Title: Dating Drama

Main Character(s): Speedy, Kid Flash, Beast Boy

Author(s): TheDarkQueenOfRandomness (TDQORRandomness)

Aqualad leaned over the couch, staring at a ticked off Speedy. So was Kid Flash from the fridge.

"They're not doing anything." Aqualad spoke, hoping to cheer him up.

Speedy turned to look at him and Kid. "They're locked in her room."

"He's so gay." Kid Flash chuckled. He pulled out a bottle of soda. "I think so."

They were discussing Herald and Bumblebee hanging out in her room.

"Ughh." The archer growled, falling on Kid Flash who was now sitting next to him.

"So dramatic." Aqualad flicked him by the ear. "Suck it up, Pretty Boy. She doesn't like you."

Kid Flash pats Speedy's had. "Shh, Aqualad. If it helps, I think Herald is into Jer."

"It doesn't." He pushed the speedsters hand away.

The reaction he got was Kid Flash speeding over to the fridge again.

The Atlantean chuckled. "I gotta go, douchebags. Tramm is waiting." He walked over to the elevator. "Be back at seven-ish."

Speedy waved him off, still sulking.

As the door shut, Kid Flash was back over at the couch. He handed Speedy a cookie.

"Binge, bro."

The archer snatched it. Kid watched him crumble it and stuff it in his mouth. "I thought me and her had something." He mumbled, crumbs flying out his mouth.

"Its okay." Kid Flash slid an arm on his shoulder, giving him a suggestive look. "You can always kiss me." The speedster wiggled his eyebrows.

Speedy pushed him away. "You're an idiot." He stood. "I have no time for this."

Kid Flash followed after him. "Don't do it bro, you don't wanna walk in on them having a full-blown makeout sesh."

The archer spun on his heels to face him. "Ew, dude!" He continued on.

"Brooooooooo, you dooooon't waaaaaanna." He was now standing in front of Speedy, blocking him.

"Lemme g-"

Someone's communicator buzzed.

Speedy went in his pants and pulled his out. It was right next to his spare comb. He picked up.


Beast Boy looked at him, wide-eyed. "Dude! I'm-on-a-date-with-Kole-and-bombing." He hurried.
Kid Flash snatched the communicator with a napkin. Speedy had no idea he'd left and came back.

"Listen dude. We got your back. Where are you?"

"In the bathroom! Don't know how long I can be here before she wonders what's up."

Speedy snapped his fingers. "I got an idea, but it involves that douche. Go to her, drink a large cup of water, and come back in 10 minutes."

Beast Boy nodded, hanging up before they can say anything else.

"See, Cy left a couple of these when he was here. We never used it tho." Speedy explained to Kid Flash, showing him two earpieces. "So I can help BB. Just so he doesn't end up in my situation."

Kid Flash rolls his eyes. "Okay, no what?"

"He wants me to hand it to Beast Boy." Herald said from the kitchen, opening a can of energy drink.

Speedy rolled his eyes at him. "Yeah, so can you hurry?"

Kid Flash shook his head as Herald walked over. He grabbed his trumpet from the table and pictured Beast Boy as he blew. A small portal opened up.

"Hey d-"

Speedy tossed an earpiece at him. "Yeah, yeah, hey, go. Now."

A surprised Beast Boy just shrugged, the portal closing.

"Can I leave now?" Herald asked.

Speedy responded as soon as he asked. "No." He placed the earpiece on.

Kid Flash rolled his eyes. "Yes you can, don't mind him. I'm about to raid the fridge."

"What took so long?" Kole asked, smiling at him,

Beast Boy stared at her blankly.

The pink-haired girl's smile became uneasy. "Okaaay... The bread sticks here are nice."

"I.. think your.. bread."

She giggled. "You're funny."

"Dude, you're losing it." Speedy voice blasted in his ear.

"I know!" Beast Boy covered his face.

Kole looked surprised, her eyes darting from side to side. "Umm.. Did I say something wrong?"

"No, no. No!"

"Don't respond to me, dummy. Just do what I say."

Kole watched Beast Boy curiously. "You okay?"

"Yeah, Kole. I'm muy bueno." He leaned back, trying to be cool. Then he fell out the seat.

A waiter rushed over to help him up.

"Idiot! Okay, get up and tell her she looks hot."

Beast Boy waved the waiter off, clearing his throat. "Um.. Hot look you."

"Oh my gosh, Beast Boy."

Kole raised an eyebrow. "W-what?"

"I mean, you-look-hot!" He blurted, covering his face soon after.

She blushed. "Um.. Thanks." Kole adjusted her baby blue skater dress, pulling the top up.

"Now say, 'Whatcha wanna eat, babe?' Make sure to take a deep breath before you say anything."

Beast Boy took a deep breath. "What you wanna eat... babe?"

Surprised, she stuttered, "U-uh um.. I-I'm not sure."

"Oh." Beast Boy answered.

"You caught her off guard. Girls love it!" Speedy paused to yell at someone. "Shut up, you dweeb! Say it to my face! Kid Flash, I'm freaking busy!" He cleared his throat. "Okay Beast Boy, look at your phone every now and then. The more out of touch you are the better."

Kole looked around. "Well.. Um, can you pick for me? Since you've been here before?"

He nodded and picked up his civilian phone, peeking up to watch her reaction.

"Pick up the menu then." She muttered, looking around.

Beast Boy did pick up the menu but didn't put his phone down. "Whatever."

The waiter came over and took down the veggie burger, fries, and milkshake they ordered.

She frowned. "... Um." Again, she looked around. "There's so many people in here. So not used to it."

"Say, 'Just focus on me'."

Beast Boy looked up. "Just focus on me." It came out a little nervously.

"You not really doing anything I can pay attention to." She commented, looking away.

Speedy chuckled. "Say, 'Neither are you.'"

"Neither are you?" It came out more as a question than a snarky remark.

She gave him a irked glare, slamming her cloth on the table. "I'm going to the bathroom." Then she walked away.

The changeling groaned. " Dude, I'm doing even worse than earlier!"

A new voice was on the other end. "Hey, BB! I got your back!"

He sighed in relief at Kid Flash's voice. "Please, dude!"

"Okay, so just be cool. She's just Kole. Even though I'm surprised you even talk to Kole. Jericho was like he goes out with her."

"They broke up, she called me cute, I liked that she called me cute.. I think she's cute, I asked her out like last week, she said sure." Beast Boy rushed.

"Yes! Jerald is a go!"

He didn't bother to ask what that meant.

"She hates me now."

"Nah, she's just upset that you were being a jerk. She's cooling off."

Kole was walking back through the tables.

"Dude, she's coming."

"Calm down and just apologize for earlier."

Kole sat down, her hair falling in her face. She looked him over.

"Um, Kole... I'm sorry for being a moron. I was just pretty nervous..."

She thought a while, peering at him. Then she brightened up.

"Okay!" Kole grinned. "I make ya nervous, huh? I'm nervous too."

"I think you're doing good now, Green Dude. Just roll with that." Kid chuckled. "Just be yourself. And don't pressure yourself to impress her."

Beast Boy grinned. "You're nervous? Why?"

"Cuuuuz.." She twirled her hair. "You're adorable."

"Oh crap, she called you adorable. Ask what that means!"

The changeling furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean by 'adorable'?"

She shook her head, noticing his troubled expression. "Nothing. Just you're cute. I like cute."

"She went out with Jer, of course she does."

Beast Boy squeaked. "Do you like me?"

Kole looked elsewhere and made a so-so motion with her hand.

"You don't like me?" He whined, covering his face as their food arrived.

"Daaaaang, bro. Yo, Speedy! She doesn't like him!"

Kole smiled uneasily. "Um... Well... Kinda?"

"Kinda?!" Beast Boy exclaimed, earning a few glances.

Speedy was back on. "Be cool, dude! Just shrug and relax. Make her like you."

"I can't, bro!" He mumbled, stuffing fries in his mouth after.

She gave him a puzzled look. "What.. bro?" She placed a cloth on her lap, still watching him.

He looked up at her. "Huh?"

"You dummy."

Kole picked up her fork. "Beast Boy, can we just not worry about it?"

"She liked you enough to go out with you, dork."

The green teen frowned. "Okay..."

"We're just gonna leave you to your sucky date." Speedy announced. There was then some shuffling.

Kid Flash chuckled. "Don't listen to him, good luck!"

Beast Boy groaned, picking up his sandwich.

"That was a mess." Speedy commented.

Kid Flash agreed, running over to the fridge.

"Bee is going to freak when you clean our fridge out." The archer said, standing up to stretch. He walked over to the doors leading to the rooms.

Kid sat on the counter, holding an ice cream sandwich. "There's barely anything in there to start, so whatever."

"What do you think they're doing?" Speedy asked, staring at the door.

Kid wiped his mouth. "I'll ask." He ignored Speedy's protests. "HERALD!"

Moments later, Herald stepped in, looking down at Speedy. "What do you guys want?"

"What are you and Bee doing?" Both boys asked at the same time.

Herald rolled his eyes. "Talking. She wants me to get her an ice cream sandwich." He raised an eyebrow at Speedy, who was glaring at him. "Why do you hate me?"

"Ate the last one!" Kid Flash laughed, showing a wrapper.

The archer waved a hand. "I don't hate you. I hate Herald/Bumblebee."

"Jerald!" Kid Flash shouted.

Herald rolled his eyes and turned to walk back out.

I hope you guys notice the continuity from other chapters. I have more to come!

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