It had been a week since Team OPAL and RWBY's attack on the Shadows and they were quickly settling back into a normal regime but the mission from Ozpin was looming and they would soon be thrust back into harms way. One morning Owain received a message on his scroll from Ruby telling him to meet her by the airship terminal at beacon to help greet new four new students who would form a new team which Owain understood would be called team ZEAL. When Owain eventually got down to the airship terminal he quickly found Ruby and asked her when the new students would be arriving.

"They should be here soon" Ruby replied and as soon as she had said that they noticed four students the same age as Owain (around 17-18) walking towards them.

"Hiya, you must be Owain and Ruby, I'm Zhang Chao and i'm the leader of this team" a tall boy said to them. He had blue hair which was shaved short on one side of his head and spiked erratically on the other side. He had dark blue eyes and was wearing a black tank top and a white sleeveless jacket, he had cream colored trousers and was wearing black boots. He also had a triangular jewel necklace as well as two hooped earrings in his right ear.

The other three new students then proceeded to introduce themselves. The first one was a girl of average height with black hair which was tied into a ponytail and she had emerald colored eyes. She was wearing a black hoodie with the zip down and a white tee shirt underneath and she had dark blue jeans and black shoes. To Owain she seemed to be a rather cheery outgoing character by the way she said "My name is Eve Shadowrider, lovely to meet you."

The next to introduce themselves was another tall boy with a short black mo-hawk hair cut and he had bright blue eyes. He was wearing a long brown trenchcoat which was buttoned up and he was wearing black jeans and black shoes. "My name is Enzo D'Antonio" he said and gave a slight smile.

The last to introduce himself was another boy who was average height and had shoulder length white hair and emerald eyes. He was wearing the same clothes as Eve only the colors were reversed and he had a weapon sheath on his back. Owain could tell he was not enjoying being around this many people by the way he stood and the way he spoke when he said "My name is Luke Shadowrider".

With the introductions over Owain and Ruby took the new students on a tour of Beacon showing them all the important locations such as the gym, cafeteria and the classrooms as well as taking them to the cliff where the inductions were held and to show them the forest in which it overlooked. after they had showed them all of these things they went and collected the key to Team Zeal's dorm which was on the floor above Owain and Ruby's and let them settle in. While Owain and Ruby were walking back to their dorms they were discussing the new students. "They seem nice" Ruby said and Owain could only agree, they had indeed seemed very nice and Owain could imagine being close friends with the whole team.

"Well, enough about Team ZEAL Ruby, I was wondering whether or not you'd like to go out into Vale with me during the weekend as we will actually be safe?" Owain said and Ruby nodded fervently before asking "Any plans on what we will be doing?". Owain smirked "That's for me to know and for you to find out" he said and Ruby pouted before putting on her puppy dog eyes which she was sure would weaken Owain's resolve but she was to be disappointed when he laughed and took her hand and walked her back to his dorm, which was empty except for two notes. One note read "Hi Owain me and Lykaon have gone out and won't be back till late, don't wait up for us" and was written in Paris' immaculate handwriting. the other note read "Owain I won't be back until tomorrow I got some family stuff to see to" and was written by Anastasia's scribble. Owain turned to Ruby and said "looks like we have the room to ourselves today" and Ruby smiled before saying "Let's watch a move" and turned to the T.V Owain had bought recently and placed in his dorm and selected a movie from the vast collection of films.

When they had finished the movie which was called The Mad King, a strange mixture of action and comedy, they had lain down on Owain's bed and cuddled up close and had then fallen asleep together. It was soon after this that Lykaon and Paris entered the room and saw Ruby and Owain and smiled before cuddling close on Lykaon's bed and falling asleep. The next morning both of the couples woke up and looked at each other and Ruby was quick to say "Nothing happened but don't tell Yang, I'd like Owain to live a bit longer" Lykaon simply nodded while Paris said "Don't worry Ruby, we won't say a thing" she said but she was plotting a plan for a bit of fun that she would have with Owain and Ruby involving hopefully an angry Yang.

Hi guys Phantom here. So I've added in two of my OCs which are Zhang and Enzo and two OCs from a fan which are Luke and Eve so big thanks to Luke Shadowrider who suggested the OCs. This chapter represents the move away from the Shadow story line and into another story line involving team ZEAL who will become heroes alongside Team OPAL and Team RWBY. I'm not sure whether i should involve Team JNPR into the story more than i have so message me or leave a review with your thoughts on the matter.

I would also like to thank everyone who got this to over 2000 views which is absolutely incredible, a big thanks goes out to Triko88 who has been editing chapters for me.