Hello! This is a new fanfiction I have wanted to write for a while!
This is based off a real life experience, so what I will write is from MY personal experience (somewhat :b)
Anyway, please enjoy this story! I hope it will be a nice story to read!
~The Girl In The Darkk

It was a rainy morning in the bustling city of New York. The blue haired boy woke up with a grunt. Propping himself on his elbows, the young teen let out aloud yawn, before grabbing the laptop that rested on his nightstand. Ciel turned the computer on, and put his earbuds in. The laptop turned on, as the bluenette logged onto his computer, and clicked on the 'Skype' icon. Quickly logging in, he watched as Skype booted up, and notified that he had gotten a message during his hours of slumber. His pointer clicked the contact as happiness rushed through Ciel's frame, and as soon as he clicked it, he instantly called him.

A video popped up, and a smiling black haired man appeared on the screen, a smile on his face.
"Good morning, love. Have a nice sleep?" The man smiled, his sweet British accent filling the boys ears. Ciel let out a yawn, and nodded.
"I would have slept better if you were here." Ciel spoke, unhappily. "I really do hate not being able to touch you, Sebastian." He whispered, but loud enough for the older man to hear.
"I know you do. I would give anything to be able to just hug you once. But let's not get all sad, okay?" The Englishman spoke, giving a small smile. "Tell me more about this New York City you live in!"

That was the sad reality of their relationship. While Ciel lived in New York City, his lover, Sebastian Michaelis, lived in London, England. It was hard to make keep their relationship stable, but deep down, Ciel knew that they were meant to be. Telling his parents seemed to be the hard part. He remembered he day he sat down and told them.

The Phantomhive family sat at the long table. Ciel fiddled with his fingers, holding the white IPhone in his hands.

"Ciel, what did you say you need to talk about?" Rachel asked, looking at the nervous boy across the table. "Is everything alright in school? Are you getting bullied?" She spoke softly, grabbing the boys hand.

"Mother…Father…I have something really important to tell you…" The bluenette spoke quietly, his heartbeat erratic. "Well…for the past year, I've been dating… someone, who lives in the United Kingdom.." His eyes trailed to his phone, pure fear rushed through his tiny frame. He unlocked his phone and pulled up a picture, prepared to show it to his parents.

Rachel and Vincent sat in shock. First, their son told them he was gay, and then this? Both of them were furious at Ciel. Vincent clenched his fists, about to shout at their boy until Rachel cleared her throat. "Ciel," Rachel started. "Words can not describe how upset we are with you for doing this kind of thing." The woman spoke very sternly, but then smiled. "But, you love him, right?" She asked.

Ciel nodded very eagerly. "With all of my heart." Ciel spoke, clutching his phone. Rachel chuckled, and sighed.
"If you love him, and trust him enough, then I guess we can still allow you to date." Rachel sighed. "But, I want to speak with him personally, and I'm guessing your father might want to have a few words with him."

That seemed like forever ago. His parents were supportive of their relationship, and Ciel was happy. It had been two years since that discussion took place.

The couple talked for another few hours, before Sebastian had to leave. A frown appeared on Ciel's face as he said a goodbye, and logged off of Skype. How he hated the fact that he couldn't be with his lover every day. Sure, they could video chat, and call, but it wasn't enough. Everytime he saw a happy couple kissing, or hugging, or even just walking together, his heart broke a little more each time. He would do anything to just be by his lover. He would do anything just to be able to hold his hand.

Thankfully though, he wouldn't have to wait much longer. In only a matter of days, he would be at his lovers side. There, right on his nightstand, was an airline ticket. He had been hiding them from his raven haired lover.

It was his 20th birthday when he received the piece of paper. His parents handed him a simple envelope, their faces held such big smiles. Honestly, Ciel was very confused. He opened it with slight caution. Inside, was a piece of paper neatly folded up. The man took the paper out and unfolded it. His eyes went wide, as tears pricked the corner of his eye.

"A-Are you serious?" Ciel asked, clutching the paper. Rachel and Vincent nodded, as Ciel rose up and hugged his parents. "Thank you! Thank you so so so much!" He cried, happiness pulsed through his body.

He only had to wait until Christmas until his can finally feel his lover. He would only have to wait, and that was the hardest part.

Sorry sorry sorry for the short chapter! Anyway, this is kinda based off a true story! I used to date a guy who lived in Brazil. Sadly, we broke it off, but I will always cherish what we had together! We had never met, but hey, not all relationships end in happiness! Next chapter will be longer, I swear! I got lazy with this. I bet you can tell :P

Please review! Love you all ;)