(Authors Note: Updated with new cover. The book is now up on Amazon if your are interested in checking it out. I have posted a few chapters here and will be posting the rest of the book later in the fall. I just wanted to say thanks to those who have taken a chance on it. Janie Mj)


Dear Reader,

Our story begins with the Bennet family, who live in a little coastal town, called Meryton. Mr. and Mrs. Bennet live in a lovely seaside estate named Longbourn. Mr. Bennet is a loving but somewhat neglectful father who would much rather spend time with his books than with his wife, and Mrs. Bennet is a terribly selfish mother who is often overcome with fits of emotional outbursts that do little to recommend her. Together they have five daughters. Jane is the eldest daughter. She is very beautiful with a kind and gentle heart; Mary is the middle child and a rather plain girl with a very serious nature; Kitty is the second youngest and often falls under the influence of her rather wild, spoiled younger sister, Lydia.

Now you might think our story is about Jane, but it isn't. Our story is about Elizabeth Bennet, the second eldest of the Bennet girls. Elizabeth has soft brown eyes, long dark hair, a quick wit, a lively imagination, and an adventurous spirit. She is her father's favorite daughter and her mother's constant source of agitation.

One day, quite by chance, Elizabeth happens to meet a handsome prince named William. The prince is tall with deep, dark, brown eyes and soft, dark, curly hair. He lives in a beautiful castle called Pemberley, in the city of Derbyshire. The prince has a brave guardian who is always by his side, a trusted friend, a wicked aunt, and a soft-spoken, rather shy, younger sister. Of course, no real fairy tale would be complete without a villain or two, who have evil plans and sinister plots to wreak havoc in the lives of our fair couple.

So let's open the pages to our story, and see what awaits our young lovers. But, please do be mindful. As with any truly worthwhile love story, there are obstacles that must be overcome, misunderstandings that must be understood, and secrets that must be revealed so that our lovers can finally have their happily ever after.