Hello everyone! Godtaku here. So I finally got around to doing this and wrote my first fanfiction. I decided to make this a lemon story cuz' there aren't enough Fairy Tail lemon stories with a harem so I decided to do it for that reason. Well, that and I'm probably the horniest motherfucker in the Western-Hemisphere =D. The harem will have Natsu and basically ever single girl. The only ones I might not put in are Juvia and Princess Hisui. Juvia because I might have a hard time parring her with Natsu and Hisui because she's a total bitch. Oh and no Wendy as well. Sorry but child porn is how shit gets taken down on fanfiction. Now I will not be taking any girl off the list because you don't like them, sorry but tough shit, others may like a character that you don't. Last but not least, if you don't like this story dont read it. But don't come bitching in the review about your reasons for not liking it and if anyone has flames, go for it, just make sure its constructive hating not just straight up hating. I'm cool with "This story sucks donkey balls because [Valid reason here]". I'm not cool with "This story sucks donkey balls because [Your gay/personal peve/I'm an asshole]".

Well with all that out of the way lets start. Oh and be fair warned there is no lemon in this chapter... and it's short =( Thats because this is just a lead up to the rest of the story. Next chapter will have Natsu pounding everybody's favorite huge titted blonde slut. Promise. =)


Do not read if under age or do not approve of adult themes.


Alrights to Fairy Tail go to Hiro Mashima.

Eighteen Years Ago

The year X766

It had been nine months since Igneel had found the boy. At least, that's what he called him at first. It had taken him a while to think up a name for him so for the first couple months he was simply called "Boy". It was only after going through about every name he could think of that he finally just gave up. He first though of naming the child after himself. He could be "Igneel II". He thought it was a good name, after all, who wouldn't want to be named after someone as awesome as him? But alas, it was not to be as Igneel realized 'What kind of douche bag names a baby after themselves?'. So that name jumped out the metaphorical window. He then thought of naming him after his good friend Atlas Flame. But he then decided against that to. After all, if the child wasn't going to be named after him, The King of all motherfucking Fire Dragons. He sure as hell wasn't going to be named after his scrub friend. So after a declaratory "fuck it" he decided how he was going to choose the name. He simply looked up into the sky 'The first thing that pops into my head.' he told him self. 'The weather is nice.' He observed. 'warm.' He watched as the cloudless sky continued to roll over. It was a nice summer day. 'Summer.' He thought 'Summer...Natsu? Heh, well its a good a name as any.'

He looked down at the infant currently bundled in a pile of leaves and spoke in a deep grumbling voice that oddly had the sound of someone stroking a fire place.

"Well Boy, from this day forward you will be known as Natsu! Son of the Mighty Fire Dragon King, Igneel! He roared, and for Natsu, that was the first day he could ever remember.

Four Years Later

The year X770

Now we find a five year old Natsu doing what he had now come to find as his favorite pastime. Pissing Igneel off. Or at least it seemed that way to the fire dragon.

"Hey hey, Dad come on take me flying on your back again!"

"For the last time, No. Now shut up or I'll eat you."

"C'mon, pleaseeee?"


Igneel sighed, which had the effect of molten hot air being expelled out of his mouth and burning down a few dozen trees in front of him, he stood and walked over from where he had been sitting and laid down. Igneel was a huge being, even among dragons, from head to tail he was about two-hundred and fifty feet across and had a wing span of over three hundred feet. He had crimson red scales, the same color as blood, and a pale milky yellow underbelly. His eyes were completely white and shining with unimaginable power. He was the definition of intimidating. Sadly for him though, he was apparently not intimidating enough to get the child currently pestering him to buzz off.

A few hours ago he had taken Natsu flying on his back over the forest and the ocean as a birthday present. They flew for hours on end and once afternoon came around he decided it was time to land. Unfortunately Natsu had other ideas. He had wanted to keep going and no matter what Igneel did he wouldn't shut up about it. Which led them to they're current predicament of Natsu hanging of the edge of Igneel's wing in an attempt at getting on his back again. Igneel sighed. He remembered the good old days when humans would be incinerated from simply coming into contact with his hide. The sheer power he possessed would leak into his skin and cause it to burn almost any living thing he came in contact with into ash. But noooo, not Natsu, he was just a natural born pain in the ass. That thought reminded Igneel of how he came across Natsu in the first place and the reason he decided to raise him.

Igneel was walking through a large forest at a leisurely pace. He had just flown into the place after looking for some food and decided it was a good location to rest for the night. After all he didn't have anywhere to be, he was the king of the fucking fire dragons, he could do whatever the fuck he damn well pleased. After walking around for a few minutes, looking for a cave or an overhead where he could lie down, Igneel started to hear what was possibly the most annoying sound he had ever heard in his many thousand year long existence. It was a high pitch squealing noise that would take periodic breaks as if breathing. The noise reminded him of newborn dragons when they were crying but about a thousand times more high pitched. Naturally, being the responsible adult dragon that he was, Igneel made the mature decision to get the fuck out of dodge, lest his sensitive ears start bleeding. So as he was walking the noise seemed to have decided to follow, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling around the two front claws in his left hand that had suddenly appeared around the same time as the intolerable noise, he picked up speed. He was now running at a slow gallop, which was still faster than most other living beings could ever hope to acheive, yet the noise had followed him even at that speed. Sighing, he decided to deal with the aching in his claws, which he now assumed was a hangnail, and then proceed to burn down the entire goddamn forest in hopes of killing whatever was making that insufferable noise but, it was not to be, because as he looked down his eyes widened as he stared at the source of his problem.

There, tucked away in the spot where his claws met his fingers, was a pudgy ball with pale pink hair and golden brown eyes. It was a human infant. Attached to his claws. Just like a hangnail. Igneel didn't know why but that pissed him off. He would later realize the reason for that was because Natsu just had an innate ability to piss him off.

Sighing, the dragon looked down and realized that it was not the child's fault for being there. It was actually more his fault for almost stepping on, and killing, the small baby. But then he realized something. Why was this child alive right now? His skin could burn some of the most powerful demons alive if they simply touched him. But here in front of him was a small child who didn't look bothered in the slightest. He actually look like he was snuggling closer into his skin for more warmth. Seriously, what the hell?

Bringing himself out of his thought, Igneel looked down and assessed the child. It was wrapped snugly in a faded yellow blanket and was currently staring up at him in awe. Awe. Not fear. Not horror. Awe.'Well that's new... '

The child had large doughy golden brown eyes, slightly tanned skin, and the weirdest hair color he had ever seen. Bright pink. Seriously? Why did he always have to wander across bullshit like this? Sighing, he realized as an afterthought he would probably be doing that a lot from now on, he thought about the current situation. Why hadn't this child burned to ash? 'He could be one of those dragon slayers that had been popping up recently.' But he immediately threw that thought away. The only other fire dragon that was anywhere near a human continent was Atlas and he was in some "Village of giants" in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere. Far from any human civilization. Not to mention the child was only a couple months old at most, maybe a year. So whatever gave the child a resistance to his heat had to be a natural phenomenon happening in his body.

He then thought who the child's parents were. He doubted that the child parents just walked into the forest and left him there. Actually, How had the child even gotten here in the first place? The forest he was in was huge. Hundreds of miles of nothing but nature in all directions. Hell the humans even called this place "The Land of Endless Tree's". There wasn't any humans for miles.

"So what did a bird just drop him off here?" Igneel almost sighed, but stopped himself, he had been doing that to much lately. So instead he looked back down at the living mystery before him. He could figure out why this child was so different later. Right now he needed to think of what he could do with him. In his mind he had two options. One, kill the child and be on his merry way. After all, the infant wouldn't survive the night in this forest alone, it would be a mercy to end his life quick and painlessly. Or, he could go with option two. The choice he was currently leaning towards. Raise the child as his own and make him into a Dragon Slayer! If for nothing else than to talk about how much more kick ass his child was than that of all the other dragons. Not to mention he could sense power from this boy, he had the potential to be something the world has never seen before and Igneel sure as hell wasn't going to pass up the chance to see him grow. Decision made he plucked the child out of his nail and placed him on the ground in front of him.

"Now..." He growled. "First things first, what to name you?"

Coming out of his small (Read:long) revere, Igneel brought his attention back to Natsu, who was currently jumping up and down on his back with a chant of 'fly,fly,fly,fly,fly' that didn't seem like it was going to end anytime soon.

"Dammit you punk!" Igneel roared. "I'm Igneel! The Fire Dragon King! A grade-A badass who all other badasses wish they could someday come even close to being on my level! I'm NOT some goddamn form of public transportation!" After that little bout, in which Igneel was breathing fire and had let loose some of his power which caused everything living thing within a five mile radius to be incinerated, there was not a sound in the forest for miles. That display of power could have caused some of the most powerful humans, demons, and dragons alike to shit their pants and head for the hills. It truly showcased why Igneel was considered one of the most powerful beings alive. Naturally, Natsu was not phased in the slightest.

"Uh-huh, okay, I see now, your just grumpy cuz' your getting old and don't have that much energy anymore. It's okay, I won't ask about it anymore... Grandpa."

Igneel smashed his head against the floor, which caused a small scale earthquake to vibrate through the ground.

"Fine... I'll take you flying..." Before Natsu could begin cheering he cut in with a quick "Tomorrow." Causing Natsu's elation to wane slightly.

"Now come on and go to bed you brat we have to get up tomorrow and continue your Dragon Slayer training." Igneel said as he curled up while lying down. "C'mon, I'll tell you a story."

"Wow, you really are old." Natsu deadpanned, earning an exasperated sigh from Igneel. "So whats the story about?" Natsu asked as he curled up near Igneel's underbelly, Basking in the warmth and the squishy feeling he got from it.

"Hm... Let me think." He said closing his eyes in concentration. "Ah! I know a good one! My father told me this story and his father to him."

"Jeez, How old is this story?"Natsu replied, pondering how old it could be. Igneel had told him that he was several thousand years old, so if Igneel's grandfather had know this story... God, did they even know how to talk that long ago!?

"It's older than you or I can even imagine... It's the story of the most powerful dragon to ever exist. The Omega Dragon. Iryoku..."


"No you dumb ass! IRYOKU! Eerie-Oh-Ku."

"...That name sounds stupid..."

Igneel sighed, only Natsu would say that the most powerful being to ever live had a stupid name.

"It means power. Iryoku means power, authority, and might."

"Oh... Cool! So he was a badass?"

"Yes Natsu, he was a badass."

"Was he more badass than you?"

"Natsu, Iryoku was more badass than everyone."

" Well, how come he was so strong?"

"He was the Omega Dragon, the only dragon of his kind that can ever and will ever exist. Before he was even born it was said that there would be one dragon born that would be more powerful than any other dragon to ever exist. It was said that he would be stronger than any Alpha dragon or even a King dragon and that no one would ever be able to defeat him. From what the stories said is that he would awaken during his coming of age when dragons would go into heat. That is when he would gain his power and his immortality."

"How come he only got his power when he became horny?"

"I don't fucking know! This story is hundreds of thousands of years old so just shut up and pay attention."

Natsu gave a very drawn out 'humph' at his question not being answered but stayed quite nonetheless.

"Now it is said that the Omega dragon would awaken when he went into heat and he would take and mark his mate's as his. That is how he got his power. I don't know the specifics but according to legend the more mate's he took the more powerful he would become. But he wasn't the only one that would gain power and eternal life, his mate's would to. While they didn't even come close to getting the power he had their bodies did change and they became something more powerful than dragons and it was said that the more the Omega and his mates had intercourse the more his mates would evolve and grow more. Each mate was said to have grown in a different and unique way with each of them gaining special abilities and traits from their evolution, they would grow more powerful until they reached something know as the "Final Evolution". This is when the Omega's mates would be ready to become pregnant and give birth to hundreds or even thousands of offspring. Then the Omega would mate and mark with those offspring to gain more power."

"Eww, he had sex with his own kids?" Natsu said as his face crunched up in disgust.

"No, he didn't. The Omega's mates would evolve by the Omega giving them power in some way during intercourse. After they reached their final evolution there was nothing left for the Omega's power to evolve so something else would happen. I don't really know the intricate details but once the Omega's mates reached their final evolution and the Omega's power entered their body the egg's in the ovaries and the womb of the mate would self impregnate using the Omega's power as a fuel source. It seemed to be a form of asexual reproduction in which the offspring would be some variant of the mother's body but on a less powerful scale. So none of the Omega's DNA is ever in the mother's children. So they weren't actually his children."

"Oh I get it. So he marks the mother's babies and then make them have children?"

"No actually, only the original mates could give birth to children. For some reason the offspring of those mate's could not so they only served to give the omega more power."

"Wait so does that mean he didn't care about them!? That's mean!"

"What part of "I don't fucking know! This story is hundreds of thousands of years old" Did you not understand? For all we know he could have loved them with all his heart or killed them right after they served their usefulness."

"Oh..." Awhile later Natsu went silent and took on a look of thought.

"Ne, Igneel what happened to Iryoku?"

"No one knows for sure. Some say he got tired of living so long and ended his own existence while others say that he got bored of this world and traveled to another reality with his mates."

Natsu was silent after that and closed his eyes as if thinking on something important. Igneel thought he may have actually fallen asleep but after a few minutes he finally spoke again.

"Ne, Igneel you said that there would only ever be one Omega dragon right?"

"Yes, no one knows why but there will only ever be one Omega to ever live."

"Well could there be an Omega Dragon Slayer?"

This questioned definitely piqued Igneel's interest. He couldn't believe he had never though of that before! Dragons and Dragon Slayers were so similar in terms of genetic make up it was almost scary. So there is no reason it shouldn't be possible. After all he had seen an Alpha Dragon Slayer, which was essentially a Dragon or Dragon Slayer capable of eating elements other than they're natural ones to augment they're original power, and though he had not yet seen a King Dragon Slayer, which basically meant that they ruled over their element and could give non-elemental Dragon or humans the ability to use said element, he thought that was more because of the fact that there were so few Dragon Slayers around than that it didn't have the possibility of happening. So if one took those reasons into account there was no reason to think that there couldn't be an Omega Dragon Slayer.

"Well, it would certainly be possible. Dragons and Dragons Slayers aren't all that different."

Natsu gave a grin that nearly split his face and declared loudly and proudly

"I'm gonna be an awesome Omega Dragon Slayer and be even more badass than you or even Iryoku!"

Igneel gave an amused snort and replied "That'll be the day Natsu, that'll be the day. Now shut up and go to sleep or no flying tomorrow."

As Natsu went to sleep on Igneel's stomach he had a large smile on his face and an unknown power dwelling inside him...

Like I told you. Just setting the story this chapter. We get into the naughty stuff in chapter two onward. =)