The epilogue of this wonderful fic. Thank you for reading. It means so much to Hubbs and I.

The characters of The Hunger Games Trilogy do not belong to me.

Truth With Consequence


They named her Josephine.

She was born at dawn, and a day after Gale had arrived in District 4.

The day before she arrived, Katniss awoke feeling the little one kicking her belly excitedly, and slowly she sat up in bed looking around for Peeta. He was nowhere to be seen, but it wasn't abnormal for him to be gone.

The fishing boats arrived back at the docks at sunrise and Peeta would usually be there early to make sure that he unloaded the most boats. It meant more money for them—and with their little one on the brink of coming out—they needed it.

When they first arrived in District 4, she had been able to help out.

Annie, one of the other fisherman's wives, taught her how to make fishing nets to sell. Annie's husband, Finnick, had also taught her how to use a spear to catch fish. Her hunting skills had made her a cunning fisherman.

Peeta, on the other hand, was no good with the weapon. He lacked Katniss' stealth and admitted it good-naturedly. Instead, he preferred to do brute work at the docks.

However, as she grew, Katniss found herself tiring easily. Mags, her midwife, assured her that it was natural to feel that way. Annie told her that she had been the same way a month before her and Finnick's son, Sam, was born.

So, Katniss gave up spearing for the meantime and instead focused on making sure that their home was ready for the baby.

Their hut was by the sea and Katniss loved it. Many evenings, she and Peeta would sit out on the porch to watch the sunset. On Peeta's days off, they would sit out the whole day together-just reading, and every once in a while, share a kiss or two.

It felt so good to be able to kiss Peeta freely and not worry that the town was watching them.

In District 4, they were Peeta and Katniss Mellark, newlyweds and expecting parents.

Haymitch, who lived two houses away from them, had told Mags that his niece had recently married her childhood sweetheart and unexpectedly found herself pregnant right away. Peeta, the youngest of three, would have been the least likely to inherit the family bakery, so the soon-to-be parents needed work.

District 4 had welcomed them with open arms, thanks to the forged marriage license and admission documents for the 'newlyweds'. Though as time passed, they revealed their secret to Finnick and Annie, as well as Mags, who were horrified to hear what the two had gone through. Annie had burst into tears when they told her about Katniss' assault, while Finnick had paled listening to Peeta recall his own beatings; first by his mother-then by the townspeople.

They had good friends in District 4. It was a quiet, sweet life.

Katniss didn't realize that she had fallen back asleep until she felt the light brush of lips against her forehead. The smell of smoky leaves wafted around her nose. It was so familiar and comforting, making her remember her days behind the wire fence in District 12—

"GALE!" Her eyes open and she shot up into her best friend's arms. He had finally come to see her.

"How did you know it was me, Catnip?" he asked affectionately. At the open doorway stood Peeta and Al, both grinning from ear to ear.

"Only you would smell like burning leaves," she replied through her tears. "We used dried leaves to start fires behind the fence, remember?"

Gale nodded, his own eyes wet. "I remember."

"I got quite the surprise when I finished with my last boat run and found these two wandering the beach with Finnick," Peeta told her, warmth in his blue eyes. He went to her, crawling onto his side of the bed, and kissed her quickly. "I hope that the surprise didn't shake anything loose." He grinned as his hand went to her rounded belly.

"We're fine," she assured him. Her eyes met Al, who was leaning against the doorway, and she gave him a soft smile. "Your brother has been on pins and needles. I think he's afraid of being alone with me during the labor."

"That's why we're here," Al replied with a grin. "Hello, sweetheart." He went to her and leaned down to hug her tightly. "I'm sure that the little one is causing all sorts of trouble. Just like Peeta did when he was a kid!"

"I was rambunctious!" her husband protested.

"You were a terror!" his brother retorted.

Their eyes met and the Mellark brothers fell into easy laughter. Katniss found her eyes filling with tears.

"What's wrong?" Peeta asked, panicked. His eyes went to her stomach. "Should I call Mags?"

"She's fine," Gale answered for her. "Just happy to have her family with her."

Later that evening, the best friends walked steadily along the beach just as the sun began to set. Her arm entwined with Gale's as their feet were grazed with ocean water.

She was waddling, but the walk eased the slight back pain that she had been feeling since that morning. Katniss didn't realize how quickly she had sat up when she realized that Gale was there, and was now paying for it.

"So what did you tell them?" she asked Gale.

"That I was so distraught over you running off with the baker's son and needed to get out," he replied with a smirk. "I couldn't possibly stay in a place that was full of memories of you."

"How melodramatic," she replied.

"It worked, didn't it?" She looked over at the rows of houses by the shore and spotted Peeta sitting with his brother on their front porch.

"And what did he tell them?" Katniss asked curiously.

"That he needed to find Peeta," Gale replied. "That was two weeks ago. Two weeks from now, he's going to write his father and tell him that he's found a job in District 2—and that he's not coming back."

"So what do you tell people?" She bit her lip at the sharp back pain still radiating through her.

"That he is the brother of my best friend," he told her simply. "Though no one really asks questions at my job."

"That was quite the trick you played on us," she reprimanded him though her lips were pursed in a small smile. "We're best friends! How could you not tell me about the whole switch?"

"Sorry about that, love," he said as they began to head up the beach. "Haymitch made me promise not to tell you-just in case Mr. Mellark didn't receive the papers in time. We didn't want you any more stressed out than you already were, especially since you are in such a delicate condition."

"I guess I forgive you," Katniss replied begrudgingly as she rubbed her lower back. "Just don't go lying to me again—or else." She stopped in place. "This back pain is a lot worse than I thought."

Gale turned to her. "You're looking very pale."

"I think that it might be time," she hissed through her teeth. Katniss bent forward as another spasm hit. "No—I think it is definitely time."

His eyes widened and he turned in the direction of their house. "IT'S TIME!"

The Mellarks were on their feet and Gale was scooping her up easily into his arms as he rushed off the sand.

She had been pushing for hours.

"Breathe," Mags told her softly. "Just like I showed you, darlin'."

Katniss nodded tiredly. She turned to Peeta and gave him a shaky smile. "She's stubborn."

"Like her mother," he replied as he pressed his lips against the side of her head. "One more, Katniss."

Her first few hours had been slow—the pain coming and going like the tide. Gale and Al had prepared dinner for the soon-to-be parents to keep their strength up. However, the pain that was rolling through her was causing the food to rise to her throat, so she took deep breaths to calm her aching belly.

Haymitch had been the one to walk Mags over. Her pretend Uncle had taken one look at her, red-faced and teeth clenched during a contraction, and turned to go to their sitting room to await the birth of his pseudo-niece or nephew—with a celebratory flask. He was now dead-asleep on their couch.

She felt a cool washcloth on her cheek and turned to see Gale on her other side. He must have slipped in during her last contraction.

"What are you doing in here?" Katniss asked as she tried to calm her breathing. The pain was coming steadily now and she knew that she was on the brink.

"We're best friends," Gale said affectionately. "You risked your life for me, and I want to be here for you." He looked over at Peeta with a grin. "Plus, someone is going to have to wake Peeta up, if he passes out."

"Hey!" Peeta objected. "I've seen the pictures in some of the books that Prim got us. I've been fine so far."

"Well son, I hope that you saw this in your book-she's crowning," Mags informed him. "Grab hold of her hand and support her back with your other." She turned to Gale. "You too, young man." The midwife met Katniss' eyes. "Now's your chance—let's get the little one out."

Katniss took a deep breath before bearing down to bring her child into the world. It was the longest minute of her life, and she would never forget it; that moment of blinding pain as she held on to the two most important men in her life, and that moment of exquisite happiness as she heard the shrill cry of her baby.

"She's here," Peeta whispered against her, tearfully. "You did wonderful—I'm so proud of you." He pressed his lips to her sweaty temple as he brushed her bangs back from her forehead. "Are you okay?"

Katniss nodded, a huge smile on her lips. Mags was cleaning their baby up at the changing table as Gale watched the older woman. He turned to the couple with wet eyes.

"Ten fingers and ten toes," he told them in a choked voice. "She has her mother's dark hair and her father's long limbs."

"She's perfect," Mags pronounced as soon as she was done bundling the baby. The older woman picked the little one up and walked to the couple. Gently, she placed the white-blanketed infant in her mother's arms.

Katniss looked at the baby and let out a happy sob. She could see herself and Peeta in their daughter. Her eyes were going to be just like her father's—big and blue, and she would have Katniss' thick, ropy locks. The little one let out a yawn as she tried to focus on her mother.

"Hello," she whispered as she pressed her lips to the baby's cheek. Through the bedroom window, Katniss could see the sun beginning to rise. "Welcome to the light—Josephine."

"Josephine?" Peeta repeated.

"What do you think?" Katniss asked. "She's our favorite character in the story, right?"

Peeta pressed his lips to her. "I love it," he said and placed a kiss on their daughter's forehead as he looked down at her adoringly. "Hello, Josephine. I'm your Papa."

Katniss carefully placed their daughter into his arms and he sat back next to her on the bed. Tiredly, she laid her head on his shoulder as she watched Peeta coo at Josephine.

"I'm going to let Al know that he has a niece."

She looked up to see Gale watching them, a bittersweet look on his face.

She understood perfectly—they both had everything that was always expected of them, just with different people. Yet in the end, they had managed to remain bonded, with their friendship even stronger.

He met her eyes. "You look like you're exactly where you belong," Gale told her.

"I am."

"She is beautiful," Annie breathed out as she cradled the two-day old infant. She looked over to where her toddler son was playing with Al, on the floor of the hut. "Sam, come say hello to Joey." The chestnut-haired little boy stood up and walked over to look at the baby. "You'll have to look out for her from now on, okay?"

Sam eyed the bundle for a moment before turning and rushing back to his playmate. Al laughed seeing the look of dismay on the boy's face.

Katniss chuckled. "I guess that he'll think about it."

"I'm sure that Joey will hold her own," Peeta said, as he joined the two women at their dining table. "She's a strong one, I can already tell." His hand covered Katniss' and their eyes met, his blues burning as he gazed at her. "Just like Katniss."

She blushed seeing the look in his eyes. If she wasn't careful, Katniss would quickly find herself pregnant again. The passion between her and Peeta had not ebbed, even as she got closer to the end of her pregnancy. They made love often and she loved to watch Peeta, his eyes feral and uninhibited, as she moved against him. He let her take control and it thrilled her.

Thank goodness that their home was the last one along the shore and separated a good distance from the next one.

However, it was more than that. It was the connection they felt to one another whenever they were together. In their home, they were husband and wife. Though, in reality, her and Gale's divorce was not finalized. The paperwork for it could take up to a year, according to Haymitch, who had once worked in the Capitol.

She could feel her cheeks warm from her thoughts. "I think I need some air."

Peeta stood up and held out his hand to her. "Let's go."

She turned to their friend. "Will you be okay with Joey?" she asked Annie.

Her friend waved them off with her free hand and gave them a smile. "I think the air will do you good."

"Just remember what Mags told you," Al said as he helped Sam stack a set of wooden blocks. "Six weeks."

"How did you know that she told us that?" Katniss asked while Peeta handed her a sweater to slip on.

"Thin walls," he replied. "Also, she wanted me to reiterate it to you both, seeing as I am Peeta's big brother and all." Al turned to Peeta with a grin. "So keep it in your pants for a bit, won't you?"

"Being out of District 12 has changed you," Peeta teased as he wrapped an arm around Katniss' waist and pulled her close. "You're a lot funnier now."

"Very funny, Peeta," Al responded with a roll of his eyes but his mouth fell into an easy smile. "Have a nice walk, you two. Joey is in good hands."

Instead of a walk, they decided to sit out on their front porch. Haymitch had made them a bench from driftwood since he often found them sitting on the steps of their house.

According to him, Haymitch didn't want Katniss' temper flaring due to the back pain so he had to do it.

The older man could be nice when he wanted to be, though he had his days when he refused to come out of his house. Katniss and Peeta weren't used to his isolated ways since they were often surrounded by family and friends.

They also knew that, though he hated to admit it, there was something in him that cared for them. Katniss and Peeta still had no idea why he had helped them. The woman, who Katniss reminded him of, remained a mystery.

Except for her name—Effie. The only reason they knew that was because he had said it once in a drunken stupor.

Though he had promised to stop the drinking, they found it to be very difficult for him. They helped when they could, such as making sure that he had fresh water by his bedside when Peeta had to bring him to his room, or Katniss bringing him food to help with his hangover.

It was last month as Katniss placed painkillers in his palm when he had called her Effie.

"What are you thinking about?" Peeta asked. She turned to see him watching her with an amused smile.

"Who Effie is," she replied off-handedly.

He put an arm around her and she pressed herself to his side. "Well, I just happen to know who she is and I will tell you—for a price."

Katniss chuckled. "Oh yeah? What would you like?"

"You," he replied softly.

"I'm right here," she told him as she placed her hand against his chest. "I've always been here."

"I want you as my wife," Peeta told her and he pressed his lips into her hair. "Here, everyone thinks that we are, but I want the whole thing—I want it official."

"And as soon as the divorce goes through, it will be," she assured him. "We just have to be patient."

"I know…" Peeta replied with a sigh. "It's just with Joey here—it feels…"

"Real?" she said and he nodded in agreement. "I know what you mean. It's hard to believe where we were months ago—where I was. I didn't think that I would ever fall in love." Katniss swallowed the lump in her throat. "But here you are." She smiled, her vision blurry with tears as she gazed up at him. "And I never thought that I would even have a baby, and here Joey is."

He lifted her chin and leaned forward so their lips could meet. A moan escaped her allowing Peeta to brush his tongue against hers. He still tasted like sugar but it intermingled with the saltiness of the sea air from their new home.

Peeta filled every part inside of her that was empty with just the simplest of looks and the slightest of touches.

That was enough for her to feel that she was his wife.

She understood, however, why it was important to Peeta for them to make it official. They had a child now and they were as married as they could be, without the official paperwork.

And it just wasn't fair to either of them, especially with everything they had been through.

What he had gone through—just to be with her.

Slowly they parted, their breathing harsh, and she let out a breathless chuckle. "Six weeks is actually feeling very far from now."

He pressed his lips to her neck trailing upwards until he was biting against her soft lobe. "There are other things we could do," he whispered, the warmth of his breath causing her skin to tingle in excitement.

"Oh yeah?" She met his eyes challengingly. "Like what?"

His mouth went to hers before going to the corner of her bottom lip and he placed another kiss against her skin. Katniss sighed, her eyes closing as his mouth moved gently along her jawline. When he sucked against the sensitive flesh of her neck, she wrapped her arms around his neck to pull his mouth to hers impatiently.

Peeta lifted by her waist and onto his lap to bring her closer as she pressed her full chest—a benefit of motherhood—against his firm one. He was hard against her bottom and she moved against his lap as he groaned in approval.

Finally, she pulled away—her body aching in want, and from the heaviness in her breasts.

"We really should watch ourselves," he said after finally catching his breath. Katniss brushed his hair back and he smiled softly watching her tenderly play with his locks as they listened to the waves crashing. "Okay, I will tell you what you want to know. Effie was the girl that Haymitch loved."

Her eyes widened in interest. "Really?" Katniss wrapped an arm around his shoulders to steady herself. "I can't imagine—"

"Haymitch being in love?" Peeta nodded in understanding. "Neither could I, but some of this story comes straight from the horse's mouth—and some of it is from Finnick and Mags. Haymitch met her in the Capitol. She was the daughter of one of those big-time officers and he was an assistant for one of her father's colleagues. She was snooty and he was rough, but they balanced each other out. He told me that she had a mouth on her, and could bring a man down with only a few words."

Katniss smiled trying to imagine the woman whom Haymitch loved. "Anything else?"

"He wanted to marry her, but they both knew that it wasn't going to work," he continued. "Next thing Haymitch knows, her father married her off to some government official and a year later—she was dead. Apparently her husband was a little too rough on her—the last time, rough enough for her to bleed out in their high-rise apartment. He told me that he should've taken her away. They could've ran but they were just too scared." Peeta looked over at her sadly. "He regrets it every day."

Her eyes filled thinking of the tragedy of Effie's story. "Did he ever see her before she went?"

"Once." Peeta sighed. "By then, all the light, the spunk, and the gumption she had were gone—she was half-dead already. He told me that you have the same light in your eyes and he just couldn't stand to see it burn out—not again."

"That's why he helped us," she said softly as her fingers ran through his hair. "Funny how history repeats itself."

"Also, there is a part of him that's grown to love us," Peeta told her. "He won't admit it, though."

"There's no doubt that he loves our Joey," Katniss added. "The first time he met her, he just stared and stared. She never cried, either—just stared right back, as if she was challenging him."

"She has your stare, for sure," he replied as he reached to pull the band that held her braid in place. "I know how captivating it is." Peeta unraveled her hair slowly letting it fall against her shoulders in soft waves. His eyes burned bright in the darkness around them. "I don't know how I stayed away for so long."

Leaning towards him, she kissed him softly. "You're here now," she said against his lips. "You and me—always."

"Always," he whispered back pressing his forehead to hers.

"Didn't Mags say six weeks?" They looked up to see Haymitch grinning at them. Beside him was Gale holding a large rucksack on his shoulder. The older man looked over at Peeta. "Boy—can't you give her a break? She just gave birth two days ago!"

"I was kissing him, for your information," she replied with a scowl. "Where have you two been?"

"Had to make a pick-up," Gale informed her with a smile.

The two men moved apart.

Behind them wearing an old hunting jacket and slacks stood Prim.

"Are you sure that our couch is okay?" Katniss handed her sister a glass of water before sitting by Prim's feet. "I can always kick Gale and Al out from our spare room."

After taking a sip and placing the glass on their sitting room table, Prim shook her head, as she smoothed the blanket on her lap. Her toes peeked out of the end of it—her sister had grown since she and Peeta had escaped District 12.

"I'm fine," Prim assured her. "It's actually really nice sleeping here. I can hear the tide come in." She looked around their small hut and met her eyes. "You have a pretty good life here, Katniss."

Katniss nodded in agreement as she looked around. Their home was roomier than her house in District 12. Their sitting room was large with a stone fireplace and two bookshelves that Peeta had made with Haymitch. The couch that Prim sat across was plush as she and Annie had recently re-stuffed it.

"Sorry to interrupt, but Joey wanted to say goodnight to her Aunt Prim." Peeta approached them with Joey, bundled in a soft yellow blanket that Prim had brought with her. Katniss' mother had made it and sent it along with her younger daughter, as well as a note of congratulations and love to the happy couple.

Prim held her arms out. "Of course," she said excitedly as Peeta placed the infant in her arms. Prim looked down at the sleepy baby. "You're the most beautiful little niece that I could ask for!" She pressed her lips to Joey's soft forehead. "You even smell pretty—like powder and the ocean breeze." Looking up at them, Prim grinned. "I'm so happy to be here. I'm going to draw picture after picture of her for Mom and Mr. Mellark."

"How are they?" Peeta asked. Katniss took his hand and looked up to see the worry swimming in his eyes.

"Mom is fine," Prim informed them as she rocked her niece gently. Her pink lips fell into a grin. "We are pretty decent actresses—Mom, especially. She pretends to be distraught over what happened and people sympathize. Hazelle is talking to her again, though it often comes with a lecture." Her mouth fell into a frown. "Your Dad is a little sadder—I can tell he misses you a lot, Peeta. Also, now that Al is leaving—he won't have a lot of people on his side. I talk to him when I can, but you know your mother."

Peeta nodded, his eyes troubled. "And Will?"

"Surprise, surprise—he married Delly Cartwright, but it probably doesn't feel good being third choice," she told him. "Don't worry—I'll keep an eye on your Dad, Peeta."

"Thanks," Peeta said gratefully after a moment. "It looks like Joey is fast asleep—thanks to her Aunt Prim. So, I'll take her to bed." He picked up the little one, cradling her in one arm before hugging Prim with the other. "Good night. It's nice to have you here."

Prim smiled. "It's nice to be here. Also, my sister has never looked so happy."

Peeta turned to Katniss, his eyes filled, and placed a light kiss on her lips. "She's made me nothing but happy," he told Prim. Peeta quickly winked at Katniss. "I'll see you in our room whenever you're done."

She nodded and the two sisters watched Peeta disappear down the hallway with Joey.

"You two are disgustingly cute," Prim remarked. "And, very much in love." She played with the edge of her blanket before meeting Katniss' eyes. "I told Rory about everything." Her eyes filled with tears. "He just sat there, looking at me like I was speaking another language." She wiped her eyes. "I knew that I couldn't marry him. Rory would never understand—couldn't understand, why I had let this happen."

"Oh, honey." She pulled Prim into her arms. "People change and grow. He might not understand now, but one day he will."

"I can't wait for 'one day'," Prim replied as they pulled apart. "I have other dreams. You're right—the world is not just black and white; there's so much more than District 12. I mean just being here I feel lighter—like nothing can hold me down."

Katniss nodded understandingly. "Here, Prim, nothing will—I promise."

Prim filled her sketchbooks during her time in District 4. There were pictures of Joey in various stages of growth. In only a few weeks, the little one was learning to react to the world around her.

With Katniss, Joey was always peaceful and quiet—content to be in her Mama's arms, eyes wide and lips relaxed, as she was rocked to sleep. With Peeta, she was all tiny giggles, especially when her Papa blew kisses into her cheeks.

With Prim, she was curious. Her Aunt would carry her along the beach telling her stories of the sea. The baby listened to her Aunt's soothing voice and, though it was unlikely that she understood, Joey always looked like she was listening.

"Prim seems sad," Peeta remarked one day. The young woman had once again taken their daughter to the seashore, so it was only him and Katniss in their hut, as they ate their breakfast.

"I think this thing with Rory is hitting her harder than she is willing to admit," Katniss replied with a sigh as she poured him a cup of tea. "First love is never easy. We, of all people, should understand that."

Peeta suddenly grabbed her hand. "Come here." He pulled her to him and she settled on his lap, one arm draped around his neck as he gave her a smile. "Don't worry, it will work out. Prim and Rory are young, so maybe it's not their time. Maybe she won't get married or meet the one until she's taken over the world."

Katniss kissed his cheek. "Thank you for caring for my sister."

"She's my sister, too, and Joey's Aunt," he replied easily. "I believe in her like I believe in you—wholeheartedly. Because I know you're both invincible and one day, Joey will be—especially with you two by her side."

A knock sounded on the door, interrupting their quiet moment. Katniss stood up and went to the door.

"It's probably Gale and Al," she said with her hand on the knob. "They took off with Haymitch this morning to go fishing. All three are convinced that they are the best fisherman, though I'm pretty sure that they'll come back with empty fish baskets."

"Oh ye of little faith," Peeta replied as he took a sip from his cup.

Katniss opened the door with a smile, convinced that she was going to see three very disgruntled men.

Instead, she found Rory on the doorstep of their home.

He was the last person that she expected to be haunting her doorway.

"Katniss?" Peeta came up from behind her and put an arm around her shoulders. "Who—" His eyes widened seeing the young man in front of them. "Hello."

Rory held out his hand to Peeta. "We haven't met formally," he said to the older man. "I'm Rory Hawthorne, Gale's younger brother—"

"Rory? What are you doing here?"

Katniss looked behind Rory to find her sister walking towards them with Joey, whose head was comfortably rested on Prim's shoulder as she slept. Prim walked up the steps until she was in front of her former love.

Rory stilled seeing Prim, barefoot with her niece in her arms.

"You look beautiful like that," he said to her softly.

"You didn't tell anyone where you were going, did you?" Prim asked.

She looked worriedly at Katniss and Peeta. If word got out of their whereabouts, they didn't doubt that trouble would be arriving at their doorstep.

"I didn't," Rory assured them. "I told them that I was going to visit Gale in District 2. Mom understood in her own way—said that she was used to her sons getting their hearts broken by Everdeen girls—"

"If you've come to cause trouble," Prim told him, her eyes hard. "I suggest you leave."

"I love you," Rory burst out suddenly. "I don't care what your family or my family has done! I just want to be with you, Prim."

Katniss walked onto the porch and lifted her child from Prim's arms. Joey remained fast asleep despite the tense air around her.

She placed a hand on Prim's shoulder.

"Why don't you two take a walk?" Katniss suggested. She could see that her sister seemed torn about Rory. "Some fresh air will do you both some good." She looked over at Peeta. "Sweetheart, why don't you take Rory's bag?"

Peeta went forward and took the rucksack from the boy's shoulders. He squeezed Prim's shoulder and gave her a smile. "Go on."

Wordlessly, the couple turned and walk down into the sand. Katniss watched them for a moment. She never wanted this for Prim. She always wanted her sister to live a happy, simple life.

Something inside, however, told her that Prim's life was not destined to be so easy.

"Let's get Joey inside," Peeta said as he put an arm around her to lead her into their hut. "I think they need this time alone."

Katniss met his eyes. "I'm scared for her."

"You have to understand that she doesn't need to be protected anymore," he replied as they walked inside. "She grew up a long time ago."


"The moment you were pushed into a train cart going to District 4."

"So he just walked right up to your porch to beg for Prim back?" Gale asked her.

The two friends were sitting out on the porch waiting for Prim and Rory to come back.

"Yup," she said as she leaned against him.

Gale and Al returned with Haymitch a few minutes after the couple departed, each man had a single fish in his basket though she had to admit that Al's fish was probably the biggest.

Inside Peeta and Al were getting dinner ready. Haymitch would also be attending. They always made sure to involve him in family events despite his grumbling.

"Well, there have been those who have done great things to be with ones they love," Gale replied with a grin and she elbowed him before her head went to his shoulder. He put an arm around her pulling her closer. "Katniss, are you happy?"

She smiled to herself thinking of Peeta and Joey. "Immensely," she replied. "And you?"

"Very much." He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Sometimes, I'm so happy that I think that it's all just a dream."

"I know what you mean."

The two fell in a companionable silence, Katniss' eyes closing in relaxation.

"This looks familiar." She opened her eyes to see Prim and Rory watching them. Prim tilted her head to peer at the pair. "Now that I look at you together, I can see how you don't seem to fit. You're almost too alike."

Gale smiled at her. "You were always a lot smarter than the rest of us." Katniss lifted her head from his shoulder and her best friend stood up slowly, his eyes on his youngest brother. "Hi, Rory."

"Hey, Gale," Rory greeted him awkwardly. It had been the first time since he left for District 2 that the brothers had seen one another. Also, since then, Rory had learned about his brother's sexual preference.

The door opened and Al peeked out, meeting Gale's eyes with a grin. "Dinner's ready." Al turned to see Prim and Rory standing before him and beckoned them over. "You two are welcome to join us." The couple walked up the steps and onto the porch. Al walked out when he realized that it was Gale's brother standing before him. "We haven't really met—my name is Al." He held out a hand to the young man.

"Rory." They shook hands and Rory looked to his brother for confirmation. Gale nodded once. "It's nice to finally meet you."

Gale went to the two, putting an arm around his younger brother and giving him a smile. "I'm glad you came." Together, the three men walked into the hut.

Prim remained on the porch, her eyes following them. However, Katniss could see the hesitancy in her sister's rigid body. She was still not sure about her feelings, and it showed.

She went to Prim looking into her torn eyes.

"Nothing has to be decided overnight, Prim." They linked arms as they walked inside; Prim sighed quietly. "Like I promised, nothing will hold you down."

"Bring Joey to me, won't you?"

Haymitch grumbled at her request, but gently lifted Joey from her bassinette to hand her to her mother. He carried Joey carefully as he stared at the baby, her blue eyes curiously looking up at him.

"You look like you're going to be a troublemaker," he told the infant as her arm shot up to grab at him. "Just like your Mama."

"Don't say that to my child!" Katniss admonished with a chuckle. Carefully, he placed Joey in her arms before sitting down next to them. "We all know that if she did turn out to be a little demon, you would always get her out of trouble, anyway."

"Would not," he argued weakly. "So how goes it?"

She had decided to visit Haymitch with Joey, since Peeta had taken everyone out on a fishing boat. He had just recently learned to guide one with the help of Finnick, who was serving co-captain, during the boat trip.

"It goes," she replied. "Though I think my sister is having an existential crisis."

"Existential?" Haymitch smirked. "Big word for a fisherman's wife."

She scowled at him as she held Joey while looking through her satchel. Pulling out a book, Katniss handed it to Haymitch. "I've been doing some reading."

Haymitch read the title. "You know that Albert Camus never saw himself as an existentialist," he told her.

"Well, we can discuss that during our next book meeting," Katniss joked as she bounced Joey on her lap. "What do you think I should tell Prim to do?"

"You shouldn't be telling her to do anything," Haymitch replied. "She's not a child anymore. Prim can't have anyone dictating how her life should go. You, of all people, should know that!" Joey let out a yelp at the sudden shout erupting from Haymitch's mouth. Quickly, he took Joey from her mother. "Sorry, kid."

"I guess you and I would both understand the pressure of District society," Katniss replied as she watched him. "You've never talked to me about her."

He adjusted Joey into the crook of his arm before looking at Katniss. "You never asked."

"So, tell me about her," she said to him. "You told Peeta I reminded you of her—and that's why you helped us."

"It's true. Like Effie, you have the spunk—and that light in your eyes that makes you look like you're made for trouble," he said fondly. "The first time I met her, she told me to jump off a short bridge." He chuckled to himself. "I'd pursue her and she would just roll her eyes at me. In the end, she was the one who went up to me and kissed me—just because she felt like it."

"When did that change?"

"We were too afraid to rock the boat. Our love had limitations when everyone knows that love shouldn't be like that at all," he told her as he sat back. "That last time I saw her—Effie was a stranger. I could see that she felt like she didn't even fit in her own skin. I wish I had told her to go and run away—she didn't even have to be with me. She should've had the chance to know herself."

"Maybe you should be the one talking to Prim," Katniss told him.

"Maybe I should."

The time had come for Prim to leave.

Katniss, along with Peeta and Joey, stood in the train station with the young girl. Gale and Al were saying goodbye to Rory a few feet away, who was also leaving on the same train to District 12.

"I hate saying goodbye," Prim said as she carried Joey in her arms. "And she's going to grow up so fast without me. I wish that I could visit more often but I know that's not possible." She kissed the baby's forehead before placing her in Peeta's arms.

"You know you're always welcome here," Peeta told his pseudo-sister and she nodded trying to stop the tears from falling. "We're sure going to miss you around here."

Prim gave him a bright smile, her eyes shining. "Take care of my sister, okay?"

He pulled her in for a one-armed hug so not to squash the now sleeping baby. "Be careful out there in 12."

Suddenly, Prim turned to Katniss. "I need to talk to you," she said, her eyes darting over to see Rory approaching them.

"What's going on?" she asked her younger sister, worry apparent in her voice.

"I'm not going back to 12." Prim bit her lower lip. "I'm going to District 1—my train leaves in five minutes."

"What do you mean you're going to District 1?" They turned to see Rory beside them, with Gale and Al in tow.

"I kept on trying to tell you," she said to the stunned young man. "I can't go back—not anymore. Something has changed in me. I don't know what it is yet, but I have to find out! If I don't, I'll be stuck in District 12—raising babies and doing what everyone expects of me."

Prim took Rory's hands in hers. "I want you to come with me. We can see what else is out there—what kind of lives the other factions lead. Maybe it'll open our eyes." She looked into his eyes, her smile hopeful. "What do you think?"

Rory stared at her for a moment as the horn of the train echoing in the station signaled the last call for District 12.

Slowly, Rory pulled their hands apart, wordlessly shaking his head, before turning to go the train.

Gale and Al quickly followed to check on the boy.

Katniss watched her sister's hands fall to her sides as she looked down, her shoulders quaking.

"Oh, Prim." Katniss gathered into her arms. "I'm so sorry."

"No… no…" Prim said through her tears. "I think that I already knew that he wouldn't come." She met her sister's eyes. "But it still doesn't stop the hurt. Because I do love him, but I know that love shouldn't have limitations."

She heard the echo of Haymitch's words and knew that he had talked to her younger sister.

"District 1, huh?" Katniss lifted her chin. "You going to be okay out there?"

Prim nodded and took a shallow breath. "Haymitch got me into some school for gifted people. He knows the Head of the Academy. His son is also a student there, so they'll be there to guide me."

Gale and Al came rushing back as the sounds of the train leaving reverberated through the station.

"Are you okay?" Gale asked Prim kindly. "He isn't mad. He just knows that it isn't right for him."

Prim nodded as she sniffed back another set of tears. "I know—he's just scared. I understand the feeling all too well."

Another train slowly moved into the station—Prim's train to District 1.

She turned to Katniss, her smile shaky. "Walk me over, won't you?" She turned to look at Peeta with Joey, then at Gale and Al. "All of you?"

The men collectively nodded.

Katniss took her sister's hand and kissed the top of it as she gave her a soft smile.

"Well then, let's get you to District 1."

Soon enough, it was time for her husband to depart.

"It really is nice here," Gale remarked as they sat outside on the porch. "I promise that we'll try to make as many trips as we can."

"I'm really going to miss you, Gale," Katniss said tearfully. "That first time we separated—it was such a whirlwind with the baby coming, so I didn't think about it too much, but this time it's harder. We created some good memories in this place—all of us. I can't lose my best friend again."

"You're going to be okay, sweetheart," he assured her and he kissed the top of head. "Nothing is going to change. It doesn't matter where I am—I'm always going to be your best friend and I'm always going to love you."

Katniss smiled and gave him a nod. "I love you, too."

"Let's go inside," he suggested as he stood up. "I have something to show you."

Helping her up, the two made their way into the hut. Al and Peeta were out gathering things for Gale to give to their father. Katniss' present for Mr. Mellark was already in Gale's rucksack—an actual photograph of Joey taken by Finnick's old camera.

She couldn't thank Mr. Mellark enough—he had been the one who paid for their train tickets, and he had been the one who sold the gold pocket watch from his father to falsify her name on the documents they needed to register into District 4.

Gale would be making an unexpected trip to District 12—to check on his brother and to deliver the presents, including the book that Prim had made for their mother and Mr. Mellark.

"Have a seat," Gale said as he closed the door and she went to sit at the kitchen table. Going into his rucksack on their couch, he pulled something out of it before sitting beside her. "I was hoping this would happen while I was here. I just about gave up when it happened yesterday."

"What is it?' Her friend handed her a folded piece of paper.

"Go ahead," he told her with a smile. "I hope that those reading lessons weren't for nothing."

She swatted his arm before opening the letter. Quickly, Katniss read over the title before looking at Gale.

"I thought this would take at least a year," she said in quiet shock.

"I greased some elbows to get this done, though I really wanted to do this before Joey came." Gale handed her a pen as she sniffed back her tears. "At least now, it can happen before Joey is old enough to realize that her mother was married to her favorite Uncle." He laughed through his own tears.

As hard as it had been, their marriage had been an interesting one.

"Go on," he urged, his voice choked. "Sign it."

Katniss nodded and placed the pen to the line at the bottom before writing her married name for the last time: Katniss Hawthorne.

This time, she understood the words in front of her.

The tears came steadily and he pulled her in for a hug.

"Thank you," he whispered into her ear. "Thank you for loving me despite everything. You will always be the number one girl in my life."

"What about Joey?"

"She's the number one baby in my life," he declared. "Until your next one comes along—then, we'll talk."

The front door opened and the two brothers entered. They stopped in their tracks seeing Katniss and Gale's tear-stained faces.

"What's going on?" Al asked worriedly as his lover joined his side.

"As of today, Katniss and I are officially divorced," Gale told them. "Now, Katniss will be able to have a real marriage—if she wants." Her best friend looked over at Peeta with a smile. "She's all yours."

Peeta went to her, sitting in the chair that Gale once occupied. Picking up the paper on the table, he read it over before placing it back down.

Taking her hands in his, Peeta gave her a smile. "Your cursive is much better," he remarked.

Her lips fell into a smile. "I had a good teacher," she replied softly.

"Marry me?"


"Mommy! Look at this!"

Joey ran to her mother excitedly. At four, their daughter had become quite the explorer—thanks to the book collection that she and Peeta had compiled during their time in District 4.

"What is it, darling?" Katniss asked as she knelt before the little girl. Joey stood before her proudly, her two long, dark braids swinging behind her as her blue eyes sparkled like the sun hitting the ocean in front of them.

"It's a sand dollar," Joey replied with a beaming smile. "It's complete—just like the one that Daddy showed me in his seashell book!"

"How about you hold onto it so you can show it to Daddy?" she suggested. "Maybe you'll find more as we walk."

"I'll show Daddy right now!" Katniss turned to see Peeta approaching, his hand holding their year-old son's hand as he toddled towards his mother and sister. "I'll find one for Teddy too!"

Theodore, or Theo—as they called him, was born during a summer night in opposed to his sister's sunrise beginning. The siblings were pretty much like night and day. While Joey was loud and energetic, her younger brother was quiet and calm. He made no sound as Katniss pushed him out into the world and for a moment, she had been afraid, until he let out one high-pitched cry to let them know that he was okay.

Though opposites, brother and sister were very close. Like her book counterpart, Joey was the only one who was allowed to call her baby brother Teddy. He would cry if anyone else called him by that name.

Father and son reached the girls and her husband gave her a quick kiss. "What's going on here?"

"Well, darling," she began with a smile. "Our daughter had just made her first big discovery." Katniss nodded a Joey. "Go ahead, my love. Show him."

Theo tugged at the skirt of his mother's dress and she picked him up quickly planting a kiss on his rosy cheeks. She smoothed his unruly blond hair knowing that it was all in vain—it would be disheveled no matter what she did. Theo had inherited his father's natural curl and his mother's thick hair properties.

"It's a sand dollar, Daddy!" Joey held it out to her father.

Peeta knelt down in front of her. "It's lovely, sweetie! What are you going to buy with it?"

"You can buy something with it?" their daughter asked curiously. "What?"

Her husband met her eyes and winked. "Dances, of course." Suddenly, he scooped Joey up in his arms and swung her around. The little girl screamed excitedly, her arms thrown up in delight. Wrapping an arm around her mid-section, Peeta took her other hand and began to twirl his daughter in a dance as the water hitting the shore touched his feet.

"Mama?" Katniss turned to see her son pointing at the dancing pair before giving her a smile. Theo had such a beautiful smile—like Peeta's.

"You want to dance, too?" He nodded and she began to sway with the little boy. "I suppose we should practice for your Aunt Prim's wedding. We don't want to have two left feet, do we?"

Her sister's wedding would be in a month—to Cato, the son of the Head of her Academy. Turned out that the two had hit it off right when she arrived in District 1. Prim had a way with words and he had an artistic hand. They had bonded when she had read him some of her journal entries about her life in District 12 and he had asked to draw illustrations based on her excerpts.

Two years later, Prim's book with Cato's illustrations about life in District 12 was published. It had been an instant success, even garnering the attention of the President of Panem. After that, her sister had been commissioned to write about the rest of the Districts.

It was on her commission visit to District 4 that she and Peeta, along with a toddler Joey, had met her sister's young man. She remembered the glowing look on Prim's face and the intimate smile that the couple shared when they were together.

They all liked Cato—he was smart and studious. Peeta and he bonded over the various books that had just come out and argued over which ones were worth reading. He played with Joey, even bringing her a paint set and he was apologetic to Katniss when her daughter ended up painting her bedroom walls yellow.

He and Prim cleaned the room—and it was where Katniss caught her sister pressing a kiss to the young man's lips. Katniss knew then that this was the man who would marry her sister—the look in her sister's eyes after she had pulled away proved it.

The couple left District 4 soon after but not before Cato got permission from Katniss, Peeta, and even Haymitch to propose to her sister.

"Do you think I'm a good dancer?" Katniss asked her son and he nodded enthusiastically. "Thank you, baby!" She blew a raspberry into his cheek and he giggled loudly.

She never thought that her children's laughter could bring her so much joy.

The little one in her stomach moved about-Katniss couldn't wait to hear his or her laughter.

"Mommy! It's my turn to dance with Teddy!" Joey went to them as Katniss placed her son onto the sand. Together, the siblings joined hands in a circular, spinning dance—their laughter floating along the soft waves.

"May I?" Katniss turned to find her husband holding out his hand, a handsome smile on his lips.

She took his hand. "You may." Wrapping an arm around her waist, Peeta pulled her close against him, their growing child in-between them. "Practicing for the wedding? Gale and Al claim to be more coordinated than we are."

Gale and Al would be joining the rest of the family in District 1 for the wedding.

The couple visited often to spoil their niece and nephew as well as give them news about goings-on in District 12. It is how they found out about Mr. and Mrs. Mellark's separation. Peeta's mother was already living with kin in District 10 by the time they got the news.

They had also found out that Mr. Mellark and her mother would also be attending Prim's wedding—together. It would be the first time that they would be seeing their grandchildren.

Peeta dipped her easily before twirling her back in his arms. "Those two wish that they had my moves."

"I think that your moves are how we ended up with this new baby," she responded as they slowed down. The tide brushed against their feet, tickling her toes and making the child inside her move. "Haymitch is going to be cooking tonight, right?"

"I believe so," her husband said. "Annie, Finnick, and Sam are coming to the house, too. I think Annie's cousin is visiting, so she'll be joining us—she's from District 7. I can't remember her name though."

"I think it's Johanna," Katniss informed him with a grin. "And we all know how much Haymitch loves meeting new people. I think we're in for a long evening. Should we bring the kids in now to clean them up?"

They looked over at Joey and Theo, who were still twirling together further up along the soft sand.

Peeta shook his head, beckoning the children to join them. The two rushed over excitedly, eager to be part of their dance. She picked up her young son and Peeta picked up Joey; the four of them beginning a slow dance along the shore.

Their eyes met contently and her husband pressed his lips softly to hers.

Katniss could still taste the remnants of their old life in his kiss—sugar from the bakery and the changing leaves in the forest behind the fence. It interwove with bits of their new one—applesauce that he had stolen from Joey's breakfast, sweat from chasing their son around, and the sunset which they often watched together.

She pulled away, still breathless and trembling from his touch, after all this time.

"No," Peeta said as they swayed, their children now sleeping on their shoulders. "Let's just stay out here a little longer."

Thank you for reading this story! I hope that you enjoyed it.

A few things:

In the Little Women, Jo and Laurie (Theodore Lawrence) reunite after a long time apart when she wakes up to him giving her a kiss—just like Gale did.

Josephine is, of course, the name of the main character of Little Women. However, I didn't necessarily want to call Peeta and Katniss' daughter Jo because it reminds me too much of Johanna—so, instead I went with Joey. It's very Dawson's Creek, but I love the thought of a little Joey Mellark.

Theodore is the name of Jo's best friend in Little Women and she, like Joey, is the only one who calls him 'Teddy'.

I love toast babies. I think the baby in Katniss is named Beth—but, we'll see.

Sam (Annie and Finnick's son), of course, is named after Sam Claflin, who plays Finnick Odair, in the THG movies.

The book that Katniss is reading by Albert Camus is—surprise, surprise—The Rebel, which is a novel length essay by the author about revolution in societies.

I know that Cato in the THG series is actually from District 2, but I've changed it up for this particular story. Had to get him near Prim, somehow. Here I go—pairing Cato and Prim up again.

I never saw Prim marrying Rory, anyhow.

I wanted her to be the product of this new outlook that Katniss and Peeta's relationship brought on. Also, I wanted her to be successful on her own terms.

Eventually, I want to write a little more in this universe.

Thank you to everyone from the bottom of my heart, especially to my husband who argued with me over sentences and other stuff—he is awesome.

Hellos, comments, and reviews are always welcome.

Until the next story, JLaLa