Hello again! Sorry for the extremely late delay! I really hope you enjoy this chapter!

Everything looked the same as the day I left, people dressed in 60's clothes strolled down the streets and a few cars drove passed me as the summer heat stick to my skin. My thoughts were concentrated on the notion of time, did it froze in place when I left? Or did a whole week really gone by? I was considering to pull a Marty McFly and snatch a current newspaper from a public trashcan. Saving myself from embarrassment, I decided to head down to the record store owned by Mr. Herman.

Upon arriving, I stepped to the large glass windows shimmering like diamonds from the sunlight's reflection. My brown eyes peered through the inside of the store where I spotted Robert Herman ringing up a customer before deciding to walk into the store. The sound of the small brass bell rang above the door as I noticed not a lot has changed, but then again I was only gone for seven days. As the customer left the store with a happy grin on her lips, clutching a paper brown bag with a small stack of records to her chest. My attention became focused on my boss, Mr. Herman.

"Marilyn! It's so nice to see you again! How was your time back home?" I saw the sweet smile extending along his face, delighted to see me back in LA. At least I know now that time in this universe continued to roll on by and I felt relieved that he remembered me. He walked away from the counter and opened his arms, giving me a small fatherly embrace.

"It's great to be back, Mr. Herman. San Diego was very nice for the most part, but I truly miss it here. I hope the store wasn't too busy while I was gone." I softly spoke out, he released his arms from me as I looked at him with a small grin on my face.

"It did became hectic at times, but I was able to take care of it. Well, I surely missed you and I'm sure Mike and the rest of the boys will be excited to have you back!" My heart suddenly skipped a beat as he mentioned the Monkees. "Actually, Mike would come by to the store and helped me out while you were gone and if I'm not mistaken, he looked a bit sad when you left. He really missed you, dear." As Mr. Herman told me about Michael, my heart fluttered like the wings of a butterfly at the sound of his name. I wanted to see Mike more than anything else in the world, it's been too long since I've seen him.

"I missed him too. And the rest of the guys, I'm really happy to be back." The soft grin on my face widened a bit more, as Robert matched mine with a warm content broad smile.

"Listen, you should go down to the Vincent tonight, Marilyn. Mike and the boys are performing and it would be the perfect opportunity to surprise them with your return." Mr. Herman suggested what I should do and I mentally made a note to do so.

"I think that would be a great idea! Thanks, Mr. Herman."

"You're welcome! Now, why don't you head on home and relax before tonight, okay? You don't have to hang around with an old man like me. The store has been slow lately, so there's no point sticking around." He explained to me with a wide grin on his lips, knowing he was going to close the store soon and I did wanted to get back to the townhouse to unpack.

"Alright, I'll go home. Bye, Mr. Herman." I gave him another smile and waved 'goodbye' as I walked out of the record store to head home.

My entire body collapsed on my bed after I returned to the townhouse and finished unpacking my suitcase. My brown eyes stared at the blank white canvas ceiling, feeling my heart on the verge of exploding into a million of pieces. Mike has been of my mind like a broken record, he was making me feel anxious but I felt guilty for leaving abruptly and maybe I should've have told him the truth. I just hoped I didn't do anything to hurt him. Pondering the situation, I turned my head and caught the time on the small round alarm clock sitting on my nightstand. It was almost 6:30 p.m and decided to roll off my bed and pulled out a purple paisley dress with a pink cardigan to change into for tonight.

The cool summer night felt airy and nice against my skin, I strolled into the streets passing by Herman's Records as crowds of young teens and adults filled the streets. It seemed everyone was heading to the Vincent Van-Go-Go eager to listen to the live bands tonight, including the Monkees.

I entered inside the familiar dark plum wallpapered hallway decorated with Van Gogh's art work hanging on both sides of the walls before reaching into the main part of the club where people filled the large room. Crowds danced to the rapid rhythm of the musical beat of a song I'd heard before while groups of friends and couples gathered around the tables, ordering drinks and desserts from the waitresses and waiters to keep them busy with promises of good tips. Once the song had finished, the audience cheered and clapped for the performers while I blended in the background, hearing one of the band members speak into the microphone and gaining my attention.

"Thank you! Tonight, we have a new song to play for you all and we hope you enjoy it!" My brown eyes widened at the sight of Michael on stage along with Micky, Peter, and Davy. Davy started to play his bright red maracas as Micky began to pound his sticks on the drums and Mike strummed that electric riff from his guitar with Peter adding his bass to the melody.

"Mary, Mary, where you goin' to? Mary, Mary, can I go too. This one thing I will vow ya. I'd rather die than to live without ya…" Mickey began to sing the first verse of their new song as I found out to be 'Mary, Mary.' I stood there with a wide eye expression, never thinking that this song could have been about me. A wide grin appeared on my face soon after, happy to be at their performance tonight.

Michael's P.O.V:

As I focused my fingers to the chords of my guitar while providing backing vocals to our song that I wrote about Marilyn when she'd left, I wondered if she already came back from San Diego or maybe it was just her way of telling me 'goodbye' forever. I guessed I'm just doomed to find a girl who loves me. No, Mary is different and her letter expressed sincerity. I only hope she was here tonight because I don't think I can go another day without her.

"Hey, Mike! Look who's here!" I heard Peter's upbeat voice during the bridge of the song. He was looking at the audience with his dimples showing off a wide grin.

I searched through the crowds trying to see who he was talking about and that's when my heart stopped for an instant. There standing in the far back was Mary! Her bright smile exposed on her gorgeous face as my heart started to flap violently like the seagulls at the beach. In that moment, all of the sadness I felt this past week quickly washed away as I had her back in my life again.

End P.O.V

Thank you for the all of the feedback! I really appreciate it! I'll try to post more soon!