Plot Summary-What happens when our dear pinkette is wrongfully given detention for the Akatsuki's actions? Will they survive her wrath or will she survive them?

Chapter One
This Is Your Fault

I awoke startled and panicked by two facts; one my alarm clock was ringing loudly in my ears, and two I was late for school.

I screamed frustrated and tried to rush out of my fluffy bed, take in mind I said tried.

Instead I fell onto my hard and cold cherry wood floors chest first with a bonus of taking my entire comforter with me.

I scrambled to my closet yanking out my outfit for today, thank Kami I plan the night before.

I hurriedly pulled my Konoha high uniform on while struggling to run to the bathroom for my toothbrush.

After a chaotic scene with mint green toothpaste and my pristine white button up blouse that I won't mention I grabbed my cherry blossom patterned book bag and bolted out the front door, probably forgetting to lock it.

As I ran down the sidewalk littered with the bright and crunchy autumn leaves I could make out the school gates and my two best friends waiting for me probably upset I made them late and worried.

I rested my hands against my knees panting, "I'm so," I took a couple deep breaths "sorry for making you wait."

Sasuke looked over smirking, "Dobe over there wouldn't let us leave without you." Looking over I saw Naruto the "Dobe" sitting in the courtyard tree grinning ear to ear at me.

"All for one and one for all! Eh Sakura-Chan?" Naruto grinned at me before climbing down the numerous branches.

"That's right Naruto." I smiled. Couldn't get rid of him even if we wanted to too. Inner's sweat dropped.

At Sasuke's sudden quietness to our idiotic conversation I decided to look over at him only he wasn't on the bench anymore, he was standing on the extremely high gate.

"Hey! Sasuke-Teme what the hell are you doing?!" Naruto screamed at him pounding his fist in the air in frustration.

He looked at us like we were idiots, "Getting to class, unlike you I have an annoying older brother who will tell my parents if I skip school."

I gasped, "I can't miss class I have perfect attendance!" I screamed.

"Hey Sakura don't scream or else the hall monitors will know were out here." Naruto tried to calm me down.

Next, I heard a sound of numerous crunching leaves as Sasuke finally hit the ground, soon the sound happened again but with Naruto landing on his butt.

"Sakura-Chan hurry up or we'll be late." Naruto tried to reason.

I heard a loud BONK as Sasuke hit him in the back of his skull. "What the hell was that for Teme?!" Naruto wailed while glaring.

Obsidian met fierce blue and words I forgotten about were spoken, "She's wearing a short skirt Dobe." One, Two, Three, Four seconds of awkward silence passed with me hiding under my bangs face aflame and Naruto choking on his words face as red as fire itself.

"I can climb over that slanted piece of fence in the back courtyard where that football player smashed into it during practice last week." I reassured them.

"You sure Sakura-Chan? We can meet you over there?" Naruto opted.

"No you guys get to class or you'll be in more trouble," I smiled " Now go or I'll punch you Naruto." I think smiling innocently and sweetly while threatening him didn't make him see reason just that I'd hurt him if I had the chance did.

They left sneaking in without getting caught I hope but with Naruto's big mouth who knows.

I sprinted towards the courtyard where the fence had been "flipped" onto its side by football player Kisame Hoshigaki, some say it was accidental and some say he was trying to show off how strong he was to the cheerleaders.

The shuffling and crunching of the livid leaves under my black Mary Janes halted once I heard a few voices surrounding the opening of the fence and my only hope.

Slowly my head poked around the thick tree I was behind and caught sight of a head of slicked back grey hair and a blonde male I swore could of been Ino's twin.

They were approximately sixteen feet away from the opening and were facing each other talking.

The first student was a sophomore who had slanted grey blue eyes and very long blond hair which he wore drawn into a half ponytail with the rest hanging down freely and his bang was hanging over his left eye.

He had a lean muscular build and was approximately five feet and four inches in height.

He was currently arguing with his companion while fiercely waving the cigarette smoke away from his face with a scowl.

I could only hear a few choice words about "Cancer in stick form" and "Dumb ass" pointed towards the other student.

The second student was a senior with medium-length silver hair not gray silver that was slicked back and distinctive purple eyes.

He was around Five Feet and Eight Inches in height (Exactly 5.81036741667 feet, I did the math).

From the Jashinist pendent dangling around his neck I could automatically identify him as Hidan from the Akatsuki, a group of rebellious and trouble making male students.

He was blowing smoke in the face of the blonde to annoy him on purpose causing him to scream and waft the smoke away angry.

I decided I'd have to take my chances and sneak past the two Akatsuki members.

Using my left I latched onto the top bar where the netting of the fence would usually connect and used my other hand to slightly push the netting down so i could climb over it quietly.

I felt a bead of cold sweat drizzle down my slender neck from a combination of nerves and shear fear.

My left hand slipped and I tumbled down the slope of netting which resulted in a loud sound of metal creaking from being bent and moved rapidly.

I jerked my head up still on my hands and knees to have emerald meet beautiful purple and striking sky blue eyes. Hidan spoke first, "Eh Deidara do you see what I see?"

Deidara smiled and pulled on a lock of my hair teasingly, "A lost cosplayer maybe, un?"

I puffed my cheeks out in frustration that he had commented on my hair color being fake.

A loud creak had snapped me out of my inner thoughts as I came eye level to a certain blonde I know recognized as Deidara Iwa.

"What are you trying to do climbing that fence, un?" He questioned as he pulled me off the dirty ground by my elbow.

I dusted off my plaid skirt as I stared at the ground quietly.

"Trying to sneak a peek at the gender confused Barbie obviously." Hidan scoffed rolling his eyes.

Deidara began to retort but an angry and cold voice i knew too well called out to us.

Suddenly Neji Hyuga a hall monitor and older cousin of my friend Hinata Hyuga began strolling over towards me.

When he halted in front of me his impossibly long dark brown hair swished around his angry features.

"Sakura you know your not supposed to go into the courtyard and especially not smoking." He scowled.

"Whaaaaat?" I gazed around confused only to find Hidan and Deidara long gone and Hidan's cigarette still burning lightly on the dried up leaves.

I had been left to distract Neji while those assholes escaped back to their current block at the moment.

I had absolutely failed at not getting caught while Sasuke probably got himself and Naruto in safely.

"Sakura Haruno since I shall take pity on you because Hinata cares deeply for you, your only sentenced to thirty days of detention with Orochimaru-sama."

Fuck. my. life. Inner deadpanned flopping face first onto the ground with a thump.

Couldn't of said it better.

The rest of the day couldn't go slow enough considering I was about to be locked in a room with that evil thing

Don't forget creepy and disgusting.

Thanks Inner.