Hehe *smiles awkwardly* here's the chapter

A groan escaped Jack's lips as the alcohol caught up with him. The puzzled look on his face was almost comical as he felt the cool leather of his sofa against his naked skin. A strip of blanket was protecting Jack's dignity as he wondered around the house, trying to find some clue of the events that transpired the previous night.


Jack winced as the sheer volume of his voice had a painful effect on his throbbing hangover. When there came no reply he concluded that she had gone… somewhere and walked very slowly to his kitchen. Jack wasted about an hour in there before discovering that there was no coffee to wake him up. Alcohol was off the table – obviously. A breeze floated past and Jack shivered. Jack blushed at noticing his birthday suit and went off to find his bathrobe. Jack wandered further around his house just admiring the décor and layout. Upon discovering the absence of his phone, Jack searched the living room vigorously before finding it in his trousers. The trousers that were strewn across the floor along with the rest of his clothes. What exactly had gone on here last night? The last memory in Jack's head was Hiccup's cute face entering The Ugly Duckling. Then it went blank. It just added to his hang over so he just stopped worrying about it.

As Jack flicked through his news feed on various social websites, the bored look did not falter on his face as various photos of him slipping up were snapped and released for the world to see. Numerous tabloids had already written pages and pages of the star's wild day out. Jack also had 17 missed calls from his agent. 4 missed calls from Aster and an 'I 3 you' text from Heather. Well that was strange. Hiccup didn't even tell me happy birthday. Jack looked at his watch and sighed with slight annoyance. Even in his drunk state, his body had managed to wake him up earlier than usual so there was no excuse to not go to work. Jack started his daily routine in a distorted slow motion so as not to set off the ticking time bomb in his head.

After his shower, Jack threw on some Nike tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt. He shoved his size 10 feet into Nike trainers and did the phone, keys, wallet check. He dragged himself out of his house and dredged all the way to the bus stop, 10 minutes away from his house. Jack hated the bus. He had a strong dislike for all types of public transport because of the groupies that were inevitably waiting for him.

"Oh my goody God. That's Jack Frost. Jessica are you seeing this? Jack fucking Frost is breathing the same air as me. Jack I love you!"

A random girl on the bus was drawing more and more attention to Jack and he could feel the blood rushing to his pale cheeks. Even a few guys looked like they were about to faint because they were in the presence of such a 'legendary' football player.

"No but am I the only one that can see him? Jack, I love you. You probably get this all the time but I am deeply in love with you. Take responsibility for my feelings. Right now!"

Jack Frost inserted both earplugs and sighed in exasperation. He would have to suffer this for the next hour and a half. Another reason to hate public transport - they always take too bloody long.

After the bus journey from hell, Jack walked into the studio and wasn't shocked to find almost everybody in the same state he was in. He hung his head from fatigue and proceeded to walk to the café only to bump into a very flustered looking Hiccup.

"Hey Hiccup. Did you have fun last night?"

Hiccup looked at Jack in utter and complete shock. Had he honestly forgotten the seven minute smooch they had both shared in a naughty little closet? The hurt was clear in Hiccup's green orbs and he ran away in embarrassment. He obviously didn't mean that much to Jack then.

Jack stared at the boy running away from him. What the hell was up with him? These days everyone seemed to be acting strange towards him. Heather was sending cheesy texts and Hiccup was acting like a stranger even though they had resolved their feelings towards each other. Hadn't they?

Shaking his head, Jack walked to the café to go get some coffee. He really needed it and Rapunzel's coffee was just amazing on so many levels.

"There he is everybody! The man of the hour. Give it up for Jack Overland Frost!"

Flynn Rider was met with a series of dirty looks as the café was filled with half asleep, half hung over, cranky adults. A few groans and moans were heard as everybody was silently killing Flynn over and over again with their minds. Silly because of the throbbing pain that resulted in doing that.

"Was that necessary?"

Flynn laughed. Rapunzel and only let him drink two beers and he was thankful for it. He left quite early yesterday and had to hear about the raucous events from secondary sources.

"I don't know lover boy. You tell me. I bet you and Hiccup got up to all sorts last night from what I've heard. You dog, you! I had a lot of girls but there's always that thin line between work and play. I mean office sex is like a guilty pleasure bu-"

Flynn received a thump on his head by a less than impressed Rapunzel. She gave him a look that said it all before sashaying of to the kitchen in the back.

"Well, that's my cue to tighten these lips amigo."

"Wait what? Me and Hiccup… what?"

"Hiccup and I. And ask Hiccup. It's really not my place to say so…"

Jack snatched his coffee and stormed off to think about the recent events.

He woke up naked this morning – clothes everywhere.

Hiccup was hiding something about the two of them.

He had a blank spot in his memory.

Flynn knows what happened between them but wasn't his place to say?

Oh my God. He had slept with Hiccup. Shit!

Samantha: Well, well, well, what do we have here eh?

Naomi: Shutup it's only a couple of hours and you've been late for weeks at a time.

Samantha: Well now you know how it feels when I say that I get distracted.

Naomi: Ye well I have dramas to watch so...

Samantha: Of course you do, just go watch your Korean people

Naomi: And you can just go watch your Japanese cartoons. *Sticks tongue out*

Samantha: K.

Anyways so sorry for the late chapter just had stuff to watch, boys to fangirl over...