Hello everybody! Hopefully everyone is doing well.

So this is the remake of I'm a Bride. I hope you enjoy it better then the old version.

I would like to thank Snowy Fullmoon. She was the one who beta for me. So please go check out her work. If you're in need of a beta, than I would recommend her. Okay, so let's get on with it.

I do not own Fairy Tail!

Lucy Heartfilia, a young girl at the tender age of seventeen, walked down the long lonely street with a huff. With large brown eyes and silky, shoulder length blonde hair, add to the fact that she owned large breasts and a curvaceous body, she attracted men quite easily. She had to admit that she enjoyed the attention most of the time, but occasionally it become extremely annoying and frightening for her. Lucy thought back to the time when she was nearly raped about a year ago...


"I hate him! I hate him so much!" The blonde was stomping madly out of her old family mansion, a beautiful thing that held many good memories that soon turned sour the moment her mother passed away. Her father had given Lucy another reason for her to hate him; he arranged a marriage between her and the ugliest, most atrocious man ever, Duke Sawarr Junelle. That mad man had even confessed to her; saying that he had set his tiny, beady eyes on her the moment he saw her.

Lucy officially hated her dad, though it was years in the making mind you, not ever wanting anything to do with him anymore.

A loud crack sounded behind her.

The blonde spun around, preparing for anything that would suddenly jump at her, however weakly. She strained her ears as she listened to the old green trees swaying in the nice fresh breeze, the pitter patter of the quiet footsteps of the many animals and the splashes of the clear blue water coming from the long running river nearby. She could not see anyone around her or any clues as to see if someone had actually been there, there seemed to be no one around. Lucy sniffed the air for any sign that there had been an unknown figure with her, but all she could pick up was a musky, moldy smell.

She very cautiously tip-toed to the river, needing a drink to seize her thirst and wash away her dry throat. As she squatted down to fill her delicate small hands with the refreshing liquid, she noticed the murky reflection of a person that was not her own. With a beating heart she turned around, only to be faced with a smirking man towering over her like her father always would whenever she tried to speak to him. Brown hair famed his hideous, round face with a perverted grin slapped across his pimple-ridden it and his arms looked as if they would burst from his dirty red tunic. Lucy knew she was in big trouble. There was no talking her way out of this.

"Look what we have here. I could have a lot of fun with you." The man roughly snatched the blonde's wrist lessening her chances of escaping and then clutched her other wrist, pushing her down to the ground. The top half of Lucy's body was stationed in the strong river, making it ever harder for her to fight back or even to breathe as the cool water rushed past her face, dunking her every time she tried to take a breath. Then she found her way to freedom.

The blonde raised her knee and kneed the man's groin, all the while trying to keep her head above the water.

"You'll pay for this!" The man groaned in agony as she shuffled away, leaving him there on the cold, dirt floor. Hopefully, she'd never see that dirty man again.


The blonde shivered at the horrible memory. She definitely didn't want that to happen again! Getting the unwanted memory out of her head, she then thought about why she was walking around aimlessly in the first place.

Lucy had unfortunately been kicked out of her cosy apartment because she didn't have the money to pay her stupid monthly rent. Her landlady was a money hungry witch who was always reminding her of the rent that Lucy had to pay every month. That lady was a very impatient woman.



Lucy groaned tiredly as she rolled out of her warm, pink blanket covered bed. She rubbed the drowsiness out of her half open eyes and crawled to the front door, her mind a shaky mess after that horrid dream from last night. Never again did she care to remember what happened as she made herself presentable before choosing to reveal herself to the rude person that interrupted her slumber. She freed her baby blue pajamas from any wrinkles and combed her fingers through her hair that closely resembled a bird's nest.


Lucy's grew irritated. Couldn't this person wait for even just a few more seconds?

"I'll be right there!" She alerted the loud person of her presence approaching. The golden door knob on the door began to rattle rapidly. The next thing she knew, the door was flung right open, almost knocking her nose right off her face. Lucy held her nose whilst breathing heavily, glaring at her unwanted visitor.

"What took you so long, missy?" An old voice said with annoyance. A middle-aged woman wearing a very revealing outfit stormed over to the now frightened blonde. Great, it was her land lady.

"I just woke up. What do you think?" Lucy said confidently only to shrink as the woman's eyes bulged out at her, pinning Lucy with a death glare. "Why are you here anyway?"

"Well you must know and should remember, I have come for your rent money. You're a day late." The lady pushed up her thick-rimmed glasses and adjusted the fur around her neck, tapping a gaudy red high heel against the carpeted floor of the hallway.

Uh oh! The blonde was doomed, she didn't have the money to pay the greedy land lady. With no other option available she decided to beg.

"I'll get it to you as soon as possible, just please give some more time, I've had a rough week." Lucy got on her knees and begged. However, the land lady did not look impressed.

"Remember the last time I gave you an extension? You didn't pay me until three weeks after." She reminded Lucy.

"Is that a no?" The blonde said nervously.

"What do you think?" The land lady lifted Lucy off of the floor by the front of her pyjama shirt and tossed her out the front door and then slammed it shut. The brown eyed girl sighed. What was she going to do now? The land lady didn't even give her all her things. Lucy was still in her pyjamas too!


Remembering that she had no money made Lucy almost want to cry. Where was she going to sleep tonight? Deciding to try to erase the tragedy out of her head she traipsed down the busy streets of Magnolia towards her second favourite place, the shopping center. She entered the crowded building and roamed around the busy place, walking aimlessly, listening to the sounds of the many footsteps and chatters of the people around her. There were many shops located in the shopping center from clothing stores to the food court.

While she was strolling around, people stared at her. She didn't know why until it suddenly clicked inside her head. She was still in her pyjamas, how embarrassing.

After her little journey through the center, she walked past a certain store on her way out. She always loved their dresses, but never had the money to buy them, well she did. A few years ago when she still lived at home.

She glanced at the dresses on display from outside the window and sighed in disappointment, wishing that she was as rich as the owner of the company, Dragon's Beauty. If it were a few years back when she had a huge amount of money, then maybe she would have thought nothing of it, but now she a just like any other person, well, apart from the fact that she didn't have a home anymore.

Her body refused to move from her spot in front of the store for a few minutes, so she decided that she would go look inside. It couldn't hurt, now would it? She just couldn't buy anything.

The blonde walked into the store and gazed around at the beautiful dresses lined up neatly on the racks until her eyes landed on a bright red dress. It was gorgeous. She plucked the dress off the rack and headed straight to the spacious change rooms. Lucy stripped herself of the clothes she was wearing. She couldn't wait to try on the silk dress.

She slipped into the red dress and gasped at how she looked. It looked amazing, with a deep V neck and a long slit up one side that stopped at her thigh. With a smile on her lips, Lucy thought she looked sexy. She smiled and spun around, admiring it. She then remembered that the dress could never be hers, especially after looking at the price tag that hung down her back. She looked around sadly for a minute or so. A brilliant idea forming, or so she thought. The blonde took off the dress and after she slipped her pyjamas back on, she stuffed the dress half in her shirt and half in her pants. Sliding the velvet curtain open, she casually walked to the door but was stopped halfway there.

"Don't think that I don't know about that dress you're trying to steal there, ma'am." A middle aged woman had placed one of her long hands on Lucy's stiff shoulder, she froze, not knowing what to do.

"I-I-I'm.." Lucy stuttered, what was she going to do now? She had been caught.

"Look sweety, it's okay. I won't call the cops or security, but in exchange, I need you to do something for me." The older woman said. Lucy nodded in agreement, not really wanting to be arrested. She didn't want to be humiliated, plus, her father would murder her if he ever found out that his daughter, Lucy Heartfilia, was arrested.

"Yes, I'll do anything you want!" Lucy quickly exclaimed.

"You must marry my son. It's simple really." The older lady stated simply.. Lucy's jaw dropped. Marry her son? Was she crazy?

"Um ma'am, I don't think I can do that." Lucy explained back to the woman, her head still reeling about the fact that this woman had just asked her, a complete stranger, to marry her son.

"Then I will inform mall security immediately. "

Lucy didn't know what to do, so she did what most people would do: she ran as fast as her legs could carry her. The blonde bolted out of the store and through the shopping center, aiming for the exit, even though she was met with angry faces as she smashed into many people.

"I'm sorry...excuse me...pardon me...sorry!" She kept on apologizing not daring to look back at the store.

"Security! Get her!" Thunderous footsteps followed her out the door.

"Get back here!"

"You're in big trouble kid!"

"You won't escape!"

Their loud voices were shouting at her, as the many men were chasing after her. Lucy huffed as she began to grow tired, her breathing heavy. The men pursued the blonde as far as the overgrown forest a few miles from the center before they gave up and by the end of it all, Lucy had gotten away.

At least for now.

That's it for the first chapter guys! I have closed the poll and I'm a bride was victorious.

Until next time, have a great day!