Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to read my FanFiction. In this short story I will use the plot of Legends Of Korra, but use to events of Fairy Tail. That means that all characters that you will read about in this story will be going through what the Fairy Tail gang have gone through, but not all of it. So there will be no major spoilers for either series. Also this has not been beta read and I am not good with grammar. So please if you see a mistake tell me and I will change it. If you want to become my beta I would be more than willing to see what we can do. Don't for get to favorite/follow and review. If you want more updates to this story you can fine me on Tumblr name is loverofmalec, all one word now capital letter. I hope you enjoy and now on with the story.
She did it. She had made it to the most amazing guild. The town was nice and the people were welcoming. Korra was so excited.
Where she stood in the town square, she had a clear view of the Fairy Tail Guild.
She looked down at her attire and made sure that it was appropriate, usually she didn't care what she was wearing and could care less what people thought, but this was a chance of a life time. Korea needed to knock everyone's socks off. So she smoothed the wrinkles on her sea blue tank top. Giving the once over on the state of her jeans and her Convers, then swinging her sweater over her shoulders and slipping it on.
The back pack she had was getting a bit heavy from all the walking and traveling, and the bright morning sun was starting to make her sweat.
"Wow, this is going to be a longer trip to the guild than I thought." She gave a tired sigh and wiped the sweat that was forming on her brow with the back of her hand.
The young witch took a turn on a bridge and when she looked up from getting a hair tie from her wrist she screamed with joy and jumped in the air.
Fairy Tail was standing in all its glory and the sound of laughter and spell enchantment floated to her ear. A huge smile lit up her face. The emotions she was feeling was causing her magic to go a bit haywire. By the time she had calmed down and apologized for her outburst to some witnesses, she had formed a thin blanket of snow all around her feet.
"I'm almost there!" Korea whispered. That was what she said over in her head as she ran up to the guild hall. The doors were wide open and she saw people sitting at tables laughing and talking, some playing games, and others were screaming at the top of their lungs soon all the magic energy that just the building possessed was making Korra tingle all over. She walked up to the open doors and shivered when a gush of morning wind found its way under her sweater. That didn't stop her from standing a few feet from the door so she could let everything that she was feeling sink in.
Many say that when you join any guild you just don't get the chance to find good paying jobs, you get the chance to make bonds that will last you the rest of your life.
"Hello there, you must be Korra." The young witch turned to look at the person that was greeting her and smiled offering her hand that the stranger took and shook.
"Yes I am and your name is Lucy! I am a huge fan, not just of Fairy Tail, but of you too. Don't get me wrong you are amazing and all the things I hear about you are so cool." Korra goes on a little ramble, talking about how long she wanted to meet Lucy and be just like her.
The older woman with white hair instead light blonde shook her head. Her big brown eyes were shining with joy and excitement. She raised a hand to brush back a loose strand and you could see the faded pink mark that she wore with pride.
"Well I have a feeling you are here more than to visit the city." Lucy turned and started to walk to the bar on the far side of the guild.
All eyes were on the new comer. Some were interested and others were trying to see if she was any good, then a few just didn't even care.
Korra looked up and saw a second floor and the shifting of shadows made her shiver and swallow back a bit of fear.
"Let me get you a drink and we can talk." Lucy had walked behind the bar and started to make a quick drink while giving Korra a look over. The chaos around them was something that would have anyone wanting to pull their hair out, but not the older woman. She had been guild master for years. Her friends we given places in the Magic Council and they offered a space to her as well...yet she had declined and said that politics wasn't for her. A younger girl named Wendy took her spot. Lucy didn't regret her decision and was happy with what she picked. She was given the spot by no other than the Salamander himself, who was the old master of the guild. A fit of giggles came from the once blond woman at the tought of her Dragon Slayer being anything but the fighter that everyone in all the lands knew that he was born to be.
"So do you see that girl sitting on her own by the pillar, with a drink in her hand?" Questioned Lucy. Korra shrugged off her backpack and placed it on the floor turning around to look at the person that the celestial wizard had pointed out.
When she had found her she was shocked. The woman was older than her and her aura was so resentful. She wore a simple white tank top that did nothing to hide her curves and some black sweats. The mysterious woman turned her head to the side and Korra gasped. Two long scars were forever on the side of her face. Korra would have loved to continue to look at her on the hopes to find out why she had the resentment and whohad given her those scars.
"That's Lin Beifong, One of the most powerful elemental wizard in the world. She beat Erza Scarlet, but not with out getting a few bruises of her own. It was a close fight, everyone thinks that both Erza and Lin had an equal chance. At the end of the fight they were both so spent that Lin was just a bit faster landing that last blow. But it could have easily been either women" Lucy broke Korra's train of tought and made the young witch turn around and forget about the woman momentarily.
"Oh and that man over there with those strange robes, his name is Tenzin. He has a family and all of them are the cutest of things, very powerful. Their poor mother wants nothing more than to have a normal child and have just one child who wouldn't magically spray potatoes on her." Lucy was done with the drink and was leaning on the bar table.
"Tenzin is very nice and he is like a father figure to a lot in the guild but his ages and the way he does things can be considered old fashion." Korra thanked for the drink and looked at the man in question. He had strange tattoos all over his bald head and a staff resting on his legs. He was talking to a few other guild members but they of course were a bit younger. He must have told them a story because they seem to be hanging on his every word.
"And what type of magic does he do?" Korra asked.
"He's a celestial wizard like me." Her smile widen and she crammed her neck to look around the guild.
"Oh and those two hunks over there are brothers. Best gunner wizards I have seen in a long time. Mako, the one with the red scarf, is the sniper you can say. Bolin, the one with the green sweater, he is more the up and personal guy. He's a very huge romantic." Lucy again giggled and this time Korra joined in with her hero.
After they had calmed down and had their breathing under control, Lucy had whipped a tear from the corner of her eye and looked out to all the guild members. With a fond smile on her face she turned to Korra and said with a voice so filled with pride and adoration. "All these good men and women would give there lives for one another. This is their home and all the people tknow know here are their family. We Fairies never leave someone fight until the last one of us is standing." Korra knew exactly what Lucy was talking about and nodded her head in understandment.
"Well now with that settled, down to business." Lucy reached under the bar table and took out something in a box.
"Korra, where do you want your mark to be?" She asked thoughtfully.
Korra couldn't believe her ears. "Wait...What?" A smile was forming on her lips and her dark skin was starting to flush a dark red. The room became a bit cooler and somehow Korra's drink was starting to freeze.
"The stamp that officially makes you a member of Fairy Tail silly." The celestial witch laughed and opend the box, pulling out an ink pad and a stamp with the Fairy Tail logo.
"I can't belive this is happening! This is a dream come true. All those bad guys out there don't even know what hit them." Korra offered her hand and Lucy knew what just to do. She placed the stamp on the younger girls hand and it was done.
The ink burned a bit and the feeling of warmth had a pleasant effect. When Korra looked down, the Fairy that would forever be on her skin was a light sea blue.
"Lucy, I see we have a new member to the guild." A deep wise voice floated to Korra's ear and she spun on her chair to be face to face with the man known as Tenzin. He was taller up close and under all that fabric you knew that he was pure muscle.
"Hello,I am Tenzin. It is nice to meet you." He gave her a kind smile and Korra did the same in return.
"It's nice to meet you. I'm Korra." She offered her hand to him and he took it with a laugh, giving it a firm shake.
"The feeling is mutual, if you wish you can sit with me. I don't mind." Korra jumped of her chair and turned around to face Lucy who was back to cleaning cups.
"Thank you so much for accepting me." She lunged over the table and took the old woman in her arms and gave her a firm hug.
"I'll make you proud." She whispered.
"Welcome to the guild." Lucy, master of the Fairy Tail Guild, replied with tears in her eyes.