Chapter 2

Back in the Great Hall, Hermione sat down with her usual group of friends and made her plate. Ginny wouldn't stop asking about her damn crush, and she was getting tired of her questions. She thought briefly about telling her a random name, but he had a feeling that would blow up in her face.

'I could tell her the truth…" Hermione thought. But no, that would be even worse.

"Ginny!" Hermione yelled, interrupting her friend's new whine. "There is no crush! I don't like anybody, alright? I wasn't looking at a boy! I was trying to look for Harry and Ron so we could come down to eat together. Happy?" Hermione hated lying to Ginny, but she wanted to revel in some peace and quiet.

Ginny scowled and announced, "I don't believe you. But alright, you'll tell me when you want to," she added confidently. Hermione rolled her eyes. Hermione ate quickly and zoned out her friends as they talked more about Quidditch. There was a match this afternoon- Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff. Everyone on the Gryffindor side was bursting with excitement, especially the team. The Hufflepuff team looked a little down in the dumps, obviously not looking forward to competing with the undefeated team of the year. Ever since watching the World Cup, Harry was desperately waiting for a time to use some of Viktor Krum's moves.

"Harry, that move looked dangerous," she warned. "Krum's a professional, remember? And I'm sure he had way more practice with it than you. Plus," she added as she moved her food around with her fork, "he's been playing Quidditch longer than you have."

Harry and Ron rolled their eyes and waved off Hermione's worries. "Don't worry about it, Hermione. I'm not going to actually do it in a match," Harry promised. Hermione read his face for signs that he was lying, and she found all of his. His mouth twitched and he blinked twice when he said her name.

"Yeah, right," she grumbled. Just then, the Weasley twins walked into the Great Hall and started to strut down to wear she was sitting.

"Hello, Mione dear," Fred- or was it George?- smirked and winked at her. She shook her head and pushed her plate away from her. Grabbing her bag, she stood and marched off to the library. She knew she was being rude, but she really wasn't in the mood for jokes right now.

"Something I said?" the twin asked. Her friends all shrugged simply.

Fred watched her as she swung her hips back and forth angrily.

Author's Note: I know it's really short, but I liked where I stopped. I think I'll make the chapters longer the further we get into the story :) This'll be a short fic, maybe only two or three chapters left? I wrote chapter 1 in, like, 2011 and I just rediscovered it from my ancient computer. This is sort of a side-fic to clear my mind while I write my main priority fic, A Penny in Her Shoe. It's a Mortal Instruments fanfiction focusing on Malec and Clace, so check it out if you're interested :)

Read on and prosper

~xox Jaciem