Here's another Can't say I love her, hope you guys enjoy this one so here we go!

I know, I never make this easy.

It's easier to disappear

You said, give me something

A thing that I can go on.

Together, anywhere but here

Sing it back

Oh-Oh, Oh-oh, Oh-oh


Hey Oh-oh, Oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh

And I'm begging you bring me back to life

I just can't stand leaving you alone tonight

It's too late to go, already taken me forever just to try, you know

One for the money

Two for the show,

Three to get ready

And four to go

For the life of me

I don't know why it took me so long to see.

Just stutter, stutter, stutter

Di-di-di-di-did I?

Stutter, stutter, stutter

Di-di-di-di-did I?

Stutter, Stutter, Stutter

Di-di-di-di-di-did i?

Stutter, Stutter, Stutter

Di-di-di-di-di-did i?

Stutter-Marianas Trench

Chapter 2: Age 6- First day of School

Natsu's POV

School was just around the corner, I didn't even realize because I was having so much fun with Lucy and her friends. Gray and I got into arguments from time to time and often Erza who I'd like to call, Demon lady would break us up but give us a good beating in the process. Lucy spent the last weekend with Erza and Levy at Erza's house. "Have fun girls!" I called to them as Lucy headed down towards Erza's house. I sighed and hoped she had fun.

School came by very quick after that weekend. I got up quickly and eat breakfast so I could meet up with the guys before we had to meet up with the girls on the way to school. "Bye, mom! Bye dad! See you after school!" I called back to them as I walked down three houses to Gray's to pick him up. "Oi, Stripper! Come on!" I called as I opened his front door to see his sister, Ultear sitting on the couch. "Where's your dumbass brother?" I yelled at her as she without looking up at me pointed to the stairs. "Bathroom." She sighed as she flipped the channels on the Tv.

"Gray!" I yelled as I pounded up the stairs. "What?! Baka! I'm in the damn bathroom!" Gray hollered beyond the bathroom door. I banged on it hard. "We gotta meet the girls. Get your ass out of there!" I yelled as I banged on it again before his mom, Ur yelled from the kitchen.

"Natsu, you break that door and I break every bone in your body!" I winced as I walked down the stairs to apologize to his mom. "Sorry, Ur. Gray is making us late to meet up with the Girls and we still have to get Gajeel!" "What about getting Gajeel?" Gajeel stood in the doorway as he came over and punched me in the face. "I could hear you four houses away, dumbass. Now get Gray and let's go. I don't need bruises before School even starts." He tapped his foot with annoyance but from the look on my face it said how I already tried to get him.

"I'll do it." Ultear said getting up from the couch and climbed the stairs a minute later a screaming half naked boy is thrown down the stairs on his back. "Take him and leave, I don't need the stress before I have to go to middle school." Ultear huffs as she climbs the stairs once more to get dress. "Ultear, I'll get you for that when I get home!" Gray growled as he tried to pull himself off the stairs.

"Come on asshole." I grabbed Gray by his shirt as he pulled his pants on before we got outside and walked to the park to meet up with the girls. "Natsu!" I heard Lucy call out. I dropped Gray who I was still dragging and ran to hug Lucy. "Hey, Luce! How was the sleep over?" I asked her as Erza and Levy walked back to us to greet the others. "It was fun; Levy got a bit sick cause of her allergies." Levy puffed and groaned. "I didn't know I was allergic to Chicken!" I raised an eyebrow at Levy. "Chicken? Is that even possible?" Levy pouted once more before Gajeel just patted her on the head as we all started to walk on.

"So what did you girls do anyway? Watch chick flics or cartoons?" I chuckled as Lucy pumped her fist and got mad. "Natsu, that's none of your business!" I took off running as she swung her fist towards me.

"I didn't mean anything by it Luce!" I yelled as I tripped and fell into the dirt, too soon Lucy fell on top of me. "Get off!" I whined as I pulled myself to my feet and helped Lucy to hers as I brushed the dirt off of her jeans and top. "Gomen, Lucy." I sighed looking at her. Erza hit Gray on the head as he tried to strip out of his shirt on our way to the school.

As we walked onto school grounds, the bell rang and we booked it to class before we'd get in trouble. Luckily for us the teacher let us off with just a wave cause it was the first day and we were lost anyway. To us, the school was pretty big on trying to find the class room since they all looked the same to me practically. The first day went by really quick. There was actually a kid in class who cried when her dad left her in the classroom. I could relate if I didn't know anyone and I was scared.

"Cana, it's ok to be scared but you need to be brave. I promise your first day will go by fast as long as you learn something today." The father said to the little brown haired girl who wiped her eyes before going to her seat next to Erza. I smirked at Lucy who looked at the girl. She looked back at me before the teacher introduced herself…

The day went by quicker than I expected. I actually talked to the girl who cried that morning. "How you doing?" I asked her as she drew a rabbit on her paper. Her violet eyes glanced at me before staring at my hair. "Salmon? Or pink?" she giggled as I pulled on a strand of my hair, blushing a bit before saying. "Salmon." She laughed so hard she fell out of her chair and I just flushed but grinned as she laughed. It felt good to make someone who was once sad, happy later on.

Erza asked me about what happened to make the girl laugh at me as we all walked home. "Ah, I asked her how she was cause you know she cried when she showed up this morning so I was being nice." I grinned as I thought back to her laughing; I think she'll be a great friend in the future. "She asked about the color of my hair and I said Salmon and she just laughed her butt off." I blushed as Gray and Gajeel cackled in union as Lucy patted my on the shoulder.

"It's ok, Natsu. You're hair doesn't change a thing about you. It makes you a better person." Nobody told me to take pride in my hair like Lucy told me that day. "Geez, thanks Luce." I chuckled scratching the back of my head as we all split off to head home. I continued to talk to Lucy through window messages as we called it.

I never thought anything would change between us but I was wrong, the minute Sting showed up, it was just the beginning of tragic stuff to happen to us.

That's just a hint of tragic ahead. Things are gonna go downhill very fast after this next chapter which features someone's birthday! XD hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and please review, because that's a bonus for me and give me ideas that I should use for this story or if I need to improve it in anyway, just let me know.