socket for the night, use a built in solar panel during the day, etc. However, some things still intrigued her.

She could feel human emotion, like anger and joy, yet was without a sense of taste. She was clumsy and awkward when speaking, but not completely ignorant. She had spent a few weeks hidden in Team RWBY's dorm, learning from the team, but mostly their adorable little leader.

Ruby was the one who convinced the others to let Penny stay, saying that the robot girl just needed more friends to get used to the world. Yang supported her sister, but seemed to be skeptical for whatever reason. Blake didn't seem to care as long as her reading was not interrupted... Well, anymore than Yang interrupted her. Weiss, outvoted, just conceded defeat and grumbled about it.

The four in question? Asleep in their beds. Penny? Sitting in a chair and staring at the stars. She watched them twinkle as her memory core replayed stored memories of her and the other girls. They were so lucky, she supposed. They were human and could live as humans do. She could not, a source of an emotion Ruby helped Penny identify as envy. Penny wanted to be human. She had feelings! She frowned. Yep, feelings. Including those of confusing proportions all directed at the youngest of Team RWBY. She would've asked Ruby, but something told her not to... She had no idea why.

So, here she sat. Envying the four sleeping girls and plugged into a wall and watching the stars. A small flash in the sky caught her attention. A shooting star. She remembered reading in one of the many books the team had, that wishes could be made upon stars. Penny sighed. What does a robot wish for. Humans tended to wish on what they wanted most! That's it! She would wish for what she wanted most.

"I wish," Penny murmured, "I wish (1)... To be human. I wish to be a Homo Sapien." What happened next was a bit strange. Her eyes began shutting on their own. She felt as if she weighed a lot more then she did and found her head slumping lower. What was happening? He mind went fuzzy and she desperately fought to keep focus, but it was in vain. After a few more blinks, she slumped forward, a slight snore escaping the sleeping form of Penny.

The cord in the wall faded and Penny was wrapped in a cocoon of energy, though no one was there to lay witness to it. Soon, the light faded and Penny resumed to sleep as she had before, though she had never slept before...

Slowly, night faded into day and Saturday came to be. With it came the awakening of a certain cookie junkie. Ruby Rose was waking up. Silver eyes flickered open, trying to clear enough to be able to see. Of her team, she woke up the earliest...for obvious reasons. Weiss was used to pampered life, thus woke up when she wanted. Blake was a cat faunus and sometimes only really lived to sleep, which got her teased a few times. Yang? The mountain of mane was lazier than anyone else and just loved to lounge about if she were able.

Shaking her head, Ruby rubbed her eyes and glanced around, propped up on one elbow. Across from her, Yang was sprawled across her bunk, Blake snoozing on the mattress below. Ruby moved to check Weiss, but her eyes stuck on Penny's unmoving form.

A little concerned, the leader hopped down and padded over to the android. Peeking at the girls face, Ruby saw her eyes closed. She thought Penny didn't sleep. Wait, her cord was nowhere to be seen! Did she not charge herself? She went to prod the girl to see if she was still all there. Imagine her surprise when, instead of cords under flesh, Penny's skin squished and paled.

"Tired..." Murmured Penny, a hand half-heartedly swatting at her assaulter.

Ruby's eyes widened and she began shaking the girl. "Penny, weird as it is to say this, wake up!"

Green eyes shot open. "What?! Was I asleep?"

Her shout, though, awakened the other three, much to their equal displeasure. "Why did you have to wake us up, Penny? I thought you'd said that you would leave us to our sleep."

"Weiss," started Ruby. "Something weird happened. Penny was asleep."

"So? What does that have to do with things?" She was running her eyes now, trying to focus.

Ruby frowned. "Oh, I don't know. Because SHE'S A FREAKING ROBOT!"

Yang groaned and clutched her ears. "So the robot fell asleep. Big whoop. What next, you gonna tell me she's actually human?"

Penny quirked a brow and Ruby replied. "Um, yes I was. She's a bit different. I poked her arm and there weren't cords underneath her skin, it felt more human. She has musculature now and we skin behaves like a human's would, despite not having done so before." They had tested that, just to see how life-like Penny was. Her skin didn't change hues when prodded and pressed, no blood in her system to make it that way.

By now Penny was grinning wildly. "So it worked." She said cheerfully."

That caused all four to look at her and Blake asked the question they all had. "What worked?"

"My wish!" She giggled. "I wished on a shooting star and, next thing I know, I fell asleep. All my self-diagnostic programs are gone and I can feel things." She clapped her hands together and laughed. "I'm human!"


(1) I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons in a land apart. XD

So, what'd you think? I know the shooting star is a cliche, but it was much simpler than the highly involved sci-fi shit I was thinking of at first. So, opinions. Should I continue? Does it suck? Tell me. In the meantime, Imma take a page from Penny and snooze. Au revoir, Peeps. This is GMG, Signing off!