A/N: Ok first off I'd like to say, THIS IS YAOI BOY X BOY, so If you don't like that sort of thing exit this page immediately. However if you do like yaoi by all means please continue and read the story. This is a Suzaku X Lelouch pairing because Code Geass is my absolute favorite anime and I just love this pairing.


The night air was cool against Lelouch's skin as he walked home from work. It was Friday and Lelouch had promised Nunnally that he would get off work early to help decorate for her birthday party, that was the next day. He readjusted the package in his arms so he could zip up his jacket as the wind picked up. Lelouch was taking a short cut that he rarely used unless he was in a hurry. He turned a corner and slipped into the ally, he was almost home and was eager to see Nunnally's smiling face. He was almost out of the ally when a man stepped in his path blocking his way out. The man was tall with ashy blond hair and a muscular build. "What's a Britanian school boy doing in a place like this?" the man sneered regarding Lelouch with a look of undisguised hatred. Lelouch said nothing, just stood there and returned the mans stare. What am I going to do? I can't fight my way past him and I doubt talking will do much good, my only option is to try and run. There was about two meters of space between Lelouch and the man and with virtually no stamina Lelouch wasn't sure that he would even be able to run from the man. But when the man took a threatening step forward all rational thought left Lelouch's mind and he turned tail and ran back the way he had come. However the man was fast and Lelouch came to an abrupt stop when the man's hand clamped down on the color of his jacket and dragged him backwards. "Where do you think your going," the man growled. Nunnally's present flew from Lelouch's grasp when he was pulled off his feet. He struggled to regain his footing as the color of his jacket chocked him, he scratched at the zipper finally pulling it down and slipping to the ground gasping for air. The man took advantage of Lelouch's moment of distraction and pulled out a pair of hand cuffs. The man grabbed Lelouch by the hair and dragged him to the far wall where he hand cuffed Lelouch to a thick pipe that ran up the length of the building. Lelouch pulled against the cuffs which bound is hands above his head but it was no use, he was stuck and at the mercy of the man now towering over him. "I am sick and tired of you Britanians thinking your so superior, walking around like kings and treating us like animals," the man raged in Lelouch's face. The sent of alcohol was strong on the his breath, but his eyes held a focus that was clearly not drunk. "Lets see how you take being treated like an animal," the man undid Lelouch's pants and jerked them off his body, underwear and all, and threw them aside. Lelouch's eyes widened, "NO!" he screeched as he struggled against his restraints which dug painfully into his skin. The man only laughed at his pathetic struggle and pined Lelouch's legs under is knees when Lelouch kicked out violently. I'm going to be raped and there's nothing I can do about it. Lelouch thought frantically. The man punched Lelouch hard in the stomach to stop his struggle, Lelouch slumped farther onto the ground wheezing. The man grabbed Lelouch's cock and squeezed hard before starting to move his hand up and down roughly. Lelouch writhed in pain beneath the man arching his back upwards in a silent scream, but he would not give the man the satisfaction of hearing him cry out, not from this. Lelouch shut his eyes tight to keep from crying and ground his teeth. His breath came in short quick pants and his mind was going fuzzy from the pain.

The man

The man grew even angrier when he realized he would not be able to get the boy beneath him to scream from this. The man grabbed Lelouch's legs and pulled them apart and up over his shoulders. He quickly undid his own pants and pulled out his cock placing it at the boy's unprepared entrance. This should get a scream from him. the man thought before pushing himself all the way into the boy, hard. The boy's eyes flashed open and he screamed in agony as tears rose in his amethyst eyes. The man laughed, glad to have gotten a scream from the stubborn boy. He tightened his grip on the boy's legs and began thrusting quick and deep, each thrust rewarded with a cry of pain from the boy.


Lelouch writhed in agony as the man defiled him, each of the mans thrusts sending a spear of pain shooting through his body. It felt like his insides where being torn apart, he thought his body would tear in half from the man's brutal assault. Lelouch's hands where in tight fists his nail's digging into his palms as his body tried to curl into it's self. Blood was running down his arms from where the cuffs bitt into his skin and tears streaked his face. Lelouch's mind whirled and he couldn't put together a single coherent thought before he blacked out from pain.

The man

The boy suddenly went limp in his arms but the man wasn't done yet, he continued his violent assault until he came inside the boy, then let him drop to the ground in a heap. There was blood on his arms, thighs, and dripping from his ass. The man zipped up his pants and stood up looking down at the pitiful sight before him and smiling. He started kicking the boy over and over, "serves you right," he said as he beat the unconscious figure. When he was done he walked away whistling happily.


Suzaku always took the short cut to Lelouch's place when he came to visit and today was no different, tomorrow was Nunnally's birthday and Lelouch had invited him to spend the night and celebrate with them. So here he was walking the familiar path with a big package under his arm and a goofy grin on his face. He turned the corner and started walking down the ally and stopped dead in his tracks. He dropped the present he was holding and ran to the crumpled figure on the ground. It was hard to tell who it was in the dark and the figures face was turned away from him. As he approached he realized that the boy had no clothes on other than a black short sleeved shirt that was pushed halfway up his back. There was something familiar about the boy, but Suzaku couldn't quite make out what it was. Suzaku kneeled beside the unconscious form, he still couldn't see the boys face , but it was clear that he had been beaten and raped. His hands where cuffed above his head with blood running down his arms, what he could see of his back and torso were badly bruised along with his legs, and there was blood seeping from his ass. Suzaku gently touched the boy and started to turn him over when the boy suddenly jerked awake scrambling into an awkward sitting position with his hands still cuffed above his head. "NO!" he screeched two amethyst eyes stared at Suzaku with a mix of fear and horror that he had never seen in them before. For a moment Suzaku was to startled to say any thing at all, his best friend had been brutally beaten and raped in an alleyway and was now cowering on the ground tied to a pipe. Finally he said, "Lelouch it's alright. It's me, Suzaku, your friend." Suzaku reached out to touch him but he flinched away. Lelouch's body was stiff and his eyes shimmered with pain, it was clear just sitting up like this was causing him a lot of suffering. Suzaku rummaged in his pocket for a moment, "how about we remove these hand cuffs." Suzaku spoke softly watching Lelouch's every reaction. It seemed like his friend was somewhere distant, not fully comprehending where he was or who was with him. Suzaku waited a few minutes and finally decided that he could start picking the lock on the cuffs without making Lelouch panic. When the cuffs finally fell away Lelouch slumped back to the ground, his entire body was shaking and his teeth where chattering from the cold. Suzaku shrugged out of his long blue coat and wrapped the trembling prince in it, he felt white hot rage bubbling up in his chest at the person who had done this to his friend. Right now cowering on the ground there was no trace of the stubborn, prideful prince that he new only a trembling shell and Suzaku would kill the man responsible.
Suzaku looked around and gathered up Lelouch's cloths and his and Lelouch's presents and put them in a safe place so that he could return for them after taking Lelouch home. He didn't bother trying to dress Lelouch knowing it would only cause his friend pain. He walked back over to Lelouch and scooped the trembling prince into his arms, "I'm taking you home ok, Lelouch." Alarm flashed across his face and for the first time since Suzaku found him he seemed to know exactly what was going on. He began to struggle feebly, but Suzaku was not about to let him slip from his arms. "No, you can't, don't take me home if Nunnally found out what kind of state I'm in...," he trailed off. Suzaku looked at him surprised, "Then what do you want me to do, I can't just leave you here."
"I don't care what you do with me just don't let Nunnally find out, please Suzaku." Suzaku looked down at his pleading face, he was torn between what was best for him and answering his desperate plea. "Ok, but I'm taking you back to base with me, we have doctors that can help you." But Lelouch had already drifted back into unconsciousness.
Suzaku carried Lelouch back to base as quickly as possible without jostling him to much. Once back at base he met up with Cecile and Lloyd who lived here pretty much 24/7. "My, my whatever happened to him?" Lloyd asked curiously. Suzaku glared at him icily for showing so little concern for his beaten friend. Cecile on the other hand came running up to the pair panic on her face. "What happened to him?" she screeched even though she didn't know Lelouch at all other than what Suzaku had told her. "I don't know exactly. I found him hand cuffed to a pipe in an alley." Suzaku looked down at Lelouch with a pained expression on his face. How did this happen? Who did this to you? Why wasn't I there to protect you? Suzaku let these questions play over and over in his head until Cecile started pushing him from behind, leading him to the medical wing. Once there she had Suzaku lay Lelouch down on a cot. Lelouch, who had been slowly regaining conciseness moaned as pain shot through his body.


"The medical staff has already left for the day, but I can help with basic treatments," she looked at Lelouch with sad eyes, she knew from what Suzaku had told her that Lelouch was very prideful and she knew that receiving any kind of help like this was shattering what was left of that pride. She removed Suzaku's coat from the boy and gasped, she had never seen such harsh abuse like this before. She went to try and take off Lelouch's shirt but he flinched away from the foreign touch. She looked up at Suzaku who had been silently watching Lelouch ever since he had lain him down. He reminded her of a mother dog protecting her pups. "Suzaku, can you remove his shirt for me, I need to see how extensive his injuries are?" Suzaku gently lifted Lelouch up -treating him like a glass statue that would shatter at the slightest touch- and removed his shirt before laying him back down.


Lelouch winced as Suzaku slowly lifted him up and removed his shirt. His mind had started to clear a little since entering the building, but it was still kind of hazy. He opened his eyes slightly and saw Suzaku hovering over him worry plain on his face. "Suzaku..." Lelouch whispered his name softly almost inaudibly. There was someone else there too, a woman Lelouch had never seen before. "Lelouch, my name is Cecile, I'm a friend of Suzakus". If you'll allow me I'd like to examine you, that way we can treat your injuries. Would that be ok?" Lelouch looked at Suzaku who gave a slight nod, and with some reluctance nodded yes. With that Cecile began gently running her cool, slim fingers over Lelouch's torso. Lelouch groaned , his entire body was on fire with pain. The worry on Suzaku's face deepened at the sound. "May I flip you onto your stomach Lelouch?" Cecile asked in a quite tone. It hurt laying on his stomach, more so than laying on his back but he repressed a groan of pain as Cecile began trialing her fingers along his back and sides. "Suzaku, three of his ribs are fractured and those bruises are really serious, not to mention the cut's on his wrists. I want you to tack him to a bath and get him cleaned up so we can properly treat is wounds." Suzaku complied at once gently flipping Lelouch back over and lifting him into his arms, Cecile put Suzaku's coat back over him and let them leave the room.


Cecile was horrified that someone could do this to another person. She worked closely with the army so death and pain where normal to witness but this was something else entirely. Lelouch had been subjected to a torture that would torment both the mind and the body, and while the body may heal his mind may never recover. He was covered in dark bruises the worst of which was a bruise slightly larger than a softball on his stomach which was a nasty shade of purplish black, his wrists had deep gashes in them, and even his penis was a light shade of purple from bruising. Other than his fractured ribs the worst of the damage was done to his anus, the delicate membrane and soft tissue was ripped and torn, bleeding badly. she could only imagine the mental state this would leave him in.


By now Lelouch was fully awake and coherent. Lelouch was being carried by Suzaku through a series of hallways, ending up in a bedroom with a small bathroom. Suzaku laid Lelouch down on the bed and went to prepare the bath. Lelouch lay there trying to keep his mind blank, he didn't want to remember what had happened to him, to relive those moments in the ally. But the memories kept coming back each one hitting him like a physical slap. His body started trembling again and when Suzaku came back into the room Lelouch was curled up on his side eyes closed tight trying not to cry. Suzaku came and picked him up and took him to the bath where he gently lowered him into the warm water. Lelouch let out a yelp as the water stung his wounds. "It hurts my ass," he said as he tried to lift himself up out of the water. Suzaku held him in the water, "It will feel better soon, I promise. Just try to relax ok." Though there was still pain in his face his body slowly relaxed and he sank deeper into the water, submerging his body up to his chest. "Lelouch, who did this to you?" Suzaku stared at him, worry in his emerald eyes. Lelouch recognized the anger under that worried face, anger directed at whoever had done this to him. "I don't know who it was," he said honestly. "You must have seen what he looked like, can you describe him for me? Please Lelouch, I can't let this happen again." Lelouch thought for a moment, he didn't want to place yet another burden on his friend but he sounded so desperate in that moment that Lelouch couldn't refuse him an answer. "He was older than us, late twenties maybe and he had short blonde hair and crystal blue eyes, he was also well muscled and tall." Lelouch watched Suzaku closely wondering what he could be thinking.


The description is unfamiliar to me but I'm sure I can figure out who did this with what Lelouch has told me. Suzaku thought as he stood up. "you can wash yourself right?" Lelouch gave him an icy glance, "Of course I can, idiot." Suzaku smiled at that a bit, even after all that's happened his friend was still full of pride. He walked out of the bathroom to sit and wait on the bed. Every now and then he'd hear a slight gasp or whimper come from the other room but he resisted the urge to go in and check on Lelouch, he knew the other boy wouldn't appreciate that much.


Suzaku left the room leaving Lelouch in the bath which was turning a dull pinkish red from the blood still dripping from his cut wrists and butt. I feel so dirty, I can still feel that man inside of me tearing me apart. Lelouch began to wash his body whimpering whenever he wasn't gentle enough on him self. He washed his hole body head to toe, but stopped when he got to his ass. He wanted so badly to remove what that man had left in him, but it hurt to much. Finally he decided to remove the already filthy water and fill the bath with fresh water and try again.


After a few minutes Suzaku heard the water drain from the tub and got up to get a towel when he heard a loud gasp of pain, a slipping sound, and finally a low thud. He darted into the bathroom the towel trailing behind him. Lelouch was sprawled half in half out of the tub clutching his mid section in pain. He had obviously tried to stand on his own and failed miserably. "What where you thinking Lelouch, you should have known you wouldn't be able to stand on your own!" Suzaku was almost yelling at him, but soon got his voice under control. He lifted Lelouch up and carried him to the bed where he laid him down and began drying him. "No, Suzaku stop! I'm still dirty, stop!" Suzaku looked at him puzzled, "Then why'd you drain the bath?" "To put new, clean water in it." "Lelouch you are clean, all the grim and dirt and most of the blood is all g-" "No it's inside! I have to get it out but it hurts!" Confusion turned to shock as Suzaku realized what Lelouch was saying. "Please get it out." Lelouch curled up onto his side hugging his knees. That man has broken him. I have never seen Lelouch so scared, weak, and pathetic. The rage Suzaku had been trying to repress suddenly exploded to the surface and he punched the wall beside the bed so hard that it left a large hole looking out into the hall way. The sudden pain that shot through his hand brought him back to his scenes and he looked down at a wide eyed Lelouch. "I'm so sorry Lelouch, I'm so sorry this happened to you." He pulled Lelouch into his lap and hugged him close to his chest and began to cry into his hair all the while saying how sorry he was that this had happened.


It felt good to be held by Suzaku and Lelouch buried his face in Suzaku's chest as the other boy cried into his hair. A few minutes passed before Suzaku stopped crying and then he suddenly picked Lelouch up and carried him into the bathroom and sat him in the empty tub. Suzaku rolled up his sleeves and turned on the water. Lelouch jerked his foot away as cold water splashed against it, but soon the water grew warm and Lelouch relaxed a little. Once the tub was full Suzaku wrapped his arms around Lelouch and lifted him so that only his waist and legs where submerged in water. "Do you trust me Lelouch?" Lelouch wished he could see Suzaku's face but the awkward position they where in wouldn't allow it. "I trust you more than anyone else." Lelouch replied as he wrapped his thin arms around Suzaku's chest to help support himself. "Lelouch I'm going to get it out, but it's going to hurt." Lelouch gave a slight nod against Suzaku's shoulder and Suzaku moved his hand down Lelouch's back towards his butt. "Relax." Suzaku whispered as he slowly pushed one finger into Lelouch's hole. Lelouch hissed in pain and he clutched Suzaku's shirt so hard his knuckles turned white. Suzaku began to move his finger slowly stretching the hole until he could insert another finger. Lelouch tensed and tightened his hold on Suzaku's shirt. Suzaku stopped moving but did not remove his fingers from Lelouch's hole, "Relax, it will be over soon I promise." Suzaku began moving again spreading his fingers slightly, letting water spill into Lelouch's entrance cleansing his insides. It hurt, but I'm glad because now that man would be washed out of me. Suddenly Suzaku's fingers brushed against a certain spot and a surprised gasp escaped Lelouch's lips. "What did you just do?" Lelouch asked in a somewhat shaky voice. Suzaku surprised by Lelouch's sudden reaction hit that spot again and was rewarded with a deep moan from Lelouch. "S-Suzaku s-s-stop that," Lelouch stuttered into Suzaku's shoulder. "Lelouch you where a virgin before this weren't you?" Lelouch was caught off guard by the question but gave a muffled "yes" in reply.


Now I get it, that's Lelouch's sweet spot. Suzaku couldn't stop a slight smile from settling on his lips. He couldn't help but to feel pleased that he was the only one who knew where Lelouch's pleasure spot was. He only hoped that one day he'd be able to confess his true feelings to his friend and that he wasn't alone in feeling that way. However right now he just wanted to worry about making Lelouch feel better and getting his wounds patched up. So he finished what he was doing and slowly removed his fingers. Then one arm still wrapped around Lelouch, he emptied the tub. Suzaku once again lifted Lelouch out of the tub and sat him on the bed where he dried him off. This time Lelouch let him. Once Suzaku finished drying him off he got a long grey robe and put it on him. Lelouch's wrists where still bleeding slight so Suzaku wrapped the towel around them. He then lifted Lelouch into his arms and began walking back to the medical wing where Cecile was waiting. When he looked down at Lelouch he was glaring at his legs. "What's wrong Lelouch?" "I wish I could walk, I feel stupid being carried everywhere." Suzaku laughed, he was glad his friend had relaxed enough to regain a little of his former attitude. "I'd put you down if I thought you wouldn't fall over, but as of right now I doubt you'd be able to stand on your own let alone walk." Lelouch didn't say anything just continued to glare at his legs until they arrived at the medical wing. When they got there Cecile had already lain out the gauze and disinfectants and some kind of cream for the bruises. "Oh, your back." Cecile said as Suzaku walked through the door. "Well sit him down, you can't hold him the whole time." She said with a giggle. Suzaku hadn't realized that he had just stood there for five minutes staring at the cot in the middle of the room. He quickly walked over to the cot and sat Lelouch down with a sheepish grin. "This might be easier if he where sitting up," she said. Lelouch tried to sit up but quickly laid back down wincing. Suzaku -who had been watching him like a hawk- lifted him up yet again and sat down on the cot. He crossed his legs and then positioned Lelouch so that he was sitting in his lap with his back resting against Suzaku's chest. "Is this better?" He asked Cecile who was trying to suppress a smile. "For now," she said lightly.


They Look so cute together, I wonder if they've confessed to each other yet. Cecile pondered this question as she unwrapped Lelouch's wrists from the towel and began applying the disinfectant. She then applied an exceptional amount of Neosporin to the cuts and then wrapped them in tight bandages. Once she had finished with that she grabbed the bottle of Arnicare Cream to treat his bruises. "Take off that robe so I can treat the bruises," she ordered. Lelouch obeyed obediently and awkwardly shimmied out of the robe. Cecile then began applying the cream to his chest, stomach, and legs; gently rubbing the cream into the swollen purple skin. "Lean forward," he did and Cecile gently rubbed the cream onto the bruises on his back before letting him lean back onto Suzaku's chest. "Um you can apply it... there too, but I think I'll let you handle that," she said indicating Lelouch's bruised penis. She handed him the bottle noting the slight embarrassed blush that appeared on the young boys face. Suzaku just chuckled quietly at the scene. "Anyway, here these are pain killers to help with the fractured ribs." "Aren't you going to wrap him up or something?" Suzaku asked nervously. "No your not supposed to do that because it can restrict breathing and put him at risk of pneumonia or causing a collapsed lung. They should heal on there own in about six weeks time."


Lelouch took the bottle of Arnicare Cream and the pain killers from Cecile. He could feel himself blushing and turned his head away from the woman. He couldn't believe a woman he had just met had seen him naked twice in one night, though he couldn't believe a lot of things that had happened tonight. A shiver ran up his spine as he remembered all that had happened to him. Suzaku put his arms around him protectively, hugging him close to his body. "Don't worry Lelouch, your safe now. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again." Lelouch relaxed into Suzaku's arms, "thank you Suzaku." Cecile cleared her throat, "well I'm going to bed, it's almost midnight and I'm beat. Good night boy's." With that she waved and headed out the door to her room. "Midnight! I have to call Nunnally! She'll be worried sick, I told her I'd be home early!" Lelouch tried to wriggle out of Suzaku's grasp but the stronger male held fast keeping him in place. "Stop trying to get up and run around, it's not going to work. Here use my phone." Suzaku reached into his left pocket and pulled out a small cell phone which he quickly handed over to Lelouch. Lelouch took the phone and punched in his home number, lifted the phone too his ear and waited. One ring, two rings "hello, Lamperouge residence Sayoko speaking."

"Hello, Sayoko it's me, Lelouch."

"Master Lelouch where have you been?! Miss Nunnally has been so worried about you, we where about ready to call the police."

"No don't call the police, I'm fine. My boss ended up making me stay late and then I bumped into Suzaku."

"Oh, I'm glad your safe. When are you coming home?"

"I'm going to spend the night with Suzaku and come home early tomorrow morning. Can I talk to Nunnally?"

"Of course I'll put her on right away."

"Brother, is that you?"

"Yeah it's me, I'm sorry I wasn't there to help decorate for the party."

"That's ok as long as your alright. I was so worried when you didn't come home."

"I know and I'm sorry for that too, I didn't mean to worry you."

"I forgive you, but you better have a big present for me in return."

"Haha will do. Now you should go to bed, You've got a big day tomorrow."

"Ok, good night Lelouch."

"Good night Nunnally."

Lelouch hung up the phone and gave it back to Suzaku. "Your not going to tell her the truth?" Suzaku slid the phone back into his pocket. "No, I don't want to give her any reason to worry over me, especially since it's her birthday tomorrow."


"How are you going to explain your limp tomorrow, she may be blind but she knows the sound of your foot steps Lelouch." Lelouch gave him an almost sad look, "I'll think of something." Suzaku shifted Lelouch in his arms so that he could slide off the cot still holding the smaller boy. "You have no objection to sleeping in my room tonight do you?" He began walking down the hall towards the room he'd taken Lelouch to before. "No," said Lelouch with a yawn. Once in the room Suzaku laid Lelouch down on the bed and covered him up. "I'll sleep on the floor, ok." Lelouch grabbed his arm, "No sleep in the bed with me." Suzaku, all to eager to oblige slid under the covers beside Lelouch. Lelouch snuggled close to his side and quickly fell asleep. He reminded Suzaku of a shy cat, curled up the way he was, with one arm tucked under his head the other curled close to his chest and his legs curled up close to his body. "I love you Lelouch," he whispered before drifting off to sleep.

A/N: Ok so this was my first ever fan-fiction so if it's not that good I'm sorry. However I would really appreciate any and all feed back that you can give me. I may continue this story, but if I do it will be a while before the second chapter comes out. I can only write this stuff at night when the rest of the families gone to bed. My parents would murder me for writing something like this, they don't even know what yaoi is and I plan to keep it that way. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the story and again any pointers you could give me to improve my writing would be most appreciated. Thanks for reading! :D