Disclaimer: I don't own glee, if I did Mercedes would have a boyfriend with an accent

This takes place after Puck is put in Juvie, Sam is very reluctant to join after hearing about the girl who got sent to the crack house.

Practice is over in the music room

"Okay, guys look your efforts to find new members are really great. I'm sure we'll find someone soon. We're done for the day so I'm going to head out, bye guys." Mr. Shue called as he packed up to leave.

"Did you guys hear about the new family that moved in last week?" Kurt asked leaning forward hoping for some good gossip.

"The British guy?" Artie asked.

"I heard that there's two new students, twins even." Tina smiled "supposedly one girl and one boy."

"The girl won nationals last year with her gymnastics routine, Sue will have her in Cheerios before lunch. The boy is being recruited by soccer teams, probably a full-ride scholarship. Neither of them is going to want to join this loser hole on their first day." Santana smirked at them while fixing Brittany's nails.

"How did you know that?" Mercedes asked a little incredulously, not that she'd ever admit it.

"Sue looked into them and I'm helping recruit the girl tomorrow, so I got all the details." Santana smiled at Brittany's nails "Perfect, we're out of here."

"That seems like an invasion of privacy, and of course they'll want to join Glee we just have to show them how great it is." Rachel enthused poking Finn in an attempt at discretion.

"Yeah they'll totally want to join." Finn smiled at Rachel.

From there everyone left, of course Santana had left while Rachel was talking, and no one else had been listening to her.