Chapter 1

This chapter has been rewritten… a bit.

A/N: This is my first fic and well, English not my first language so I using google translate and what I can to make this. I'm sorry for wrong grammar, spelling, etc. Please be nice with me.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

In deserted snowy park there's a boy lying on a bench, he looked around 6-7 years old. He has blue hair, had headphones on his neck, wearing an oversized clothes with armband written 'SEES' on it. At his waist there holster a silver gun.

A moment later, the boy wake up immediately while shouting, "Elizabeth!" His right hand reached out as if trying to grasp something. He was panting hard, shivering, he realizing that his body felt cold and he looked around, "Wha-" Before the boy could register what was happening to him, he felt that his head like to explode to pieces, he's clutching his head so hard because of the unbearable pain.

He's screaming so hard form the pain, his eyes flashing from silver to gold to black then back to silver again. After a while that feel like eternity for the boy, the pain stopped immediately, the boy gasped for breath, his eyes become fuzzy, and his hand on the snow and his knees on the ground.

As he tried to stand up, still breathing hard, he felt his head in pain again, if before his head felt like going to explode, this time it feel like someone trying to split his head into two. The boy rolling over the snowy ground clutching his head so hard while screaming in pain. No one hear his scream in agony. When he no longer can take the pain, he fell unconscious on the cold ground.

Somewhere else.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance and frustration reading the report.

'Another experiment died today.' It has been a while he doing his experiment and none of them successful. All of the child he kidnaps, buy from human traffic, and from children in slums, all died in experiment phase one. Even if they pass phase one, they eventually died in phase two.

He couldn't find anyone fit for his beautiful black serum. The black serum that he created looked like very selective to choose the one that will fit for it, as if the black serum itself sentient. Well, it to be expected, considering from what he make it.

Adjusting his glasses, he read another report. It's seem that his family branch have successful on their own experiment. The boy they experimenting showing a good sign, and they proceed their experiment on next level. At least there's a good news. He sighed, 'If only there's a child that like him that suited to the black serum, surely my experiment will not fruitless.'

"Mama! Papa! Look! Those flowers really beautiful!" A cheerful voice take his attention.

He looked at where the voice come from, when he looked at blue haired girl, the one that take his attention. He smiled maliciously. 'It's look like I still have a hope.' He take out his guns and walked toward those 'happy' family.

"Ugh…" He clutching his head in pain, rubbing his eyes, opening them and stand from the cold ground. He looked around at his surrounding, he's in a small snowy park. 'What am I doing here?' He trying to remember but his head become hurt as he trying to remember. "I... can't remember anything."

He rubbing his hand together, it was so cold here. He tried to walk but almost stumbling because his oversized shoes. 'Why I wear an oversized shoes… and clothes?' While looked at his clothes he saw the armband with "SEES" on it. He wondered what does that mean. He found gun too in his waist, he take it out while inspecting it. It was fake he thought then put it back. Rubbing his hands again, "It's cold." He then leave the park without a second thought.

His stomach growled again.

He has been walking for few hours, searching for a warm place to sleep. He trying to buy some food before but he didn't have any money. So he discarded that thought and search a warm place to sleep. Unfortunately, to found a warm place to sleep in this season was hard. So he kept walking aimlessly until night came. When walked near a pole he found some cardboard, 'Better than nothing.' He tore some of cardboard and put it on the ground as a bed, the rest he used as a blanket.

'It's still cold…' He thought before he fall asleep.

This day is one of the best day in Tsuna life.

First, his dad come home after gone for 4 months for work. Then he, Tsukiko his twin sister, his mom and dad go shopping for new clothes and toys! After that they eat at fancy restaurant. The food in there so delicious! Too bad that Tsuna can't order ice cream chocolate cream in there, cause it's winter and he could be sick. So he order hot chocolate with his sister instead. After eating, chatting, and paying for the delicious food Tsuna and his family going back home with his dad driving the car.

They chatted happily in the car.

"That was really fun! Let's go again together next time!" His mom said in car while clapping her hands together. "Let's go to zoo! I want to see penguin!" His sister suggested. She really likes animals especially penguin. "How about you Tsuna?" Asked his father, "Would you like to go to zoo too?" He nodded happily, "I want to see lion!" "Haha, it's decided then next time we will go to zoo!" "Yay!" The twin cheered together.

He then yawned, his mother saw this, "Tsu-kun are you sleepy?" "Un." "Here, sleep on mommy lap." He happily agree as he sleep on his mother lap, "Aww~ Tsuna such a mommy boy." His sister tease him playfully, "Shut up Tsuki." He reply with smile, she just giggle at him.

Tsukiko looked outside the window while her twin sleeping in their mom lap, mesmerized by the amount of snow outside, 'Tomorrow I'm going to build a huge snowman!' She thought excitedly. Then Tsukiko saw something, "DAD STOP!" Iemitsu startled by her daughter stopped the car immediately. This wake Tsuna up and looked confused as why their parents scolding Tsukiko.

"What's wrong? Are we home yet?" Tsuna ask Nana while rubbing his eyes, still sleepy. Nana leave the reprimand to his husband, "No Tsu-kun." She said gently. "Then why we stop?" Nana laugh, "Well, your sister suddenly shouting daddy to stop and daddy startled and stopped the car immediately. Thankfully the road was empty if not we will have fatal found Tsu-kun."

"Don't do that again Tsukiko! That was dangerous."

"Yes, I got it dad, sorry." Answer Tsukiko.

"Bad Tsukiko!" Tsuna scold her in his own way while crossed his arm.

"Aw c'mon, not you to Tsuna!" She rolled her eyes.

"Why you ask daddy to stop, Tsu-chan?" Nana asked her daughter. "Ah." Tsukiko immediately remember, then pointed outside the window. "Look! Look! There's someone sleep on cardboard outside!"

"Huh?" Curious, Iemitsu looked at where her daughter pointed at. He widening his eyes then immediately get out of the car. "Honey where are you going!?" Ask Nana, "There's a boy there! He could freeze to death if he still sleep outside!" Nana gasped hearing that.

"I'm going too!"

"No! Stay there Tsukiko!" Hearing this, Tsukiko pouted.

Iemitsu observe the boy as he crouched in front of him, "Hey, kid are you okay?" He ask but no answer. 'Is he dead? But he still breathing.' Iemitsu then pick up the boy, he realize the boy wearing an oversized clothes and have a gun. Iemitsu suspicious to the boy but when he found out the gun was fake he take a conclusion that it was meant to scare bad people to protect himself from harm. Then again, there's rarely people bring a fake gun as a protection.

"Honey! Is he alright?" Nana call broke Iemitsu from his train of thought.

"Yes! He just unconscious."

"Then let's bring him to our home dad! He could get sick if he sleep outside!" Tsuna suggested. "Of course, Tsu-kun." Tsuna and Tsukiko then sit in front seat while Iemitsu placed the boy with Nana in the back seat.

That night Sawada family bring home a blue haired boy without knowing anything about him. Little did they know this boy held a tremendous power with him.

He felt so cold.

Then he felt like he was being lifted.

Then his body felt warm.

Warm? He immediately wakes up. This immediate wake up make his cringe as he felt his head in pain. "Ara! You wake up!" Come a cheerful voice. He shake his head to get rid the pain. He looked at where the voice come from, it was belonged to a short brown haired woman.

"Huh? Really!" He heard another voice. He looked to left where a girl and a man with a boy hiding behind him entering the (what has he assumed) living room.

"Ohhh!" The girl with brown hair tied to twintail with blue eyes looked at him like he some sort alien. "A-are you okay?" Ask the boy hiding behind the man. He nodded. The boy smiled brightly at his answer. "So why you sleeping outside!? Why you wear that oversized clothes!? What "SEES" means!? What's your name!?" The girl bombarding him with question. "Whoa whoa easy Tsuki-chan, he just wake up don't ask too much question." The man calming the girl, "Ehehe, sorry."

"Here, you must be hungry." The woman before give him hot chocolate and sandwich. He wolfed it down in just a few second. "Whoa you must be super hungry!" "We still have more, do you still hungry?" The woman ask, he nodded slowly while murmuring thank you. Giggling she then go to kitchen, "Wait a second~"

"My name's Tsunayoshi Sawada, she's my twin Tsukiko Sawada." The boy introduce to him when the brown haired woman go to kitchen. "So, umm what's your name?" The boy with brown hair but unlike his twin, he has brown eyes. "Minato Arisato…" "Nice to meet you, Minato!" The girl, Tsukiko said enthusiastically. He just nodded. The man the twin father with blonde hair sit next to him, looked at him in eyes then asking him, "Why you sleeping outside with just cardboard Minato-kun?" He ask concerned. "I don't have any place to sleep." Hearing this the twin gasp. "How about your parents?" "I… I don't know. I can't remember them." The twin gasp again. "What do you mean?" "I don't remember anything, beside my name…" Another gasp from the twin. That man gave him a sad smile, "An amnesia, huh?"

"Oh you poor boy!" He suddenly being hugged by the brown haired woman before. Apparently when that man asking him question, she already finished making sandwich and listening to them. "Then why you don't live with us, Minato-kun!?" She suggested while clasping her hands after releasing him. "Yeah, you can stay with us and be our adoptive son." Added the twin father while grinning. "That's good idea dad, mom!" "T-then we're brother from now on, M-minato."

They don't give him another option, so he just nodded. The family smiling brightly at his answer, then Tsukiko whispering something to Tsuna. "One... two…"

"Welcome to Sawada Family Minato!" The twin said in unison.


The eight year old Minato paid no attention to the horrible weather outside, the loud, terrible thunder outside, or the fact that there's blackout happen because of the storm. He more focused to the duo brunet trembling in front of him.

"Remind me again, why you two in my room?"

"Ermm… We scared to sleep in our own room after watch those film." Tsukiko answered sheepishly.

Minato remembered today Tsuna and Tsukiko bought some horror DVD and force him to watch with them, as reassurance if they too scared to watch. It was weird because all his do was sitting in front of them watching quietly and they think him as some sort reassurance. The film itself isn't scary for him, or the twin is self a scaredy cat or he the only one that didn't get scared by the film.

"I prefer sleeping alone." Minato stated to them.

"Minato please, let use sleep in your room." Pleading Tsuna to Minato.

"Pleaseeeee." Tsukiko join in.

They give Minato their infamous puppy eyes. If Minato like others he will agree after seeing their puppy eyes, but no, Minato not like the others as he shake his head. Unfortunately, Tsukiko didn't take no as an answer as she proceed to climb to Minato bed, Tsuna followed her timidly.

Minato sighed. He take his pillow and blanket to sleep on sofa in living room but immediately stopped as Tsuna and Tsukiko grabbed his arms. "You will sleep with us." "M-minato, sleep with us." The twin demands or more likely begged to Minato. Minato too tired to say anything just nodded and climb to his own bed.

'Too close.' Minato thought inwardly when he realize he sleep in middle of the twin, Tsuna at his right and Tsukiko on at his left. The twin snuggled closer to Minato, while Minato on other hand can't do anything about it, as his hands being hugged by the twin.

Minato sighed once again and began to fall asleep with the twin next to his left and right. For once, they share the same that night dream.

Thanks for reading my story, favoriting, following and reviewing it. I really appreciate it! Until next time!