Right Hi guys! Pretty good day with ups and downs I'm just frustrated that my bro broke my primer spray can so I can do little to finish up my sword so thought to go on and write this next chapter.

Special thanks and replies to my reviewers!

Myra k kuran: Thank you, I always think this pair is a little ooc just sense I like to overdo Kaname's possessive side but I think it makes it better. Ahhh the good old days of oc I did that once in an Inuyasha fanfic and I think I made it so horrible, early years of fan fiction draws you to that. I may consider doing it again, but I think I would just get aggravated or it would make no sense. I look forward to reading your writing.

Kuranlious: love the user name, and I hope you are reading this when it's posted tonight

everbodyluvsStarfire: I will, this is a daily update

okay well enjoy the next chapter fellow readers! Review so I can reply as well! Now where were we….oh right! Kaname makes a fashionably late appearance.

Yuki's eyes were glued upward, and she felt her heart racing beyond belief. His eyes weren't leaving from her figure, but were locked onto her. He did nothing, but turned his figure to the side to walk down the staircase. The nobles mumbled as they did at her appearance earlier, and all were watching him with not curious or hungry eyes, but with surprise, respect and even some who held fear.

Yuki turned to Aidou in question to see he was watching the pureblood as well, but not with a happy expression but instead was stoic. The mumbling of his name filled the air with a small hum, providing evidence that this pureblood was not unacquainted to society as she was, despite their close age range. He reached the end of the steps as the crowd of nobles immediately parted way. His look didn't drift in the slightest to nod to them in thanks but still remained glued to her being. The burgundy eyes seemed to burn through her in both an uncomfortable and flattering feeling as she looked around her to see where else his attention would be drawn to.

He glided by, his steps purposefully making noise in the silent room until he was towering over her young petite form. Her breathing stopped and her body remained frozen in place while her eyes looked upward into his, attempting to read anything that held to the mind with in.

"I hope you would forgive my late intrusion…Haruka-san and Juri-san." He murmured, diverting his gaze from her up to her parents. His voice like soft velvet that poured past his lips yet held a formality when speaking to her parents.

"It is no trouble at all Kaname." She could hear her mother almost growl out. "It is lovely to see you again."

Ignoring the curious fact to why her mother seemed to suddenly act rude to the boy who was a pureblood as themselves, her attention was drifted to a soft beautiful laugh. As was everyone's. All eyes were on him, as he smiled in amusement.

"Well I don't believe I could turn down the occasion to attend and meet the secret Kuran daughter." He turned his gaze to Yuki, and smiled caringly. "I was sad to hear of this party from Takuma though."

"Our apologies, Kaname." Haruka spoke up, clearly containing his frustration better than Juri. "We thought it best to only allow our daughter to first get comfortable around nobles for her first soiree."

"I understand." He smiled, though Yuki tilted her head as his eyes gained anger towards her parents. When they flickered back to her, they calmed before he smiled and leaned forward. "I don't believe I have the honor Princess."

There was murmuring amongst the crowd for his dotting name, while attention turned to Yuki in expectation. The clump returned in her throat, yet instead she managed a smile to him.

"My name is Yuki…Yuki Kuran." She murmured softly and trying to resemble the grace in her voice that Juri instructed her in doing.

"Princess Yuki." He smiled and swiftly took her hand, squeezing it softly with in his. "I am Kaname." He murmured and brought her hand to his lips in a flattering kiss. Yuki could feel a blush rise into her cheeks as a vision invaded her mind of the storybook prince. He chuckled as if some action seemed to amuse him to her curiosity she looked in trying to decipher what.

"Forgive me for the fuss; I believe you were all having the light of the party before I arrived, please continue with your enjoyment." He announced to the others as if the host of the party before turning to Yuki again, squeezing her hand. "May I have a dance Princess?"

The musicians perked up to the purebloods attention and quickly picked up to the last note of music they played to quickly brighten the mood. Some nobles turned their attention back to one another while the majority of them all watched the two carefully in curiosity. She smiled and nodded with conformation receiving a few gasps from the audience.

He smiled in return to her and pulled her forward to crush into his chest. Yuki could feel her heart race with in her chest out of embarrassment to her horrible dancing, though felt it leap when his hand rested at her waist. She looked up in hesitation while his amused eyes looked down to her before sweeping her across the room in a fluid motion. Dizziness entered her head as everything around them seemed to blur, leaving the two in their own little world.

Have you ever danced with anyone before Princess? His voice entered in her mind. Her eyes widened and looked up to him though his face was blank other than a small smile and closed eyes. I take it your parents have never taught you about your telepathy.

Telepathy? She thought trying to remember to a mentioning of that gift though found it unmentioned.

Purebloods usually have the ability to convey telepathically, just as how I can read your thoughts, and even allow you to read mine, consider it a privilege.

He can read my thoughts? She asked herself when her earlier thought and his amused smile returned to her head along with a deep blush. That means-!

He laughed softly with in her mind. Yes I am very much like a storybook prince, on the search for a princess.

His eyes opened slightly when a small feeling ate within her mind. As if all her joints were frozen, or at least to her command and moved along like the strings of a marionette. He smiled and the feeling slowly melted away giving her a numb feeling as she kept up to his dance movements that seemed to slow.

Her parents came into view, and they watched her very carefully, though more so, their eyes drifted to her dance partner. Kaname smiled to them and looked back down to Yuki.

"Excuse me Yuki, I wish to have a word with your parents." He brought her hand up to his lips and placed a gentle kiss before stepping away taking the warmth of his touch along with him.

"Yuki-sama!" Aidou's voice caught her attention as he ran up along her side. "Are you alright?"

"Shouldn't I be?"

"Yes but…you look…a little spacey." He whispered soft enough into her ear.

"You don't need to worry Aidou I'm fine." She smiled to him though turned back to see Kaname walk off with her parents. "I'm just curious about him."

When she turned to look at Aidou he held a saddened expression that watched her intently.

"Let's go find the others." She murmured and looked around the room in hopes to finding her friends. It was no big to surprise to find them just as they left them, except all of which were in deep thought.

"Hello again." She nodded and looked to the layout of food. "I think I might have one of these." She giggled and took one of the chocolate strawberries that Rima had mostly taken from. The others watched her in curiosity again, while even Senri and Rima made no brave confrontation to her.

"Is something the matter?" She blinked and looked to Akatsuki and Ruka. The two weren't meeting her gaze or even their own. Akatsuki was looking to Ruka with a disappointed expression, clearly displaying an affection he held deeply. While Ruka was looking to the floor with a grimaced face of anger and frustration, her delicate hands clenched in fists at her side. "Are you all right Ruka?"

The girl didn't even look up to the pureblood but closed her eyes a moment.

"Yes Yuki-sama, I'm perfectly fine, I just need a breath of fresh air." She replied coldly while briskly walking past the pureblood and out to the balcony. Despite being ignored Akatsuki followed after her, shouting her name in order to stop her.

"You have to excuse her." Senri explained in a monotone voice. "She has very deep feelings for Kaname-sama."

"Feelings? So she's met him before?" Yuki asked looking after the girl.

"Of course we all have." Rima replied matter-of-factly. "Kaname-sama is our leader."

"Leader? I believed all purebloods were leaders."

"Of course Yuki-sama, but some families follow some purebloods more than others. Kaname-sama is very favored."

"Really?" She mumbled looking to the study door he entered with her parents. "I wonder why."

None of them answered as she turned to Aidou who remained silent in the conversation.

"You seemed to know Kaname-san well Aidou, what do you say?" Aidou perked up to the question while his white cheeks flushed pink.

"Well…my parents wish to follow Kaname-sama….but I decided I want to follow the Kuran clan!" He announced. Senri and Rima snickered obviously finding an amusement to Aidou's change of loyalty.

"Someone has a crush." She heard Rima whisper.

"Shut up!" Aidou hissed, ranting to them again for different various facts of the Kuran clan that Yuki even lacked the knowledge to know. Instead she looked towards the door in great interest.

"Calm down Yuki." Her mother ordered, trying to put the girl into bed while instead Yuki chose to twirl around the room as she had with Kaname earlier.

"Kaname-san is my prince Mother. He's so charming." She sighed and flopped onto the bed.

"Don't make quick assumptions dear and get some sleep."

"Do you think he'll come to see me again?" she asked when a sad look crossed her mother's eyes.

"I have high doubts Darling…very high doubts, please be still and get some rest." Juri sighed and dimmed the light. "Good night little one."

"Good night." Yuki sighed, hugging her pillow tightly and smiling to herself about thoughts of Kaname. She only saw him briefly after he counseled with her parents, though was quickly pulled away by her mother to ready for the approaching day light. She yawned with sudden drowsiness and slowly slipped into her dreams at the small closing of her door. As Juri closed the door the aggravated face remained on her face at the excitement her daughter kept at talking about that Kaname boy. She gripped the door knob tightly at the thought of him before turning away down the hall. Again needing to talk to Haruka at the situation the Kuran's were in.

Okay that's what I've got for this chapter just cuz I have a headache. So review and like this story for the daily updates!