Konnichiwa Minna-san! I'm back with another exciting story! I just watched the 'Real Bout High' anime for the first time and I saw how cute Shizuma could be (Like the scene where he's playing with the cat!! ::Goes all starry-eyed:: Ohhhh… if only he were real…. *^.^*). So he is a little OOC, but not really if you know what I'm talking about. Besides I've seen this pattern before: Big-tough-guy-goes-all-soft-at-woman-in-distress type. I think Shizuma fits that… or so I hope. This is going to be chaptered (Cause I feel like it), and I hope you enjoy!

PS: It's a bit citrusy… and will continue to be so. You have to remember that Shizuma is a 17 year old high school boy. Need I say more?


I don't own Samurai Girl: Real Bout High School!


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(Cut and paste is goooooood)

"A drunken bet gone horribly, horribly wrong…"


(A Shizuma and Ryoko Fan Fiction)

[*Note: Yume means 'Dream'. Pronounced: Yoo-meh]

            Shizuma sighed, laying on the moist grass, looking up at the stars. His shoulders felt tense, the first time they had felt so in a long while.

            'That's funny,' He thought, tucking his hands behind his head, 'My whole body feels tense. Eh… probably from Miss Giantess.' He chortled, closing his eyes. 'She certainly has a way with that wooden sword of hers.'


            Ryoko's eyes narrowed at him as her face turned red out of anger, "YOU LISTEN HERE, MONKEY FACE! I'LL FIGHT YOU IF I HAVE TO!"

            "Bring it, Jumbo-Gal!" He smirked, his trademark fangs glittering.

            "Oh, damn you Shizuma! HAYA!"

             And thus the sparring began…


            Shizuma smirked for a moment thinking about her. "She puts up a fight though."

            'You know,' The back of his mind spoke up, 'She looks kind of… attractive too, don'cha think?'

            'Hell NO!' He thought quickly to counteract the voice that was growing persistently louder. 'She's a killer, man! Besides, I'm not into red hair.'

            'Oh? So that cute, little, short skirt does nothing to you?'

            Shizuma made a face and growled under his breath, 'No! Who wants to see what she's got? Not that she has anything worth while anyway!'

            'Oh? What about her long, strong, sexy legs? They don't interest you either? You couldn't feel them … wrapped around you?' The voice was growing tenacious now, making Shizuma think things he preferred to think about late at night, in the privacy of his room.

            'I'm telling you!' Shizuma growled, 'I don't want nothin' to do with her!' This little voice was getting on her nerves.

            'What about that waist? Her nice firm stomach, covered in silky, white skin? You can't feel it in your arms?' It was almost malicious now.

            'Shut up, man.'

            'And her breasts? You don't wonder how they feel? Pressed up against your chest? … In your hand?'

            Shizuma's stomach tightened, 'Shut the fuck up.'

            'And her hair, you long to see how it feels. How it smells. I know you, Shizuma. I know what you think about…'

            Shizuma's eyes popped open, breathing heavily, his body covered in a light sweat. "Anou…"

            "Shizuma?" A voice asked from his feet.

            "Ryoko?" He question, sitting up.

            "What's up, Mono-brow?" She laughed, sitting next to him.

            Shizuma swallowed hard, looking over at her, bathed in moonlight, a light breeze tugging at her school uniform. 'Damn it.' He hissed inside his mind. Why did those thought have to surface then?

            "Not much, Sasquatch," He forced a cruel laugh and fell back onto the grass.

            Ryoko sighed and rolled her eyes, "Wha'cha doing out here so late at night?"

            "I was gettin' buff. What's it to you?" he snorted.

            "Not much," She glared angrily. She watched him for a moment, "Shizuma…" She said quietly and suddenly, making him look over at her with concern.


            "Do you ever wonder why we get so frustrated with each other?" She seemed sad now, as if she didn't want to be angry with him all the time.

            Shizuma shrugged, "I don't know."

            "Me either…"

            He sat up slowly and watched her for a moment.

            "Ryoko…" He said her name as if he was going to say something else, but he just looked at her.

            "Yes, Shizuma?"

            "Ryoko… I… I don't want to be in fights with you all the time…"

            Ryoko laughed slightly, "I don't want to be fighting you all the time either."

            "Then why do we fight?"

            "I don't know…"

            Shizuma closed his eyes and fell once again back onto the grass. Before he knew it, he felt something soft and smooth flutter across his face. He opened his eyes to see Ryoko leaning over him. He swallowed hard, noticing her hair had fallen from its ponytail and was now tickling his bare chest.

            "Gomen-ne," She whispered, "My hair ribbon…" She reached next to his face to pick up the yellow ribbon.

            She didn't move from her position. She couldn't. She'd locked eyes with Shizuma and they were too commanding to be defied.

            "Gomen ne…" she whispered again.

            Shizuma reached up and touched her cheek with his hand. He felt the whole world melt away, and they were the only two in the universe.

            "Ryoko…" He whispered. He watched as her limbs trembled slightly. "My gods… you are so beautiful…"

            Her limbs trembled more, as she gasped deeply. "Anou…"

            He ran his fingers through her smooth hair, then over her back slowly. He pressed on her back slightly, making her fall onto him. His arms wrapped around her slender waist, and he looked up into her eyes.

            "You are so pretty…" He pushed the hair from her eyes, then leaned up and kissed her deeply and passionately, letting himself feel everything at once. He didn't care that he'd sparred with her only a few hours ago. He didn't care that there might be some one watching. He didn't care about anything at that moment, all except this beautiful, talented… sexy woman in his arms, kissing him.

            She pulled away slowly, "Shizuma…"

            "Nani?" He asked, looking into her eyes.

            "Why… I mean… what…"

            "Ryoko, you are… I mean… I… Uh… Ryoko… I…"

            She smiled slightly, in an almost conniving way, then bent down and kissed him again. He groaned slightly as the images he had been thinking about before drew back into his mind. He could feel her curves pressing against him, and her thighs straddling his hips.

            "Argh…" he groaned, pulling away quickly. "Ryoko…"

            She nibbled on his lower lip, her hand smoothing down to stroke his chest.

            "Ryoko…" he groaned again, then rolled over, pinning her on the grass. "Don't tempt me…"

            She smirked in response. "Tempt you, Shizuma…?"

            He locked lips with her again, and kissed her hungrily, not letting her breathe for a long while.

            "Shizuma… uh…"

            "Tempt me?" He question, leaning down and kissing her stomach.

            "Shizuma…" She whispered. "Shizuma… Shizuma…" Her voice grew louder and louder. "Shizuma! SHIZUMA WAKE UP BAKA!"

            Shizuma gave a jolt and his head snapped up from its spot on the desk. He looked into a pair of angry brown eyes. "Nani, sensei?" He questioned, stretching.

            "We're you sleeping again!?"

            "Maybe," he shrugged and stood up, "What's it to ya?"

            "Class ended ten minutes ago."

            Shizuma looked around the empty class room, "YES!!" He bounded out of the class, but as soon as he turned the corner he gasped and collapsed against the wall, falling to the floor.

            The dream… what was it? What in hell… had… what was it about? He ran his finger through his hair, loosing his strength to stand. Images of Ryoko like that… he groaned, feeling his jeans become tight.

            "Fuck her," he whispered, "I hate her… I despise that fucking giantess…" He stood up, trying to calm himself. That dream meant nothing, and it had never happened. He rolled his shoulders, then walked out of the school.

            "Sayonara, Mono-brow!" A voice yelled to him from several meters away. He turned to look at the girl, her red hair shinning like a ruby in the sun.

            "Fuck you, giantess!" He yelled before hastily hopping on his motorcycle and speeding off.

            Ryoko blinked, watching him as he sped away. "Nani desu ka?"

            Hitomi shrugged, "I don't know. He's never been that mean to you before…"

            Ryoko began to walk away, but she looked over her shoulder at the entrance he had exited. Something was wrong with him…