Lydia Martin woke up to rain on the day she had been dreading the most. She didn't know why she dreaded it. Her whole body filled with anxiety thinking about it. The warmth she felt on her feet left as her dog stood up and padded out of her room, the tags jangling on its collar. She sat up, clutching her white duvet to her chest. Lydia had gotten very little sleep. Horrible dreams haunted her, putting her into a state of despair every night for the past two weeks. Nothing could soothe her. She had lost her sister.

The outfit she had laid out still sat on the chair in her room. Usually she would've spent time on an outfit to make sure it was to her liking. But this one was haphazardly put together. She didn't care what she looked like today; the attention shouldn't be on her. She got up, her feet hitting the ground, filling her with the same kind of dread every morning caused. Her whole body ached and protested as she drew herself from her toasty bed. Her room was dimly lit, the only light coming from the window. Everything was tinted blue from the low rainy light, emphasizing the dull atmosphere.

The rain grew heavier as she walked downstairs. Her feet hit each stair and filled her with more and more remorse. She knew she had to eat breakfast for once. Eating had become more of a chore lately. She found herself staring out the window above the kitchen sink, wondering if the rain was really the universe's way of saying I'm sorry.

Giving up on her breakfast, she took herself upstairs to get dressed. Peeling off the pajamas she had sweat through during the night, she caught her reflection in the mirror next to her. The youthful color she had always loved about herself was gone. She looked strikingly pale, and didn't bother to fix it. There was no pretending to be happy.

The outfit hung awkwardly on her like no outfit ever did. She stared at herself in the mirror, wondering if it was even worth it to fix it. "Allison would want me to," she thought, "I need to respect her." Quickly pulling off the dress, she pulled out a black skirt and a dark shirt. Pulling it all on, complete with black tights, she felt more confident. More honorable to Allison. "Today is a day of closure," she reminded herself.

A/N: Hello! This is just the very first part of an idea I've had in my head for a while. It's probably going to be short; I've been away from the fan fiction game for a while. I just really wanted to give justice to Allison since so far there's been no honoring her. I really wanted to capture the other characters' feelings, since there has been no display of that either. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
