First Avatar fanfic! :D

I've been a fan of this series only since the beginning of this year! I had a serious case of laziness and a bit of writers block, but I'm trying to write something everyday this summer! However I only have a month left *~* (Once again I have strayed into more fandoms, mainly getting obsessed with anime (Soul Eater, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Code geass, and Naruto) and others. But look forward to seeing fics about them! :)

But despite that I'll try my best!

This is Kainora series of I guess oneshots? I'm not sure how to define it...

Qyndox does NOT own the Avatar series or Legend of Korra, or there would be more episodes and another series after Korra!

Despite occasionally read books about romance, love was a very foreign concept to Jinora. Even in the few books she read about it, it's true meaning was vague and unclear, and people always had different definitions of it. She could see why.

After parting ways from Korra, the Airbenders made their way to the Northern Air Temple. After settling down, Jinora found herself spending more time with the youngest new airbender and former thief, Kai. She could deny her blushes to others, but she could not lie to herself. She did feel different around him, her heart fluttered and she felt at ease with Kai. Love was starting to feel not so unfamiliar to her, and she was glad for it.

It was ironic in a way; she was a very disciplined and obedient girl, while also a bookworm. Kai, on the other hand, was a rebellious and rash boy who yearned for adventure and action. Yet something sparked between the two, instantly forming a mutual friendship.

Spirits, I could write a book with all of these thoughts. Jinora mused as she snapped out of daydreaming to get up from her seat at one of the breakfast tables. She had finished long ago, but had gotten too deep in her thoughts. While turning into another hallway, her attention was definitely caught by a-


Jinora looked up from her newly-acquired spot on the ground after rubbing her head, to see Kai doing the same from his own position on his butt. He was the first to recover and quickly got up with a little airbending, offering his hand to her.

"Sorry Jinora, I guess I don't pay much attention when I'm excited for Airbending training." Was his sheepish and apologetic response. She graciously accepted his hand and soon they were both on their feet once again. She quickly felt a blush form on her cheeks and hastily fought it.

Kai took no notice of it and asked, "Hey Jinora, what was your airbending training like?"

That surprised her a bit, but did not stop her reply: "Oh well, my dad actually started with breathing and meditation when I was four, and I could already perform basic airbending by the time I was five. But don't compare yourself to me! My parents knew that I was an airbender before I was even born. Besides, you're great especially since all the other new airbenders are much older than you!"

Kai grinned and rubbed his head, "Thanks Jinora, but I know I still need some work, even though I kicked that Dai Li guy's butt."

She grinned in amusement, "Yeah, you were awesome back there." It was Kai's turn to blush from the praise. Jinora smiled at his embarrassment.

Yeah, I definitely feel like myself with him.

If you have any ideas or suggestions you want to see with this couple just suggest it with a review!

Thanks for reading!
