Yup, its yet another "What if...". This one takes a serious note. Now Citrus fans DO NOT KILL ME! I promise it'll be okay! *sighs* Nero, why did you make me write this one... Enjoy

- Gumi

Waring - Rated M for Strong Language, Suggestive themes, Blood, Yanderes and Feels...Really Feely Feels.

¡!CAUTION¡! This Fanfiction may cause a heart break.

You, and your heart, have been warned.

Misery Business : "What if Matsuri was a yandere?"

Mei glared out the window, down at the girl she hated most with the one she loved the most. Matsuri and Yuzu has been spending so much time together, and it made Mei jealous, though she would never show it. Yuzu was hers and only her, they'd made it official. Yuzu had even gave Mei one of the two rings she wore on her necklace that Mei wore on a bracelet. But Matsuri would not give up her chase. Although Yuzu was oblivious to that pink hair devil's little games, Mei saw through it all.

She pressed her hand against the glass longingly. Mei hated this side of her, the side that, even though she knew Yuzu was faithful, still feared of her leaving. She let out a soft sigh and walked away from the cause of her new found anger. Stop it, Idoit! You're getting worked up over nothing! She doesn't stand a chance against you!

But still, that crippling fear pulled harshly on one of Mei's heartstrings. She found herself wondering throughout the house mindlessly until she ended up in the living room, staring at the living room door. The doorknob turned and Mei's heart fluttered in excitement and a hint of nervousness. Yuzu opened the door and smiled at her sister, opening her arms for a hug. "Mei-Mei~" a smile played across the blonde's lips, "Where's those sweet lips of your?"

Mei couldn't help it, she wrapped her arms around Yuzu and kissed her cheek. "Oh," Yuzu looked at Mei with a brow raised, "You thought I meant those lips?" Mei blushed and rolled he eyes.

"You're such a pervert, you know that?" Yuzu gave Mei a look that said "Oh come on, you know you wanna" and Mei found herself at the mercy of her older sibling; pinned against the couch, and being covered in kisses. Her hand made their way to the back of Yuzu's shirt, fingers tightly gripping the fabric while her lover's fingers went to play with the set of lips she mentioned earlier. It was always like this. Yuzu would calm Mei down with just her presence and she was so oblivious to it. But Mei would rather have her oblivious than know of her jealousy.

A few seconds into their fun time, a knock came to the door, grabbing Yuzu's attention. The blonde perked over the couch at the door and Mei frowned. She knew who was there and hated she had to intrude on what would've been a night of passionate love making. Mei sat up and listened to Matsuri's latest attempt to get Yuzu into her house, alone. Mei couldn't care less, but her attention turned to them pointedly when Yuzu said, "Sure, I'll see if mom will let me spend the night?"

She then peeked over the couch to get a good look at Matsuri. She was crying, with a horrifically meek arua. Had something bad happen, or was it just acting? Before she knew it, Matsuri was walking over to the couch to side beside Mei. Then, came the grin she was expecting.

"Yuzu's absolutely adorable, don't you think?" Matsuri voice sounded malicious and deviant, like it always did, but something seem off about her. She continued, "So carefree and fun-loving. How in the pink hell did you get ahold of her?"

Mei said nothing, in fear of her anger getting the best of her. Matsuri pressed on, that creepy grin of hers still on her face. "You truely don't deserve her, Mei."

"Oh fuck you," Mei snapped, "You can never take Yuzu away no matter how hard you try. So why do you just go back to your room and keep those 30 year old perverts entertained for your lunch money." Mei regretted saying it, because Matsuri pounced on her as soon as she finished her sentence, landing a few punch from a fenzy of many. Mei delivered a few blows of her own and keep at it until Matsuri was forceful pull away. Mei panted, rubbing her cheek. Yuzu glare at Mei, then Matsuri, and pointed to the door. Matsuri shook her head and an evil smile formed on her lips.

"Yuzu won't be your little bitch for long, Mei!" Matsuri shouted, regaining her innocent depressed look. Yuzu look at her, confused then at Mei. Mei could see a quesion in her eyes but couldn't answer it, for she was just as confused as the blonde. "You can't k-keep toying with her heart like that!" And she left, leaving behind a perplexed Yuzu and a enraged Mei.

"Mei," Yuzu sounded shattered when she spoke her name. "What is she talking about?" Mei sighed, running her fingers through her bangs. "I-I don't know..." The raven haired girl slowly stood up, still rubbing her sore cheek. "The little slut got me good."

"Why did she attack you?" Yuzu's voice sounded more pressing. What had gotten into her? Mei shrugged. "Are you alright?" Mei went to hug her mistress from behind, but Yuzu held out her hand, keeping the younger girl from doing so. Mei's eyes scrolled down her arm, and soon she came upon her sister's Iphone tightly gripped in her hand. She looked at the screen, and what was on it, surprised and enraged Mei even more.

It was a picture of Mei and Matsuri, kissing.

How did anyone get a hold of that picture? And, more importantly, how did it get to Yuzu. Mei stared at the device, trying to make since of the quesions in her mind. Her eyes scrolled back to Yuzu after sometime. Tears streamed down the blondes angered face. Mei swallowed, sadness playing sour notes on her heartstrings. "Yuzu," was all Mei can manage to say before Yuzu lost her cool.

"What the fuck is this Mei! Explain this shit to me!" Mei watched the figure in front of her tremble, unable to make any sense of the picture. She didn't think anyone would see this, exspecially Yuzu. "Yuzu, i-it's not how its looks!"

Before she could explain anything, Yuzu statched the necklace from her neck, and stromed off, leaving the piece of jewery behind. Mei fell to her knees, slowly picking up the discarded accessory. She stared at it than at her bracelet.

This ring means we're together, no matter what. I've been waiting to share with someone special.

She gritted her teeth, resisting the urge to cry. She had no right to. It was her fault. and she had to fix it. Question is, how?

The days rolled by painfully. Yuzu had grown more and more distant, ever after Mei explained it. She had stop wearing the necklace and started spending even more time with Matsuri. Mei slept alone at night, her sister taking the couch. It hurt. Mei had to find a way to keep her mind off of Yuzu. She tried staying after school with Momokino but eve that didn't help much. Momokino knew of their relationship and, unlike Matsuri, was accepting of it as long as Mei was happy.

Momokino noticed Mei's tenseness one day and tryed to offer what little advice she had on romance. She'd told her maybe playing her a song on how much she loved her would work but the slight problem with that was Mei knew next to nothing about instuments and singing wasn't her forte -no pun intented- so that wouldn't work.

After awhile, Yuzu started wearing the necklace again and sleeping in the same bed with Mei. But the raven haired girl still felt the blonde was distant, but nothing as much. At least she was beside Mei again, that was a start. The raven headed Aihara tried multiple nights to hold Yuzu, but she wouldn't have it. She'd slide out of her arms or leave the bed completely. Mei's deepest fear had became a reality. She was losing the one she loved.

One night, while their mother was out and Yuzu had plans with Matsuri, Mei stayed home. She had laid out a cover on the couch, in case Yuzu didn't want to lay next to Mei, and the raven haired Aihara stayed in the room to her own devices. She laid on the bed, idly staring at the ceiling. Her phone had rung multiple times that night, but she didn't answer. She just let it ring until it stopped; she didn't care who called. In the last mouth, she'd never left so ruined, so hurt, so pissed in her life. She just stared into the ceiling, her mind numb, until she fell asleep.

Mei found herself wide awake, surrounded by darkness, a familiar laugh filling the already eerie air. She tried to sit up but her body disobeyed her. Only thing she could move was her eyes, which didn't have any real use for this situation. "Yuzu Onee-chan, is mine now~"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Mei shouted into the darkness. The voice responded with another eerie laugh. "Tonight, I'll be the last one to hold her~"

"The hell is that suppose to mean!?" Mei snapped. Still the voice continued.

"I'll be the last to kiss her, to touch her. Because I know she'll leave me one day, so if I can't have her..."

The voice paused and slowly an image of Matsuri was strattled on Mei. This one seemed different from the Matsuri she was used to. This one had eyes that seem completely void of life and a creey so wide it seemed painful. Mei eyes widen at the site of a knife clinched tightly in her tremblinghand. The voice continued, this time from Matsuri's mouth.

"No one can!"

Mei tried to move but nothing happened, instead she laid stiff as Matsuri's hand swung down and the blade penetrated Mei's chest and into her heart. The raven haired girl screamed bloody murder, excruciating pain engulfing every nerve beneath her skin. Once the knife was removed, a sea of red flowed from the wound, staining the white shirt she wore. She didn't even realized she was still screaming. Matsuri tilted back her victoms head, slowly dragging the blade through her neck. The red liquid pooled in her throat before spilling over. Mei coughed, trying to regain enough air to cry out again. Matsuri's grinning face slowly disappeared as a wave of darkness washed over Mei's vision.

Mei sat up in a cold sweat, panting. She gripped her chest as her erratic breathing returned to normal. She swallowed hard and looked around the room. It was dark, and the clock read 11:28 p.m. Mei stood up and went to see if her sister had came home.

When she did, that nightmare seemed like child's play.

Yuzu sat on the couch, hunched over with a kitchen knife in her chest. Blood soaked through her shirt and jacket as well as into the piece of furniture under her corpse. Mei's heart shattered and the girl ran to her sister. Mei placed to fingers on her neck to see if, somehow, Yuzu could be alive. She felt a ragged breath russel her bangs. She looked up, to see Yuzu smiling down at her. The smile was weak, and the life in her eyes was draining quickly. Tears rolled down Mei's cheeks as she watched the last spark of hope held in her true love's eyes die away.

Mei hadn't even realized she was screaming at that point.

Mei sat against the wall in the hallway, tears still pouring from her eyes. Policemen searched the place for clues. Her mother was crying with Mei's father consoling her. She hadn't even noticed he had arrived. Frankly, she didn't care. A Policemen came over to Mei and held up a necklace. "Hey sweetheart," he started, kindness and pity in his voice, "Do you know anything about this?"

Mei nodded, too hurt to speak. It was Yuzu's necklace, with her promise ring still on it. She raised her arm, showing him the bracelet with the same ring on it. He nodded and smiled at her. "Don't worry, we'll find out what happened to her."

That night was spent restlessly tossing and turning in bed. Mei couldn't even close her eyes, less she'd be faced with the gruesome image of her sister. She tried for the umpteenth time to rest, and soon she fell into a unpleasant comatose like sleep.

Mei found her in an abyss of black. She floated, freely in the darkness. Her eyes fixed on a shape in the distance, it seemed to be calling to her. She floated closer to the object.

It was Yuzu.

Yuzu looked at her younger sibling, sadness in her green eyes. Mei reached for her, but the blonde with out of er reach. "Mei, why," Yuzu's voice echo through the inky void. "Why don't you love me?" Mei opened her mouth, her lips moved but the words wouldn't come out. "Goodbye Mei..." Yuzu floated further and further from Mei's reach. Mei's eyes looked behind Yuzu, metal spikes forming from the dark. Mei tried to scream at her sister, but she was still mute. Yuzu's body flung back onto the spikes, impaling Yuzu everywhere but her head. Blood slashed, a tad of it landing on Mei's cheek. The blonde lefted her head to weakly smile at Mei before the abyss engulfed the corpse.

Then came that eerie laugh again.

After a week of investigation, police dubbed it as suicide. Mei didn't believe it, Yuzu didn't seem like the type to kill herself for any reason. Mei knew what happened, she knew who did it as soon as she saw her dead sister. Matsuri did it. But the police believed her alibi. They said she was just as shocked to hear Yuzu was dead.

Mei stood in the mirror, staring at the necklace around her neck. Even though the police dubbed the necklace as evidence, they let Mei have it. She wanted to cry looing at the accessory, but she had cried so much that week she'd forgotten how to anymore. Her phone buzzed against the sink, and Mei looked down at it. The caller ID read Momokino. Mei just let it ring. She didn't want to speak to anyone. The next time her phone buzzed was a text. From Matsuri.

"Meet me in the field, in the woods behind the school," was all it read. Mei glared at the words. How dare she take away what was Mei's? How dare she run around free and happy while Mei was in misery! Mei was going to get revenge. Matsuri was going to pay.

Mei walked into the field, dressed in a black t-shirt and jean shorts. Fog had covered the ground, making it hard to see. "Ah, so you came."

Matsuri walked from behind the tree to grin at Mei. The raven haired girl glared at her. "You killed her." Matsuri tilted her head, still grinning at her rival. "Whatever do you mean?"

"Cut the shit! I know you did it!" Mei shouted, the anger that had been dormant to days finally regaining life. Matsuri laughed. It was that same laugh Mei had in her dream. Mei stood her ground. Matsuri's eyes grew wide and crazed, her face matching the one in that hellish nightmare. "So what if I did, there's no way for you to prove it!"

Matsuri stopped herself and resumed her cool composer once more, chuckling softly. "She was mine when she left this world."

Mei gritted her teeth, trying to hold back her rage. "Shut up."

"Oh but its true," Matsuri continued, "We made sweet love at my house before I murdered her." Mei's hands balled into fists, her arms trembling along with the rest of her. How could she-how could anyone talk about something so heinous without regret, remorse. How in the blue hell could she just say it so casually. "I even kissed her when I stabbed her, but that was to silence her."

"Shut up!"

"Yuzu was gonna be mine, but she was still stuck on you. So I had to kill her." Matsuri raised a pocket knife up, and grinning creepily. "And you're next!"

Matsuri charged at Mei, and Mei glared. With a swift kick, the raven haired Aihara kicked the knife from her hand. The pinkette was shocked, taking a few steps back. Mei charged this time, her fist making contact with her enemy's chest. Matsuri coughed and swung a punch or two at Mei, but missed and recieved a kick to the side. Matsuri held her side and turned to face her opponent, only to be met with Mei's fist.

Matsuri stumbled back, wiping the blood from the corner of her lip. She didn't expect Mei to have so much power in such small fists. The pinkette delivered a kick to Mei's head, the heal of her shoe having an impact on her target's cheek, knocking over the girl. Matsuri looked for the knife she'd dropped to finish the job. But she underestimated the strenght the raven haired Aihara.

The pink haired girl ran for the weapon, tripping in the process. She looked at her leg to see the scuffed knuckles of Mei's right hand. Matsuri's eye widened, "H-how the..." was all she could managed before a scream of agony errupted from bloody lips.

Mei stomped on her enemy's shin with such a horrific amount of force, the bone insteadly snapped in two. Matsuri bit down on her lip, trying to build the strenght to reach the blade. Mei straddled the weaken girl, gripping her collar. Then, she heard that eerie laugh again.

"Abusing me isn't gonna bring her back, you know!" Matsuri yelled throughout her laughter, "She's gone, Mei! She's DEAD!" As much as Mei hated it, Matsuri was right. And she nearly stopped, if Matsuri did said this.

"And she died hating you!"

Matsuri's laughter subsided as she watched Mei's expression change. Mei's eyes, once filled with flames of passion and anger, turned to two violet voids. Without warning, the raven haired Aihara's fist met Matsuri's chest. Each punch grew heavier and faster, and about ten punches in Matsuri coughed up blood. Mei's hands kept their frenzy, she even felt her enemy's ribs cave in and crack after the umpteenth punch. Mei stopped when she was sure Matsuri's head fell limply and red liquid ran from her lifeless lips. Mei stood, glaring at the body. Even after death, she could still hear eerie, annoying laughter.

Mei's eyes widened as a sharp pain emvloped her chest. She looked down, to meet the blade of her enemy in her chest. Matsuri grinned at her, mouthing the words, "See you in hell". Mei dropped to her knees, her vision blurring before her. This was end for her.

As the world grew drak, she could've promised she had seen Yuzu's weak smile once more.

Mei woke up, panting hard. She gripped her chest and patted the rest of her. Was it all a dream? She looked at her sister who sat up with Mei. "You ok Mei? You look like you saw a ghost."

Mei wasn't dream this time. Yuzu's eyes were glistening with life, love and Mei smiled. She smiled so wide it hurt, and hugged her sister tightly. Yuzu wrapped her arms around the stratled girl, giggling softly. "Mei," was all she could say. Mei looked up at her, tears pooling in her eyes. "I love you, Yuzu. No matter what, I'll always love you."

Yuzu placed a hand on Mei's cheek and wiped away a tear as the fell from her eye.

"I love you too, Mei. I love you too."