Ral was so happy to have his house full of people that loved his family. Everyone was smiling and just genuinely comfortable, at ease with each other. He did get the distinct impression that this was this was very new, and very needed. He noticed the way that Jace and Liliana moved around each other. He'd never seen anything quite like it. Not with Kallist and his new wife, not with him and Teysa, but it did seem distinctly familiar. Ral just couldn't seem to place it. It was almost like there was a gravitational pull between the two, if she moved, so did he. It wasn't even conscious, which is what made it all the more peculiar. His hand was always touching her- the small of her back, her shoulder, or laced through his fingers.

Jace didn't know- but Ral did. He'd just met his son's future.

Teysa was getting food for the night, and Ral had planned a cooking lesson for all of them. He didn't know much about Liliana's cooking experience, only that she had more than the others. Kaalia and Josu walked into the kitchen where he was standing, and he thought that he and and Liliana could be twins, they favored as much as his did. He noticed that Kaalia's hand never really left her stomach. Before he could comment, Josu looked at Ral and tilted his head.

"Wait- Mr. Beleren?"

"Mpf?" Ral said, having just taken a swig of soda.

"I think I start an internship with you on Monday." Josu said.

"I thought I had a Joseph," Ral said to himself. "But your name.."

"They always-" Josu started.

"Spell it wrong. I'm always Ralph." Ral laughed. "Well, I guess I lucked out this term," he continued. "Jace speaks very highly of you."

Josu smiled at Ral. He thought the world of Jace. He was beginning to think of Jace of a brother to him, especially since Jace had had the backbone to stand up to his father. NO one had ever done that. And the best part of it all was that it hadn't just been for Liliana. It'd been for him, and for Kaalia, and Liliana. Jace knew that they had each other's back, and that was something that could never be forced- and that was more he could have ever asked for for sister.

"Jace is the best thing to ever happen to my sister," Josu said. "She's changed. She's never been like this with anyone, she's never been this happy. I admit that I thought this was a bad idea at first, but…" Su trailed off.

"They make each other better." Ral supplied. "I was worried too. I still am. I don't know how they're going to tell your father."

Josu's eyes darkened. He didn't either. But he wouldn't let the General take this from Lili. She'd never recover.

Lili was curled up next to Jace, her head on his chest. He kissed the top of her head, relieved that they could just be together here. She nuzzled into his chest, Loki purring contentedly there.

"So, cooking lessons?" Liliana sniggered.

"Hey now, Dad picked something you enjoyed," Jace said.

"I know, I wonder what little bird told him I could cook," Lili smiled.

"Avy did," Jace said, no deception present in his voice.

Speaking of the youngest Beleren, she sat on Sorin's lap, smiling up at him. The sight of them made Liliana happy. As much history as she and Sorin had, they delighted in each other's happiness. Because it was real. And she had never had that before. Neither had Sorin. What she had with Jace and what he had with Avacyn paled in comparison to anything that they had ever had.

Liliana's stomach dropped. She couldn't be happy with Jace like she wanted to be because of the situation that their lives had put them in. She wished more than anything that this, the greatest thing that had ever happened to her, her personal miracle, didn't have to be a terrible, dirty secret. Her heart beat faster in her chest when she thought of telling her parents, but she could feel it come out of her chest in pain when she thought she might lose Jace forever. The thought wasn't one she could bear.

As if on cue, Jace tipped up Liliana's head and slowly placed his lips to hers. Usually, their kisses were frantic,needy, and quick, but this was slow, like they had all the time in the world. She braided her hands into his hair, slowly. He pulled back, kissing the tip of her nose, ending the it too soon for Liliana. She sighed into Jace's chest and went to go help Ral with dinner.

"Hello darling," Ral said, smiling. "Jace said you're quite talented in the kitchen."

"I'm pretty good," Liliana said, blushing. Jace sat at the bar of their kitchen. "I love it, anyways. So, what has Jace told you about me?"

"It's more what he hasn't said, Liliana," Ral said "All he has to do is hear your name and his eyes light up, he even aligns himself around you. When he's not with you, he's always got his phone, he needs to know that you're alright for him to be alright, you've changed him, you've altered who he is at his core."

"I never wanted," Liliana started, but Ral touched her shoulder to quiet her.

"It's a good thing, Liliana." he said. He was never really alive. Not without you, not really. You've brought him out of his shell in a way that I couldn't, his mother couldn't, no one could. You've awakened a part of him that we thought–"

"You thought?"

"Nothing, dear." Ral said. "It's not my story to tell." He pushed Liliana's hair back behind her ear. Before Liliana could say anything else, Ral spoke. "Now. Where are my children?" Ral shouted something in Polish, Liliana didn't have a clue what he said, but all of them came running.

"Hey! You said dinner was done, Daddy!" Avacyn said, letting out a puffy breath. Liliana felt that she should have known, nothing gathered people like food.

"Liliana and I are going to help you make your own dinner," Ral said. "Get ready to learn." Liliana smiled to herself. Ral really was doing everything he could to make her feel welcome he wanted their family to be exactly that, a real family. And anyone who came into their lives and made his children as happy as they were, Ral was okay with that. He was better than okay, actually. He treasured them.

Liliana started with a smile at Jace, picked up a chef's knife and some shallots. "So, knife cuts.."

"Can we just agree that when you marry me that I'll do all of the outside work and you can cook for me and the cats?" Jace said as he drove into New Orleans, and Liliana had

"Sounds a lot like gender roles " Lili started, "Wait…"

"Yes?" Jace said, a smile on his face. He knew what he said. He placed his hand on Liliana's bare thigh, she drew a sharp breath in

"Why you wanna marry me anyway?" She said, playing into him. He loved it, and to be honest, she loved the idea of it, too. She knew that she couldn't afford to see that future, but she did. She loved it. Jace knew that he wanted to keep her forever he put his hand in the pocket of his jeans, feeling the velvet box there, flashing back to what had happened before they'd left that night. LIliana had been sitting with Teysa, talking about ballet.

"Come here, son… " Ral said, sitting on the bed, smoothing the sheets. "Tell me about Liliana."

"She's perfect, Dad. She's everything that I could ever want or need. I just want to protect her and love her and be everything she needs like she is to me. She understands me on the deepest level. Losing her is the worst thing that could ever happen to me. I don't think I could recover from the loss. I hate that she has to be my biggest secret when in reality she's my biggest pride. Dad.. she's everything, she's my end and my beginning. She's everything. She's mine and I'm hers, and Dad… "

Ral smiled. "You can't seem to find the words?"

"There aren't enough words, Dad. There aren't strong enough words for what I feel for Liliana."

"Is there a strong enough question Jace?"

"Dad?" Jace said, cocking his eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean, Jace. You just don't know how you're going to get there, do you?"

Jace put his head in his hands and ran his fingers through his hair, putting it on edge. His father was right. He knew what he wanted, but he couldn't build a bridge to get there. It was impossible. At least he didn't see a way. He knew that everything he wanted was forbidden, so they did it in hiding.

"It's not impossible, son. You two have got a hell of a fight in front of you. Are you willing to fight for her?"

"If there was only one thing worth fighting for, then it would be her."

Ral walked over to the back of the closet and pulled out his mother's ring, in a black box. He hadn't given it to Kate, his mother was still alive when they married, Teysa had only wanted a band, and by that point, he and Niv Mizzet had decided that Jace had been the closest to Karina, their grandmother.

"Your Babiska wanted you to have this. She only told me and your grandfather. I knew when I met her that she was the one."

"Daddy, I…"

Ral pulled Jace into a hug that crushed his ribs. As much as Kate didn't know, Ral knew. Ral knew it all. He knew what this meant to Jace, and if it was the end of him. He'd help Jace find a way. Kate had never connected with Jace like Ral and Karina had; Ral had been almost angry when Jace had chosen to stay with his siblings instead of him. But now he knew that they all played a greater part in the symphony, he knew why this had happened. Ral just smiled.

"Go, son. I love you."

Liliana was waiting in the drawing room with Teysa, looking at the piano. Teysa sat, asking Liliana if she played.

"Some," she said. Jace scoffed.

"Dance with me, Liliana?" Ral asked her.

Startled at first, but flattered second, Liliana nodded. She'd never had this sort of easy relationship with any older man. Her father and grandfather were cut from the same mold, arrogant and angry men. Ral was the exact opposite, gentle. Kind. She saw so much of Jace in him, from their features that were the exact same, but more she saw their hearts were similar.

Ral took Liliana into his arms and began to sway her to the slow cadence of the music. Liliana felt, for the first time, at peace with the decision that she was making. She would make this decision with her eyes wide open, walking into this family with Jace. She knew that regardless of what happened, she would have this family.

"He loves you, you know?" Ral said, quietly.

"I love him more than I know how to love," Liliana said into Ral's shoulder.

"Let him show you, let me show you, but more than that you have to let yourself, Lili. Just let him in. I know you're scared. And I think it's more than the thought of your overbearing father."

Liliana didn't know how Ral knew. Su wouldn't have told him, no one would have. All she knew is that not once, in all of Liliana's near 18 years, had Rafael ever treated her like this. She let herself relax and let Ral lead her around the room slowly, no more words needed.

"So I can kiss you anytime I want," Jace said, pulling into a small bed and breakfast on the outskirts of NOLA. This place was so far out of the way that they'd have time to just be- which is what they both needed. Liliana curled up into Jace's arms, before they even moved into their digs for the night.

"I love you, even though sometimes I don't do it right, sometimes I know that I test your patience.. I know.." Liliana started.

"No, doll...no.." Jace smoothed her hair down and kissed the top of her head. "We don't have to do that right now. Just… come here."

"I'm trying, but Jace.."

"Neither one of us are perfect…" Jace said. He closed the gap in between them, kissing her softly and slowly, it seemed like this night had been a slow build, this was about connection more than it was their dynamic, he wanted to feel every part of her around every part of him, he wanted her skin on his.

"Papi…" she crooned in his ear, putting pressure on the lobe, knowing what it did to Jace. He reached for the keys, but hesitated and then cleared his throat.

Jace thumbed at the box, he knew that Rafael wasn't an option, but he at least was going to ask Josu before he made that type of move. He smiled at Liliana and picked her up, carrying her bridal style to the room that he'd rented for the weekend. He knew that they were both struggling about the fact that the best thing that had ever happened to either of them had to be their biggest secret.

He stroked the side of her face gently, he could feel the atmosphere change in the room. Liliana wrapped her legs around him as they both went tumbling toward the white, quilted sheets. Her hair fell around her shoulders as she pulled at the seams of Jace's shirt. She ran her hands over his shoulders and his fell to her hips, his fingertips causing gooseflesh all over her body.

"The things that I would do to you," he said in her ear.

"The things you're going to do to me," she said, almost with a laugh on her breath. "I want to give you everything, Jace."

Jace groaned into the top of Liliana's head and she put her arms up so he could lift her shirt over her head. His fingers caressed her neck, and something about the motion set Liliana's skin on fire. Her back arched into him, a low moan on her lips.

"Papi...please…." her voice was breathy. Both of her wrists fit easily into one of his hands; she bit into her lip as he put his forehead to hers.

"I love you," Jace said. "So, so much."

Jace looked into Liliana's eyes, they almost sparkled as she buried her head into his shoulder, her nails in his in his skin, she was holding to him tighter than she ever had.

"Leesi, what's wrong?"

"Don't let go," Liliana said into his ear. "Please don't let go."

"Never, ever."

Liliana knew that this was harder because she was baring more than just her body, she was giving Jace her whole heart, something she hadn't done since Ashiok had stolen her innocence from her.

He cradled her head close to his chest as they both shimmied off the remainder of their clothes. Her breath was shaky and his heart pounded in his chest, breath short. He knew that one word would relax her; and this day had been a long time coming.

"Mine," Jace said.

He was right. Liliana relaxed into him. They didn't usually talk, especially to say I love you. This was a time when their dynamic was changing, both of them could feel it.

The only thing Liliana wanted to feel was him, his weight on top of her, him inside her, and she couldn't wait any longer. He loved on her, kissing her neck, collarbone, and shoulder- his hands snaking their way up her inner thigh, he could feel her body heat on his as he released her hands and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, wanting him as close as he could possibly be.

"Take me-" she said, but his mouth enveloped hers as he hitched her hips upward, and in the next breath Liliana gasped and Jace cursed in a whisper, both of them knowing that in this moment, the only thing they needed was the other. Outside, thunder clapped in the distance and he held her as tightly as he could, she was secure, they were made for this. Jace's lips marked the skin of her collarbone and her hips matched his thrusts tit for tat, her back arching as he pulled her legs flush with his shoulders. Every single rule that they had created wasn't on their radar right now. Lili flipped over to her stomach and Jace tilted her head up with a smile.

"Look how beautiful you are," he said, his voice hoarse. She smiled at their reflections in spite of herself.

"Jace," she panted, "Let me feel you in the morning."

Jace let his fingers trace her neck, and he felt her growing tighter around him, his own orgasm building- but she would feel him in the morning. He pulled her flush with his chest, it was too much for her, he felt her body give way to his.

"Fuck-" she cursed, her knees wobbly. He pulled her body close to his- her name on his lips as they fell against each other. He kissed the top of her head so and weaved his legs so that they juxtaposed hers.

They didn't need to say anything, not in that moment. Liliana curled up against the love of her life, both of them content. They both fell asleep nearly immediately, everything right in the world.

But then.

Oh, but then.

Then the nightmare came.