Author's Notes: Hello! It's been so long. Too long. Thank you so much to everyone who has reviewed, favorited, followed, or even read my story so far. It means so much. This is technically part 1 of chapter 3. I really wanted to upload as soon as possible after coming off hiatus so I ended up splitting it into two parts.

I also decided it would be cool to post a couple of fun facts about the story before every chapter (until I run out of them eventually haha).

Fun facts!

1. Caitlin was originally intended to be a succubus who fed off of pheromones.

2. I'll be introducing an old character in coming chapters who is no longer on the show (If you'd like, leave your guess in a review!)

As always, breaks in the text means a change of scene/time, and feedback is always, always appreciated. Thank you!

"Wait, wait wait…" Stiles' father held up his hands. "He's a what?"

Stiles widened his eyes excitedly and Caitlin noted the twinkle that shone in them. "Assassin." He whispered dramatically, making the telepath roll her eyes. They'd been trying to explain the situation with the assassins and the dead pool to Sheriff Stilinski for over an hour and had been shocked to learn that the mute assassin was dead, due to Peter. Caitlin had contacted Derek to make sure he was alright, knowing what was going on with his powers even if he hadn't exactly told her himself, or any of the others for that matter. What he had told her was, "I'm fine." and promptly stopped responding as though he was ignoring her.

"I'm still confused." the sheriff sat at his desk in the police station, putting his head in his hands.

Scott explained that the list Lydia had decoded with the key, Allison, was a dead pool of all the supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills (that's what they were assuming, anyway).

"Yeah, but that's not the whole list." Caitlin added to her brother's explanation. "It's only part of it."

"We think there are two more parts." continued Stiles. "Lydia's still working on trying to crack the next two codes."

The sheriff studied the list of creatures on the dead pool. "So what are all of these numbers?"

"Dollar amounts. We think they'll add up to $117 million with the total list. The Hale fortune, stolen from the vault under the school by the Benefactor." Scott answered.

"Okay…two more questions."

Stiles nodded, ready to answer his father's question.

"If this is a list of supernatural creatures, why is Caitlin on here?" Sheriff Stilinski looked up at the teenage girl. "And what is this symbol next to her name?"

Scott's face dropped. "We, uh…don't know."

Caitlin felt her stomach lurch with anxiety as she remembered the strange symbol next to her name on the list in place of a money value. It was strange – something she'd never seen before. She had tried to reach Deaton (through the telephone, since their connection wasn't strong enough to allow her to project her thoughts to him), but he hadn't answered. Why was she on the list in the first place? She wasn't supernatural, really - she had been born with her gifts but she wasn't a creature.

Although they were a little preoccupied with the whole assassins-trying-to-kill-them-for-stolen-money thing, Lydia had reminded everyone of this little thing called high school – something that was definitely necessary if they wanted to survive the wrath of their parents (and Stiles had reminded them that the killers went to their school, so that would probably be a good place to start looking).

So, here they were, all sitting in Econ and listening to Coach Finstock drone on about the differences in school budgets and the unfairness that was the budget for the Beacons Hills High lacrosse team. Scott looked like he was about to fall asleep, Caitlin's mind was off, consumed in her own thoughts, and Stiles was busy looking through crime scene photos from the murders. At the moment, he was trying to figure out what kind of mark was around the stab wounds on the beta Carrie Hudson, who was found the night before.

Coach blabbered on, making his way around the room with a lacrosse stick in his hand (an example of Beacon Hills High School's disasterous budget) before stopping at Stiles' desk. He noticed the crime scene photos and scrunched his eyebrows together. "Mr. Stilinski," He began, trying to get the attention of the boy consumed by the images. Stiles jumped in his seat and looked up as the coach continued, "If I could grade you on how much you disturb me, you'd be an A student."

"Gee, thanks, Coach." Stiles laughed half-heartedly. He became silent when he noticed the end of the lacrosse stick being pointed at him.

Coach Finstock raised his eyebrows. "Put the pictures away, Mr. Stilinski, and try to pay attention," he requested, turning around to head back to the front of the room. Stiles' eyes remained focused on the lacrosse stick.

"Stiles?" Caitlin asked silently.

"The killer's on the team."

A gentle breeze swept through Caitlin's hair as she walked alone through the courtyard. Lydia and Malia were somewhere trying to decode the second key to the deadpool. Malia had said something about the art room? Caitlin had just shrugged. Scott, Stiles, and Kira were off checking out the new lead that Stiles had discovered during their last class. The telepath had told them she needed a little break from all of the noise - her concentration wasn't as strong today, and the voices were getting to her. She always liked to come out to the courtyard - sure, there were still voices, but the school was close enough to the road that the sound of the traffic helped drown them out. Caitlin watched as her peers greeted each other, laughing at each other's jokes and whispering whatever new gossip was going around, oblivious to the danger that always seemed to be looming at Beacon Hills High.

Suddenly, a voice entered her mind. She now recognized it as Liam, and saw him entering the courtyard with a group of people.

"Liam!" Caitlin called across the courtyard by the entrance to the high school, waving and smiling when the young beta turned from his friends to face her. "Wait up!"

Liam's peers Garrett and Violet looked at him, confused, when he said he'd see them later and started to walk towards her, meeting her in the middle.

He looked surprised to see her. "Hey." he said, nervously shoving his hands into his pockets. "What's up?"

"I just…I..I, uh…" She couldn't remember the reason she'd wanted to talk to him, or if she really had ever even had a reason. "Just saying hey, you know...seeing how you're doing after last night."

He smiled and looked down. "You mean the part where I, uh...turned into a werewolf? Or the part where you read my mind in front of everyone and it was really embarrassing?"

Caitlin laughed. "Sorry about that, by the way. Couldn't help myself. I always wanna know what people think of me."

Liam swallowed and looked her in the eyes. "Well, I guess you know now."

The words "Really cute." came into her mind.

She grinned. "Yeah, I guess I do." An awkward silence followed. "Liam?"


"Your eyes are glowing."

Liam's eyes widened before he shut them quickly, shaking his head.

"Has Scott talked to you about the whole…anchor thing?" Caitlin asked tentatively, keeping her voice down as students walked past them.

"A what?"

"Guess he hasn't then." She thought and tried to think of a way to explain it. "Well, you see…there's a way to sort of control your powers. By finding an anchor. Something that, when your body is shifting and the wolf starts to take over, you can think of and connect to, and calm yourself down. Something to concentrate on."

"Like…a voice?" Liam asked quietly, beginning to take deep breaths and opening his eyes (now his normal blue) to look at her.

She smiled slowly, butterflies beginning to form in her stomach. "Yeah. Or a person, an emotion…it can be whatever."

"So what's your anchor?" His voice popped into her head and he smiled.

"Right now, it's my family. They help me tune out the voices, but I've always felt like something was missing. Like they weren't the right fit. So I guess I'm still searching."

"Well, I hope you find it."

Caitlin grinned. "Me too."

Just then, a large bus with the letters spelling "DEVENFORD PREPARATORY ACADEMY" across its length pulled into the loop. Liam's eyes flickered away from Caitlin's, his smile fading and his lips forming a frown.

"Liam?" Caitlin asked, confused. She could feel his anger, but she couldn't understand why. Liam's rage was flooding his mind. She looked back and forth from the beta to the bus.

"Excuse me," Liam uttered through his gritted teeth, slowly making his way towards the bus that was now emptying of rival lacrosse players. He stopped in front of a tall, well-built, curly-headed teen.

"Scott? You need to get to the courtyard. Now." Caitlin warned the alpha.

"I'm already here. What's wrong?" Her brother's voice floated into her head, full of concern.


Caitlin searched the growing crowd for her twin, eventually finding him next to Stiles. They were both looking on at the interaction between Liam and the mystery player, a look of worry etched across their faces. Caitlin tried to concentrate on Liam, but all she could get was bits and pieces of what he was saying. She heard him call the mystery student Brett, and something about a coach, but that was all.

Suddenly, Scott and Stiles were pulling Liam away from the crowd.

"Locker room." Caitlin heard coming from Stiles. She quickly started on her way.

When she arrived, she could hear yelling, growling, and running water. What was going on?

She found Scott and Stiles holding Liam against the back of the showers, allowing the water to wash over him. The beta's eyes were glowing with fury, his body transitioned into his wolf form.

"Liam! You need to calm down." Scott urged him as the freshman lunged forward.

"Liam?" Caitlin's voice entered the room as she took a few steps towards the three boys.

The beta's attention shifted to her, and Caitlin felt him beginning to calm.

"Caitlin? What are you doing h-" Scott looked at her questioningly.

"Finally." Stiles interrupted dramatically, letting go of Liam and stepping away from the water. "What took you so long?"

Scott turned to look at his best friend. "Why did you tell her to come here?" He demanded as his sister moved towards the now silent Liam. She slid down beside him on the wet floor, asking if he was okay. He looked at her, his eyes now full of saddness, and nodded.

Stiles shrugged. "I dunno, you saw how they were at the lake house. I thought she could help."

Scott growled and gave Stiles a look that told him that their conversation wasn't over. He turned back to the pair on the floor. "Liam, you need to be honest with us. What happened with your teacher or coach or whatever?"

Liam shook his head, refusing to answer.

"Liam, c'mon man, we're trying to help." Stiles offered as a consolance.

"No one's going to judge you, Liam. No one's going to be angry, or upset, or disappointed if you tell us the truth." Caitlin sent her thoughts to Liam.

"I'm too ashamed."

The telepath reached out, placing her hand on one of his knees that were curled into his chest. "It's okay."

Liam looked at her and then at Scott. "My coach benched me for the rest of the season because I got a couple of red cards."

"A couple?" Stiles raised his eyebrows.

Liam looked at him. "Okay, more than a couple. I had a few...outburts during games. They sent me to a psychologist who diagnosed me with Intermittent Explosive Disorder."

"I.E.D.?" Stiles asked, amused by the irony. Caitlin gave him a scowl.

The beta nodded. "I'm supposed to take medication for it, but it makes me too tired to play lacrosse. So I stopped." He looked to Scott. "I'm sorry."

Scott's eyes softened and he shook his head. "You don't need to be sorry, Liam. Everyone makes mistakes. But I think you should sit out of the game tonight."

"What? No! I can do it. I can control my anger." Liam argued. "Especially with you there." He added silently to Caitlin.

"I'll be there." Caitlin looked at her brother and shrugged.

Scott sighed in defeat. "Alright. But be careful."

Again feedback is always appreciated! I'm hoping to have the next part up within the next week, and I'll also be explaining more about how Caitlin's powers work and assessing any questions you guys might have. Thank you so much for reading!