Let the light guide you through

AU Finchel. She heard it like they all had. The boys were coming home, within the next few hours she'd be able to hold Finn again. Or so she thought. After a mission goes terribly wrong, Rachel is left wondering if she'll ever see him again. And then she sees the white car approaching. Her heart shattering into a million pieces.

A/N: It's been forever I know! But this semester is really taking a tall on me and I really haven't been inspired at all, but at least I'd thought I owed you guys to end this right in the next few chapters


I do hope you enjoy!

Chapter 12:

She was afraid. Afraid of what it meant for Finn to go back home and face reality, reality of his friends and his children whom had yet to learn of their father being alive. Finn was released from the hospital in Germany on the condition he had to go into immediate care and rehabilitation upon his return home. Still. Rachel would not bring herself to leave her baby alone with his father, despite of the fact that a vulnerable Finn reminded her of the young boy she had met at Glee and fallen in love with.

"Are you comfortable enough?" She asked him as Finn leaned back on his seat. Micah safely sitting on his lap. She'd watch her child babble excitedly as he spent more and more time with him.

"Would you stop worrying? I'm fine Rach, I just want to get home and get back to my life." He brushed her cheek slowly and focused his attention back on Micah.

"I still feel bad for not telling the kids the truth, they are the only ones who don't know." Rachel turned to Blaine with a sigh, he smiled.

"Don't, it will be an amazing surprise for them." He stopped for a bit to glance over at Finn. "It still doesn't seem real"

"You are telling me?" Rachel smiled as she watched Finn interact with their youngest one. "For one I don't know how he managed to survive two months without us knowing anything"

"He still hasn't told you?" Blaine inquired, Rachel waved her head. They had been in Germany for four days and Finn had yet to be able to talk about what had happened after the last call she had received from him. The doctor had called it ´selective memory loss´which meant he was too tormented or scared to tell her about it, after all, she'd always worry. And for another thing, maybe he was shielding himself from having to relieve it, specially when he seemed in peace. And yet she couldn't help but worry, she had been an army wive for quite a while. She knew what side effects this could have on him long term, Carole for example, had advised her to make sure he slept, for at least a few hours a night.

Of course she knew he needed to sleep and yet he seemed not to.

She had just texted Santana and Kurt about them landing home. She had asked them to bring the kids along. Of course she was beyond worried about her brood of all ages children running around an airport so she had asked them to meet her in a small room Chris had managed to find and secure from one security guard as he told the story of his wounded son and him not having seen his children in more than 5 months.

"Want to tell me what's going on?" Santana heard Matt groan as they walked trough the airport.

"We need to go find your mom, that's all" Kurt added before Santana snapped.

"Was she detained or something?" Cory asked. "I don't think it's legal to transport your husband's ashes."

"Your war hero's husband ashes." Matt put in. Sometimes he was so much like Rachel.

"How much longer uncle Kurt?" Hannah asked as she caught up behind her brothers. Cory and Matt each had Wyatt and Perry on their shoulders as the others followed suit.

"Grandma!" Jack finally spotted a familiar face and ran to hug Carole as she fought against her emotions. "Where's mom?"

"She just right trough there guys." Chris said as he was greeted by all his grandchildren.

"Are you sure you are alright Finn?" Blaine asked a moment before the children came in.

"Are you kidding man?" Finn said with a grin. He smiled and Blaine understood so he opened the door in the same moment Rachel took Finn's hand in hers.

"Well, go on kids.." They heard Carole say, Finn began to see his kids come in. Cory and Mat had gotten taller for sure as Jack and Hannah were sure still his trouble makers, they couldn't really see him as he was in the far end of the small room.

"Mom?" Cory asked placing Perry down on the ground. "What happened, are you okay?"

"Oh man, you saw dad?" Jack didn't mean to be insensitive but Rachel's emotions got the best of her.

"Mom, what..." Matt's eyes drifted to the side of the room. Finn sat in a wheelchair as his body wasn't strong enough to support him just yet, his eyes met Matt's and each child realized what had happened.

"But how?" Was all Matt could mutter before his youngest brothers and sister were able to rum in their father's direction.

"I made a promise. didn't I?" Was Finn's only response.

"Daddy! I knew you were alive! I knew it!" Finn held on to four young children at the best of his ability as the other two had their chance to be embraced.

He was home. And as Rachel watched her children talk to Finn like no time had passed, she smiled.

"Daddy?" It was Perry's curious mind what made Rachel remember what happened. "Why are you not tall no more?" Finn smiled.

"He's sitting Perry." Jack answered back.

"Because he's... well you..."

"You see buddy, I was standing for a long time and so the doctor thought it would be better if I stayed sitting for a while."

"Are you sick?" Hannah asked worriedly. Finn held Wyatt on his lap as he held on to his tags.

"Yes sweetie, but I will get better."

Sooo what did you guys think? I hope it wasn't that bad! Finn is home but his challenges are far from over! Please review if you can and thank you for reading!