Laura: Sorry for the wait guys! But this it! This is the last chapter of FAB. SO MANY MIXED EMOTIONS. I'm a little embarrassed but I'll say it anyway. I got pretty emotional when I came up with the title for this last chapter. I definitely got punched in the feels. I'll continue my rambling down below so my lovley readers, for the last time, please enjoy Finding a Balance. :}

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or anything related to it. Alls I gots is my own plotssss. (I'll have to bring this back. Its really starting to grow on me.)

It was about 7 in the morning when Naruto realized he wasn't going to be able to fall back asleep. He had been lying in bed closing and opening his eyes for half an hour before he discovered something much more appealing than trying to will himself into unconsciousness. Naruto knew it was creepy. He had never done it with any of the women he had dated over the years, but because it was Sasuke he just couldn't help it. Even when he was sound asleep Sasuke looked stunning.

He looked completely at ease lying on his stomach with half of his face resting comfortably on the pillow, only a few inches away from Naruto's own face. There was something oddly comforting about watching the Uchiha sleep. It was almost hard to believe that behind that face of innocence lies a brilliant, witty man who completely stole Naruto's heart within a matter of months. For the first time in a long time Naruto felt good about their situation. Last night had gone beyond anything Naruto could have possibly imagined.

It wasn't perfect in the sense that they didn't really know what they were doing. There were a few instances where Naruto just had to laugh at how completely awkward and uncoordinated they both were. But once they got past all the shyness and timid touching it was smooth sailing. Sasuke never once lost his patience, not once, and Naruto managed to keep himself under control for the most part. So really, for a first time- for both of them, Naruto thought they did a pretty good job.

Hopefully, (if Naruto had any say in the matter) there would certainly be more opportunities to improve their performance. Naruto stayed in bed for a few more peaceful minutes before forcing himself to get up. Sasuke shifted a little as the bed creaked from Naruto sitting up but didn't show any signs of waking up. Naruto was sure to be quiet as he climbed out of bed and, with a bit of a smirk, realized he was completely naked still.

He couldn't imagine Sasuke would be too pleased with him marching around the apartment in all his glory so he decided to sneak off to his room to find something to cover himself up with. He knew that there were still some things they needed to talk about and the last thing he wanted to do was make Sasuke uncomfortable. After pulling on a pair of pants Naruto decided it would be a good idea to make them breakfast. Hopefully this would help create a relaxed atmosphere so Sasuke could see that there's nothing to worry about. At least that's what the blonde hoped.

When Sasuke woke up the next morning at around 8 o'clock he was sure that last night had been nothing but a dream. A really hot and extremely satisfying dream… But then he saw his and Naruto's clothes sprawled out all over the floor along with a few stray blankets from the bed. The dull ache the Uchiha felt in his hips as he sat up was a pretty clear indication that he hadn't imagined what happened last night. Sasuke pushed his bangs out of his face before gazing over at the other side of the bed.

Naruto wasn't there beside him and if it wasn't for the soft, muffled music playing from out in the hall, Sasuke would have worried that the blonde simply took off on him like their encounter last night had been a one night stand. Luckily, Naruto wasn't that kind of person. He was honourable, a regular knight in shinning armour. Sasuke wasn't really sure where they stood at this point, and he didn't know if things were going to be awkward or uncomfortable between them, but right now all he wanted to do was talk to Naruto. Or at the very least just see his face.

To know that he's just as happy as Sasuke is. That's all the Uchiha wanted. Confirmation that they hadn't made a mistake by rushing into the sex, no matter how amazing it felt... To know that there were no regrets about what happened. Sasuke knew how he felt. He knows what he wants. Naruto on the other hand… Well, Sasuke just needed to hear it from the horse's mouth. Just once. That's all it would take to wipe away any anxiety he held bottled up in his chest.

Planning on having a shower later, Sasuke grabbed his shirt from yesterday off the floor and slipped it on before doing the same with his boxers. Sasuke figured it didn't really matter anymore if Naruto saw him looking indecent. Things like that wouldn't bother him. Hell, Sasuke was half expecting to find Naruto parading around in his birthday suit when he finally managed to get himself out into the hall. As Sasuke traced the growing sound of music into the kitchen he came face to face with Naruto's bare back. His lower half was fully clothed with a pair of loose fitting sweatpants, Sasuke noted with a bit of disappointed frown.

The blonde was softly humming to the music while stirring something in a pan on one of the elements on the stove. The unmistakable scent of bacon wafted into Sasuke's nose making his stomach growl on command. Sasuke was a little hesitant to let the blonde cook again after what happened the last time he attempted to make a meal, but in the end he decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and keep quiet. Sasuke just watched him for a moment as Naruto gleefully moved about the kitchen, grabbing two sets of plates and cutlery before opening up the fridge and pulling out a jug of orange juice.

It wasn't until the song ended that Naruto turned around and spotted the Uchiha standing there watching him. He looked a little startled for about half a second before grinning widely. Naruto could barley contain himself as he poured the juice into both cups and spoke. "Morning." Sasuke's heart began to pound ridiculously fast with a growing sense of hope as Naruto continued to smile at him. There was no awkward atmosphere between them or uncomfortable shuffling to avoid eye contact. It was normal. Better than normal.

Naruto appeared to be happy.

The big lug was practically glowing as he made his way around the island to stand in front of the Uchiha. As Naruto snaked his arms around Sasuke's waist and pulled him close, all of Sasuke's doubts were brushed away and put to rest. "Good morning." Sasuke eventually said, barely able to contain a grin of his own. "I made us breakfast." Naruto stated clearly proud of himself for not burning down the entire building. "I can see that." Naruto chuckled at Sasuke's raised eyebrow and harmless skepticism.

"No bodily harm was caused. I promise." Sasuke nodded. "Well… good then. That's good." Naruto's eyes widened as he nodded his head, false innocents on his face as if he was playfully mocking him. "Something on your mind there sport?" Sasuke gazed up into his face and found that Naruto's smile was just too damn contagious to refuse. Sasuke's smile only seemed to egg him on further. "So… last night was-"

"Unforgettable?" Naruto cut in with far too much self-assurance in that grin of his. Sasuke rolled his eyes and gently pushed his shoulder causing Naruto to laugh and take a step back, releasing his hold from Sasuke's hips as he moved. "I'm trying to be serious." Sasuke scolded gently, though there was a light-hearted glint in his eyes that made Naruto's heart jump delightfully in his chest. "We should talk about, you know- what this all means."

"What do you think it means?" Sasuke tilted his head in thought for moment. "Well, I definitely don't think it's something that just friends do with each other. And I don't really think I want to be just friends with you anyway so…" Naruto looked up at the ceiling and nodded as if considering his next words very carefully. "And what would you say if I didn't want to be just friends either?" He finally decided on saying. This made Sasuke's bottom lip jut out in a disappointed frown.

"I think I would punch you for not giving me a straight answer when I'm already so close to having nervous break down." He said, the excitement and anticipation clear in his voice. Naruto chuckled again before sauntering over to Sasuke and pulling him close once again. Sasuke was about to open his mouth and question the blonde's actions, but Naruto leaned in and cut him off with a gentle, adoring kiss. Sasuke felt himself melt into the kiss as their lips slid together in a beautiful dance of tenderness, affection and love.

"Feel better?" Naruto asked as he pulled back only slightly to look into to Sasuke's eyes. The Uchiha nodded feeling a little dazed. "Yup…" Was all he managed to force out. Naruto grinned as he reached up a brushed Sasuke's bangs behind his ears. "So we're good?" He asked. "So… we're together…?" Sasuke questioned back with uncertainty. Naruto found Sasuke's inability to believe the situation to be incredibly cute and endearing, forcing him to lean in and kiss the raven yet again, on the lips.

There was only one way Naruto could think of to get the Uchiha to fully understand exactly how he felt about him. He was nervous, absolutely. What Naruto hoped to accomplish was something that he saved strictly for family members and very, very close friends. He had never said it to someone outside of that group before. Naruto was a very passionate man, whatever relationship he was part of he would always put himself in it 100%, but he always believed in saving all that profound love and passion he held deep inside himself for the right person.

Someone who deserved it.

If that person wasn't Sasuke, then Naruto didn't understand anything anymore. "I love you." He eventually managed to force out, his shoulders stiff with anxiety and crippling uncertainty. Sasuke obviously hadn't been expecting such a bold and out of the blue statement and almost recoiled backwards, his eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. Sasuke's complete and utter shock did little to calm Naruto's ever growing nerves. Did he go too far?

Should he have maybe waited for a more appropriate time? It was hardly romantic, announcing his love for Sasuke right after they had sex for the first time. Somehow it seemed cheap, like it just wasn't enough. Fuck, what if it scares Sasuke off? Naruto knew he had to handle this situation delicately, but instead of thinking out a thoughtful plan he just blurted it out on an impulse.

Because that's who he is. Act first, think later. That's always how he's functioned. But now he may have destroyed his one and only chance at having a relationship with Sasuke because he was a big, stupid-

"I love you too."

"What?" Sasuke's head tilted slightly as a soft smile crossed over his lips, finding Naruto's genuine surprise to be sweet and humbling. "I love you too…" He said again, his voice only shaking slightly from the confession. Sasuke couldn't explain the great relief he felt in that moment. After weeks of denying these feelings and the keeping them a secret, he was finally able to say it, and along with it came a sense of freedom. Like a weight had finally been lifted from his shoulders.

Naruto stared at Sasuke and Sasuke stared right back. A breathy exhale escaped Naruto's lips as if he still couldn't believe what Sasuke had said, but at the same time he felt a huge sense of relief that his feelings had been returned. Naruto reached out and grabbed Sasuke's cheeks, pulling him in until their lips met again, much like their first kiss. Sasuke wrapped his arms around Naruto's waist as the blonde deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue inside Sasuke's mouth so the two muscles could meet in a heated entanglement.

Naruto breathed deeply out of his nose before slowly pulling his head back, their lips staying connect for only a delicious second more before detaching completely. "We're just a couple of dumbasses, aren't we?" When Sasuke showed signs of not fully understanding what he meant, Naruto decided to elaborate. "All this time we've spent tip toeing around our feelings we could have been doing this." Sasuke smirked when Naruto pulled him closer to emphasize his point.

"No arguments here. What do you say we just be honest with each other from now on? I'm sure it'll save us a lot of trouble in the long-run." For some reason Naruto began to frown, making Sasuke think that maybe he didn't agree with that idea. Why he wouldn't, Sasuke couldn't possibly begin to understand. "Well, if we're going to be honest I should probably tell you something…" Naruto's guilty look and the way he stared down at the floor sent a pit the size of a bowling ball into Sasuke's stomach.

He had gone from being immensely happy to being terrified in a matter of seconds. "You have class in 20 minutes." Naruto then said, the grin retuning to his face at seeing Sasuke's sense of relief. "Don't do that!" Sasuke scolded as he punched the blonde lightly in the arm, making Naruto laugh and shake his head. "But it's fun teasing you." Sasuke rolled his eyes then glanced over at the clock hanging above the stove. "20 minutes, huh?"

"We should probably eat now so you can get ready." Naruto started to turn around and grab their food but Sasuke suddenly pulled him back around so they were facing each other again. "Missing one day won't kill me." Sasuke said as he reached up and wrapped his arms tightly around Naruto's neck, pulling him closer with every breath. Naruto raised an eye brow and smirked in disbelief. "What about your perfect attendance record?" Sasuke shrugged carelessly, his lips only inches apart from Naruto's. "Screw the attendance."

Laura: Wow. So that's it. What can I say about this story? Originally this wasn't supposed to turn into a 25 chapter fanfic. I guess I didn't really have a plan for this story, but I certainly didn't expect it to turn out like it did. I was pleasantly surprised to say the least. I think this story started off pretty slow, as most new stories do, but at some point it just picked up and my views were through the roof and I was getting wonderful comments from you, my beautiful readers. I'm at the stage right now where I still just feel honoured that even 5 people enjoy my stories, so all of this support has just been mind boggling and very humbling. I'm so glad you've joined me on this journey that turned into something much greater than it should have.

I want to thank each and everyone of you for reading Finding a Balance and I hope I've caught your interest as a writer. I will admit that for the moment I don't have a game plan when it comes to uploading other fics. I have plenty of ideas and loads of material to write but I'm just not sure where to begin. I might just upload one shots every now and then for a little while, or I may just take a break to finish one of my more elaborate and time consuming stories. Either way, I hope to see you all back sometime in the near future. :) Once again, thank you all so much for your love and support. This is Miss Mouse signing off! MUAH!