Chapter 1

(In Jude's perspective)

It was after Connor and I's visit to the batting cages that it's been a little weird between us. I know I like him but I don't think he knows. The only people who know I like him is Mari and Mommy (Lena). I asked Mommy if he could come over and she said it was fine with her, so I went and asked him if he wanted to come over.

"So. I have this new game, Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate. I haven't tried the game yet but I heard it was good. Do you want to come over and play with me?" I asked curiously, hoping he can't hear my heartbeat racing.

Connor looked at me with hurt/pity in his eyes. I was afraid what he was going to say… "I can't, my dad doesn't want us to hang out at all… He thinks you're gay but I know you aren't. I'm sorry"

I was shocked, did I really seem like that? A new question pop into my mind. One that I need an answer to.

"What if I was gay? Would you still stay over or just think of me as repulsive?"

Silence. I left him at his locker and went to English. Wonderful, my "best friend" Is a homophobic ass like his father. I can't believe I ever liked him.

(Connor's POV)

It's lunch time, the period before I have class with Jude. I'm a nervous wreck. I've been trying to think of a way of telling Jude that I don't care who he is, He's my best friend. Well that's what I'm going to tell him. What I really want to tell him is that I love him and I want him to be my boyfriend. I don't care what my dad says about him. I'm going to be friends with him, hopefully more than that but here's to hoping!

The lunch bell rang. No sign of Jude at lunch. I wonder where he was. While walking past Mrs. Fosters' office I saw Jude in there with his mom. I guess he was having lunch there, probably to avoid me.

Science time. I'm going to wait till he chooses a place to sit so I can sit next to him. Well, he beat me here and he had one open seat next to him and I claimed it before anyone took it. I unpacked my things and I went to speak to Jude. Of course the teacher walked in before I could get a word out. I took out a piece of paper and wrote a note to Jude

"Remember what you said earlier today? About you being gay? I don't care who or what you are, you are my best friend and nothing can change that, my dad can't do anything to stop me hanging out with you. I want you to be by my side always, ok? I like you, I know I do."

I gave it to Jude before I realized what I said. I just told Jude I liked him and I didn't even know if he liked me. He did hand me the note back saying this:

"I'll talk to you at the end of school ok? I don't want to be caught doing this. But thanks I guess my fears were for naught."

He smiled at me and the class ended in what felt to me like an eternity. I met him at his locker, He was the last one there which was odd because he normally would leave before everyone else.

"You wanted to see me..?" I said curiously

"Huh? Oh yea! I wanted to give you something but you have to close your eyes to get it" He smirked. It's probably a punch to the gut since I am taller than him. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the punch.

Boy was I wrong by about infinity miles.