disclaimers: ...hmm. Do I own it *ponders* Can't say I do. Oh poopie :(

YAOI! boy x boy love so if you dont like seeing your favorite bishonen going at it like rabbits in heat, you should probably leave now. ^_~

summary: Two years after the defeat of Buu. Vegeta wakes with dreams, dreams of a person eliciting carnal desires within his being. They feel too real to be fake. Little does Vegeta know that Goku has the same dreams.

A note: I refuse to have Bulma be bastardized (she's my fave girl in the show!) so I killed her instead.... (Also, I killed Bura........;_;) Theres' TRUTEN IN HERE! *rejoices*


Hands traveled the expanse of his muscular chest, tracing the ridges of his abs, fingering the pectorals. His breathing quickened, lungs heaving, body quivering with need. Obsidian eyes squeezed tightly shut, raven flamed shaped hair dampened with sweat, mouth slack as moans escaped. The fingers skimmed across the ruddy nipples, his back arching in pleasure. One hand deserted its assault on the puckered nub, gliding over the smooth expanse of flesh, to slip under the hem of the warrior's spandex pants. The hand grabbed hold of the Saiyajin's hardened arousal, pumped langurously. Lips went to-

* * *

Vegeta's eyes snapped open, sitting upright in the queen sized bed. He controlled his panting to a normal rate, glaring at the appendage that had made a tent in his gi pants. "That damn dream again," he mumbled, lying back down and willing away the erection. The prince sighed, wiping the sweat that glistened on his forehead. The dreams had started a few months before, after Bulma died. Vegeta's gaze went to the picture on the nightstand. It had been taken right after Buu was defeated and the world was returned to normal. He never thought that she would die but she had, during complications with Bura's birth. The little girl hadn't survived either. Vegeta sighed, his thoughts shifting to Trunks. The boy was lonely and Vegeta wasn't the best at offering fatherly love. There was one steady person in Trunks life; Son Goten. Vegeta figured they needed each other, since Chichi had also died, a year before Bulma due to cancer.

Goten had always been like a second son to Vegeta, he was over enough to be counted as part of the family. Though, Vegeta often wondered about Goten. There was something about the way he would stare at Trunks when he figured none were looking. Of course Vegeta plainly saw the little looks. There was no hiding anything from his perceptive gaze. Goten was smarter than his father, that was sure but not by much. Both held that innocence that drove Vegeta insane at times. The thought of Goku brought Vegeta back to his dream.

It wasn't as if wanted the person that brought so much pleasure to him in the dreams to be Goku but...it seemed like it was. There was a strength in the hands that so tenderly held him, touched him, made him cry out in bliss that screamed the name Goku. Vegeta had studied the large Saiyajin's hands one day during their daily sparring session and was disturbed by how much those hands resembled the ones in his dreams. He had been more disturbed when he wanted to feel the hands on his body. The dream felt so real. Vegeta could he even smell his partner. Earthy, cinnamon tones. Vegeta wasn't going to risk his pride and be caught taking a whiff of Goku, though his curiousity was threatning to rob him of his sanity.

Vegeta glanced at the red digits of the alarm clock. 4:00 a.m. His normal waking time. Rising from the bed, Vegeta grabbed a towel and headed for his bathroom. Stepping underneath the warm spray, he thought about how much things were changing. Inwardly, he had been hieghtened to a hold new level of emotions since Bulma's death. Outwardly, he remained the same cold bastard that the Z senshi had associated with him. Not that he minded what they thought but he did get angry when Yamcha remarked that probably didn't even care that Bulma had died which was lie. Vegeta had been upset over losing the woman. No matter how much they argued, she was the only one who would think of raising her voice to him. That was what ultimately attracted him to her; that powerful pride and energy that had been Bulma.

Wrapping the fluffy towel around his waist, he returned to his room, dreading the quiet day. At least with Bulma around he hadn't felt loneliness. Trunks was busy managing Capsule Corporation. Vegeta dressed into his customary spandex, deciding he was going to visit Goku. He took to the air, flying over the expansive hills, mountains, and rivers that seperated their homes. Soon, the small yet humble house came into view. Touching down, Vegeta walked to where he sensed Goku's ki.

The Saiyajin was perched on a tree limb, legs dangling down the sides. The sable eyes-the windows to Goku's soul-were closed, the lopsided cut ebony hair waved in the breeze, his arms were crossed in front of his chest. Vegeta smirked at the serene man. The sun was peeking its way over the mountains, rays highlighting Goku's boyish face. Vegeta leaned against the trunk of the maple, idly waiting for Goku to register he was there.

It took a few seconds and Goku grinned when he saw the cocky prince. "Ohyao 'Geta!" Goku greeted, using his nickname for Vegeta, a name that irked the shorter man considerably. Goku dropped to the ground, smile widening. "I didnt know you'd be here today, Geta. We don't spar until tomorrow."

"I know that baka."

Goku lost the naiveity for a minute, eyes focusing on him. "Your lonely too, ne?" Goku shuffled his feet uncomfortably at the hardened glare the other pure blooded was sending in his direction. "You dont have to be ashamed Vegeta...cuz I am too." A faint blush stole across his cheeks. "And I like being with you. You make me forget my problems."

'I like being with you too Kakarotto,' Vegeta thought to himself. Vegeta raised a delicate eyebrow. "You dont have problems Kakarotto."

"Hai...I do."

"Hn. You never act it."

"Maybe its cuz I dont want people ta know," he muttered, barely audible. Goku stared at his boots, finding them very interesting all of a sudden. It was the truth. People always saw him as a big ray of sunshine who was completey airheaded when in fact, he was smarter than he let on and dealt with depression just like other people.

Vegeta studied the face that was downcast. It seemed the visage had dulled. "Kakarotto, look at me." Goku hesitantly raised his eyes to meet Vegeta's. The prince's smirk vanished. The eyes were full of pain and were strakingly lifeless. 'We all have our demons..I thought Kakarotto was excluded from the majority. Guess not. How long has he been like this? Why do I even care?' "You've hid it for how long?"

"I dunno. Years," Goku sighed, plopping down onto the grass. He stretched his arms behind his head, tucking them underneath. "Since Cell came."

'Ah.' Vegeta sank beside Goku. The time when Cell was ravaging the planet had also been a rocky turmoil for Vegeta. Having to watch one's future son die has that affect, to know that one would only be second best did as well. During those years before Buu, Vegeta had utterly despied Goku. When they fused as Vegito and then later on Gogeta, he had known what it was like to be completely perfect and it was all thanks to fusing with Goku. After Buu was defeated...Vegeta lost the grudge he held against Goku but vowed that one day, he would surpass Goku.

"People think I'm a bad husband and father," Goku suddenly blurted out.

Vegeta frowned. He had to say something to Goku..but what? He was never good at the whole compassion bit. Swallowing his enormous ego, Vegeta said the only thing he could. "Its how Saiyajins are, Kakarotto. We aren't meant to be tied down. We yearn for challenges and we yearn for the thrill of the fight."

"...Is that why we argue all the time?" Vegeta tilted his head to the side to show he didn't understand. "With us questing for victory? We have to have dominance over each other since we're the last remaining of our people."

Vegeta was shocked. Goku did have a brain! A small smile curled his lips. Not that he ever doubted. He just liked to poke fun at the sensitive man. "Yes Kakarotto, perhaps you are right."

"Vegeta...does it still hurt?"


"Yeah.....but....when I'm with you....the pain goes away."

Vegeta nodded to himself, noting that Goku's eyes were closed. Of course they pain went away. They were two of a kind. Their pains were the same, their ambitions, even...their pride. Goku was the only one on Earth who could understand him. They were...the last. Vegeta thought back to when he killed Nappa. It had been a mistake, he knew that now. If Nappa and Raditz had lived, how different things would be. If Raditz had somehow converted to the good side then Vegeta may have never came to Earth..may have never met Goku or Bulma, never had the chance to raise Trunks. A thought came to Vegeta's mind. "What about your family?"

"Gohan's busy teaching and raising Pan. Goten's been spending his time at the university and when he's not doing that, he's with Trunks."

"Ahhh, the mystery of our son's relationship."

"What do you mean Geta?" Goku stared quizzically at his friend.

Vegeta laughed. "You haven't noticed? Your blind, baka. They have mated." Goku blinked. He didn't understand which was easy to tell, he not having been raised on Vejitasei. "When two Saiyajins decided they want to spend the rest of their lives together, they bond. First, with the emotional. The two have to be similar emotionally. When that is created, it moves to the physical. Most times, the pair will have a duel and the victor becomes the dominant of the relationship. They mark each other when having sex, biting into each others necks. The dominant will carry no scar however the submissive will. Right here," Vegeta pointed to his neck.

"Oh," Goku simply said. "Did you do that with Bulma."

"No because its for life and I knew she would die centuries before me."

"How long to Saiyajin live?"

"Normally, five hundred years."

Goku's eyes went to the size of saucers. "Five hundred years?!!! Dende..thats along time! That means..I'm still a teenager in Saiyajin terms."


"So..this means...we're going to be together for a long..long time. Right Geta?"

"Right Kakarotto. We'll be the only ones."

"What about Trunks, Goten, and Gohan?"

"Half that."


"Hn." Vegeta glanced at the position of the sun. "We have been chatting for over two hours. I want to spar now."

"Sure Geta!" Goku lept to his feet, managing to hit his head on a low tree limb. "Ouch," he rubbed the sore spot.

"Baka," Vegeta smiled.

* * *

^_^ Review pretty please!

Sorry if Vegeta's too OOC!